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Created July 15, 2011 17:41
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Save deneuxj/1085141 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
History of my edits to speed up a Score4 AI originally ttsiodra
// Learn more about F# at
open System.Collections.Generic
let width = 7
let height = 6
let maxDepth = 7
let orangeWins = 1000000
let yellowWins = -orangeWins
let debug = ref true
type Cell =
| Orange = 1
| Yellow = -1
| Barren = 0
let inline rateCell (x : Cell) : int = int x
let rec any l =
match l with
| [] -> false
| true::xs -> true
| false::xs -> any xs
let inline otherColor (color : Cell) : Cell = enum -(int color)
type PersistentScoreData =
{ rows : int[][]
cols : int[][]
neg_diags : int[][]
pos_diags : int[][] }
let psdFromBoard (board : Cell[][]) =
let sumFour (sx, ex) (sy, ey) f =
for y in sy .. ey ->
for x in sx .. ex ->
[0 .. 3]
|> Seq.sumBy(fun i -> rateCell <| f x y i)
{ rows = sumFour (0, width - 4) (0, height - 1) (fun x y i -> board.[y].[x + i])
cols = sumFour (0, width - 1) (0, height - 4) (fun x y i -> board.[y + i].[x])
neg_diags = sumFour (0, width - 4) (0, height - 4) (fun x y i -> board.[y + i].[x + i])
pos_diags = sumFour (0, width - 4) (3, height - 1) (fun x y i -> board.[y - i].[x + i]) }
type DiskColor =
| OrangeDisk = 1
| YellowDisk = -1
type Move = Move of int * int * DiskColor
let updatePsd (psd : PersistentScoreData) (Move (x, y, color)) =
let inline myMapi2 incr x y f (arr : int[][]) =
let res : int[][] = Array.zeroCreate arr.Length
for cy in 0 .. arr.Length - 1 do
let arr2 = arr.[cy]
let res2 : int[] = Array.zeroCreate arr2.Length
for cx in 0 .. arr2.Length - 1 do
res2.[cx] <- f incr x y cx cy arr2.[cx]
res.[cy] <- res2
let inline updatePsdRows incr x y cx cy value =
let start_y = cy
let start_x = cx
let dx = start_x - x
if start_y = y && -3 <= dx && dx <= 0 then
value + incr
let inline updatePsdCols incr x y cx cy value =
let start_y = cy
let start_x = cx
let dy = start_y - y
if start_x = x && -3 <= dy && dy <= 0 then
value + incr
let inline updatePsdNegDiags incr x y cx cy value =
let start_y = cy
let start_x = cx
let dx = start_x - x
let dy = start_y - y
if dx = dy && -3 <= dx && dx <= 0 then
value + incr
let inline updatePsdPosDiags incr x y cx cy value =
let start_y = cy + 3
let start_x = cx
let dx = start_x - x
let dy = start_y - y
if dx = -dy && -3 <= dx && dx <= 0 then
value + incr
let incr = int color
{ psd with
rows = myMapi2 incr x y updatePsdRows psd.rows
cols = myMapi2 incr x y updatePsdCols psd.cols
neg_diags = myMapi2 incr x y updatePsdNegDiags psd.neg_diags
pos_diags = myMapi2 incr x y updatePsdPosDiags psd.pos_diags
let scoreBoard (psd : PersistentScoreData) =
let counts = Array.zeroCreate 9
let inline updateCounts (arr : int[][]) =
for vs in arr do
for v in vs do
counts.[v + 4] <- counts.[v + 4] + 1
updateCounts (psd.cols)
updateCounts (psd.rows)
updateCounts (psd.pos_diags)
updateCounts (psd.neg_diags)
let score =
if counts.[0] <> 0 then
else if counts.[8] <> 0 then
counts.[5] + 2*counts.[6] + 5*counts.[7] + 10*counts.[8] -
counts.[3] - 2*counts.[2] - 5*counts.[1] - 10*counts.[0]
let dropDisk (board:Cell array array) column color =
let newBoard = Array.zeroCreate height
let mutable found_y = None
for y=height-1 downto 0 do
newBoard.[y] <- Array.copy board.[y]
if found_y.IsNone && newBoard.[y].[column] = Cell.Barren then
found_y <- Some y
newBoard.[y].[column] <- color
newBoard, found_y
let rec abMinimax maximizeOrMinimize color depth (board : Cell[][]) psd =
match depth with
| 0 -> (None,scoreBoard psd)
| _ ->
let validMovesAndBoards =
[0 .. (width-1)]
|> List.filter (fun column -> board.[0].[column] = Cell.Barren)
|> (fun column ->
let board, row = dropDisk board column color
(match color with
| Cell.Orange -> Move(column, row.Value, DiskColor.OrangeDisk)
| Cell.Yellow -> Move(column, row.Value, DiskColor.YellowDisk)
| _ -> failwith "Invalid value"),
match validMovesAndBoards with
| [] -> (None,scoreBoard psd)
| _ ->
let ratedMoves =
let targetScore = if maximizeOrMinimize then orangeWins else yellowWins
|> (fun (move, board) ->
let psd = updatePsd psd move
let score = scoreBoard psd
(move, board, psd, score))
let killerMoves =
let targetScore = if maximizeOrMinimize then orangeWins else yellowWins
|> List.filter (fun (_, _, _, score) -> score = targetScore)
match killerMoves with
| (killerMove,_,_,killerScore)::rest -> (Some(killerMove), killerScore)
| [] ->
let validBoards = validMovesAndBoards |> snd
let bestScores =
|> Array.ofList
|> (if depth >= 7 then else (fun (_, board, psd, _) -> abMinimax (not maximizeOrMinimize) (otherColor color) (depth-1) board psd)
|> List.ofArray
|> (fun (_,score) -> score)
let allData = ( fst validMovesAndBoards) bestScores
if !debug && depth = maxDepth then
List.iter (fun (move,score) ->
Printf.printf "Depth %d, placing on %A, Score:%d\n" depth move score) allData
let best (_,s as l) (_,s' as r) = if s > s' then l else r
let worst (_,s as l) (_,s' as r) = if s < s' then l else r
let bestMove,bestScore =
List.fold (if maximizeOrMinimize then best else worst) (List.head allData) (List.tail allData)
let inArgs str args =
any(List.ofSeq( (fun x -> (x = str)) args))
let loadBoard args =
let board = Array.zeroCreate height
for y=0 to height-1 do
board.[y] <- Array.zeroCreate width
for x=0 to width-1 do
let orange = Printf.sprintf "o%d%d" y x
let yellow = Printf.sprintf "y%d%d" y x
if inArgs orange args then
board.[y].[x] <- Cell.Orange
else if inArgs yellow args then
board.[y].[x] <- Cell.Yellow
board.[y].[x] <- Cell.Barren
done ;
let main (args:string[]) =
let board = loadBoard args
let psd = psdFromBoard board
let scoreOrig = scoreBoard psd
let debug = inArgs "-debug" args
if scoreOrig = orangeWins then
printf "I win"
elif scoreOrig = yellowWins then
printf "You win"
let mv,score = abMinimax true Cell.Orange maxDepth board psd
let msgWithColumnToPlaceOrange =
match mv with
| Some column -> printfn "%A" column
| _ -> printfn "No move possible"
// Runs in 1.216s
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deneuxj commented Jul 15, 2011

On my computer (an intel quad core i7 950)

  • The initial version runs in 21.966s
  • After removing the use of an exception for flow control: 4.602s
  • After parallelizing: 2.913
  • Without parallelization but nicer initialization of scores: 4.310s
  • Redesign of the score computation function, produces same results, but tries to avoid random array accesses: 3.130s
  • Added parallelization again: 1.216s

For reference, the OCaml version without exceptions and compiled with -unsafe runs in 1.494s.

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