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Created August 30, 2021 09:25
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## Visualize how Pseudo-random number generators created with jump function and with random seed use PRNG state space.
## Visualize how Pseudo-random number generators created
## with jump function and with random seed use PRNG state space.
## Install pixie with `nimble install pixie`
import std/[strformat, random]
import pixie
numRows = 32
numColumns = 64
numStates = numRows * numColumns
numRandGen = 4
numRand = numStates div numRandGen
stateWh = vec2(8, 8)
stateMargin = vec2(4, 4)
vertMargin = (stateWh.y + stateMargin.y) * (numRows + 2)
initPos = stateWh
let image = newImage( + (stateWh.x + stateMargin.x).int * numColumns, * 2)
image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255))
let ctx = newContext(image)
ctx.fillStyle = rgba(64, 64, 255, 255)
ctx.strokeStyle.color = rgba(128, 0, 0, 255)
var pos = initPos
for i in 0 ..< numRows:
for j in 0 ..< numColumns:
ctx.fillRect(rect(pos, stateWh))
ctx.fillRect(rect(pos + vec2(0, vertMargin), stateWh))
pos.x += stateWh.x + stateMargin.x
pos.x = initPos.x
pos.y += (stateWh.y + stateMargin.y)
proc drawPRNG(stateId: int; isBottom = false) =
proc drawPRNGImpl(ip: IVec2; isBottom: bool) {.inline.} =
fp = vec2(ip)
p = fp * (stateWh + stateMargin) + vec2(0, if isBottom: vertMargin else: 0)
rct = rect(initPos + p - (stateMargin * 0.5), (stateWh + stateMargin) * vec2(numRandGen, 1))
ctx.fillRoundedRect(rct, stateMargin.x)
ctx.strokeRoundedRect(rct, stateMargin.x)
let ip = ivec2(int32(stateId mod numColumns), int32(stateId div numColumns))
drawPRNGImpl(ip, isBottom)
if ip.x + numRandGen > numColumns:
drawPRNGImpl(ivec2(((ip.x + numRandGen) mod numColumns) - numRandGen, ((ip.y + 1) mod numRows)), isBottom)
ctx.fillStyle = rgba(255, 0, 0, 64)
pos = initPos
for i in 0 ..< (numRand div 4):
drawPRNG(i * numRandGen)
let r = rand(numStates - 1)
drawPRNG(, true)
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Each blue box represents a pseudo random number generater(PRNG) state.
Red rounded box represents PRNG that generates 4 random numbers by updating state 4 times.
Upper block represents how PRNGs created with jump function uses PRNG states.
Lower block represents how PRNGs created with random seed uses PRNG states.
In lower block, several PRNGs uses same states.
That means a part of random number output sequence from one PRNG matchs a part of random number output sequence from other PRNG.

This animation gif was created from output png files with following command:

ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 2 -i prng%03d.png prng.gif

It seems uploading mp4 or mov files to gist comment doesn't work.

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