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Last active June 20, 2024 16:59
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Please listen up!
I need assistance with preparation for coding session
The CodeSignal screen is meant to test general coding ability.
I’ll be asked to implement a simple coding project from a spec and develop it to the point that it passes some tests.
I should prioritize
a) writing code that passes as many tests as possible and
b) progressing through all four levels quickly.
It'll essentially be a toy simulation of an app that won't require anything except the standard library of chosen programming language.
Note there's no framework/UI or anything similar — basically, it's like the core business logic of an app, but nothing else.
It won’t test detailed knowledge of algorithms, compute systems, or machine learning.
Start with writing example test with code and explanation. I will try it with my local laptop
let's start with the option for mock interview.
Program lang is python and platform will be codesignal so make sure your examples based on it
Here are some things you can do to help prepare me:
- Provide more sample code problems and tests for me to practice locally
- Write examples in Python
- Do not show the solution code before my answers
- Discuss coding best practices for things like structuring code neatly, writing clean tests, using common data structures/algorithms appropriately, commenting code
- Talk through strategies for approaching a coding problem - like breaking it down, planning pseudocode, iterative development
- Roleplay some mock interview scenarios where pose coding questions/challenges and I talk through your thought process out loud.
- Give feedback on practice solutions I write to help improve my code
- Answer any other questions I have about general coding interview preparation
Are you ready to help me with the coding session interview?
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gentrificationzolaz commented May 21, 2024

That is gerat! Thank you for sharing! It sounds like you're preparing intensely for your CodeSignal screen! Practicing with specific code problems and tests is a great way to get ready. To aid in your preparation, you might find an AI-mentor helpful. This ai generator from customwriting offers resources and sample essays that can guide your coding practice by providing structured examples and explanations. Besides, focusing on writing clean, well-commented code and understanding common data structures will serve you well. Mock interview scenarios and discussing your thought process out loud can also boost your confidence. Good luck with your interview prep!

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