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Last active December 12, 2017 22:54
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Reactive cocoa in swift 3/4
//Always import
import ReactiveCocoa //Cocoa extensions
import ReactiveSwift //primitives
//Acces UI extensions with .reactive
//A text listener in a textfield
// self.reactive.lifetime will make the listener to expire on dealloc
self.textField.reactive.continuousTextValues.skip(first: 1).take(during: self.reactive.lifetime).observeValues { [weak self]text in
guard let myText = text, let this = self else { return }
//listen for notifications
NotificationCenter.default.reactive.notifications(forName: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardDidShow).take(during: self.reactive.lifetime).observe { [weak self]notification in
guard let this = self else { return }
//use the notification
//an Action on a button
self.closeButton.reactive.pressed = CocoaAction(Action<Void,Void,NoError> { [weak self] () in
return SignalProducer.empty
//listen to a property in an object
let property = DynamicProperty<String?>(object: person,
keyPath: #keyPath(
property.signal.skipNil().take(during: self.lifetime).observeValues { name in
//Mutable property
let mutableProperty = MutableProperty<Object?>(nil)
mutableProperty.value = Object()
mutableProperty.signal.skipNil().take(during: self.lifetime).observeValues { value in
let a = MutableProperty<String>("")
let b = MutableProperty<String>("")
let c = MutableProperty<String>("")
var disposable = SignalProducer.combineLatest(a.producer, b.producer, c.producer)
.startWithValues { aVal, bVal, cVal in
print("combined producer = \(aVal + bVal + cVal)")
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