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Python and C ctypes stdout captured in IPython Notebook -
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"metadata": {
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"signature": "sha256:aa469ab66f8112985d4badf57a9852d1a16f9620bb82fd708c22300ad9899cc1"
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"# How to get printed output from ctypes C functions into Jupyter/IPython notebook?\n",
"This Notebook is a solution/answer to my own question: <>"
"cell_type": "heading",
"level": 1,
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"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# The code in this cell will create/overwrite a file\n",
"# 'foo.c' and will call GCC to compile it as ''.\n",
"# The code is behind a flag to prevent people from\n",
"# accidentally creating files in their system.\n",
" import textwrap\n",
" import shlex\n",
" import subprocess\n",
" with open('foo.c', 'wt') as foo:\n",
" foo.write(textwrap.dedent('''\\\n",
" #include <stdio.h>\n",
" void printout() {\n",
" puts(\"C printout puts\");\n",
" }\n",
" void printhere(FILE* f) {\n",
" fputs(\"C printhere fputs\\\\n\", f);\n",
" } \n",
" '''))\n",
" subprocess.check_call(shlex.split(\n",
" 'gcc foo.c -o -Wall -pipe -shared -fPIC'\n",
" ))"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"prompt_number": 1
"cell_type": "heading",
"level": 1,
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"source": [
"ctypes - Preparing the C library"
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"import ctypes\n",
"# use_errno parameter is optional, because I'm not checking errno anyway.\n",
"libc = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('c'), use_errno=True)\n",
"class FILE(ctypes.Structure):\n",
" pass\n",
"FILE_p = ctypes.POINTER(FILE)\n",
"# Alternatively, we can just use:\n",
"# FILE_p = ctypes.c_void_p\n",
"# These variables, defined inside the C library, are readonly.\n",
"cstdin = FILE_p.in_dll(libc, 'stdin')\n",
"cstdout = FILE_p.in_dll(libc, 'stdout')\n",
"cstderr = FILE_p.in_dll(libc, 'stderr')\n",
"# C function to disable buffering.\n",
"csetbuf = libc.setbuf\n",
"csetbuf.argtypes = (FILE_p, ctypes.c_char_p)\n",
"csetbuf.restype = None\n",
"# C function to flush the C library buffer.\n",
"cfflush = libc.fflush\n",
"cfflush.argtypes = (FILE_p,)\n",
"cfflush.restype = ctypes.c_int"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"prompt_number": 2
"cell_type": "heading",
"level": 1,
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"source": [
"ctypes - Loading our own shared library (DLL)"
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"libfoo = ctypes.CDLL('./')\n",
"printout = libfoo.printout\n",
"printout.argtypes = ()\n",
"printout.restype = None\n",
"printhere = libfoo.printhere\n",
"printhere.argtypes = (FILE_p,)\n",
"printhere.restype = None"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"prompt_number": 3
"cell_type": "heading",
"level": 1,
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"source": [
"Building our own context manager to capture stdout"
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"import io\n",
"import os\n",
"import sys\n",
"import tempfile\n",
"from contextlib import contextmanager\n",
"def capture_c_stdout(encoding='utf8'):\n",
" # Flushing, it's a good practice.\n",
" sys.stdout.flush()\n",
" cfflush(cstdout)\n",
" # We need to use a actual file because we need the file descriptor number.\n",
" with tempfile.TemporaryFile(buffering=0) as temp:\n",
" # Saving a copy of the original stdout.\n",
" prev_sys_stdout = sys.stdout\n",
" prev_stdout_fd = os.dup(1)\n",
" os.close(1)\n",
" # Duplicating the temporary file fd into the stdout fd.\n",
" # In other words, replacing the stdout.\n",
" os.dup2(temp.fileno(), 1)\n",
" # Replacing sys.stdout for Python code.\n",
" #\n",
" # IPython Notebook version of sys.stdout is actually an\n",
" # in-memory OutStream, so it does not have a file descriptor.\n",
" # We need to replace sys.stdout so that interleaved Python\n",
" # and C output gets captured in the correct order.\n",
" #\n",
" # We enable line_buffering to force a flush after each line.\n",
" # And write_through to force all data to be passed through the\n",
" # wrapper directly into the binary temporary file.\n",
" temp_wrapper = io.TextIOWrapper(\n",
" temp, encoding=encoding, line_buffering=True, write_through=True)\n",
" sys.stdout = temp_wrapper\n",
" # Disabling buffering of C stdout.\n",
" csetbuf(cstdout, None)\n",
" yield\n",
" # Must flush to clear the C library buffer.\n",
" cfflush(cstdout)\n",
" # Restoring stdout.\n",
" os.dup2(prev_stdout_fd, 1)\n",
" os.close(prev_stdout_fd)\n",
" sys.stdout = prev_sys_stdout\n",
" # Printing the captured output.\n",
" print(, end='')"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"prompt_number": 4
"cell_type": "heading",
"level": 1,
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Testing the code!"
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"print('Python Before capturing')\n",
"printout() # Not captured, goes to the terminal\n",
"with capture_c_stdout():\n",
" print('Python First')\n",
" printout()\n",
" print('Python Second')\n",
" printhere(cstdout)\n",
" print('Python Third')\n",
"print('Python After capturing')\n",
"printout() # Not captured, goes to the terminal"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"stream": "stdout",
"text": [
"Python Before capturing\n"
"output_type": "stream",
"stream": "stdout",
"text": [
"Python First\n",
"C printout puts\n",
"Python Second\n",
"C printhere fputs\n",
"Python Third\n",
"Python After capturing\n"
"prompt_number": 5
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Further work\n",
"* This code currently has no exception handling. In fact, it has no kind of error handling. This should be improved.\n",
"* This code only redirects `stdout`. An improvement would be to redirect both `stdout` and `stderr`."
"metadata": {}
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lvwarren commented Dec 8, 2018

When running the notebook it gets as far as the section:

ctypes - Preparing the C library

whereupon I get the following:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-684349b68d2d> in <module>()
      6 # These variables, defined inside the C library, are readonly.
----> 7 cstdin = FILE_p.in_dll(libc, 'stdin')
      8 cstdout = FILE_p.in_dll(libc, 'stdout')
      9 cstderr = FILE_p.in_dll(libc, 'stderr')

ValueError: dlsym(0x11b5c0e50, stdin): symbol not found

on MacOS Mojave 10.14.1 with Python 3.7.0 and Jupyter 5.6.0

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