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Last active April 5, 2019 21:15
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# Authors: Denis Engemann <>
# License: BSD 3-clause
""" Run complete ICA for MEG and EEG
This tutorial demonstrates how to perform an entire
preprocessing workflow for one subject and for different sensor types.
1) Filtering
2) ICA for MEG
3) ICA for EEG
import os.path as op
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mne
from mne.datasets import sample
from mne.preprocessing import ICA
from mne import pick_types
from mne.preprocessing import create_eog_epochs
from mne.preprocessing import create_ecg_epochs
from mne import fiff
# Parameters
data_path = sample.data_path(force_update=False)
raw_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_raw.fif'
proj_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_eog_proj.fif'
raw = fiff.Raw(raw_fname, preload=True)['bads'] += ['MEG 2443', 'EEG 053']
has_eeg = 'eeg' in raw
n_jobs = 4
dpi = 150
subject = 'sample'
results_dir = '.'
filter_method = 'iir'
max_ecg = 3
max_eog = 2
ica_fname = '{ch_type}-ica.fif'
sss_filtered = True
n_components_default = 0.99
h_pass_freq = 1
l_pass_freq = 100
def save_fig(name):
fig = plt.gcf() # get current figure
fig.savefig(op.join(results_dir, name), dpi=dpi)
# Filtering & Checking
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3 if has_eeg else 2, sharey=True, sharex=True)
# ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4 = axes.flatten()
if has_eeg:
ax1, ax2, ax3 = axes.flatten()
ax1, ax2 = axes.flatten()
picks_mag = pick_types(, meg='mag', eeg=False)
picks_grad = pick_types(, meg='grad', eeg=False)
if has_eeg:
picks_eeg = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True)
raw.plot_psds(fmin=h_pass_freq, fmax=l_pass_freq + 20, ax=ax1,
picks=picks_mag, color='black')
line1_1 = ax1.get_lines()[0]
line1_1.set_label('mag - raw')
ax1.set_ylabel('Power (dB)')
raw.plot_psds(fmin=h_pass_freq, fmax=l_pass_freq + 20, ax=ax2,
picks=picks_grad, color='black')
ax2.get_lines()[0].set_label('grad - raw')
ax1.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Power (dB)')
if has_eeg:
raw.plot_psds(fmin=h_pass_freq, fmax=l_pass_freq + 20,
ax=ax3, picks=picks_eeg, color='black')
ax3.get_lines()[0].set_label('eeg - raw')
ax1.set_ylabel('Power (dB)')
raw.notch_filter(np.arange(50, 251, 50), n_jobs=n_jobs)
raw.filter(l_freq=h_pass_freq, h_freq=l_pass_freq,
n_jobs=n_jobs, method=filter_method)
raw.plot_psds(fmin=h_pass_freq, fmax=l_pass_freq + 20,
ax=ax1, picks=picks_mag, color='red')
ax1.get_lines()[1].set_label('mag - filt')
raw.plot_psds(fmin=h_pass_freq, fmax=l_pass_freq + 20,
ax=ax2, picks=picks_grad, color='red')
ax2.get_lines()[1].set_label('grad - filt')
if has_eeg:
raw.plot_psds(fmin=h_pass_freq, fmax=l_pass_freq + 20,
ax=ax3, picks=picks_eeg, color='red')
ax2.get_lines()[1].set_label('eeg - filt')
fig.suptitle('Multitaper PSD')
# create ECG epochs to improve detection by correlation
picks_artifact = mne.pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=True, ecg=True,
ecg_epochs = create_ecg_epochs(raw, picks=picks_artifact)
eog_epochs = create_eog_epochs(raw, picks=picks_artifact)
for ch_type in ('eeg', 'meg'):
if ch_type not in raw:
if ch_type == 'meg':
picks = mne.pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False)
reject = dict(mag=4e-12, grad=4000e-13)
picks = mne.pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True)
reject = dict(eeg=150e-6)
channels_picked = [raw.ch_names[k] for k in picks]
ecg_evoked = ecg_epochs.pick_channels(channels_picked, copy=True).average()
eog_evoked = eog_epochs.pick_channels(channels_picked, copy=True).average()
ch_type_ = 'eeg' if ch_type == 'eeg' else 'mag'
# Setup ICA seed decompose data, then access and plot sources.
rank = raw.estimate_rank(picks=picks)
if sss_filtered:
n_components = rank
else: # always use rank estimate for EEG
n_components = n_components_default if ch_type != 'eeg' else rank
ica = ICA(n_components=n_components, max_pca_components=None)
# Fit ICA model and identify bad sources, picks=picks, decim=3, reject=reject)
ecg_inds, scores = ica.find_bads_ecg(ecg_epochs) # inds sorted!
if np.any(ecg_inds):
ecg_inds = ecg_inds[:max_ecg]
ica.plot_scores(scores, exclude=ecg_inds) # inspect metrics used
save_fig('{}_ica_scores_ecg_{}.png'.format(subject, ch_type))
# indices of top five scores
show_picks = np.abs(scores).argsort()[::-1][:5]
# detected artifacts drawn in red (via exclude)
ica.plot_sources(raw, show_picks, exclude=ecg_inds, start=0., stop=3.0)
save_fig('{}_ica_sources_ecg_{}.png'.format(subject, ch_type))
# show component sensitivites
ica.plot_components(ecg_inds, ch_type=ch_type_, colorbar=False,
save_fig('{}_ica_components_ecg_{}.png'.format(subject, ch_type))
# latent ECG sources + selection
ica.plot_sources(ecg_evoked, exclude=ecg_inds)
save_fig('{}_ica_overlay_ecg_evoked_{}.png'.format(subject, ch_type))
# overlay raw and clean ECG artifacts
ica.plot_overlay(ecg_evoked, exclude=ecg_inds)
save_fig('{}_ica_sources_ecg_evoked_{}.png'.format(subject, ch_type))
ica.exclude += ecg_inds # mark first for exclusion
eog_inds, scores = ica.find_bads_eog(eog_epochs) # inds sorted!
if np.any(eog_inds):
eog_inds = eog_inds[:max_eog]
ica.plot_scores(scores, exclude=eog_inds) # inspect metrics used
save_fig('{}_ica_scores_eog_{}.png'.format(subject, ch_type))
# indices of top five scores
show_picks = np.abs(scores).argsort()[::-1][:5]
# detected artifacts drawn in red (via exclude)
ica.plot_sources(raw, show_picks,
exclude=eog_inds, start=0., stop=3.0)
save_fig('{}_ica_sources_eog_{}.png'.format(subject, ch_type))
# show component sensitivites
ica.plot_components(eog_inds, ch_type=ch_type_, colorbar=False,
save_fig('{}_ica_components_eog_{}.png'.format(subject, ch_type))
ica.plot_sources(eog_evoked, exclude=eog_inds)
# latent EOG sources + selection
save_fig('{}_ica_overlay_eog_evoked_{}.png'.format(subject, ch_type))
ica.plot_overlay(eog_evoked, exclude=eog_inds)
# overlay raw and clean EOG artifacts
save_fig('{}_ica_sources_eog_evoked_{}.png'.format(subject, ch_type))
ica.exclude += eog_inds # mark first for exclusion
if np.any(ica.exclude):
ica.plot_overlay(raw, start=20., stop=25.) # EOG/ECG artifacts remain
save_fig('{}_ica_overlay_raw_evoked_{}.png'.format(subject, ch_type)), ica_fname.format(ch_type=ch_type)))
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