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Created June 27, 2017 13:43
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# REPRO: ./ subcmd --customer=customer1 cmd
# PROBLEM: dummy still get's prompted
# DESIRED: dummy get's read from the "config file" and not prompted
from functools import update_wrapper
from copy import deepcopy
import click
def update_context(initial, kwargs):
ctx = initial
for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
ctx[k] = v
return ctx
def read_config(customer):
if customer == 'customer1':
return {'dummy': 'config value for customer1'}
return {'dummy': 'something else'}
def customer_option(f):
# This should merge in all the stuff from the config file
def callback(ctx, param, value):
c = read_config(value)
for k, v in c.iteritems():
if k not in ctx.obj:
ctx.obj[k] = v
return value
return click.option('--customer', "-c",
help='Customer name.')(f)
def main(ctx, **kwargs):
ctx.obj = update_context({}, kwargs)
print "running main"
@click.option('--dummy', prompt=True, help="Dummy value that's different for each customer")
def subcmd(ctx, **kwargs):
ctx.obj = update_context(deepcopy(ctx.obj), kwargs)
print "runnning group"
def cmd(ctx):
print "running command"
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = main()
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