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Last active May 16, 2018 10:11
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  • Save denisivan0v/6cb782f9149385ae28356256e712dfb0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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using System;
using System.IO;
namespace CSharpCommentsRemover
public static class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var filepath = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : "Test.cs.txt";
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(filepath);
var metMeaningfulSymbol = false;
var seekMode = false;
foreach (var line in lines)
var skipLine = false;
var index = 0;
while (index < line.Length)
var currentSymbol = line[index];
// We don't want to print blank lines instead of single line comments
if (index != 0 && currentSymbol != ' ')
metMeaningfulSymbol = true;
if (currentSymbol == '/')
if (index + 1 < line.Length)
var nextSymbol = line[index + 1];
if (nextSymbol == '/')
// Found single line comment, just skip the whole line
skipLine = true;
if (metMeaningfulSymbol)
metMeaningfulSymbol = false;
if (nextSymbol == '*')
// Found multi line comment start
seekMode = true;
if (seekMode && currentSymbol == '*')
if (index + 1 < line.Length)
var nextSymbol = line[index + 1];
if (nextSymbol == '/')
// Found multi line comment end
seekMode = false;
index += 2;
if (index == line.Length)
skipLine = true;
if (!seekMode)
if (skipLine)
if (!seekMode)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
/* some comment here
/* some another comment here */
and this leads to syntax error */
namespace System
public static class /* some comment inside the code */ Console
private const int DefaultConsoleBufferSize = 256; // default size of buffer used in stream readers/writers
private static object InternalSyncObject = new object(); // for synchronizing changing of Console's static fields
private static TextReader s_in;
private static TextWriter s_out, s_error;
private static Encoding s_inputEncoding;
private static Encoding s_outputEncoding;
private static bool s_isOutTextWriterRedirected = false;
private static bool s_isErrorTextWriterRedirected = false;
/* Single line comment */
private static ConsoleCancelEventHandler /* Multi
comment */ s_cancelCallbacks;
private static ConsolePal.ControlCHandlerRegistrar s_registrar;
internal static T EnsureInitialized<T>(ref T field, Func<T> initializer) where T : class =>
LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(ref field, ref InternalSyncObject, initializer);
public static TextReader In => EnsureInitialized(ref s_in, () => ConsolePal.GetOrCreateReader());
public static Encoding InputEncoding
return EnsureInitialized(ref s_inputEncoding, () => ConsolePal.InputEncoding);
CheckNonNull(value, nameof(value));
lock (InternalSyncObject)
// Set the terminal console encoding.
Volatile.Write(ref s_inputEncoding, (Encoding)value.Clone());
// We need to reinitialize Console.In in the next call to s_in
// This will discard the current StreamReader, potentially
// losing buffered data.
Volatile.Write(ref s_in, null);
public static Encoding OutputEncoding
return EnsureInitialized(ref s_outputEncoding, () => ConsolePal.OutputEncoding);
CheckNonNull(value, nameof(value));
lock (InternalSyncObject)
// Set the terminal console encoding.
// Before changing the code page we need to flush the data
// if Out hasn't been redirected. Also, have the next call to
// s_out reinitialize the console code page.
if (Volatile.Read(ref s_out) != null && !s_isOutTextWriterRedirected)
Volatile.Write(ref s_out, null);
if (Volatile.Read(ref s_error) != null && !s_isErrorTextWriterRedirected)
Volatile.Write(ref s_error, null);
Volatile.Write(ref s_outputEncoding, (Encoding)value.Clone());
public static bool KeyAvailable
if (IsInputRedirected)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ConsoleKeyAvailableOnFile);
return ConsolePal.KeyAvailable;
public static ConsoleKeyInfo ReadKey()
return ConsolePal.ReadKey(false);
public static ConsoleKeyInfo ReadKey(bool intercept)
return ConsolePal.ReadKey(intercept);
public static TextWriter Out => EnsureInitialized(ref s_out, () => CreateOutputWriter(OpenStandardOutput()));
public static TextWriter Error => EnsureInitialized(ref s_error, () => CreateOutputWriter(OpenStandardError()));
private static TextWriter CreateOutputWriter(Stream outputStream)
return SyncTextWriter.GetSynchronizedTextWriter(outputStream == Stream.Null ?
StreamWriter.Null :
new StreamWriter(
stream: outputStream,
encoding: new ConsoleEncoding(OutputEncoding), // This ensures no prefix is written to the stream.
bufferSize: DefaultConsoleBufferSize,
leaveOpen: true) { AutoFlush = true });
private static StrongBox<bool> _isStdInRedirected;
private static StrongBox<bool> _isStdOutRedirected;
private static StrongBox<bool> _isStdErrRedirected;
public static bool IsInputRedirected
StrongBox<bool> redirected = EnsureInitialized(ref _isStdInRedirected, () => new StrongBox<bool>(ConsolePal.IsInputRedirectedCore()));
return redirected.Value;
public static bool IsOutputRedirected
StrongBox<bool> redirected = EnsureInitialized(ref _isStdOutRedirected, () => new StrongBox<bool>(ConsolePal.IsOutputRedirectedCore()));
return redirected.Value;
public static bool IsErrorRedirected
StrongBox<bool> redirected = EnsureInitialized(ref _isStdErrRedirected, () => new StrongBox<bool>(ConsolePal.IsErrorRedirectedCore()));
return redirected.Value;
public static int CursorSize
get { return ConsolePal.CursorSize; }
set { ConsolePal.CursorSize = value; }
public static bool NumberLock
get { return ConsolePal.NumberLock; }
public static bool CapsLock
get { return ConsolePal.CapsLock; }
internal const ConsoleColor UnknownColor = (ConsoleColor)(-1);
public static ConsoleColor BackgroundColor
get { return ConsolePal.BackgroundColor; }
set { ConsolePal.BackgroundColor = value; }
public static ConsoleColor ForegroundColor
get { return ConsolePal.ForegroundColor; }
set { ConsolePal.ForegroundColor = value; }
public static void ResetColor()
public static int BufferWidth
get { return ConsolePal.BufferWidth; }
set { ConsolePal.BufferWidth = value; }
public static int BufferHeight
get { return ConsolePal.BufferHeight; }
set { ConsolePal.BufferHeight = value; }
public static void SetBufferSize(int width, int height)
ConsolePal.SetBufferSize(width, height);
public static int WindowLeft
get { return ConsolePal.WindowLeft; }
set { ConsolePal.WindowLeft = value; }
public static int WindowTop
get { return ConsolePal.WindowTop; }
set { ConsolePal.WindowTop = value; }
public static int WindowWidth
get { return ConsolePal.WindowWidth; }
set { ConsolePal.WindowWidth = value; }
public static int WindowHeight
get { return ConsolePal.WindowHeight; }
set { ConsolePal.WindowHeight = value; }
public static void SetWindowPosition(int left, int top)
ConsolePal.SetWindowPosition(left, top);
public static void SetWindowSize(int width, int height)
ConsolePal.SetWindowSize(width, height);
public static int LargestWindowWidth
get { return ConsolePal.LargestWindowWidth; }
public static int LargestWindowHeight
get { return ConsolePal.LargestWindowHeight; }
public static bool CursorVisible
get { return ConsolePal.CursorVisible; }
set { ConsolePal.CursorVisible = value; }
public static int CursorLeft
get { return ConsolePal.CursorLeft; }
set { SetCursorPosition(value, CursorTop); }
public static int CursorTop
get { return ConsolePal.CursorTop; }
set { SetCursorPosition(CursorLeft, value); }
public static string Title
get { return ConsolePal.Title; }
ConsolePal.Title = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
public static void Beep()
public static void Beep(int frequency, int duration)
ConsolePal.Beep(frequency, duration);
public static void MoveBufferArea(int sourceLeft, int sourceTop, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int targetLeft, int targetTop)
ConsolePal.MoveBufferArea(sourceLeft, sourceTop, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, targetLeft, targetTop, ' ', ConsoleColor.Black, BackgroundColor);
public static void MoveBufferArea(int sourceLeft, int sourceTop, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int targetLeft, int targetTop, char sourceChar, ConsoleColor sourceForeColor, ConsoleColor sourceBackColor)
ConsolePal.MoveBufferArea(sourceLeft, sourceTop, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, targetLeft, targetTop, sourceChar, sourceForeColor, sourceBackColor);
public static void Clear()
public static void SetCursorPosition(int left, int top)
// Basic argument validation. The PAL implementation may provide further validation.
if (left < 0 || left >= short.MaxValue)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(left), left, SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries);
if (top < 0 || top >= short.MaxValue)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(top), top, SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries);
ConsolePal.SetCursorPosition(left, top);
public static event ConsoleCancelEventHandler CancelKeyPress
lock (InternalSyncObject)
s_cancelCallbacks += value;
// If we haven't registered our control-C handler, do it.
if (s_registrar == null)
s_registrar = new ConsolePal.ControlCHandlerRegistrar();
lock (InternalSyncObject)
s_cancelCallbacks -= value;
if (s_registrar != null && s_cancelCallbacks == null)
s_registrar = null;
public static bool TreatControlCAsInput
get { return ConsolePal.TreatControlCAsInput; }
set { ConsolePal.TreatControlCAsInput = value; }
public static Stream OpenStandardInput()
return ConsolePal.OpenStandardInput();
public static Stream OpenStandardInput(int bufferSize)
// bufferSize is ignored, other than in argument validation, even in the .NET Framework
if (bufferSize < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(bufferSize), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum);
return OpenStandardInput();
public static Stream OpenStandardOutput()
return ConsolePal.OpenStandardOutput();
public static Stream OpenStandardOutput(int bufferSize)
// bufferSize is ignored, other than in argument validation, even in the .NET Framework
if (bufferSize < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(bufferSize), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum);
return OpenStandardOutput();
public static Stream OpenStandardError()
return ConsolePal.OpenStandardError();
public static Stream OpenStandardError(int bufferSize)
// bufferSize is ignored, other than in argument validation, even in the .NET Framework
if (bufferSize < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(bufferSize), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum);
return OpenStandardError();
public static void SetIn(TextReader newIn)
CheckNonNull(newIn, nameof(newIn));
newIn = SyncTextReader.GetSynchronizedTextReader(newIn);
lock (InternalSyncObject)
Volatile.Write(ref s_in, newIn);
public static void SetOut(TextWriter newOut)
CheckNonNull(newOut, nameof(newOut));
newOut = SyncTextWriter.GetSynchronizedTextWriter(newOut);
Volatile.Write(ref s_isOutTextWriterRedirected, true);
lock (InternalSyncObject)
Volatile.Write(ref s_out, newOut);
public static void SetError(TextWriter newError)
CheckNonNull(newError, nameof(newError));
newError = SyncTextWriter.GetSynchronizedTextWriter(newError);
Volatile.Write(ref s_isErrorTextWriterRedirected, true);
lock (InternalSyncObject)
Volatile.Write(ref s_error, newError);
private static void CheckNonNull(object obj, string paramName)
if (obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(paramName);
// Give a hint to the code generator to not inline the common console methods. The console methods are
// not performance critical. It is unnecessary code bloat to have them inlined.
// Moreover, simple repros for codegen bugs are often console-based. It is tedious to manually filter out
// the inlined console writelines from them.
public static int Read()
return In.Read();
public static String ReadLine()
return In.ReadLine();
public static void WriteLine()
public static void WriteLine(bool value)
public static void WriteLine(char value)
public static void WriteLine(char[] buffer)
public static void WriteLine(char[] buffer, int index, int count)
Out.WriteLine(buffer, index, count);
public static void WriteLine(decimal value)
public static void WriteLine(double value)
public static void WriteLine(float value)
public static void WriteLine(int value)
public static void WriteLine(uint value)
public static void WriteLine(long value)
public static void WriteLine(ulong value)
public static void WriteLine(Object value)
public static void WriteLine(String value)
public static void WriteLine(String format, Object arg0)
Out.WriteLine(format, arg0);
public static void WriteLine(String format, Object arg0, Object arg1)
Out.WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1);
public static void WriteLine(String format, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2)
Out.WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1, arg2);
public static void WriteLine(String format, params Object[] arg)
if (arg == null) // avoid ArgumentNullException from String.Format
Out.WriteLine(format, null, null); // faster than Out.WriteLine(format, (Object)arg);
Out.WriteLine(format, arg);
public static void Write(String format, Object arg0)
Out.Write(format, arg0);
public static void Write(String format, Object arg0, Object arg1)
Out.Write(format, arg0, arg1);
public static void Write(String format, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2)
Out.Write(format, arg0, arg1, arg2);
public static void Write(String format, params Object[] arg)
if (arg == null) // avoid ArgumentNullException from String.Format
Out.Write(format, null, null); // faster than Out.Write(format, (Object)arg);
Out.Write(format, arg);
public static void Write(bool value)
public static void Write(char value)
public static void Write(char[] buffer)
public static void Write(char[] buffer, int index, int count)
Out.Write(buffer, index, count);
public static void Write(double value)
public static void Write(decimal value)
public static void Write(float value)
public static void Write(int value)
public static void Write(uint value)
public static void Write(long value)
public static void Write(ulong value)
public static void Write(Object value)
public static void Write(String value)
internal static bool HandleBreakEvent(ConsoleSpecialKey controlKey)
ConsoleCancelEventHandler handler = s_cancelCallbacks;
if (handler == null)
return false;
var args = new ConsoleCancelEventArgs(controlKey);
handler(null, args);
return args.Cancel;
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