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Pitch: Formalize ‘language mode’ terminology


The term "Swift version” can refer to either the toolchain/compiler version or the language mode. This ambiguity is a consistent source of confusion. This proposal formalizes the term language mode in tool options and APIs.

Proposed Solution

The proposed solution is to use the term language mode for the appropriate Swift compiler option, Swift Package Manager APIs, and for a new languageMode() compilation condition. Use of "Swift version" to refer to language mode will be deprecated or obsoleted as needed.


The term language mode has been consistently used to describe this compiler feature since it was introduced with Swift 4.0 and is an established term of art in the Swift community.

The Alternatives Considered section contains a more detailed discussion of the term's history and usage.

Swift compiler and language changes

Swift compiler

Introduce a -language-mode option that has the same behavior as the existing -swift-version option, while de-emphasizing the -swift-version option in help and documentation.

Swift language

Introduce a new languageMode(…) compiler condition with the same syntax as the existing compiler() and swift() conditions, but which only accepts the defined set of language mode values.

#if languageMode(<6)

Naming note

For the proposed compiler and language changes the term 'language mode' is used instead of 'Swift language mode' because the context of their usage strongly implies a Swift language mode.

Swift Package Manager

Introduce four Swift Package Manager API changes limited to manifests >= 6.0:

1. A new Package init method that uses the language mode terminology.

@available(_PackageDescription, introduced: 6)
    name: String,
    defaultLocalization: [LanguageTag]? = nil.
    platforms: [SupportedPlatform]? = nil,
    products: [Product] = [],
    dependencies: [Package.Dependency] = [],
    targets: [Target] = [],
    swiftLanguageModes: [SwiftLanguageMode]? = nil,
    cLanguageStandard: CLanguageStandard? = nil,
    cxxLanguageStandard: CXXLanguageStandard? = nil

Add a new init method to Package with the following changes from the current init method:

  • The paramater swiftLanguageVersions is renamed to swiftLanguageModes
  • The parameter type is now an optional array of SwiftLanguageMode values instead of SwiftVersion values

The existing init method will be marked as obsolete and renamed allowing the compiler to provide a fix-it.

2. Rename swiftLanguageVersions property to swiftLanguageModes

Rename the public Package property swiftLanguageVersions to swiftLanguageModes. Add a swiftLanguageVersions computed property that accesses swiftLanguageModes for backwards compatibility.

3. Rename SwiftVersion enum to SwiftLanguageMode

Rename the SwiftVersion enum to SwiftLanguageMode. Add SwiftVersion as a type alias for backwards compatibility.

public struct SwiftSetting {
  // ... other settings
  @available(_PackageDescription, introduced: 6.0)
  public static func swiftLanguageMode(
      _ mode: SwiftLanguageMode,
      _ condition: BuildSettingCondition? = nil

If both proposals are implemented in the same release, the accepted SE-0435 API would be added with the proposed naming change.

Naming note

In Swift PM manifests, multiple languages are supported. For clarity, there is existing precedent for parameter and enum type names to have a language name prefix.

For example the Package init method currently includes:

    swiftLanguageVersions: [SwiftVersion]? = nil,
    cLanguageStandard: CLanguageStandard? = nil,
    cxxLanguageStandard: CXXLanguageStandard? = nil

For clarity and to follow the existing precedent, the proposed Swift PM APIs will be appropriately capitalized versions of "Swift language mode".

Detailed design

New swift compiler option

A new -language-mode option will be added with the same behavior as the existing -swift-version option.

The -swift-version option will continue to work as it currently does, preserving backwards compatibility.

The -language-mode option will be presented in the compiler help.

The -swift-version option will likely be supressed from the top-level help of the compiler. More investigation is needed on the details of this.

New languageMode(…) compiler condition

The new languageMode(…) compiler condition uses the same syntax of the existing compiler(…) and swift(…) conditions, allowing for >= and <.

#if languageMode(>=6)

#if languageMode(<4.2)

The new compiler condition will only accept the defined set of language mode values. The compiler will generate an error if provided a value that is not a valid language mode. This mirrors the behavior of the existing compiler option.

The diagnostic message will be similar to the existing command-line error message:

#if languageMode(>=5.2) // Error: Invalid value '5.2', valid arguments are '4', '4.2', '5'

No longer supported language modes

An exception to this behavior are for language modes that were supported by previous compiler versions but are no longer supported. To maintain source compatibility, these will generate a warning, not an error. Once-supported language modes are assumed to be older than any currently supported language mode. When used with >= the code block will always compile. When used with < the code block will never compile.

#if languageMode(>=3) // Warning: Unsupported language mode '3', valid arguments are '4', '4.2', '5'
... // This code will always compile

#if languageMode(<3) // Warning: Unsupported language mode '3', valid arguments are '4', '4.2', '5'
... // This code will never compile

Note that this is meant only for source compatibiity going forward. The initial implementation is only required to support the set of language modes supported by the compiler when this proposal is implemented.

The swift() compilation condition

No changes are proposed for the existing swift() compilation condition. It will remain as-is.

Swift Package Manager

Proposed Swift Package Manager API changes are limited to manifests >= 6.0:

New Package init method and obsoleted init method

A new init method will be added to Package that renames the swiftLanguageVersions parameter to swiftLanguageModes with the type of the parameter being an optional array of SwiftLanguageMode values instead of SwiftVersion values:

@available(_PackageDescription, introduced: 6)
    name: String,
    defaultLocalization: [LanguageTag]? = nil.
    platforms: [SupportedPlatform]? = nil,
    products: [Product] = [],
    dependencies: [Package.Dependency] = [],
    targets: [Target] = [],
    swiftLanguageModes: [SwiftLanguageMode]? = nil,
    cLanguageStandard: CLanguageStandard? = nil,
    cxxLanguageStandard: CXXLanguageStandard? = nil

The existing init method will be marked as obsoleted and renamed, allowing the compiler to provide a fix-it:

@available(_PackageDescription, introduced: 5.3, obsoleted: 6, renamed:
    public init(
        name: String,
        swiftLanguageVersions: [SwiftVersion]? = nil,
        cLanguageStandard: CLanguageStandard? = nil,
        cxxLanguageStandard: CXXLanguageStandard? = nil
    ) {

Obsoleting existing init method

The existing method must be obsoleted because the two methods are ambiguous when the default value for swiftLanguageVersions / swiftLanguageModes is used:

Package (  // Error: Ambiguous use of 'init'
  name: "MyPackage",
  products: ...,
  targets: ...

This approach follows the pattern of past revisions of the Package init method.

See the Source compatibiity section for more details about this change.

Rename swiftLanguageVersions property to swiftLanguageModes

Rename the Package public property swiftLanguageVersions property to swiftLanguageModes. Introduce a computed property named swiftLanguageModes that accesses the renamed stored property for backwards compatibility.

The computed property will be annotated as obsoleted in Swift 6 and renamed to swiftLanguageModes.

For packages with swift tools version less than 6.0, accessing the swiftLanguageModes property will continue to work.
For 6.0 and later, that access will be an error with a fix-it to use the new property name.

    @available(_PackageDescription, obsoleted: 6, renamed: "swiftLanguageModes")
    public var swiftLanguageVersions: [SwiftVersion]? {
        get { swiftLanguageModes }
        set { swiftLanguageModes = newValue }

See the Source compatibiity section for more details about this change.

Rename SwiftVersion enum to SwiftLanguageMode

Rename the existing SwiftVersion enum to SwiftLanguageMode with SwiftVersion added back as a type alias for backwards compatibility.

This change will not affect serializaiton of PackageDescription types. Serialization is handled by converting PackageDescription types into a mirrored set of Codable types. The existing serialization types will remain as-is.

Rename API added in SE-0435

The API in the newly-accepted SE-0435 will change to use the language mode terminology:

public struct SwiftSetting {
  // ... other settings
  @available(_PackageDescription, introduced: 6.0)
  public static func swiftLanguageMode(
      _ mode: SwiftLanguageMode,
      _ condition: BuildSettingCondition? = nil

The name of the function is swiftLanguageMode() instead of languageMode() to keep naming consistent with the swiftLanguageModes parameter of the Package init method. The parameter label mode is used to follow the precedent set by interoperabilityMode() in SwiftSetting.

Source compatibility

The new Package init method and obsoleting of the existing init method will cause source breakage for package manifests that specify the existing swiftLanguageVersions parameter when updating to swift tools version 6.0

A search of manifest files in public repositories suggests that about 10% of manifest files will encounter this breakage.

Because the obsoleted init method is annotated as renamed the compiler will automatically provide a fix-it to update to the new init method.

Renaming the public swiftLanguageVersions property of Package preserves backwards compatibility by introducing a computed property with that name. Because this proposal already contains a necessary breaking change as detailed above, the computed property will also be marked as obsoleted in 6.0 and annotated as renamed to provide a fix-it.

Searching manifest files suggests that accessing the swiftLanguageVersions property directly is not common. Making both breaking changes at once results in applying at most two fix-its to a manifest file instead of one.

ABI compatibility

This proposal has no effect on ABI stability.

Alternatives considered

Alternate terminology

In the pitch phase, a number of terms were suggested as alternatives for language mode. Some concerns were also expressed that the term language mode may be too broad and cause future ambiguity.

The intent of this proposal is to formalize terminology already in use in tool options and APIs.

The term language mode is a long-established term of art in the Swift community to describe this functionality in the compiler.

This includes the blog post annoucing the functionality as part of the release of Swift 4 in 2017 (emphasis added):

With Swift 4, you may not need to modify your code to use the new version of the compiler. The compiler supports two language modes

The language mode is specified to the compiler by the -swift-version flag, which is automatically handled by the Swift Package Manager and Xcode.

One advantage of these language modes is that you can start using the new Swift 4 compiler and migrate fully to Swift 4 at your own pace, taking advantage of new Swift 4 features, one module at a time.

Usage also includes posts in the last year from LSG members about Swift 6 language mode:

Finally, searching of "language modes" and "language mode" in the Swift forums found that at least 90% of the posts use the term in this way. Many of the remaining posts use the term in the context of Clang.

Alternatives mentioned

Alternate terms raised as possibilities were:

  • Edition: a term used by Rust for a similar concept
  • Standard: similar to C or C++ standards
    Language standards tend to be associated with a written specification, which Swift does not currently have.
    Using the term standard would preclude using the term with its more widespread meaning.

Potential overload of language mode

Some reviewers raised concern that Embedded Swift could be considered a language mode and lead to future ambiguity.

On consideration, this concern is mitigated by two things:

  1. As noted above, the term language mode is a well-established term of art in the Swift community.

  2. The term Embedded Swift already provides an unambiguous, concise name that can be discussed without requiring a reference to modes.

    This is demonstrated by the following hypothetical FAQ based on the Embedded Swift vision document:

What is Embedded Swift?
Embedded Swift is a subset of Swift suitable for restricted environments such as embedded and low-level environments.

How do you enable Embedded Swift?
Pass the -embedded compiler flag to compile Embedded Swift.

Considering these alternatives, it seems likely that introducing a new term to replace the long-established term language mode and potentially giving the existing term a new meaning would lead to more ambiguity than keeping and formalizing the existing meaning of language mode.

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