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Last active June 22, 2019 00:47
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Set-like Doubly Linked List
; Copyright (c) Dennis Heihoff. All rights reserved.
#?(:clj [clojure.test :as t :refer [is deftest testing]]
:cljs [cljs.test :as t :refer-macros [is deftest testing]])
[ :as dll])
#?(:clj (:import [ DoublyLinkedList])))
(def test-kfn str)
(deftest ds-dll
(testing "new dll"
(let [dll (dll/doubly-linked-list test-kfn)]
(is (dll/dll? dll))
(is (nil? (.-head dll)))
(is (nil? (.-tail dll)))
(is (empty? (.-m dll)))))
(testing "new dll with values"
(let [dll (dll/doubly-linked-list test-kfn 1 2 3)]
(is (= '(1 2 3) (seq dll)))
(is (= "1" (.-head dll)))
(is (= "3" (.-tail dll)))))
(testing "add after/before, dll/update, disj, nth"
(let [dll (dll/doubly-linked-list test-kfn 1 2 3)]
(testing "add-after"
(let [dll-mid (dll/add-after dll 1 100)
dll-tail (dll/add-after dll 3 100)]
(is (= '(1 100 2 3) (seq dll-mid)))
(is (= '(1 2 3 100) (seq dll-tail)))
(is (= "100" (.-tail dll-tail)))))
(testing "add-before"
(let [dll-mid (dll/add-before dll 2 100)
dll-head (dll/add-before dll 1 100)]
(is (= '(1 100 2 3) (seq dll-mid)))
(is (= '(100 1 2 3) (seq dll-head)))
(is (= "100" (.-head dll-head)))))
(testing "replace"
(let [dll-mid (dll/replace dll 2 1000)
dll-head (dll/replace dll 1 1000)
dll-tail (dll/replace dll 3 1000)]
(is (= '(1 1000 3) (seq dll-mid)))
(is (= '(1000 2 3) (seq dll-head)))
(is (= "1000" (.-head dll-head)))
(is (= '(1 2 1000) (seq dll-tail)))
(is (= "1000" (.-tail dll-tail)))))
(testing "disj"
(let [dll-mid (disj dll 2)
dll-head (disj dll 1)
dll-tail (disj dll 3)]
(is (= '(1 3) (seq dll-mid)))
(is (= '(2 3) (seq dll-head)))
(is (= "2" (.-head dll-head)))
(is (= '(1 2) (seq dll-tail)))
(is (= "2" (.-tail dll-tail)))))
(testing "get"
(is (= 2 (get dll 2)))
(is (= 100 (get dll :not-there 100))))
(testing "update"
(let [dll-upd (dll/update dll 2 + 10)]
(is (= '(1 12 3) (seq dll-upd)))))
(testing "first"
(is (= 1 (first dll))))
(testing "last"
(is (= 3 (last dll))))
(testing "next"
(is (= '(2 3) (next dll))))
(testing "peek"
(is (= 3 (peek dll))))
(testing "nth"
(is (= 1 (nth dll 0)))
(is (= 3 (nth dll 2)))
#?(:clj (is (thrown? Exception (nth dll 1000)))))))
(testing "range"
(let [dll (into (dll/doubly-linked-list str) (range 1 11))]
(is (= '(3 4) (dll/subrange dll 3 5)))
(is (= '(3 4) (take 2 (dll/subrange dll 3))))
(is (= '(8 9 10) (dll/subrange dll 8 1000))))))
; Copyright (c) Dennis Heihoff. All rights reserved.
"A Doubly Linked List set-like data structure implemented on top of hash-map."
(:refer-clojure :exclude [replace update])
#?(:clj (:require [clojure.pprint :as pprint])))
(defprotocol PDoublyLinkedList
(make-key [this x])
(get-head [this])
(get-tail [this])
(set-head [this x])
(set-tail [this x])
(get-head-node [this])
(get-tail-node [this])
(get-node [this x])
(get-node-by-key [this k])
(add-before [this node-val x])
(add-after [this node-val x])
(get-prev [this node-val])
(get-next [this node-val])
(seq-from [this start-val dir])
(replace [this node-val x])
(subrange [this from] [this from to]))
(defrecord Node [prev next val])
(extend-type Node
(-pr-writer [this writer _]
(-write writer (str "#DoublyLinkedList/Node" (into {} this))))))
(defn make-node [prev next val]
(Node. prev next val))
(defn seq*
([m start-key next-key]
(seq* m start-key ::none next-key))
([m start-key stop-key next-key]
(when-let [node (get m start-key)]
(cons (:val node) (lazy-seq
(when-not (= start-key stop-key)
(seq* m (next-key node) stop-key next-key)))))))
(defn- entry-seq [m start next-key]
(when-let [[_ node :as node-entry] (find m start)]
(cons node-entry (entry-seq m (next-key node) next-key)))))
(defn nth* [dll n not-found]
(loop [node (.-head dll) i 0]
(if-let [next-node (get (.-m dll) node)]
(if (= i n)
(:val next-node)
(recur (:next next-node) (inc i)))
(deftype DoublyLinkedList [m head tail kfn]
(toString [_]
(str "#DoublyLinkedList" {:head head :tail tail :m m}))
(count [_] (count m))
(seq [_] (seq* m head tail :next))
(rseq [_] (seq* m tail head :prev))
(empty [_]
(DoublyLinkedList. (empty m) nil nil kfn))
(first [this]
(get-head this))
(next [this]
(next (seq this)))
(cons [this x]
(if-let [tail-val (get-tail this)]
(add-after this tail-val x)
(set-tail this x)))
(peek [this]
(get-tail this))
[this other]
(= (type this) (type other))
(= (.-m this) (.-m other))
(= (.-head this) (.-head other))
(= (.-tail this) (.-tail other))))
(disjoin [_ node-val]
(let [node-key (kfn node-val)
{:keys [next prev]} (get m node-key)]
(when-not (and node-val node-key)
(throw (ex-info "Node does not exist."
{:node-key node-key
:node-val node-val})))
(let [m (-> m
(dissoc node-key)
prev (clojure.core/update prev assoc :next next)
next (clojure.core/update next assoc :prev prev)))
head (if (= head node-key) next head)
tail (if (= tail node-key) prev tail)]
(DoublyLinkedList. m head tail kfn))))
(valAt [_ k]
(let [node-key (kfn k)]
(:val (.valAt m node-key nil))))
(valAt [_ k not-found]
(let [node-key (kfn k)]
(or (:val (.valAt m node-key)) not-found)))]
(toString [_] (str "#DoublyLinkedList" {:head head :tail tail :m m}))
[this other]
(= (type this) (type other))
(= (.-m this) (.-m other))
(= (.-head this) (.-head other))
(= (.-tail this) (.-tail other))))
(-count [_] (count m))
(-seq [_] (seq* m head tail :next))
(-rseq [_] (seq* m tail head :prev))
(-empty [this] (DoublyLinkedList. (empty m) nil nil kfn))
[this x]
(if-let [tail-val (get-tail this)]
(add-after this tail-val x)
(set-tail this x)))
[_ node-val]
(let [node-key (kfn node-val)
{:keys [next prev]} (get m node-key)]
(when-not (and node-val node-key)
(throw (ex-info "Node does not exist."
{:node-key node-key
:node-val node-val})))
(let [m (-> m
(dissoc node-key)
prev (clojure.core/update prev assoc :next next)
next (clojure.core/update next assoc :prev prev)))
head (if (= head node-key) next head)
tail (if (= tail node-key) prev tail)]
(DoublyLinkedList. m head tail kfn))))
(-nth [this i] (nth this i nil))
(-nth [this i not-found] (nth* this i not-found))
(get-tail this))
(-lookup [this x] (-lookup this x nil))
[_ x not-found]
(let [k (kfn x)]
(or (:val (get m k)) not-found)))
[this writer _]
(-write writer (str "#DoublyLinkedList" (interpose '<-> (seq this)))))])
(make-key [_ x]
(let [k (kfn x)]
(when-not (get m k)
(throw (ex-info (str "Node must exist for key " k ".")
{:provided-value x
:generated-key k})))
(get-head [this]
(:val (get-head-node this)))
(get-tail [this]
(:val (get-tail-node this)))
(get-head-node [_]
(get m head))
(get-tail-node [_]
(get m tail))
(set-head [_ x]
(let [next-head (kfn x)
m (cond-> m
(not (get m next-head))
(assoc next-head (make-node nil head x)))
tail (or tail next-head)]
(when-not next-head
(throw (ex-info "Head cannot be nil" {:val x})))
(DoublyLinkedList. m next-head tail kfn)))
(set-tail [_ x]
(let [next-tail (kfn x)
m (cond-> m
(not (get m next-tail))
(assoc next-tail (make-node tail nil x)))
head (or head next-tail)]
(when-not next-tail
(throw (ex-info "Tail cannot be nil" {:val x})))
(DoublyLinkedList. m head next-tail kfn)))
(get-node [_ node-val]
(when-let [k (kfn node-val)]
(get m k)))
(get-node-by-key [_ k]
(get m k))
(get-prev [this node-val]
(let [node-key (kfn node-val)]
(:val (get-node-by-key this (:prev (get m node-key))))))
(get-next [this node-val]
(let [node-key (kfn node-val)]
(:val (get-node-by-key this (:next (get m node-key))))))
(add-after [_ node-val x]
(let [x-key (kfn x)
node-key (kfn node-val)
node-next (:next (get m node-key))]
(when-not (and node-val node-key)
(throw (ex-info "Node after which to insert does not exist"
{:node node-val
:node-key node-key
:x x})))
(when-let [exists (get m x-key)]
(throw (ex-info (str "Node at key " x-key " already exists. Use assoc "
"to replace an existing node.")
{:key x-key
:existing-node exists})))
(let [m (-> m
(assoc x-key (make-node node-key node-next x))
(clojure.core/update node-key assoc :next x-key)
node-next (clojure.core/update node-next assoc :prev x-key)))
tail (if (= node-key tail) x-key tail)]
(DoublyLinkedList. m head tail kfn))))
(add-before [_ node-val x]
(let [x-key (kfn x)
node-key (kfn node-val)
node-prev (:prev (get m node-key))]
(when-not (and node-val node-key)
(throw (ex-info "Node before which to insert does not exist"
{:node node-val
:node-key node-key
:x x})))
(when-let [exists (get m x-key)]
(throw (ex-info (str "Node at key " x-key " already exists. Use assoc "
"to replace an existing node.")
{:key x-key
:existing-node exists})))
(let [m (-> m
(assoc x-key (make-node node-prev node-key x))
(clojure.core/update node-key assoc :prev x-key)
node-prev (clojure.core/update node-prev assoc :next x-key)))
head (if (= node-key head) x-key head)]
(DoublyLinkedList. m head tail kfn))))
(replace [_ node-val x]
(let [x-key (kfn x)
node-key (kfn node-val)
{node-next :next node-prev :prev} (get m node-key)]
(when-not (and node-val node-key)
(throw (ex-info "Node which to replace does not exist"
{:node node-val
:node-key node-key
:x x})))
(let [m (-> m
(dissoc node-key)
(assoc x-key (make-node node-prev node-next x))
node-prev (clojure.core/update node-prev assoc :next x-key)
node-next (clojure.core/update node-next assoc :prev x-key)))
head (if (= head node-key) x-key head)
tail (if (= node-key tail) x-key tail)]
(DoublyLinkedList. m head tail kfn))))
(seq-from [_ start-val dir]
{:pre [(get #{:next :prev} dir)]}
(seq* m (kfn start-val) dir))
(subrange [this from]
(subrange this from (get-tail-node this)))
(subrange [_ from-val to-val]
(let [to-key (kfn to-val)]
(sequence (comp (take-while (fn [[k _]] (not= to-key k)))
(map (comp :val second)))
(entry-seq m (kfn from-val) :next)))))
(defn update [^DoublyLinkedList dll node-val f & args]
(let [kfn (.-kfn dll)
m (.-m dll)
node-key (kfn node-val)
cval (:val (get m node-key))]
(when-not (and node-val node-key)
(throw (ex-info "Node which to update does not exist"
{:node node-val
:node-key node-key})))
(replace dll cval (apply f cval args))))
(defn doubly-linked-list
(DoublyLinkedList. {} nil nil kfn))
([kfn & vals]
(into (DoublyLinkedList. {} nil nil kfn) vals)))
#?(:clj (defmethod print-method DoublyLinkedList [dll w]
(print-method (symbol "#DoublyLinkedList") w)
(print-method (interpose '<-> (seq dll)) w)))
;; Fixes pretty print
#?(:clj (defmethod clojure.pprint/simple-dispatch DoublyLinkedList [o]
((get-method pprint/simple-dispatch clojure.lang.ISeq) o)))
#?(:clj (defmethod print-method Node [n w]
(print-method (symbol "#DoublyLinkedList/Node") w)
(print-method (into {} n) w)))
(require '[criterium.core :refer [quick-bench]])
(let [med (vec (range 10000))
large (vec (range 1000000))
dll-med (apply doubly-linked-list str med)
dll-large (apply doubly-linked-list str large)]
;;; Medium Size
;(quick-bench (apply doubly-linked-list str med))
;Execution time mean : 11.010305 ms
;(quick-bench (seq dll-med))
;Execution time mean : 24.671025 ns
;; subrange - small
;(quick-bench (subrange dll-med 5000 10000))
;Execution time mean : 2.858399 ms
;(quick-bench (assoc dll-med 5000 1000000000000000))
;Execution time mean : 1.511168 µs
;;; Large Size
;(quick-bench (apply doubly-linked-list str large))
;Execution time mean : 2.373459 sec
;(quick-bench (seq dll-large))
;Execution time mean : 16.552517 ns
;; subrange - small
;(quick-bench (subrange dll-large 5000 10000))
;Execution time mean : 4.663050 ms
;; subrange - large
;(quick-bench (subrange dll-large 500000 1000000))
;Execution time mean : 399.820492 ms
;(quick-bench (assoc dll-large 5000000 1000000000000000))
;Execution time mean : 619.556069 ns
(defn dll? [x] (and x (satisfies? PDoublyLinkedList x)))
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