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Created February 5, 2014 13:09
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pbkdf2 implementation
import hmac
import struct
import hashlib
import binascii
def force_bytes(s, encoding='utf-8', strings_only=False, errors='strict'):
Similar to smart_bytes, except that lazy instances are resolved to
strings, rather than kept as lazy objects.
If strings_only is True, don't convert (some) non-string-like objects.
return s.decode('utf-8', errors).encode(encoding, errors)
def pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, dklen=0, digest=None):
assert iterations > 0
if not digest:
digest = hashlib.sha256
password = force_bytes(password)
salt = force_bytes(salt)
hlen = digest().digest_size
if not dklen:
dklen = hlen
if dklen > (2 ** 32 - 1) * hlen:
raise OverflowError('dklen too big')
l = -(-dklen // hlen)
r = dklen - (l - 1) * hlen
hex_format_string = "%%0%ix" % (hlen * 2)
inner, outer = digest(), digest()
if len(password) > inner.block_size:
password = digest(password).digest()
password += b'\x00' * (inner.block_size - len(password))
def F(i):
u = salt + struct.pack(b'>I', i)
result = 0
for j in xrange(int(iterations)):
dig1, dig2 = inner.copy(), outer.copy()
u = dig2.hexdigest()
result ^= _bin_to_long(u)
return _long_to_bin(result, hex_format_string)
T = [F(x) for x in range(1, l)]
return b''.join(T) + F(l)[:r]
def _bin_to_long(x):
Convert a binary string into a long integer
This is a clever optimization for fast xor vector math
return int(binascii.hexlify(x), 16)
def _long_to_bin(x, hex_format_string):
Convert a long integer into a binary string.
hex_format_string is like "%020x" for padding 10 characters.
return binascii.unhexlify((hex_format_string % x).encode('ascii'))
if __name__ == "__main__":
path = "/home/dmakogon/Documents/Trove/Trove-confs/templates/mysql/heat.template"
ololo = pbkdf2('lol', 'lol', 5, dklen=32)
print str(ololo.decode('ascii'))
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