I hereby claim:
- I am demon1105 on github.
- I am demonnico (https://keybase.io/demonnico) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 4F29 DF51 438E F0DA 6D12 325E A80B 7A46 78AB FAFA
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#!/bin/sh | |
git filter-branch --env-filter ' | |
OLD_EMAIL="your-old-email@example.com" | |
CORRECT_NAME="Your Correct Name" | |
CORRECT_EMAIL="your-correct-email@example.com" | |
then | |
// .h | |
@interface UIDevice (ProcessesAdditions) | |
- (NSArray *)runningProcesses; | |
@end | |
// .m | |
#import <sys/sysctl.h> | |
@implementation UIDevice (ProcessesAdditions) |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
lipo -info hello.a // print the static library's fat info. |
//get default metadata infomation from CMSampleBufferRef instance. | |
NSDictionary * dic = | |
(__bridge NSDictionary*)CMCopyDictionaryOfAttachments(NULL, imageDataSampleBuffer, kCMAttachmentMode_ShouldPropagate); | |
NSLog(@"default metadata:%@",dic); | |
// |
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print:UDID udid.plist | |
ios devices:add "name"=udid | |
ios profiles:devices:add profilename "name"=udid | |
rm -f profilename.mobileprovision | |
ios profiles:download profilename |
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on | |
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console |
# Created by http://www.gitignore.io | |
### Xcode ### | |
build/ | |
*.pbxuser | |
!default.pbxuser | |
*.mode1v3 | |
!default.mode1v3 | |
*.mode2v3 | |
!default.mode2v3 |
#imagemagick is needed http://www.imagemagick.org/ | |
#reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18663013/icon-file-names-ios-7 | |
convert $1 -resize 29x29 Icon-Small.png | |
convert $1 -resize 58x58 Icon-Small@2x.png | |
convert $1 -resize 40x40 Icon-40.png | |
convert $1 -resize 80x80 Icon-40@2x.png | |
convert $1 -resize 57x57 Icon.png | |
convert $1 -resize 114x114 Icon@2x.png | |
convert $1 -resize 120x120 Icon-60@2x.png | |
convert $1 -resize 76x76 Icon-76.png |
#First of all, create a new plist file named 'channnel.plist' and refer into your project. | |
#Second, move codes below in 'didFinishLaunchingWithOptions' | |
#NSString * channelPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"channel" ofType:@"plist"]; | |
#NSDictionary*channelDic= [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:channelPath]; | |
#NSString * channelIdentify = [channelDic objectForKey:@"channel"]; | |
#[MobClick startWithAppkey:UMENG_KEY reportPolicy:BATCH channelId:channelIdentify]; | |
#last step, 'cd' into the folder where xxx.ipa is there. | |
#generally, it's the name of scheme |