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Last active October 11, 2020 10:29
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Python implementation of the French income tax computation, generated by
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File generated by the Mlang compiler
import yaml
from math import floor
class Singleton(type):
_instances = {}
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls not in cls._instances:
cls._instances[cls] = super(
Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
return cls._instances[cls]
class Undefined(metaclass=Singleton):
def __init__(self):
def __add__(self, rhs):
if isinstance(rhs, Undefined):
return self
return rhs
def __radd__(self, rhs):
if isinstance(rhs, Undefined):
return self
return rhs
def __sub__(self, rhs):
if isinstance(rhs, Undefined):
return self
return -rhs
def __rsub__(self, rhs):
if isinstance(rhs, Undefined):
return self
return rhs
def __mul__(self, rhs):
return self
def __rmul__(self, rhs):
return self
def __truediv__(self, rhs):
return self
def __rtruediv__(self, rhs):
return self
def __neg__(self):
return 0
def __lt__(self, rhs):
return self
def __le__(self, rhs):
return self
def __gt__(self, rhs):
return self
def __ge__(self, rhs):
return self
def __eq__(self, rhs):
return self
def __ne__(self, rhs):
return self
def m_cond(cond, true, false):
if isinstance(cond, Undefined):
return cond
return true if cond else false
def m_div(lhs, rhs):
if not isinstance(rhs, Undefined) and rhs == 0:
return 0
return lhs / rhs
def m_max(lhs, rhs):
return max(lhs + 0, rhs + 0)
def m_min(lhs, rhs):
return min(lhs + 0, rhs + 0)
def m_multimax(count, l):
m = l[0] + 0
for i in range(int(count)):
m = max(m, l[i+1] + 0)
return m
def m_round(x):
if isinstance(x, Undefined):
return x
return round(x)
def m_floor(x):
if isinstance(x, Undefined):
return x
return floor(x)
class GenericIndex:
def __init__(self, lambda_function):
self.l = lambda_function
def __getitem__(self, x):
return self.l(x)
local_variables = dict()
# The following keys must be present in the input:
# 1AX: CIMR - salaires revenus exceptionnels - dec1
# 4XD: CIMR - recettes exceptionnelles non retenues
# 1AO: Pensions alimentaires percues - Declarant 1
# 1BS: Pensions, retraites, rentes - Declarant 2
# 4BE: Regime Micro-foncier - Recettes brutes
# 1AJ: Salaires - Declarant 1
# 0AM: Case a cocher : situation de famille Maries
# 0CF: Nombre d'enfants mineurs ou handicapes
def extracted(input_variables):
# First we extract the input variables from the dictionnary:
var_1ax = input_variables["1AX"]
var_4xd = input_variables["4XD"]
var_1ao = input_variables["1AO"]
var_1bs = input_variables["1BS"]
var_4be = input_variables["4BE"]
var_1aj = input_variables["1AJ"]
var_0am = input_variables["0AM"]
var_0cf = input_variables["0CF"]
# Defined in file chap-83.m:51:7-31
micfr_831010_0 = m_round(var_4be * 0.300000)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 620:12 to 623:33
sombcosv_301257_1 = var_1aj + var_1ao
# Defined in file res-ser1.m:293:12-60
bool_0am_111060_0 = m_cond(
(m_cond((var_0am > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-83.m:61:7-20
rmf_831020_0 = var_4be - micfr_831010_0
# Defined in file chap-82.m:519:9-37
abtav_821190_0 = 4600.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:822:8-33
plrc_811070_1 = m_min(389.000000, var_1bs)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1556:9-35
tplrc_99992700_1 = m_min(389.000000, var_1bs)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:821:8-33
plrv_811070_0 = m_min(389.000000, var_1ao)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1555:9-35
tplrv_99992700_0 = m_min(389.000000, var_1ao)
# Defined in file chap-82.m:561:12-52
rnabt2ch_821212_4 = m_max(0.000000, (- abtav_821190_0))
# Defined in file chap-6.m:137:7-32
npa_601030_0 = var_0cf - 0.500000 * m_min(var_0cf, 2.000000)
# Defined in file chap-52.m:210:9-40
nbyv2_521040_1 = 1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0
# Defined in file chap-6.m, from 111:7 to 112:65
nsm_601020_0 = 1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0
# Defined in file res-ser1.m, from 43:7 to 58:13
sfm_111000_1 = m_cond((bool_0am_111060_0 == 1.000000),
Undefined(), Undefined())
# Defined in file chap-81.m:840:12-60
ind_apbc_811070_13 = m_cond(
(plrc_811070_1 - m_round(var_1bs * 0.100000) >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:831:8-45
apbc_811070_7 = m_max(plrc_811070_1, m_round(var_1bs * 0.100000))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1574:13-63
tind_apbc_99992700_13 = m_cond(
(tplrc_99992700_1 - m_round(var_1bs * 0.100000) >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1565:9-48
tapbc_99992700_7 = m_max(tplrc_99992700_1, m_round(var_1bs * 0.100000))
# Defined in file chap-81.m:839:12-60
ind_apbv_811070_12 = m_cond(
(plrv_811070_0 - m_round(var_1ao * 0.100000) >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:830:8-45
apbv_811070_6 = m_max(plrv_811070_0, m_round(var_1ao * 0.100000))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1573:13-63
tind_apbv_99992700_12 = m_cond(
(tplrv_99992700_0 - m_round(var_1ao * 0.100000) >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1564:9-48
tapbv_99992700_6 = m_max(tplrv_99992700_0, m_round(var_1ao * 0.100000))
# Defined in file chap-83.m:66:8-119
rmfn_831020_1 = m_max(0.000000, rmf_831020_0)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:152:10-40
tps10v_811010_0 = m_round(var_1aj * 0.100000)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:921:11-42
ttps10v_99992100_0 = m_round(var_1aj * 0.100000)
# Defined in file chap-82.m:563:12-48
abt2ch2_821212_5 = (- rnabt2ch_821212_4)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:847:9-66
pl_pb_811070_18 = m_round(3812.000000 - apbv_811070_6 *
ind_apbv_811070_12 + apbc_811070_7 * ind_apbc_811070_13)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1581:10-69
tpl_pb_99992700_18 = m_round(3812.000000 - tapbv_99992700_6 *
tind_apbv_99992700_12 + tapbc_99992700_7 * tind_apbc_99992700_13)
# Defined in file chap-83.m:69:12-128
pasrfass_831020_2 = m_cond(
(rmf_831020_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * rmfn_831020_1
# Defined in file chap-81.m:169:9-39
dfnv_811010_9 = m_min(12502.000000, tps10v_811010_0)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:931:10-41
tdfnv_99992100_6 = m_min(12502.000000, ttps10v_99992100_0)
# Defined in file chap-82.m:565:12-61
rnabt2dh_821212_6 = m_max(0.000000, (- abtav_821190_0 - abt2ch2_821212_5))
# Defined in file chap-81.m:860:9-118
abprv_811080_0 = m_round((1.000000 - ind_apbv_811070_12) * m_min(apbv_811070_6, pl_pb_811070_18 * (m_div(apbv_811070_6, apbv_811070_6 * (
1.000000 - ind_apbv_811070_12) + apbc_811070_7 * (1.000000 - ind_apbc_811070_13)))) + ind_apbv_811070_12 * apbv_811070_6)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1596:10-127
tabprv_99992800_0 = m_round((1.000000 - tind_apbv_99992700_12) * m_min(tapbv_99992700_6, tpl_pb_99992700_18 * (m_div(tapbv_99992700_6, tapbv_99992700_6 * (
1.000000 - tind_apbv_99992700_12) + tapbc_99992700_7 * (1.000000 - tind_apbc_99992700_13)))) + tind_apbv_99992700_12 * tapbv_99992700_6)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:221:16-58
ind_10min_0v_811020_18 = m_cond((437.000000 - dfnv_811010_9 > 0.000000),
1.000000, 0.000000) * m_cond((var_1aj > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:205:11-42
var_10minsv_811020_9 = m_max(m_min(var_1aj, 437.000000), dfnv_811010_9)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:967:17-62
tind_10min_0v_99992200_12 = m_cond((437.000000 - tdfnv_99992100_6 > 0.000000),
1.000000, 0.000000) * m_cond((var_1aj > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:957:12-46
t10minsv_99992200_6 = m_max(m_min(var_1aj, 437.000000), tdfnv_99992100_6)
# Defined in file chap-82.m:567:11-48
abt2dh2_821212_7 = (- rnabt2dh_821212_6)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1580:11 to 1584:23
pmenage_301400_3 = m_max(21037.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0) + 3797.000000 * (
(nsm_601020_0 - 1.000000) * (1.000000 - bool_0am_111060_0) + npa_601030_0) * 2.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1574:14 to 1578:23
pmenagemin_301400_2 = m_max(18985.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0) + 3797.000000 * (
(nsm_601020_0 - 1.000000) * (1.000000 - bool_0am_111060_0) + npa_601030_0) * 2.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-6.m:56:9-49
nbpt_601000_0 = m_div((nsm_601020_0 + npa_601030_0) * 10.000000, 10.000000)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 861:9 to 862:116
abprc_811080_1 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
apbv_811070_6 + apbc_811070_7, 3812.000000) - abprv_811080_0)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1597:10 to 1598:127
tabprc_99992800_1 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
tapbv_99992700_6 + tapbc_99992700_7, 3812.000000) - tabprv_99992800_0)
# Defined in file res-ser1.m, from 745:9 to 749:189
drfrp_111310_0 = m_cond((var_4be > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (lambda v124: m_cond(
(v124 < 0.000000), (- v124), v124))(m_min(0.000000, var_4be - micfr_831010_0))
# Defined in file chap-81.m:237:12-39
ind_minv_811020_27 = 1.000000 - \
m_cond((ind_10min_0v_811020_18 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:977:13-41
tind_minv_99992200_18 = 1.000000 - \
m_cond((tind_10min_0v_99992200_12 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-82.m:569:12-71
rnabt2vv_821212_8 = m_max(
0.000000, (- abtav_821190_0 - abt2ch2_821212_5 + abt2dh2_821212_7))
# Defined in file chap-51.m, from 1783:10 to 1790:26
plant_511350_1 = 3102.000000 * \
(nbpt_601000_0 - 1.000000 - bool_0am_111060_0)
# Defined in file chap-6.m, from 397:8 to 411:6
nsa2_601110_1 = m_min((1.000000 - m_cond((var_0cf > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * (m_cond((sfm_111000_1 - 14.000000 == 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) +
m_cond((sfm_111000_1 - 7.000000 == 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) + m_cond((sfm_111000_1 - 15.000000 == 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)), 1.000000) * 0.500000
# Defined in file chap-81.m:924:10-34
apr1bs_811090_36 = m_round(abprc_811080_1 * (m_div(var_1bs, var_1bs)))
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 863:9 to 864:116
abpr1_811080_2 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
apbv_811070_6 + apbc_811070_7, 3812.000000) - abprv_811080_0 - abprc_811080_1)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1666:11-36
tapr1bs_99992900_39 = m_round(
tabprc_99992800_1 * (m_div(var_1bs, var_1bs)))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1599:10 to 1600:127
tabpr1_99992800_2 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
tapbv_99992700_6 + tapbc_99992700_7, 3812.000000) - tabprv_99992800_0 - tabprc_99992800_1)
# Defined in file chap-83.m, from 39:8 to 40:163
rrfi_831000_0 = m_cond((var_4be - micfr_831010_0 > 0.000000),
1.000000, 0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, var_4be - micfr_831010_0)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:323:9-49
d10mv_811030_42 = ind_minv_811020_27 * dfnv_811010_9 + \
(1.000000 - ind_minv_811020_27) * var_10minsv_811020_9
# Defined in file chap-81.m:308:12-39
indeftsv_811030_33 = m_cond((var_1aj >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:299:8-26
fptv_811030_27 = m_max(0.000000, var_10minsv_811020_9)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:283:11-42
ind_10v_811030_17 = m_cond(
(var_10minsv_811020_9 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1038:10-54
td10mv_99992300_27 = tind_minv_99992200_18 * tdfnv_99992100_6 + \
(1.000000 - tind_minv_99992200_18) * t10minsv_99992200_6
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1028:9-29
tfptv_99992300_21 = m_max(0.000000, t10minsv_99992200_6)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1018:12-55
tind_10v_99992300_15 = m_cond(
(t10minsv_99992200_6 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-82.m:571:10-47
abt2vv_821212_9 = (- rnabt2vv_821212_8)
# Defined in file chap-51.m, from 1799:11 to 1803:49
placomp_511350_2 = 3094.000000 * m_max(0.000000, nsa2_601110_1)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 884:10 to 885:63
apr1al_811090_6 = (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000),
1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1160:11-25
prnn1bs_811100_12 = var_1bs - apr1bs_811090_36
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 865:9 to 866:116
abpr2_811080_3 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(apbv_811070_6 + apbc_811070_7,
3812.000000) - abprv_811080_0 - abprc_811080_1 - abpr1_811080_2)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1622:11 to 1623:64
tapr1al_99992900_6 = (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000),
1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1924:12-27
tprnn1bs_99992110_13 = var_1bs - tapr1bs_99992900_39
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1601:10 to 1602:127
tabpr2_99992800_3 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(tapbv_99992700_6 + tapbc_99992700_7,
3812.000000) - tabprv_99992800_0 - tabprc_99992800_1 - tabpr1_99992800_2)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:341:11-47
rep10v_811030_51 = ind_10v_811030_17 * d10mv_811030_42 + \
(1.000000 - ind_10v_811030_17) * fptv_811030_27
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1048:12-52
trep10v_99992300_33 = tind_10v_99992300_15 * td10mv_99992300_27 + \
(1.000000 - tind_10v_99992300_15) * tfptv_99992300_21
# Defined in file chap-82.m:605:11-53
impot75_821214_5 = rnabt2vv_821212_8 * 0.075000
# Defined in file chap-82.m:573:12-78
rnabt2ww_821212_10 = m_max(
0.000000, (- abtav_821190_0 - abt2ch2_821212_5 + abt2dh2_821212_7 + abt2vv_821212_9))
# Defined in file chap-82.m:542:8-35
epav_821210_0 = m_round(abt2dh2_821212_7 * 0.075000)
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1903:7-22
pla_511370_0 = plant_511350_1 + placomp_511350_2
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1148:11-26
prnn1al_811100_1 = (- apr1al_811090_6)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 927:10 to 928:63
apr1bl_811090_39 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - apr1bs_811090_36)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 867:9 to 868:116
abpr3_811080_4 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(apbv_811070_6 + apbc_811070_7, 3812.000000) -
abprv_811080_0 - abprc_811080_1 - abpr1_811080_2 - abpr2_811080_3)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1911:12-28
tprnn1al_99992110_1 = (- tapr1al_99992900_6)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1669:11 to 1670:64
tapr1bl_99992900_42 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - tapr1bs_99992900_39)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1603:10 to 1604:127
tabpr3_99992800_4 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(tapbv_99992700_6 + tapbc_99992700_7, 3812.000000) -
tabprv_99992800_0 - tabprc_99992800_1 - tabpr1_99992800_2 - tabpr2_99992800_3)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1915:10 to 1918:79
cipsrf_201910_0 = m_round(
m_max(0.000000, pasrfass_831020_2 * (m_div(var_4be - var_4xd, var_4be))))
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1724:10 to 1727:79
cimrrf_201900_40 = m_round(
m_max(0.000000, pasrfass_831020_2 * (m_div(var_4be - var_4xd, var_4be))))
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 644:8 to 646:61
bcos_301257_4 = m_min(0.000000, m_round(
0.010000 * sombcosv_301257_1 * ind_10v_811030_17))
# Defined in file chap-81.m:369:9-36
abts1aj_811040_3 = m_round(rep10v_811030_51 * (m_div(var_1aj, var_1aj)))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1069:10-39
tabts1aj_99992300_42 = m_round(
trep10v_99992300_33 * (m_div(var_1aj, var_1aj)))
# Defined in file chap-82.m:586:12-151
rcmimptn_821214_0 = m_round(rnabt2ww_821212_10)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 888:10 to 889:63
apr1am_811090_9 = (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - apr1al_811090_6)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1161:11-26
prnn1bl_811100_13 = (- apr1bl_811090_39)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:930:9-23
vartmp1_811090_41 = apr1bs_811090_36 + apr1bl_811090_39
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 970:10 to 971:63
apr1cl_811090_72 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:869:9-98
abpr4_811080_5 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(apbv_811070_6 + apbc_811070_7, 3812.000000) -
abprv_811080_0 - abprc_811080_1 - abpr1_811080_2 - abpr2_811080_3 - abpr3_811080_4)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1626:11 to 1627:64
tapr1am_99992900_9 = (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - tapr1al_99992900_6)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1925:12-28
tprnn1bl_99992110_14 = (- tapr1bl_99992900_42)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1672:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_44 = tapr1bs_99992900_39 + tapr1bl_99992900_42
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1716:11 to 1717:64
tapr1cl_99992900_78 = m_max(0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1605:10-110
tabpr4_99992800_5 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(tapbv_99992700_6 + tapbc_99992700_7, 3812.000000) -
tabprv_99992800_0 - tabprc_99992800_1 - tabpr1_99992800_2 - tabpr2_99992800_3 - tabpr3_99992800_4)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:652:10-52
cisynd_301257_6 = m_round(0.660000 * bcos_301257_4)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:725:10-28
tsn1aj_811060_0 = var_1aj - abts1aj_811040_3
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1453:11-30
ttsn1aj_899999999_0 = var_1aj - tabts1aj_99992300_42
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1149:11-26
prnn1am_811100_2 = (- apr1am_811090_9)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:891:9-23
vartmp1_811090_11 = apr1al_811090_6 + apr1am_811090_9
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 931:10 to 932:63
apr1bm_811090_42 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_41)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1174:11-26
prnn1cl_811100_25 = (- apr1cl_811090_72)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1013:10 to 1014:63
apr1dl_811090_105 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1912:12-28
tprnn1am_99992110_2 = (- tapr1am_99992900_9)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1629:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_11 = tapr1al_99992900_6 + tapr1am_99992900_9
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1673:11 to 1674:64
tapr1bm_99992900_45 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_44)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1939:12-28
tprnn1cl_99992110_27 = (- tapr1cl_99992900_78)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1763:11 to 1764:64
tapr1dl_99992900_114 = m_max(0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 372:10 to 373:64
abts1pm_811040_6 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - abts1aj_811040_3)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1072:11 to 1073:65
tabts1pm_99992300_45 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - tabts1aj_99992300_42)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 892:10 to 893:63
apr1az_811090_12 = (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_11)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1162:11-26
prnn1bm_811100_14 = (- apr1bm_811090_42)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:934:9-23
vartmp1_811090_44 = vartmp1_811090_41 + apr1bm_811090_42
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 974:10 to 975:63
apr1cm_811090_75 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - apr1cl_811090_72)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1187:11-26
prnn1dl_811100_37 = (- apr1dl_811090_105)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1056:10 to 1057:63
apr1el_811090_138 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1630:11 to 1631:64
tapr1az_99992900_12 = (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_11)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1926:12-28
tprnn1bm_99992110_15 = (- tapr1bm_99992900_45)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1676:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_47 = vartmp1_99992900_44 + tapr1bm_99992900_45
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1720:11 to 1721:64
tapr1cm_99992900_81 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - tapr1cl_99992900_78)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1953:12-28
tprnn1dl_99992110_40 = (- tapr1dl_99992900_114)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1810:11 to 1811:64
tapr1el_99992900_150 = m_max(0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:726:10-26
tsn1pm_811060_1 = (- abts1pm_811040_6)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:376:9-24
vartmp1_811040_8 = abts1aj_811040_3 + abts1pm_811040_6
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1454:11-28
ttsn1pm_899999999_1 = (- tabts1pm_99992300_45)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1076:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_47 = tabts1aj_99992300_42 + tabts1pm_99992300_45
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1150:11-26
prnn1az_811100_3 = (- apr1az_811090_12)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:895:9-23
vartmp1_811090_14 = vartmp1_811090_11 + apr1az_811090_12
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 935:10 to 936:63
apr1bz_811090_45 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_44)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1175:11-26
prnn1cm_811100_26 = (- apr1cm_811090_75)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:977:9-23
vartmp1_811090_77 = apr1cl_811090_72 + apr1cm_811090_75
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1017:10 to 1018:63
apr1dm_811090_108 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - apr1dl_811090_105)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1200:11-26
prnn1el_811100_49 = (- apr1el_811090_138)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1099:10 to 1100:63
apr1fl_811090_171 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1913:12-28
tprnn1az_99992110_3 = (- tapr1az_99992900_12)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1633:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_14 = vartmp1_99992900_11 + tapr1az_99992900_12
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1677:11 to 1678:64
tapr1bz_99992900_48 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_47)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1940:12-28
tprnn1cm_99992110_28 = (- tapr1cm_99992900_81)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1723:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_83 = tapr1cl_99992900_78 + tapr1cm_99992900_81
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1767:11 to 1768:64
tapr1dm_99992900_117 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - tapr1dl_99992900_114)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1967:12-28
tprnn1el_99992110_53 = (- tapr1el_99992900_150)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1857:11 to 1858:64
tapr1fl_99992900_186 = m_max(0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 377:10 to 378:64
abts1tp_811040_9 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_8)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1077:11 to 1078:65
tabts1tp_99992300_48 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_47)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 896:10 to 897:63
apr1ao_811090_15 = m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_14)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1163:11-26
prnn1bz_811100_15 = (- apr1bz_811090_45)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:938:9-23
vartmp1_811090_47 = vartmp1_811090_44 + apr1bz_811090_45
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 978:10 to 979:63
apr1cz_811090_78 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_77)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1188:11-26
prnn1dm_811100_38 = (- apr1dm_811090_108)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1020:9-23
vartmp1_811090_110 = apr1dl_811090_105 + apr1dm_811090_108
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1060:10 to 1061:63
apr1em_811090_141 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - apr1el_811090_138)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1213:11-26
prnn1fl_811100_61 = (- apr1fl_811090_171)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1634:11 to 1635:64
tapr1ao_99992900_15 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_14)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1927:12-28
tprnn1bz_99992110_16 = (- tapr1bz_99992900_48)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1680:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_50 = vartmp1_99992900_47 + tapr1bz_99992900_48
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1724:11 to 1725:64
tapr1cz_99992900_84 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_83)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1954:12-28
tprnn1dm_99992110_41 = (- tapr1dm_99992900_117)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1770:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_119 = tapr1dl_99992900_114 + tapr1dm_99992900_117
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1814:11 to 1815:64
tapr1em_99992900_153 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - tapr1el_99992900_150)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1981:12-28
tprnn1fl_99992110_66 = (- tapr1fl_99992900_186)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:727:10-26
tsn1tp_811060_2 = (- abts1tp_811040_9)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:381:9-24
vartmp1_811040_11 = vartmp1_811040_8 + abts1tp_811040_9
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1455:11-28
ttsn1tp_899999999_2 = (- tabts1tp_99992300_48)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1081:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_50 = vartmp1_99992300_47 + tabts1tp_99992300_48
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1151:11-25
prnn1ao_811100_4 = var_1ao - apr1ao_811090_15
# Defined in file chap-81.m:899:9-23
vartmp1_811090_17 = vartmp1_811090_14 + apr1ao_811090_15
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 939:10 to 940:63
apr1bo_811090_48 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_47)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1176:11-26
prnn1cz_811100_27 = (- apr1cz_811090_78)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:981:9-23
vartmp1_811090_80 = vartmp1_811090_77 + apr1cz_811090_78
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1021:10 to 1022:63
apr1dz_811090_111 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_110)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1201:11-26
prnn1em_811100_50 = (- apr1em_811090_141)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1063:9-23
vartmp1_811090_143 = apr1el_811090_138 + apr1em_811090_141
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1103:10 to 1104:63
apr1fm_811090_174 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - apr1fl_811090_171)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1914:12-27
tprnn1ao_99992110_4 = var_1ao - tapr1ao_99992900_15
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1637:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_17 = vartmp1_99992900_14 + tapr1ao_99992900_15
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1681:11 to 1682:64
tapr1bo_99992900_51 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_50)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1941:12-28
tprnn1cz_99992110_29 = (- tapr1cz_99992900_84)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1727:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_86 = vartmp1_99992900_83 + tapr1cz_99992900_84
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1771:11 to 1772:64
tapr1dz_99992900_120 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_119)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1968:12-28
tprnn1em_99992110_54 = (- tapr1em_99992900_153)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1817:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_155 = tapr1el_99992900_150 + tapr1em_99992900_153
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1861:11 to 1862:64
tapr1fm_99992900_189 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - tapr1fl_99992900_186)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 382:10 to 383:64
abts1nx_811040_12 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_11)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1082:11 to 1083:65
tabts1nx_99992300_51 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_50)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 900:10 to 901:63
aprras_811090_18 = m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_17)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1164:11-25
prnn1bo_811100_16 = (- apr1bo_811090_48)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:942:9-23
vartmp1_811090_50 = vartmp1_811090_47 + apr1bo_811090_48
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 982:10 to 983:63
apr1co_811090_81 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_80)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1189:11-26
prnn1dz_811100_39 = (- apr1dz_811090_111)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1024:9-23
vartmp1_811090_113 = vartmp1_811090_110 + apr1dz_811090_111
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1064:10 to 1065:63
apr1ez_811090_144 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_143)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1214:11-26
prnn1fm_811100_62 = (- apr1fm_811090_174)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1106:9-23
vartmp1_811090_176 = apr1fl_811090_171 + apr1fm_811090_174
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1638:11 to 1639:64
taprras_99992900_18 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_17)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1928:12-27
tprnn1bo_99992110_17 = (- tapr1bo_99992900_51)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1684:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_53 = vartmp1_99992900_50 + tapr1bo_99992900_51
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1728:11 to 1729:64
tapr1co_99992900_87 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_86)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1955:12-28
tprnn1dz_99992110_42 = (- tapr1dz_99992900_120)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1774:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_122 = vartmp1_99992900_119 + tapr1dz_99992900_120
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1818:11 to 1819:64
tapr1ez_99992900_156 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_155)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1982:12-28
tprnn1fm_99992110_67 = (- tapr1fm_99992900_189)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1864:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_191 = tapr1fl_99992900_186 + tapr1fm_99992900_189
# Defined in file chap-81.m:728:10-26
tsn1nx_811060_3 = (- abts1nx_811040_12)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:386:9-24
vartmp1_811040_14 = vartmp1_811040_11 + abts1nx_811040_12
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1456:11-28
ttsn1nx_899999999_3 = (- tabts1nx_99992300_51)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1086:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_53 = vartmp1_99992300_50 + tabts1nx_99992300_51
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1291:12-97
cipsbase_301374_0 = m_round(cipsrf_201910_0)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1152:11-26
prnnras_811100_5 = (- aprras_811090_18)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:903:9-23
vartmp1_811090_20 = vartmp1_811090_17 + aprras_811090_18
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 943:10 to 944:63
aprrbs_811090_51 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_50)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1177:11-25
prnn1co_811100_28 = (- apr1co_811090_81)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:985:9-23
vartmp1_811090_83 = vartmp1_811090_80 + apr1co_811090_81
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1025:10 to 1026:63
apr1do_811090_114 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_113)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1202:11-26
prnn1ez_811100_51 = (- apr1ez_811090_144)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1067:9-23
vartmp1_811090_146 = vartmp1_811090_143 + apr1ez_811090_144
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1107:10 to 1108:63
apr1fz_811090_177 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_176)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1915:12-28
tprnnras_99992110_5 = (- taprras_99992900_18)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1641:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_20 = vartmp1_99992900_17 + taprras_99992900_18
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1685:11 to 1686:64
taprrbs_99992900_54 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_53)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1942:12-27
tprnn1co_99992110_30 = (- tapr1co_99992900_87)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1731:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_89 = vartmp1_99992900_86 + tapr1co_99992900_87
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1775:11 to 1776:64
tapr1do_99992900_123 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_122)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1969:12-28
tprnn1ez_99992110_55 = (- tapr1ez_99992900_156)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1821:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_158 = vartmp1_99992900_155 + tapr1ez_99992900_156
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1865:11 to 1866:64
tapr1fz_99992900_192 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_191)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 387:10 to 388:64
abts1af_811040_15 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_14)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1087:11 to 1088:65
tabts1af_99992300_54 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_53)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 904:10 to 905:63
aprral_811090_21 = m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_20)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1165:11-26
prnnrbs_811100_17 = (- aprrbs_811090_51)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:946:9-23
vartmp1_811090_53 = vartmp1_811090_50 + aprrbs_811090_51
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 986:10 to 987:63
aprrcs_811090_84 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_83)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1190:11-25
prnn1do_811100_40 = (- apr1do_811090_114)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1028:9-23
vartmp1_811090_116 = vartmp1_811090_113 + apr1do_811090_114
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1068:10 to 1069:63
apr1eo_811090_147 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_146)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1215:11-26
prnn1fz_811100_63 = (- apr1fz_811090_177)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1110:9-23
vartmp1_811090_179 = vartmp1_811090_176 + apr1fz_811090_177
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1642:11 to 1643:64
taprral_99992900_21 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_20)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1929:12-28
tprnnrbs_99992110_18 = (- taprrbs_99992900_54)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1688:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_56 = vartmp1_99992900_53 + taprrbs_99992900_54
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1732:11 to 1733:64
taprrcs_99992900_90 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_89)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1956:12-27
tprnn1do_99992110_43 = (- tapr1do_99992900_123)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1778:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_125 = vartmp1_99992900_122 + tapr1do_99992900_123
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1822:11 to 1823:64
tapr1eo_99992900_159 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_158)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1983:12-28
tprnn1fz_99992110_68 = (- tapr1fz_99992900_192)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1868:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_194 = vartmp1_99992900_191 + tapr1fz_99992900_192
# Defined in file chap-81.m:729:10-26
tsn1af_811060_4 = (- abts1af_811040_15)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:391:9-24
vartmp1_811040_17 = vartmp1_811040_14 + abts1af_811040_15
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1457:11-28
ttsn1af_899999999_4 = (- tabts1af_99992300_54)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1091:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_56 = vartmp1_99992300_53 + tabts1af_99992300_54
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1153:11-26
prnnral_811100_6 = (- aprral_811090_21)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:907:9-23
vartmp1_811090_23 = vartmp1_811090_20 + aprral_811090_21
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 947:10 to 948:63
aprrbl_811090_54 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_53)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1178:11-27
prnnrcs_811100_29 = (- aprrcs_811090_84)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:989:9-23
vartmp1_811090_86 = vartmp1_811090_83 + aprrcs_811090_84
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1029:10 to 1030:63
aprrds_811090_117 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_116)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1203:11-25
prnn1eo_811100_52 = (- apr1eo_811090_147)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1071:9-23
vartmp1_811090_149 = vartmp1_811090_146 + apr1eo_811090_147
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1111:10 to 1112:63
apr1fo_811090_180 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_179)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1916:12-28
tprnnral_99992110_6 = (- taprral_99992900_21)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1645:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_23 = vartmp1_99992900_20 + taprral_99992900_21
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1689:11 to 1690:64
taprrbl_99992900_57 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_56)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1943:12-29
tprnnrcs_99992110_31 = (- taprrcs_99992900_90)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1735:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_92 = vartmp1_99992900_89 + taprrcs_99992900_90
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1779:11 to 1780:64
taprrds_99992900_126 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_125)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1970:12-27
tprnn1eo_99992110_56 = (- tapr1eo_99992900_159)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1825:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_161 = vartmp1_99992900_158 + tapr1eo_99992900_159
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1869:11 to 1870:64
tapr1fo_99992900_195 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_194)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 392:10 to 393:64
abts1ag_811040_18 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_17)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1092:11 to 1093:65
tabts1ag_99992300_57 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_56)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 908:10 to 909:63
aprram_811090_24 = m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_23)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1166:11-26
prnnrbl_811100_18 = (- aprrbl_811090_54)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:950:9-23
vartmp1_811090_56 = vartmp1_811090_53 + aprrbl_811090_54
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 990:10 to 991:63
aprrcl_811090_87 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_86)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1191:11-27
prnnrds_811100_41 = (- aprrds_811090_117)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1032:9-23
vartmp1_811090_119 = vartmp1_811090_116 + aprrds_811090_117
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1072:10 to 1073:63
aprres_811090_150 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_149)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1216:11-25
prnn1fo_811100_64 = (- apr1fo_811090_180)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1114:9-23
vartmp1_811090_182 = vartmp1_811090_179 + apr1fo_811090_180
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1646:11 to 1647:64
taprram_99992900_24 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_23)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1930:12-28
tprnnrbl_99992110_19 = (- taprrbl_99992900_57)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1692:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_59 = vartmp1_99992900_56 + taprrbl_99992900_57
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1736:11 to 1737:64
taprrcl_99992900_93 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_92)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1957:12-29
tprnnrds_99992110_44 = (- taprrds_99992900_126)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1782:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_128 = vartmp1_99992900_125 + taprrds_99992900_126
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1826:11 to 1827:64
taprres_99992900_162 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_161)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1984:12-27
tprnn1fo_99992110_69 = (- tapr1fo_99992900_195)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1872:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_197 = vartmp1_99992900_194 + tapr1fo_99992900_195
# Defined in file chap-81.m:730:10-26
tsn1ag_811060_5 = (- abts1ag_811040_18)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:396:9-24
vartmp1_811040_20 = vartmp1_811040_17 + abts1ag_811040_18
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1458:11-28
ttsn1ag_899999999_5 = (- tabts1ag_99992300_57)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1096:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_59 = vartmp1_99992300_56 + tabts1ag_99992300_57
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1154:11-26
prnnram_811100_7 = (- aprram_811090_24)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:911:9-23
vartmp1_811090_26 = vartmp1_811090_23 + aprram_811090_24
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 951:10 to 952:63
aprrbm_811090_57 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_56)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1179:11-26
prnnrcl_811100_30 = (- aprrcl_811090_87)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:993:9-23
vartmp1_811090_89 = vartmp1_811090_86 + aprrcl_811090_87
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1033:10 to 1034:63
aprrdl_811090_120 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_119)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1204:11-27
prnnres_811100_53 = (- aprres_811090_150)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1075:9-23
vartmp1_811090_152 = vartmp1_811090_149 + aprres_811090_150
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1115:10 to 1116:63
aprrfs_811090_183 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_182)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1917:12-28
tprnnram_99992110_7 = (- taprram_99992900_24)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1649:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_26 = vartmp1_99992900_23 + taprram_99992900_24
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1693:11 to 1694:64
taprrbm_99992900_60 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_59)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1944:12-28
tprnnrcl_99992110_32 = (- taprrcl_99992900_93)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1739:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_95 = vartmp1_99992900_92 + taprrcl_99992900_93
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1783:11 to 1784:64
taprrdl_99992900_129 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_128)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1971:12-29
tprnnres_99992110_57 = (- taprres_99992900_162)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1829:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_164 = vartmp1_99992900_161 + taprres_99992900_162
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1873:11 to 1874:64
taprrfs_99992900_198 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_197)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 397:10 to 398:64
abts1ap_811040_21 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_20)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1097:11 to 1098:65
tabts1ac_99992300_60 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_59)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 912:10 to 913:63
aprraz_811090_27 = m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_26)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1167:11-26
prnnrbm_811100_19 = (- aprrbm_811090_57)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:954:9-23
vartmp1_811090_59 = vartmp1_811090_56 + aprrbm_811090_57
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 994:10 to 995:63
aprrcm_811090_90 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_89)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1192:11-26
prnnrdl_811100_42 = (- aprrdl_811090_120)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1036:9-23
vartmp1_811090_122 = vartmp1_811090_119 + aprrdl_811090_120
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1076:10 to 1077:63
aprrel_811090_153 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_152)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1217:11-27
prnnrfs_811100_65 = (- aprrfs_811090_183)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1118:9-23
vartmp1_811090_185 = vartmp1_811090_182 + aprrfs_811090_183
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1650:11 to 1651:64
taprraz_99992900_27 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_26)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1931:12-28
tprnnrbm_99992110_20 = (- taprrbm_99992900_60)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1696:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_62 = vartmp1_99992900_59 + taprrbm_99992900_60
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1740:11 to 1741:64
taprrcm_99992900_96 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_95)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1958:12-28
tprnnrdl_99992110_45 = (- taprrdl_99992900_129)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1786:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_131 = vartmp1_99992900_128 + taprrdl_99992900_129
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1830:11 to 1831:64
taprrel_99992900_165 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_164)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1985:12-29
tprnnrfs_99992110_70 = (- taprrfs_99992900_198)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1876:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_200 = vartmp1_99992900_197 + taprrfs_99992900_198
# Defined in file chap-81.m:731:10-25
tsn1ap_811060_6 = (- abts1ap_811040_21)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:401:9-24
vartmp1_811040_23 = vartmp1_811040_20 + abts1ap_811040_21
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1459:11-28
ttsn1ac_899999999_6 = (- tabts1ac_99992300_60)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1101:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_62 = vartmp1_99992300_59 + tabts1ac_99992300_60
# Defined in file res-ser1.m:715:8-19
rrcm_111290_0 = m_max(0.000000, rnabt2ch_821212_4)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1155:11-26
prnnraz_811100_8 = (- aprraz_811090_27)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:914:9-23
vartmp1_811090_28 = vartmp1_811090_26 + aprraz_811090_27
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 955:10 to 956:63
aprrbz_811090_60 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_59)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1180:11-26
prnnrcm_811100_31 = (- aprrcm_811090_90)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:997:9-23
vartmp1_811090_92 = vartmp1_811090_89 + aprrcm_811090_90
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1037:10 to 1038:63
aprrdm_811090_123 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_122)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1205:11-26
prnnrel_811100_54 = (- aprrel_811090_153)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1079:9-23
vartmp1_811090_155 = vartmp1_811090_152 + aprrel_811090_153
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1119:10 to 1120:63
aprrfl_811090_186 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_185)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1918:12-28
tprnnraz_99992110_8 = (- taprraz_99992900_27)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1653:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_29 = vartmp1_99992900_26 + taprraz_99992900_27
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1697:11 to 1698:64
taprrbz_99992900_63 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_62)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1945:12-28
tprnnrcm_99992110_33 = (- taprrcm_99992900_96)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1743:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_98 = vartmp1_99992900_95 + taprrcm_99992900_96
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1787:11 to 1788:64
taprrdm_99992900_132 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_131)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1972:12-28
tprnnrel_99992110_58 = (- taprrel_99992900_165)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1833:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_167 = vartmp1_99992900_164 + taprrel_99992900_165
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1877:11 to 1878:64
taprrfl_99992900_201 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_200)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 402:10 to 403:64
abts3vj_811040_24 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_23)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1102:11 to 1103:65
tabts1ap_99992300_63 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_62)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 915:10 to 916:61
aprrao_811090_29 = m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_28)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1168:11-26
prnnrbz_811100_20 = (- aprrbz_811090_60)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:957:9-23
vartmp1_811090_61 = vartmp1_811090_59 + aprrbz_811090_60
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 998:10 to 999:63
aprrcz_811090_93 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_92)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1193:11-26
prnnrdm_811100_43 = (- aprrdm_811090_123)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1040:9-23
vartmp1_811090_125 = vartmp1_811090_122 + aprrdm_811090_123
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1080:10 to 1081:63
aprrem_811090_156 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_155)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1218:11-26
prnnrfl_811100_66 = (- aprrfl_811090_186)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1122:9-23
vartmp1_811090_188 = vartmp1_811090_185 + aprrfl_811090_186
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1654:11 to 1655:64
taprrao_99992900_30 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_29)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1932:12-28
tprnnrbz_99992110_21 = (- taprrbz_99992900_63)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1700:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_65 = vartmp1_99992900_62 + taprrbz_99992900_63
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1744:11 to 1745:64
taprrcz_99992900_99 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_98)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1959:12-28
tprnnrdm_99992110_46 = (- taprrdm_99992900_132)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1790:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_134 = vartmp1_99992900_131 + taprrdm_99992900_132
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1834:11 to 1835:64
taprrem_99992900_168 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_167)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1986:12-28
tprnnrfl_99992110_71 = (- taprrfl_99992900_201)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1880:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_203 = vartmp1_99992900_200 + taprrfl_99992900_201
# Defined in file chap-81.m:732:10-27
tsn3vj_811060_7 = (- abts3vj_811040_24)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:406:9-24
vartmp1_811040_26 = vartmp1_811040_23 + abts3vj_811040_24
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1460:11-27
ttsn1ap_899999999_7 = (- tabts1ap_99992300_63)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1106:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_65 = vartmp1_99992300_62 + tabts1ap_99992300_63
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1156:11-27
prnnrao_811100_9 = (- aprrao_811090_29)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:917:9-23
vartmp1_811090_30 = vartmp1_811090_28 + aprrao_811090_29
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 958:10 to 959:61
aprrbo_811090_62 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_61)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1181:11-26
prnnrcz_811100_32 = (- aprrcz_811090_93)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1000:9-23
vartmp1_811090_94 = vartmp1_811090_92 + aprrcz_811090_93
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1041:10 to 1042:63
aprrdz_811090_126 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_125)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1206:11-26
prnnrem_811100_55 = (- aprrem_811090_156)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1083:9-23
vartmp1_811090_158 = vartmp1_811090_155 + aprrem_811090_156
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1123:10 to 1124:63
aprrfm_811090_189 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_188)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1919:12-29
tprnnrao_99992110_9 = (- taprrao_99992900_30)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1656:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_31 = vartmp1_99992900_29 + taprrao_99992900_30
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1701:11 to 1702:64
taprrbo_99992900_66 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_65)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1946:12-28
tprnnrcz_99992110_34 = (- taprrcz_99992900_99)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1747:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_101 = vartmp1_99992900_98 + taprrcz_99992900_99
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1791:11 to 1792:64
taprrdz_99992900_135 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_134)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1973:12-28
tprnnrem_99992110_59 = (- taprrem_99992900_168)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1837:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_170 = vartmp1_99992900_167 + taprrem_99992900_168
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1881:11 to 1882:64
taprrfm_99992900_204 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_203)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 407:10 to 408:64
abts1tt_811040_27 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_26)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1107:11 to 1108:65
tabts3vj_99992300_66 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_65)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:918:10-30
aprfas_811090_31 = m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_30)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1169:11-27
prnnrbo_811100_21 = (- aprrbo_811090_62)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:960:9-23
vartmp1_811090_63 = vartmp1_811090_61 + aprrbo_811090_62
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1001:10 to 1002:61
aprrco_811090_95 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_94)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1194:11-26
prnnrdz_811100_44 = (- aprrdz_811090_126)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1043:9-23
vartmp1_811090_127 = vartmp1_811090_125 + aprrdz_811090_126
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1084:10 to 1085:63
aprrez_811090_159 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_158)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1219:11-26
prnnrfm_811100_67 = (- aprrfm_811090_189)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1126:9-23
vartmp1_811090_191 = vartmp1_811090_188 + aprrfm_811090_189
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1657:11 to 1658:62
tapr1ah_99992900_32 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_31)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1933:12-29
tprnnrbo_99992110_22 = (- taprrbo_99992900_66)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1703:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_67 = vartmp1_99992900_65 + taprrbo_99992900_66
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1748:11 to 1749:64
taprrco_99992900_102 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_101)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1960:12-28
tprnnrdz_99992110_47 = (- taprrdz_99992900_135)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1794:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_137 = vartmp1_99992900_134 + taprrdz_99992900_135
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1838:11 to 1839:64
taprrez_99992900_171 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_170)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1987:12-28
tprnnrfm_99992110_72 = (- taprrfm_99992900_204)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1884:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_206 = vartmp1_99992900_203 + taprrfm_99992900_204
# Defined in file chap-81.m:733:10-28
tsn1tt_811060_8 = (- abts1tt_811040_27)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:411:9-24
vartmp1_811040_29 = vartmp1_811040_26 + abts1tt_811040_27
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1461:11-29
ttsn3vj_899999999_8 = (- tabts3vj_99992300_66)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1111:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_68 = vartmp1_99992300_65 + tabts3vj_99992300_66
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1157:11-25
prnnfas_811100_10 = (- aprfas_811090_31)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:961:10-30
aprfbs_811090_64 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_63)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1182:11-28
prnnrco_811100_33 = (- aprrco_811090_95)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1003:9-23
vartmp1_811090_96 = vartmp1_811090_94 + aprrco_811090_95
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1044:10 to 1045:61
aprrdo_811090_128 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_127)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1207:11-26
prnnrez_811100_56 = (- aprrez_811090_159)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1086:9-23
vartmp1_811090_160 = vartmp1_811090_158 + aprrez_811090_159
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1127:10 to 1128:63
aprrfz_811090_192 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_191)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1920:12-28
tprnn1ah_99992110_10 = (- tapr1ah_99992900_32)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1659:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_33 = vartmp1_99992900_31 + tapr1ah_99992900_32
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1704:11 to 1705:62
tapr1bh_99992900_68 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_67)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1947:12-30
tprnnrco_99992110_35 = (- taprrco_99992900_102)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1750:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_103 = vartmp1_99992900_101 + taprrco_99992900_102
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1795:11 to 1796:64
taprrdo_99992900_138 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_137)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1974:12-28
tprnnrez_99992110_60 = (- taprrez_99992900_171)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1841:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_173 = vartmp1_99992900_170 + taprrez_99992900_171
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1885:11 to 1886:64
taprrfz_99992900_207 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_206)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 412:10 to 413:64
abts1gb_811040_30 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_29)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1112:11 to 1113:65
tabts1tt_99992300_69 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_68)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1158:9-96
prnnv_811100_11 = prnn1al_811100_1 + prnn1am_811100_2 + prnn1az_811100_3 + prnn1ao_811100_4 + \
prnnras_811100_5 + prnnraz_811100_8 + prnnrao_811100_9 + \
prnnfas_811100_10 + prnnral_811100_6 + prnnram_811100_7
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1170:11-25
prnnfbs_811100_22 = (- aprfbs_811090_64)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1004:10-30
aprfcs_811090_97 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_96)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1195:11-28
prnnrdo_811100_45 = (- aprrdo_811090_128)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1046:9-23
vartmp1_811090_129 = vartmp1_811090_127 + aprrdo_811090_128
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1087:10 to 1088:61
aprreo_811090_161 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_160)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1220:11-26
prnnrfz_811100_68 = (- aprrfz_811090_192)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1129:9-23
vartmp1_811090_193 = vartmp1_811090_191 + aprrfz_811090_192
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1660:11-32
taprfas_99992900_34 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_33)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1934:12-28
tprnn1bh_99992110_23 = (- tapr1bh_99992900_68)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1706:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_69 = vartmp1_99992900_67 + tapr1bh_99992900_68
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1751:11 to 1752:62
tapr1ch_99992900_104 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_103)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1961:12-30
tprnnrdo_99992110_48 = (- taprrdo_99992900_138)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1797:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_139 = vartmp1_99992900_137 + taprrdo_99992900_138
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1842:11 to 1843:64
taprreo_99992900_174 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_173)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1988:12-28
tprnnrfz_99992110_73 = (- taprrfz_99992900_207)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1888:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_209 = vartmp1_99992900_206 + taprrfz_99992900_207
# Defined in file chap-81.m:738:11-27
tsn1gb_811060_13 = (- abts1gb_811040_30)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:416:9-24
vartmp1_811040_32 = vartmp1_811040_29 + abts1gb_811040_30
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1462:11-30
ttsn1tt_899999999_9 = (- tabts1tt_99992300_69)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1116:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_71 = vartmp1_99992300_68 + tabts1tt_99992300_69
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1183:11-25
prnnfcs_811100_34 = (- aprfcs_811090_97)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1047:10-30
aprfds_811090_130 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_129)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1208:11-28
prnnreo_811100_57 = (- aprreo_811090_161)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1089:9-23
vartmp1_811090_162 = vartmp1_811090_160 + aprreo_811090_161
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1130:10 to 1131:61
aprrfo_811090_194 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_193)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1921:12-27
tprnnfas_99992110_11 = (- taprfas_99992900_34)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1707:11-32
taprfbs_99992900_70 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_69)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1948:12-28
tprnn1ch_99992110_36 = (- tapr1ch_99992900_104)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1753:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_105 = vartmp1_99992900_103 + tapr1ch_99992900_104
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1798:11 to 1799:62
tapr1dh_99992900_140 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_139)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1975:12-30
tprnnreo_99992110_61 = (- taprreo_99992900_174)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1844:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_175 = vartmp1_99992900_173 + taprreo_99992900_174
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1889:11 to 1890:64
taprrfo_99992900_210 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_209)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 417:10 to 418:64
abts1aa_811040_33 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_32)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1117:11 to 1118:65
tabts1gb_99992300_72 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_71)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1196:11-25
prnnfds_811100_46 = (- aprfds_811090_130)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1090:10-30
aprfes_811090_163 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_162)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1221:11-28
prnnrfo_811100_69 = (- aprrfo_811090_194)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1132:9-23
vartmp1_811090_195 = vartmp1_811090_193 + aprrfo_811090_194
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1922:10-118
tprnnv_99992110_12 = tprnn1al_99992110_1 + tprnn1am_99992110_2 + tprnn1az_99992110_3 + tprnn1ao_99992110_4 + tprnnras_99992110_5 + \
tprnnraz_99992110_8 + tprnnrao_99992110_9 + tprnn1ah_99992110_10 + \
tprnnfas_99992110_11 + tprnnral_99992110_6 + tprnnram_99992110_7
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1935:12-27
tprnnfbs_99992110_24 = (- taprfbs_99992900_70)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1754:11-32
taprfcs_99992900_106 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_105)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1962:12-28
tprnn1dh_99992110_49 = (- tapr1dh_99992900_140)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1800:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_141 = vartmp1_99992900_139 + tapr1dh_99992900_140
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1845:11 to 1846:62
tapr1eh_99992900_176 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_175)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1989:12-30
tprnnrfo_99992110_74 = (- taprrfo_99992900_210)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1891:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_211 = vartmp1_99992900_209 + taprrfo_99992900_210
# Defined in file chap-81.m:739:11-27
tsn1aa_811060_14 = (- abts1aa_811040_33)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:421:9-24
vartmp1_811040_35 = vartmp1_811040_32 + abts1aa_811040_33
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1467:12-29
ttsn1gb_899999999_14 = (- tabts1gb_99992300_72)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1121:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_74 = vartmp1_99992300_71 + tabts1gb_99992300_72
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1209:11-25
prnnfes_811100_58 = (- aprfes_811090_163)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1133:10-30
aprffs_811090_196 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_195)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1949:12-27
tprnnfcs_99992110_37 = (- taprfcs_99992900_106)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1801:11-32
taprfds_99992900_142 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_141)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1976:12-28
tprnn1eh_99992110_62 = (- tapr1eh_99992900_176)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1847:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_177 = vartmp1_99992900_175 + tapr1eh_99992900_176
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1892:11 to 1893:62
tapr1fh_99992900_212 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_211)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 422:10 to 423:64
abts1gf_811040_36 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_35)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1122:11 to 1123:65
tabts1aa_99992300_75 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_74)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1222:11-25
prnnffs_811100_70 = (- aprffs_811090_196)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1963:12-27
tprnnfds_99992110_50 = (- taprfds_99992900_142)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1848:11-32
taprfes_99992900_178 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_177)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1990:12-28
tprnn1fh_99992110_75 = (- tapr1fh_99992900_212)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1894:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_213 = vartmp1_99992900_211 + tapr1fh_99992900_212
# Defined in file chap-81.m:740:11-27
tsn1gf_811060_15 = (- abts1gf_811040_36)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:426:9-24
vartmp1_811040_38 = vartmp1_811040_35 + abts1gf_811040_36
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1468:12-29
ttsn1aa_899999999_15 = (- tabts1aa_99992300_75)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1126:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_77 = vartmp1_99992300_74 + tabts1aa_99992300_75
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1977:12-27
tprnnfes_99992110_63 = (- taprfes_99992900_178)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1895:11-32
taprffs_99992900_214 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_213)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1618:10 to 1619:73
tsn1ax_201900_0 = m_round(var_1ax * (m_div(tsn1aj_811060_0 + tsn1aa_811060_14 + tsn1gf_811060_15 + tsn1gb_811060_13 +
tsn1ap_811060_6 + tsn1ag_811060_5, var_1aj))) * m_cond((var_1aj > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 427:10 to 428:64
abtsraj_811040_39 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_38)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1127:11 to 1128:65
tabts1gf_99992300_78 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_77)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1991:12-27
tprnnffs_99992110_76 = (- taprffs_99992900_214)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1623:12-81
salcimrv_201900_3 = m_max(0.000000, tsn1aj_811060_0 + tsn1aa_811060_14 + tsn1gf_811060_15 +
tsn1gb_811060_13 + tsn1ap_811060_6 + (tsn1ag_811060_5 - tsn1ax_201900_0))
# Defined in file chap-81.m:734:11-27
tsnraj_811060_9 = (- abtsraj_811040_39)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:431:9-24
vartmp1_811040_41 = vartmp1_811040_38 + abtsraj_811040_39
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1469:12-29
ttsn1gf_899999999_16 = (- tabts1gf_99992300_78)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1131:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_80 = vartmp1_99992300_77 + tabts1gf_99992300_78
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 432:10 to 433:64
abtsrap_811040_42 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_41)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1132:11 to 1133:65
tabtsraj_99992300_81 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_80)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:735:11-28
tsnrap_811060_10 = (- abtsrap_811040_42)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:436:9-24
vartmp1_811040_44 = vartmp1_811040_41 + abtsrap_811040_42
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1463:12-29
ttsnraj_899999999_10 = (- tabtsraj_99992300_81)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1136:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_83 = vartmp1_99992300_80 + tabtsraj_99992300_81
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 437:10 to 438:64
abtsraf_811040_45 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_44)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1137:11 to 1138:65
tabtsrap_99992300_84 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_83)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:741:11-27
tsnraf_811060_16 = (- abtsraf_811040_45)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:441:9-24
vartmp1_811040_47 = vartmp1_811040_44 + abtsraf_811040_45
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1464:12-30
ttsnrap_899999999_11 = (- tabtsrap_99992300_84)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1141:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_86 = vartmp1_99992300_83 + tabtsrap_99992300_84
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 442:10 to 443:64
abtsrag_811040_48 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_47)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1142:11 to 1143:65
tabtsraf_99992300_87 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_86)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:742:11-27
tsnrag_811060_17 = (- abtsrag_811040_48)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:445:9-24
abtsv_811040_49 = vartmp1_811040_47 + abtsrag_811040_48
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1470:12-29
ttsnraf_899999999_17 = (- tabtsraf_99992300_87)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1146:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_89 = vartmp1_99992300_86 + tabtsraf_99992300_87
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 446:12 to 447:50
abdomdaj_811040_50 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - abtsv_811040_49)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1147:11 to 1148:65
tabtsrag_99992300_90 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_89)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1703:13-64
cimrpenp1_201900_32 = m_max(
0.000000, prnn1cz_811100_27 + prnn1co_811100_28 + prnn1cm_811100_26)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1707:13-64
cimrpenp2_201900_34 = m_max(
0.000000, prnn1dz_811100_39 + prnn1do_811100_40 + prnn1dm_811100_38)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:736:11-28
tsndaj_811060_11 = (- abdomdaj_811040_50)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:448:12-42
abdomeaj_811040_51 = m_max(
0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - abtsv_811040_49 - abdomdaj_811040_50)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1471:12-29
ttsnrag_899999999_18 = (- tabtsrag_99992300_90)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1150:10-26
tabtsv_99992300_91 = vartmp1_99992300_89 + tabtsrag_99992300_90
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1711:13-64
cimrpenp3_201900_36 = m_max(
0.000000, prnn1ez_811100_51 + prnn1eo_811100_52 + prnn1em_811100_50)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:737:11-28
tsneaj_811060_12 = (- abdomeaj_811040_51)
# Defined in file chap-88.m:33:9-71
gln4v_881000_5 = (m_max((- abdomdaj_811040_50), 0.000000) +
m_max((- abdomeaj_811040_51), 0.000000)) * indeftsv_811030_33
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1151:13 to 1152:52
tabdomdaj_99992300_92 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - tabtsv_99992300_91)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1715:13-64
cimrpenp4_201900_38 = m_max(
0.000000, prnn1fz_811100_63 + prnn1fo_811100_64 + prnn1fm_811100_62)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1234:9 to 1237:65
tsntv_811110_0 = tsn1aj_811060_0 + tsn1pm_811060_1 + tsn1tp_811060_2 + tsn1nx_811060_3 + tsn1af_811060_4 + tsn1ag_811060_5 + tsn1ap_811060_6 + tsn3vj_811060_7 + tsn1tt_811060_8 + \
tsnraj_811060_9 + tsnrap_811060_10 + tsndaj_811060_11 + tsneaj_811060_12 + \
tsn1gb_811060_13 + tsn1aa_811060_14 + \
tsn1gf_811060_15 + tsnraf_811060_16 + tsnrag_811060_17
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1465:12-30
ttsndaj_899999999_12 = (- tabdomdaj_99992300_92)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1153:13-46
tabdomeaj_99992300_93 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - tabtsv_99992300_91 - tabdomdaj_99992300_92)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1645:8 to 1646:40
tsnv_811130_0 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_min(0.000000, tsntv_811110_0 +
prnnv_811100_11) + m_cond((tsntv_811110_0 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * tsntv_811110_0
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1281:13 to 1282:65
prndef1as_811120_3 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (
1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * (- tsntv_811110_0)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1466:12-30
ttsneaj_899999999_13 = (- tabdomeaj_99992300_93)
# Defined in file chap-88.m:46:7-62
tsv_881010_0 = tsnv_811130_0 - \
m_max((- abdomdaj_811040_50), 0.000000) - \
m_max((- abdomeaj_811040_51), 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1542:10-29
prn1as_811120_198 = (- prndef1as_811120_3)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1284:13 to 1285:80
prndef1al_811120_5 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round((- tsntv_811110_0) * (
m_div(prnn1al_811100_1, prnnv_811100_11))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - prndef1as_811120_3))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2003:11 to 2004:67
ttsntv_99992120_0 = ttsn1aj_899999999_0 + ttsn1pm_899999999_1 + ttsn1tp_899999999_2 + ttsn1nx_899999999_3 + ttsn1af_899999999_4 + ttsn1ag_899999999_5 + ttsn1ac_899999999_6 + ttsn1ap_899999999_7 + ttsn3vj_899999999_8 + \
ttsn1tt_899999999_9 + ttsnraj_899999999_10 + ttsnrap_899999999_11 + ttsndaj_899999999_12 + ttsneaj_899999999_13 + \
ttsn1gb_899999999_14 + ttsn1aa_899999999_15 + \
ttsn1gf_899999999_16 + ttsnraf_899999999_17 + ttsnrag_899999999_18
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 68:10 to 69:36
tsnnv_881010_12 = m_cond((tsv_881010_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round(tsv_881010_0 * (m_div(
var_1aj, var_1aj))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((tsv_881010_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * tsv_881010_0
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1543:10-29
prn1al_811120_199 = prnn1al_811100_1 - prndef1al_811120_5
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1287:9-28
vartmp1_811120_7 = prndef1as_811120_3 + prndef1al_811120_5
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2040:14 to 2041:66
tprndef1as_99992130_9 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (
1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * (- ttsntv_99992120_0)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2027:9-89
ttsnv_99992130_0 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_min(0.000000, ttsntv_99992120_0 +
tprnnv_99992110_12) + m_cond((ttsntv_99992120_0 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * ttsntv_99992120_0
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 145:13 to 146:75
tsnn2tsv_881010_31 = m_cond(
(tsv_881010_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (tsv_881010_0 - tsnnv_881010_12)
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 94:14 to 99:90
tsnn2vaff_881010_20 = m_cond(
(tsv_881010_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (tsv_881010_0 - tsnnv_881010_12)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1288:13 to 1289:78
prndef1am_811120_8 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round((- tsntv_811110_0) * (
m_div(prnn1am_811100_2, prnnv_811100_11))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_7))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2322:11-32
tprn1as_99992130_217 = (- tprndef1as_99992130_9)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2043:14 to 2044:82
tprndef1al_99992130_11 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round((- ttsntv_99992120_0) * (
m_div(tprnn1al_99992110_1, tprnnv_99992110_12))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - tprndef1as_99992130_9))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2446:8-67
ttsv_99992230_0 = ttsnv_99992130_0 - \
m_max((- tabdomdaj_99992300_92), 0.000000) - \
m_max((- tabdomeaj_99992300_93), 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:263:17-185
tsnn2tsv_1731_701037_0 = m_max(0.000000, (- tsnn2tsv_881010_31))
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 158:13 to 159:77
tsnn2raf_881010_37 = m_cond((tsv_881010_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * (tsv_881010_0 - tsnnv_881010_12 - tsnn2tsv_881010_31)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1544:10-29
prn1am_811120_200 = prnn1am_811100_2 - prndef1am_811120_8
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1291:9-26
vartmp1_811120_10 = vartmp1_811120_7 + prndef1am_811120_8
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2323:11-32
tprn1al_99992130_218 = tprnn1al_99992110_1 - tprndef1al_99992130_11
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2046:9-30
vartmp1_99992130_13 = tprndef1as_99992130_9 + tprndef1al_99992130_11
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2467:11 to 2468:38
ttsnnv_99992230_12 = m_cond((ttsv_99992230_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round(ttsv_99992230_0 * (
m_div(var_1aj, var_1aj))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((ttsv_99992230_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * ttsv_99992230_0
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 171:13 to 172:79
tsnn2rag_881010_43 = m_cond((tsv_881010_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (
tsv_881010_0 - tsnnv_881010_12 - tsnn2tsv_881010_31 - tsnn2raf_881010_37)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1292:13 to 1293:78
prndef1az_811120_11 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round((- tsntv_811110_0) * (
m_div(prnn1az_811100_3, prnnv_811100_11))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_10))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2047:14 to 2048:79
tprndef1am_99992130_14 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round((- ttsntv_99992120_0) * (
m_div(tprnn1am_99992110_2, tprnnv_99992110_12))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_13))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2513:15 to 2514:77
ttsnn2tsv_99992230_24 = m_cond(
(ttsv_99992230_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (ttsv_99992230_0 - ttsnnv_99992230_12)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:399:12-161
revtsqht_701040_14 = tsnn2tsv_881010_31 + \
tsnn2tsv_1731_701037_0 + tsnn2raf_881010_37 + tsnn2rag_881010_43
# Defined in file chap-88.m:184:15-70
tsnn2rempv_881010_49 = m_cond((tsv_881010_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (
tsv_881010_0 - tsnnv_881010_12 - tsnn2tsv_881010_31 - tsnn2raf_881010_37 - tsnn2rag_881010_43)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1545:10-29
prn1az_811120_201 = prnn1az_811100_3 - prndef1az_811120_11
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1295:9-26
vartmp1_811120_13 = vartmp1_811120_10 + prndef1az_811120_11
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2324:11-32
tprn1am_99992130_219 = tprnn1am_99992110_2 - tprndef1am_99992130_14
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2050:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_16 = vartmp1_99992130_13 + tprndef1am_99992130_14
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2527:14 to 2528:80
ttsnn2raf_99992230_30 = m_cond((ttsv_99992230_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (
ttsv_99992230_0 - ttsnnv_99992230_12 - ttsnn2tsv_99992230_24)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:271:19-191
tsnn2rempv_1731_701037_7 = m_max(0.000000, (- tsnn2rempv_881010_49))
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1296:13 to 1297:78
prndef1ao_811120_14 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_13)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2051:14 to 2052:79
tprndef1az_99992130_17 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round((- ttsntv_99992120_0) * (
m_div(tprnn1az_99992110_3, tprnnv_99992110_12))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_16))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2540:14 to 2541:83
ttsnn2rag_99992230_36 = m_cond((ttsv_99992230_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (
ttsv_99992230_0 - ttsnnv_99992230_12 - ttsnn2tsv_99992230_24 - ttsnn2raf_99992230_30)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1589:8-91
prn1_811120_239 = m_max(0.000000, prnn1cl_811100_25 + prnn1cm_811100_26 + prnn1cz_811100_27 + prnn1co_811100_28 +
prnnrcs_811100_29 + prnnrcz_811100_32 + prnnrco_811100_33 + prnnfcs_811100_34 + prnnrcl_811100_30 + prnnrcm_811100_31)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1602:8-91
prn2_811120_251 = m_max(0.000000, prnn1dl_811100_37 + prnn1dm_811100_38 + prnn1dz_811100_39 + prnn1do_811100_40 +
prnnrds_811100_41 + prnnrdz_811100_44 + prnnrdo_811100_45 + prnnfds_811100_46 + prnnrdl_811100_42 + prnnrdm_811100_43)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1546:10-29
prn1ao_811120_202 = prnn1ao_811100_4 - prndef1ao_811120_14
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1299:9-26
vartmp1_811120_16 = vartmp1_811120_13 + prndef1ao_811120_14
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2325:11-32
tprn1az_99992130_220 = tprnn1az_99992110_3 - tprndef1az_99992130_17
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2054:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_19 = vartmp1_99992130_16 + tprndef1az_99992130_17
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 397:9 to 398:185
revts_701040_13 = tsnn2tsv_881010_31 + tsnn2raf_881010_37 + \
tsnn2rag_881010_43 + tsnn2tsv_1731_701037_0
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2553:16-77
ttsnn2rempv_99992230_42 = m_cond((ttsv_99992230_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (
ttsv_99992230_0 - ttsnnv_99992230_12 - ttsnn2tsv_99992230_24 - ttsnn2raf_99992230_30 - ttsnn2rag_99992230_36)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1615:8-91
prn3_811120_263 = m_max(0.000000, prnn1el_811100_49 + prnn1em_811100_50 + prnn1ez_811100_51 + prnn1eo_811100_52 +
prnnres_811100_53 + prnnrez_811100_56 + prnnreo_811100_57 + prnnfes_811100_58 + prnnrel_811100_54 + prnnrem_811100_55)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:401:16-61
revtsrempqht_701040_16 = tsnn2rempv_881010_49 + tsnn2rempv_1731_701037_7
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1300:13 to 1301:78
prndefras_811120_17 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_16)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2055:14 to 2056:79
tprndef1ao_99992130_20 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_19)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:400:13-110
revtsremp_701040_15 = tsnn2rempv_881010_49 + tsnn2rempv_1731_701037_7
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1628:8-91
prn4_811120_275 = m_max(0.000000, prnn1fl_811100_61 + prnn1fm_811100_62 + prnn1fz_811100_63 + prnn1fo_811100_64 +
prnnrfs_811100_65 + prnnrfz_811100_68 + prnnrfo_811100_69 + prnnffs_811100_70 + prnnrfl_811100_66 + prnnrfm_811100_67)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1699:12-63
cimrpen2_201900_30 = m_max(0.000000, prnn1bs_811100_12 +
prnn1bz_811100_15 + prnn1bo_811100_16 + prnn1bm_811100_14)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1695:12-63
cimrpen1_201900_28 = m_max(0.000000, prn1as_811120_198 +
prn1az_811120_201 + prn1ao_811120_202 + prn1am_811120_200)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1547:10-29
prnras_811120_203 = prnnras_811100_5 - prndefras_811120_17
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1303:9-26
vartmp1_811120_19 = vartmp1_811120_16 + prndefras_811120_17
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2326:11-32
tprn1ao_99992130_221 = tprnn1ao_99992110_4 - tprndef1ao_99992130_20
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2058:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_22 = vartmp1_99992130_19 + tprndef1ao_99992130_20
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1870:9 to 1871:136
cimrb_201905_1 = salcimrv_201900_3 + cimrpen1_201900_28 + cimrpen2_201900_30 + cimrpenp1_201900_32 + \
cimrpenp2_201900_34 + cimrpenp3_201900_36 + \
cimrpenp4_201900_38 + cimrrf_201900_40
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1304:13 to 1305:78
prndefral_811120_20 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_19)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2059:14 to 2060:79
tprndefras_99992130_23 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_22)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2379:9-111
tprn2_99992130_268 = m_max(0.000000, tprnn1dl_99992110_40 + tprnn1dm_99992110_41 + tprnn1dz_99992110_42 + tprnn1do_99992110_43 + tprnnrds_99992110_44 +
tprnnrdz_99992110_47 + tprnnrdo_99992110_48 + tprnn1dh_99992110_49 + tprnnfds_99992110_50 + tprnnrdl_99992110_45 + tprnnrdm_99992110_46)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2365:9-111
tprn1_99992130_255 = m_max(0.000000, tprnn1cl_99992110_27 + tprnn1cm_99992110_28 + tprnn1cz_99992110_29 + tprnn1co_99992110_30 + tprnnrcs_99992110_31 +
tprnnrcz_99992110_34 + tprnnrco_99992110_35 + tprnn1ch_99992110_36 + tprnnfcs_99992110_37 + tprnnrcl_99992110_32 + tprnnrcm_99992110_33)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1548:10-29
prnral_811120_204 = prnnral_811100_6 - prndefral_811120_20
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1307:9-26
vartmp1_811120_22 = vartmp1_811120_19 + prndefral_811120_20
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2327:11-32
tprnras_99992130_222 = tprnnras_99992110_5 - tprndefras_99992130_23
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2062:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_25 = vartmp1_99992130_22 + tprndefras_99992130_23
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2393:9-111
tprn3_99992130_281 = m_max(0.000000, tprnn1el_99992110_53 + tprnn1em_99992110_54 + tprnn1ez_99992110_55 + tprnn1eo_99992110_56 + tprnnres_99992110_57 +
tprnnrez_99992110_60 + tprnnreo_99992110_61 + tprnn1eh_99992110_62 + tprnnfes_99992110_63 + tprnnrel_99992110_58 + tprnnrem_99992110_59)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1308:13 to 1309:78
prndefram_811120_23 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_22)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2063:14 to 2064:79
tprndefral_99992130_26 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_25)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2407:9-111
tprn4_99992130_294 = m_max(0.000000, tprnn1fl_99992110_66 + tprnn1fm_99992110_67 + tprnn1fz_99992110_68 + tprnn1fo_99992110_69 + tprnnrfs_99992110_70 +
tprnnrfz_99992110_73 + tprnnrfo_99992110_74 + tprnn1fh_99992110_75 + tprnnffs_99992110_76 + tprnnrfl_99992110_71 + tprnnrfm_99992110_72)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1549:10-29
prnram_811120_205 = prnnram_811100_7 - prndefram_811120_23
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1311:9-26
vartmp1_811120_25 = vartmp1_811120_22 + prndefram_811120_23
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2328:11-32
tprnral_99992130_223 = tprnnral_99992110_6 - tprndefral_99992130_26
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2066:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_28 = vartmp1_99992130_25 + tprndefral_99992130_26
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1312:13 to 1313:78
prndefraz_811120_26 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_25)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2067:14 to 2068:79
tprndefram_99992130_29 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_28)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1550:10-29
prnraz_811120_206 = prnnraz_811100_8 - prndefraz_811120_26
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1315:9-26
vartmp1_811120_28 = vartmp1_811120_25 + prndefraz_811120_26
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2329:11-32
tprnram_99992130_224 = tprnnram_99992110_7 - tprndefram_99992130_29
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2070:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_31 = vartmp1_99992130_28 + tprndefram_99992130_29
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1316:13 to 1317:76
prndefrao_811120_29 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_28)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2071:14 to 2072:79
tprndefraz_99992130_32 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_31)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1551:10-29
prnrao_811120_207 = prnnrao_811100_9 - prndefrao_811120_29
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1319:9-26
vartmp1_811120_31 = vartmp1_811120_28 + prndefrao_811120_29
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2330:11-32
tprnraz_99992130_225 = tprnnraz_99992110_8 - tprndefraz_99992130_32
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2074:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_34 = vartmp1_99992130_31 + tprndefraz_99992130_32
# Defined in file chap-88.m:477:12-47
penstotp_881100_9 = prn1_811120_239 + \
prn2_811120_251 + prn3_811120_263 + prn4_811120_275
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1320:13-53
prndeffas_811120_32 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_31)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2075:14 to 2076:77
tprndef1ah_99992130_35 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_34)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1552:10-29
prnfas_811120_208 = prnnfas_811100_10 - prndeffas_811120_32
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2332:11-32
tprn1ah_99992130_227 = tprnn1ah_99992110_10 - tprndef1ah_99992130_35
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2078:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_37 = vartmp1_99992130_34 + tprndef1ah_99992130_35
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1573:8-91
prnc_811120_224 = m_max(0.000000, prnn1bs_811100_12 + prnn1bl_811100_13 + prnn1bm_811100_14 + prnn1bz_811100_15 + prnn1bo_811100_16 +
prnnrbs_811100_17 + prnnrbz_811100_20 + prnnrbo_811100_21 + prnnfbs_811100_22 + prnnrbl_811100_18 + prnnrbm_811100_19)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1556:8-91
prnv_811120_209 = m_max(0.000000, prn1as_811120_198 + prn1al_811120_199 + prn1am_811120_200 + prn1az_811120_201 + prn1ao_811120_202 +
prnras_811120_203 + prnraz_811120_206 + prnrao_811120_207 + prnfas_811120_208 + prnral_811120_204 + prnram_811120_205)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2079:14 to 2080:77
tprndefrao_99992130_38 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_37)
# Defined in file chap-88.m:203:8-32
prrc_881020_1 = m_round(prnc_811120_224 * (m_div(var_1bs, var_1bs)))
# Defined in file chap-88.m:202:8-32
prrv_881020_0 = m_round(prnv_811120_209 * (m_div(var_1ao, var_1ao)))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2331:11-32
tprnrao_99992130_226 = tprnnrao_99992110_9 - tprndefrao_99992130_38
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2082:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_40 = vartmp1_99992130_37 + tprndefrao_99992130_38
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 212:9 to 213:78
prr2c_881020_7 = prnc_811120_224 - prrc_881020_1
# Defined in file chap-88.m:406:10-22
tsprv_881070_0 = tsnnv_881010_12 + prrv_881020_0
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 210:9 to 211:78
prr2v_881020_6 = prnv_811120_209 - prrv_881020_0
# Defined in file res-ser1.m, from 546:11 to 551:23
tsprt_111190_0 = tsnnv_881010_12 + prrv_881020_0 + prrc_881020_1
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2083:14-56
tprndeffas_99992130_41 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_40)
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 226:10 to 227:77
prr2zc_881020_13 = prnc_811120_224 - prrc_881020_1 - prr2c_881020_7
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 224:10 to 225:77
prr2zv_881020_12 = prnv_811120_209 - prrv_881020_0 - prr2v_881020_6
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2333:11-32
tprnfas_99992130_228 = tprnnfas_99992110_11 - tprndeffas_99992130_41
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 241:11 to 242:82
penfc_881020_20 = m_max(0.000000, prnc_811120_224 -
prrc_881020_1 - prr2c_881020_7 - prr2zc_881020_13)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2351:9-111
tprnc_99992130_242 = m_max(0.000000, tprnn1bs_99992110_13 + tprnn1bl_99992110_14 + tprnn1bm_99992110_15 + tprnn1bz_99992110_16 + tprnn1bo_99992110_17 +
tprnnrbs_99992110_18 + tprnnrbz_99992110_21 + tprnnrbo_99992110_22 + tprnn1bh_99992110_23 + tprnnfbs_99992110_24 + tprnnrbl_99992110_19 + tprnnrbm_99992110_20)
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 239:11 to 240:82
penfv_881020_19 = m_max(0.000000, prnv_811120_209 -
prrv_881020_0 - prr2v_881020_6 - prr2zv_881020_12)
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 2924:8 to 2926:79
shba_701370_12 = tsprt_111190_0 + rnabt2ch_821212_4 + rrfi_831000_0
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2337:9-111
tprnv_99992130_229 = m_max(0.000000, tprn1as_99992130_217 + tprn1al_99992130_218 + tprn1am_99992130_219 + tprn1az_99992130_220 + tprn1ao_99992130_221 +
tprnras_99992130_222 + tprnraz_99992130_225 + tprnrao_99992130_226 + tprn1ah_99992130_227 + tprnfas_99992130_228 + tprnral_99992130_223 + tprnram_99992130_224)
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 255:11 to 256:77
prr2rbl_881020_26 = prnc_811120_224 - prrc_881020_1 - \
prr2c_881020_7 - prr2zc_881020_13 - penfc_881020_20
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2572:9-67
tprrc_99992240_1 = m_round(tprnc_99992130_242 * (m_div(var_1bs, var_1bs)))
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 253:11 to 254:77
prr2ral_881020_25 = prnv_811120_209 - prrv_881020_0 - \
prr2v_881020_6 - prr2zv_881020_12 - penfv_881020_19
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2571:9-67
tprrv_99992240_0 = m_round(tprnv_99992130_229 * (m_div(var_1ao, var_1ao)))
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 269:11 to 270:78
prr2rbm_881020_32 = prnc_811120_224 - prrc_881020_1 - prr2c_881020_7 - \
penfc_881020_20 - prr2zc_881020_13 - prr2rbl_881020_26
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2581:10 to 2582:80
tprr2c_99992240_7 = tprnc_99992130_242 - tprrc_99992240_1
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 267:11 to 268:78
prr2ram_881020_31 = prnv_811120_209 - prrv_881020_0 - prr2v_881020_6 - \
penfv_881020_19 - prr2zv_881020_12 - prr2ral_881020_25
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2579:10 to 2580:80
tprr2v_99992240_6 = tprnv_99992130_229 - tprrv_99992240_0
# Defined in file chap-88.m:283:12-79
penalimc_881020_38 = m_cond((var_1bs > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (prnc_811120_224 - prrc_881020_1 -
prr2c_881020_7 - prr2zc_881020_13 - penfc_881020_20 - prr2rbl_881020_26 - prr2rbm_881020_32)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2593:11 to 2594:80
tprr2zc_99992240_13 = tprnc_99992130_242 - tprrc_99992240_1 - tprr2c_99992240_7
# Defined in file chap-7.m:385:10-45
revfht_701040_10 = penfv_881020_19 + penfc_881020_20
# Defined in file chap-7.m:404:13-164
revprrqht_701040_18 = prr2v_881020_6 + prr2zv_881020_12 + prr2c_881020_7 + prr2zc_881020_13 + prn1_811120_239 + prn2_811120_251 + \
prn3_811120_263 + prn4_811120_275 + prr2ral_881020_25 + \
prr2rbl_881020_26 + prr2ram_881020_31 + prr2rbm_881020_32
# Defined in file chap-88.m:282:12-79
penalimv_881020_37 = m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (prnv_811120_209 - prrv_881020_0 -
prr2v_881020_6 - prr2zv_881020_12 - penfv_881020_19 - prr2ral_881020_25 - prr2ram_881020_31)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2591:11 to 2592:80
tprr2zv_99992240_12 = tprnv_99992130_229 - tprrv_99992240_0 - tprr2v_99992240_6
# Defined in file chap-88.m:472:13-58
penstotc_881100_4 = prr2c_881020_7 + prr2zc_881020_13 + \
prr2rbl_881020_26 + prr2rbm_881020_32 + penalimc_881020_38
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2608:11 to 2609:86
tpenfc_99992240_19 = m_max(0.000000, tprnc_99992130_242 -
tprrc_99992240_1 - tprr2c_99992240_7 - tprr2zc_99992240_13)
# Defined in file chap-88.m:471:13-58
penstotv_881100_3 = prr2v_881020_6 + prr2zv_881020_12 + \
prr2ral_881020_25 + prr2ram_881020_31 + penalimv_881020_37
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2606:11 to 2607:86
tpenfv_99992240_18 = m_max(0.000000, tprnv_99992130_229 -
tprrv_99992240_0 - tprr2v_99992240_6 - tprr2zv_99992240_12)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2623:12 to 2624:82
tprr2rbl_99992240_25 = tprnc_99992130_242 - tprrc_99992240_1 - \
tprr2c_99992240_7 - tprr2zc_99992240_13 - tpenfc_99992240_19
# Defined in file chap-taux.m, from 233:10 to 238:50
revtot_201620_56 = m_max(0.000000, tsprv_881070_0) + tsnn2vaff_881010_20 + penstotv_881100_3 + m_max(0.000000, prrc_881020_1) + penstotc_881100_4 + penstotp_881100_9 + \
prnfas_811120_208 + prnnfbs_811100_22 + prnnfcs_811100_34 + prnnfds_811100_46 + \
prnnfes_811100_58 + prnnffs_811100_70 + \
rrcm_111290_0 + m_max(0.000000, rrfi_831000_0)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:384:8-96
revf_701040_9 = penfv_881020_19 + penfc_881020_20
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2621:12 to 2622:82
tprr2ral_99992240_24 = tprnv_99992130_229 - tprrv_99992240_0 - \
tprr2v_99992240_6 - tprr2zv_99992240_12 - tpenfv_99992240_18
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2637:12 to 2638:84
tprr2rbm_99992240_31 = tprnc_99992130_242 - tprrc_99992240_1 - tprr2c_99992240_7 - \
tpenfc_99992240_19 - tprr2zc_99992240_13 - tprr2rbl_99992240_25
# Defined in file chap-7.m:388:14-56
revalimqht_701040_12 = penalimv_881020_37 + penalimc_881020_38
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2635:12 to 2636:84
tprr2ram_99992240_30 = tprnv_99992130_229 - tprrv_99992240_0 - tprr2v_99992240_6 - \
tpenfv_99992240_18 - tprr2zv_99992240_12 - tprr2ral_99992240_24
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2651:13-88
tpenalimc_99992240_37 = m_cond((var_1bs > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (tprnc_99992130_242 - tprrc_99992240_1 -
tprr2c_99992240_7 - tprr2zc_99992240_13 - tpenfc_99992240_19 - tprr2rbl_99992240_25 - tprr2rbm_99992240_31)
# Defined in file res-ser1.m, from 1059:16 to 1060:42
dfantimpuquo_90433_0 = tsnn2tsv_1731_701037_0 + tsnn2rempv_1731_701037_7
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 402:10 to 403:186
revprr_701040_17 = prr2v_881020_6 + prr2zv_881020_12 + prr2c_881020_7 + prr2zc_881020_13 + prn1_811120_239 + prn2_811120_251 + \
prn3_811120_263 + prn4_811120_275 + prr2ral_881020_25 + \
prr2rbl_881020_26 + prr2ram_881020_31 + prr2rbm_881020_32
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2650:13-88
tpenalimv_99992240_36 = m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (tprnv_99992130_229 - tprrv_99992240_0 -
tprr2v_99992240_6 - tprr2zv_99992240_12 - tpenfv_99992240_18 - tprr2ral_99992240_24 - tprr2ram_99992240_30)
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 413:13 to 414:212
revqtotqht_701040_23 = gln4v_881000_5 + revalimqht_701040_12 + revfht_701040_10 + \
revtsqht_701040_14 + revtsrempqht_701040_16 + revprrqht_701040_18
# Defined in file chap-7.m:387:11-109
revalim_701040_11 = penalimv_881020_37 + penalimc_881020_38
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 5866:18 to 5897:18
txmoyimpden1_222150_0 = tsntv_811110_0 + var_1ao + var_1bs + rmfn_831020_1
# Defined in file chap-7.m:411:11-420
revqtot_701040_22 = gln4v_881000_5 + revalim_701040_11 + revf_701040_9 + \
revts_701040_13 + revtsremp_701040_15 + revprr_701040_17
# Defined in file res-ser1.m:1049:16-47
dfantimpubar_90432_0 = m_max(0.000000, (- dfantimpuquo_90433_0))
# Defined in file chap-1.m, from 909:10 to 910:103
rdrfps_101220_1 = m_max(0.000000, var_4be - micfr_831010_0)
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 2793:6 to 2798:48
rg_701340_0 = shba_701370_12 + dfantimpubar_90432_0
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 2604:8 to 2611:13
rbg1_701300_0 = (1.000000 - m_cond((rg_701340_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_min(0.000000,
rg_701340_0 + revqtot_701040_22) + m_cond((rg_701340_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * rg_701340_0
# Defined in file chap-7.m:2479:7-23
sdd_701250_0 = m_max(0.000000, (- rg_701340_0))
# Defined in file chap-1.m, from 1352:8 to 1361:40
brds_101280_0 = m_round(m_max(0.000000, rdrfps_101220_1))
# Defined in file chap-1.m, from 1122:8 to 1126:39
bcsg_101226_0 = m_round(m_max(0.000000, rdrfps_101220_1))
# Defined in file chap-1.m, from 768:9 to 773:38
bpsol_101160_0 = m_round(m_max(0.000000, rdrfps_101220_1))
# Defined in file chap-1.m:1398:8-60
rdsc_101290_0 = m_round(brds_101280_0 * 0.005000)
# Defined in file chap-1.m:832:8-59
csgc_101190_0 = m_round(bcsg_101226_0 * 0.092000)
# Defined in file chap-1.m:813:9-98
mpsol_101170_0 = m_round(m_max(0.000000, bpsol_101160_0) * 0.075000)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1328:13 to 1332:124
cimrcrdsp_301375_8 = m_min(
m_max(0.000000, rdsc_101290_0), m_round(cipsbase_301374_0 * 0.005000))
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1322:12 to 1326:121
cimrcsgp_301375_7 = m_min(
m_max(0.000000, csgc_101190_0), m_round(cipsbase_301374_0 * 0.092000))
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1334:13 to 1338:124
cimrpsolp_301375_9 = m_min(
m_max(0.000000, mpsol_101170_0), m_round(cipsbase_301374_0 * 0.075000))
# Defined in file chap-1.m:872:8-41
rdsn_101210_1 = m_max(0.000000, rdsc_101290_0 - cimrcrdsp_301375_8)
# Defined in file chap-1.m:871:7-39
csg_101210_0 = m_max(0.000000, csgc_101190_0 - cimrcsgp_301375_7)
# Defined in file chap-1.m:875:8-41
psol_101210_2 = m_max(0.000000, mpsol_101170_0 - cimrpsolp_301375_9)
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 2491:8 to 2493:63
sdc1_701260_0 = m_max(0.000000, (- m_max(0.000000, rbg1_701300_0)))
# Defined in file chap-87.m, from 410:15 to 444:75
varrevkire_71122_0 = rcmimptn_821214_0 + rnabt2vv_821212_8
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 2503:7 to 2505:61
sdc_701270_0 = m_max(0.000000, (- m_max(0.000000, rbg1_701300_0)))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:4702:10-41
revdon_401850_0 = m_max(0.000000, rbg1_701300_0 +
(revqtotqht_701040_23 - sdd_701250_0 - sdc1_701260_0))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:4711:7-122
bon_401850_4 = m_round(m_min(0.000000, revdon_401850_0 * 0.200000))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:4781:7-48
ron_401870_0 = m_round(bon_401850_4 * 0.660000)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:2517:7-42
sdm_701280_1 = m_max(0.000000, (- m_max(0.000000, rbg1_701300_0)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:2515:7-26
sdv_701280_0 = m_max(0.000000, (- rbg1_701300_0))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:2259:7-68
ri1_701170_0 = m_max(rbg1_701300_0, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 2311:11 to 2312:113
tonequo_701190_3 = m_max(0.000000, revqtot_701040_22 -
sdd_701250_0 + sdc_701270_0 + sdv_701280_0 + sdm_701280_1)
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 2309:13 to 2310:113
tonequoht_701190_2 = m_max(0.000000, revqtotqht_701040_23 -
sdd_701250_0 + sdc_701270_0 + sdv_701280_0 + sdm_701280_1)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:2306:13-55
revquoqht_701190_1 = m_max(0.000000, revqtotqht_701040_23 -
sdd_701250_0 - sdc_701270_0 - sdv_701280_0 - sdm_701280_1)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:938:12-59
tglprrzc_701069_56 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprr2zc_99992240_13, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:937:12-59
tglprrzv_701069_55 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprr2zv_99992240_12, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:935:11-56
tglprr4_701069_54 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprn4_99992130_294, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:934:11-56
tglprr3_701069_53 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprn3_99992130_281, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:933:11-56
tglprr2_701069_52 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprn2_99992130_268, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:932:11-56
tglprr1_701069_51 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprn1_99992130_255, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:931:11-56
tglprrc_701069_50 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprr2c_99992240_7, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:930:11-56
tglprrv_701069_49 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprr2v_99992240_6, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:923:14-69
tgltsrempv_701069_42 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(ttsnn2rempv_99992230_42 + tsnn2rempv_1731_701037_7, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:903:10-61
tgltsv_701069_22 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(ttsnn2tsv_99992230_24 + tsnn2tsv_1731_701037_0, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:897:13-64
tglpalimc_701069_16 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tpenalimc_99992240_37, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:896:13-64
tglpalimv_701069_15 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tpenalimv_99992240_36, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:884:9-54
tglfc_701069_9 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tpenfc_99992240_19, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:882:9-54
tglfv_701069_8 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tpenfv_99992240_18, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:879:8-38
tgl4_701069_6 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(gln4v_881000_5, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:950:10-50
tglrbm_701069_68 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(tprr2rbm_99992240_31, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:949:10-50
tglram_701069_67 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(tprr2ram_99992240_30, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:944:10-50
tglrbl_701069_62 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(tprr2rbl_99992240_25, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:943:10-50
tglral_701069_61 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(tprr2ral_99992240_24, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:916:10-51
tglrag_701069_35 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(ttsnn2rag_99992230_36, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:910:10-51
tglraf_701069_29 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(ttsnn2raf_99992230_30, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:606:9-48
glrbm_701050_69 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2rbm_881020_32, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:605:9-48
glram_701050_68 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2ram_881020_31, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:600:9-48
glrbl_701050_63 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2rbl_881020_26, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:599:9-48
glral_701050_62 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2ral_881020_25, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:594:11-61
glprrzc_701050_57 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2zc_881020_13, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:593:11-61
glprrzv_701050_56 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2zv_881020_12, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:592:10-58
glprr4_701050_55 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prn4_811120_275, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:591:10-58
glprr3_701050_54 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prn3_811120_263, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:590:10-58
glprr2_701050_53 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prn2_811120_251, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:589:10-58
glprr1_701050_52 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prn1_811120_239, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:588:10-58
glprrc_701050_51 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2c_881020_7, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:587:10-58
glprrv_701050_50 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2v_881020_6, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:580:13-71
gltsrempv_701050_43 = m_floor(tonequoht_701190_2 * (
m_div(tsnn2rempv_881010_49 + tsnn2rempv_1731_701037_7, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:573:9-49
glrag_701050_36 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(tsnn2rag_881010_43, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:567:9-49
glraf_701050_30 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(tsnn2raf_881010_37, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:561:9-63
gltsv_701050_24 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(tsnn2tsv_881010_31 + tsnn2tsv_1731_701037_0, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:554:12-66
glpalimc_701050_18 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(penalimc_881020_38, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:553:12-66
glpalimv_701050_17 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(penalimv_881020_37, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:542:8-56
glfc_701050_11 = m_floor(tonequoht_701190_2 *
(m_div(penfc_881020_20, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:540:8-56
glfv_701050_10 = m_floor(tonequoht_701190_2 *
(m_div(penfv_881020_19, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:537:7-43
gl4_701050_8 = m_floor(tonequoht_701190_2 *
(m_div(gln4v_881000_5, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-52.m:233:9-26
qf021_521050_1 = m_div(m_round(ri1_701170_0), nbyv2_521040_1)
# Defined in file chap-52.m:232:9-26
qf011_521050_0 = m_div(m_round(ri1_701170_0), nbpt_601000_0)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:902:15-42
tglpalimtot_701069_21 = tglpalimv_701069_15 + tglpalimc_701069_16
# Defined in file chap-7.m:894:11-34
tglftot_701069_14 = tglfv_701069_8 + tglfc_701069_9
# Defined in file chap-7.m:955:13-131
tglprrtot_701069_73 = tglprrv_701069_49 + tglprrzv_701069_55 + tglprrc_701069_50 + tglprrzc_701069_56 + tglprr1_701069_51 + \
tglprr2_701069_52 + tglprr3_701069_53 + tglprr4_701069_54 + \
tglral_701069_61 + tglrbl_701069_62 + tglram_701069_67 + tglrbm_701069_68
# Defined in file chap-7.m:922:12-120
tgltstot_701069_41 = tgltsv_701069_22 + tglraf_701069_29 + tglrag_701069_35
# Defined in file chap-7.m:611:12-116
glprrtot_701050_74 = glprrv_701050_50 + glprrzv_701050_56 + glprrc_701050_51 + glprrzc_701050_57 + glprr1_701050_52 + \
glprr2_701050_53 + glprr3_701050_54 + glprr4_701050_55 + \
glral_701050_62 + glrbl_701050_63 + glram_701050_68 + glrbm_701050_69
# Defined in file chap-7.m:579:11-106
gltstot_701050_42 = gltsv_701050_24 + glraf_701050_30 + glrag_701050_36
# Defined in file chap-7.m:559:14-40
glpalimtot_701050_23 = glpalimv_701050_17 + glpalimc_701050_18
# Defined in file chap-7.m:551:10-32
glftot_701050_16 = glfv_701050_10 + glfc_701050_11
# Defined in file chap-7.m:1252:8-27
rpq4_701090_4 = m_floor(m_div(gl4_701050_8, 4.000000))
# Defined in file chap-52.m:102:9-128
ds021_521010_2 = m_max(qf021_521050_1 - 9964.000000, 0.000000) * 0.140000 + m_max(qf021_521050_1 - 27519.000000, 0.000000) * \
0.160000 + m_max(qf021_521050_1 - 73779.000000, 0.000000) * 0.110000 + \
m_max(qf021_521050_1 - 156244.000000, 0.000000) * 0.040000
# Defined in file chap-52.m:102:9-128
ds011_521010_0 = m_max(qf011_521050_0 - 9964.000000, 0.000000) * 0.140000 + m_max(qf011_521050_0 - 27519.000000, 0.000000) * \
0.160000 + m_max(qf011_521050_0 - 73779.000000, 0.000000) * 0.110000 + \
m_max(qf011_521050_0 - 156244.000000, 0.000000) * 0.040000
# Defined in file chap-7.m:973:12-105
tglrf2_701069_91 = tonequo_701190_3 - tgl4_701069_6 - tglftot_701069_14 - \
tglpalimtot_701069_21 - tgltstot_701069_41 - \
tgltsrempv_701069_42 - tglprrtot_701069_73
# Defined in file chap-7.m:631:9-102
glrf2_701050_93 = m_max(0.000000, tonequoht_701190_2 - gl4_701050_8 - glftot_701050_16 -
glpalimtot_701050_23 - gltstot_701050_42 - gltsrempv_701050_43 - glprrtot_701050_74)
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1923:9-27
is021_511380_1 = m_round(ds021_521010_2 * nbyv2_521040_1)
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1922:9-27
is011_511380_0 = m_round(ds011_521010_0 * nbpt_601000_0)
# Defined in file chap-87.m, from 466:15 to 473:85
quokirehr_871125_4 = tgl4_701069_6 + tglprrv_701069_49 + tglprrzv_701069_55 + tglfv_701069_8 + tgltsv_701069_22 + tgltsrempv_701069_42 + tglpalimv_701069_15 + tglprrc_701069_50 + tglprrzc_701069_56 + tglfc_701069_9 + \
tglpalimc_701069_16 + tglprr1_701069_51 + tglprr2_701069_52 + tglprr3_701069_53 + tglprr4_701069_54 + tglrf2_701069_91 + \
tglraf_701069_29 + tglrag_701069_35 + tglral_701069_61 + \
tglrbl_701069_62 + tglram_701069_67 + tglrbm_701069_68
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1663:6-26
in01_511320_0 = m_max(is011_511380_0, is021_511380_1 - pla_511370_0)
# Defined in file chap-87.m, from 360:13 to 367:100
quokire_871110_1 = rpq4_701090_4 + \
glfv_701050_10 + glfc_701050_11 + glrf2_701050_93
# Defined in file chap-87.m, from 476:13 to 483:50
revkirehr_871125_5 = m_round(
m_max(0.000000, ri1_701170_0 + varrevkire_71122_0 + quokirehr_871125_4))
# Defined in file chap-87.m, from 451:11 to 458:25
revkire_871125_0 = m_round(
m_max(0.000000, ri1_701170_0 + varrevkire_71122_0 + quokire_871110_1))
# Defined in file chap-thr.m:86:12-62
chrreel2_80000_14 = m_max(0.000000, (revkirehr_871125_5 -
500000.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0)) * 0.040000)
# Defined in file chap-thr.m, from 84:12 to 85:108
chrreel1_80000_13 = m_cond((500000.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0) - revkirehr_871125_5 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (revkirehr_871125_5 - 250000.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0)) * \
0.030000 + 250000.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0) * 0.030000 * m_cond(
(revkirehr_871125_5 - 500000.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:45:8-34
rb51_701000_0 = m_max(0.000000, ri1_701170_0 + rpq4_701090_4)
# Defined in file chap-thr.m:87:14-45
chrreeltot_80000_15 = m_round(
m_max(0.000000, chrreel1_80000_13 + chrreel2_80000_14))
# Defined in file chap-52.m:242:9-26
qf521_521050_5 = m_div(m_round(rb51_701000_0), nbyv2_521040_1)
# Defined in file chap-52.m:241:9-26
qf511_521050_4 = m_div(m_round(rb51_701000_0), nbpt_601000_0)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1596:13-110
indmenage_301400_8 = m_cond(
(pmenage_301400_3 - revkire_871125_0 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1591:16-87
indmenagesup_301400_6 = m_cond((pmenage_301400_3 - revkire_871125_0 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_cond(
(revkire_871125_0 - pmenagemin_301400_2 + 1.000000 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1587:16-54
indmenagemin_301400_4 = m_cond(
(pmenagemin_301400_2 - revkire_871125_0 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-52.m:102:9-128
ds521_521010_6 = m_max(qf521_521050_5 - 9964.000000, 0.000000) * 0.140000 + m_max(qf521_521050_5 - 27519.000000, 0.000000) * \
0.160000 + m_max(qf521_521050_5 - 73779.000000, 0.000000) * 0.110000 + \
m_max(qf521_521050_5 - 156244.000000, 0.000000) * 0.040000
# Defined in file chap-52.m:102:9-128
ds511_521010_4 = m_max(qf511_521050_4 - 9964.000000, 0.000000) * 0.140000 + m_max(qf511_521050_4 - 27519.000000, 0.000000) * \
0.160000 + m_max(qf511_521050_4 - 73779.000000, 0.000000) * 0.110000 + \
m_max(qf511_521050_4 - 156244.000000, 0.000000) * 0.040000
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1930:9-27
is521_511380_7 = m_round(ds521_521010_6 * nbyv2_521040_1)
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1929:9-27
is511_511380_6 = m_round(ds511_521010_4 * nbpt_601000_0)
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1669:6-26
in51_511320_2 = m_max(is511_511380_6, is521_511380_7 - pla_511370_0)
# Defined in file chap-51.m:295:12-23
iquotot1_511090_0 = in51_511320_2 - in01_511320_0
# Defined in file chap-51.m:361:12-42
zipq41_511100_20 = iquotot1_511090_0 * \
(m_div(rpq4_701090_4, rpq4_701090_4))
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1138:9-19
ipq41_511300_10 = zipq41_511100_20 * 4.000000
# Defined in file chap-51.m, from 1335:11 to 1345:88
ipq1001_511300_176 = m_round(ipq41_511300_10)
# Defined in file chap-51.m:119:8-23
ipq1_511020_0 = in01_511320_0 + ipq1001_511300_176
# Defined in file chap-51.m:81:9-61
id11_511010_0 = m_round(ipq1_511020_0 * (m_div(m_round(ri1_701170_0 +
revquoqht_701190_1), m_round(ri1_701170_0 + tonequo_701190_3))))
# Defined in file chap-51.m, from 1711:11 to 1712:59
idom11_511330_0 = m_max(id11_511010_0, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 529:9 to 530:192
dec11_401140_0 = m_min(m_max(m_round(1196.000000 * (1.000000 - bool_0am_111060_0) + (
1970.000000 * bool_0am_111060_0 - idom11_511330_0 * 0.750000)), 0.000000), idom11_511330_0)
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 173:2 to 208:56
itp_401060_7 = m_round(rcmimptn_821214_0 * 0.128000 + impot75_821214_5)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1598:11 to 1600:25
rmenage_301400_9 = indmenage_301400_8 * (indmenagemin_301400_4 * (1.000000 - m_cond((indmenagesup_301400_6 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_round((idom11_511330_0 - dec11_401140_0) * 0.200000) + m_cond(
(indmenagesup_301400_6 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round((idom11_511330_0 - dec11_401140_0) * 0.200000 * (m_div(pmenage_301400_3 - revkire_871125_0, 2052.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0)))))
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1867:9 to 1868:163
cimra_201905_0 = (idom11_511330_0 - dec11_401140_0 - rmenage_301400_9) * m_cond(
(idom11_511330_0 - dec11_401140_0 - rmenage_301400_9 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-taux.m, from 75:11 to 76:175
irtotal_201600_5 = (idom11_511330_0 - dec11_401140_0 - rmenage_301400_9) * m_cond(
(idom11_511330_0 - dec11_401140_0 - rmenage_301400_9 - 61.000000 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1881:9-161
cimr2_201905_7 = m_max(0.000000, m_round(
cimra_201905_0 * m_min(1.000000, m_div(cimrb_201905_1, revtot_201620_56))))
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 260:7 to 264:67
ire_301060_0 = epav_821210_0 + cisynd_301257_6 + cimr2_201905_7
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 4913:11 to 4914:72
rinno_1_401920_3 = m_max(
m_min(0.000000, idom11_511330_0 - dec11_401140_0), 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 4916:9 to 4918:13
rinno_401920_4 = m_max(0.000000, rinno_1_401920_3)
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 2986:8 to 2987:94
rri1_401390_0 = idom11_511330_0 - dec11_401140_0 - rinno_401920_4
# Defined in file chap-4.m:4795:11-62
rdons_1_401880_0 = m_max(m_min(ron_401870_0, rri1_401390_0), 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:4816:9-70
crdie_401887_1 = m_max(
m_min(0.000000, rri1_401390_0 - rdons_1_401880_0), 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:4815:11-72
crdie_1_401887_0 = m_max(
m_min(0.000000, rri1_401390_0 - rdons_1_401880_0), 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 4797:9 to 4799:13
rdons_401880_1 = m_max(0.000000, rdons_1_401880_0)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1161:12-66
rri1dupi_401280_0 = rri1_401390_0 - rdons_1_401880_0 - crdie_1_401887_0
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1165:15-51
rdufrepfi_1_401280_2 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1166:13-98
rdufrepfi_401280_3 = m_max(0.000000, rdufrepfi_1_401280_2)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1170:15-61
rdufrepfk_1_401280_5 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - rdufrepfi_1_401280_2))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1172:11-32
vartmp1_401280_7 = rdufrepfi_1_401280_2 + rdufrepfk_1_401280_5
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1171:13-98
rdufrepfk_401280_6 = m_max(0.000000, rdufrepfk_1_401280_5)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1175:15-61
rdufrepfr_1_401280_8 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_7))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1177:11-32
vartmp1_401280_10 = vartmp1_401280_7 + rdufrepfr_1_401280_8
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1176:13-99
rdufrepfr_401280_9 = m_max(0.000000, rdufrepfr_1_401280_8)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1180:15-61
rdufrepfv_1_401280_11 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_10))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1182:11-32
vartmp1_401280_13 = vartmp1_401280_10 + rdufrepfv_1_401280_11
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1181:13-99
rdufrepfv_401280_12 = m_max(0.000000, rdufrepfv_1_401280_11)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1185:15-61
rdufrepfw_1_401280_14 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_13))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1187:11-32
vartmp1_401280_16 = vartmp1_401280_13 + rdufrepfw_1_401280_14
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1186:13-99
rdufrepfw_401280_15 = m_max(0.000000, rdufrepfw_1_401280_14)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1190:15-60
rdufloekl_1_401280_17 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_16))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1330:11-68
rdufrep_401280_103 = rdufrepfi_401280_3 + rdufrepfk_401280_6 + \
rdufrepfr_401280_9 + rdufrepfv_401280_12 + rdufrepfw_401280_15
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1192:11-32
vartmp1_401280_19 = vartmp1_401280_16 + rdufloekl_1_401280_17
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1191:13-101
rdufloekl_401280_18 = m_max(0.000000, rdufloekl_1_401280_17)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1195:15-60
rduflogih_1_401280_20 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_19))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1197:11-32
vartmp1_401280_22 = vartmp1_401280_19 + rduflogih_1_401280_20
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1196:13-100
rduflogih_401280_21 = m_max(0.000000, rduflogih_1_401280_20)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1200:14-59
rpirepai_1_401280_23 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_22))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1334:10-31
rduflo_401280_106 = rduflogih_401280_21 + rdufloekl_401280_18
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1202:11-31
vartmp1_401280_25 = vartmp1_401280_22 + rpirepai_1_401280_23
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1201:12-95
rpirepai_401280_24 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepai_1_401280_23)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1336:13-29
rduflotot_401280_107 = rdufrep_401280_103 + rduflo_401280_106
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1205:14-59
rpirepbi_1_401280_26 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_25))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1207:11-31
vartmp1_401280_28 = vartmp1_401280_25 + rpirepbi_1_401280_26
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1206:12-95
rpirepbi_401280_27 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepbi_1_401280_26)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1210:14-59
rpirepci_1_401280_29 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_28))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1212:11-31
vartmp1_401280_31 = vartmp1_401280_28 + rpirepci_1_401280_29
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1211:12-95
rpirepci_401280_30 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepci_1_401280_29)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1215:14-59
rpirepdi_1_401280_32 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_31))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1217:11-31
vartmp1_401280_34 = vartmp1_401280_31 + rpirepdi_1_401280_32
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1216:12-95
rpirepdi_401280_33 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepdi_1_401280_32)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1220:14-59
rpirepbz_1_401280_35 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_34))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1222:11-31
vartmp1_401280_37 = vartmp1_401280_34 + rpirepbz_1_401280_35
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1221:12-95
rpirepbz_401280_36 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepbz_1_401280_35)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1225:14-59
rpirepcz_1_401280_38 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_37))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1227:11-31
vartmp1_401280_40 = vartmp1_401280_37 + rpirepcz_1_401280_38
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1226:12-95
rpirepcz_401280_39 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepcz_1_401280_38)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1230:14-60
rpirepdz_1_401280_41 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_40))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1232:11-31
vartmp1_401280_43 = vartmp1_401280_40 + rpirepdz_1_401280_41
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1231:12-94
rpirepdz_401280_42 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepdz_1_401280_41)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1235:14-59
rpirepez_1_401280_44 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_43))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1237:11-31
vartmp1_401280_46 = vartmp1_401280_43 + rpirepez_1_401280_44
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1236:12-94
rpirepez_401280_45 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepez_1_401280_44)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1240:14-59
rpirepqz_1_401280_47 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_46))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1242:11-31
vartmp1_401280_49 = vartmp1_401280_46 + rpirepqz_1_401280_47
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1241:12-94
rpirepqz_401280_48 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepqz_1_401280_47)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1245:14-59
rpireprz_1_401280_50 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_49))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1247:11-31
vartmp1_401280_52 = vartmp1_401280_49 + rpireprz_1_401280_50
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1246:12-94
rpireprz_401280_51 = m_max(0.000000, rpireprz_1_401280_50)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1250:14-59
rpirepsz_1_401280_53 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_52))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1252:11-31
vartmp1_401280_55 = vartmp1_401280_52 + rpirepsz_1_401280_53
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1251:12-94
rpirepsz_401280_54 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepsz_1_401280_53)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1255:14-59
rpireptz_1_401280_56 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_55))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1257:11-31
vartmp1_401280_58 = vartmp1_401280_55 + rpireptz_1_401280_56
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1256:12-94
rpireptz_401280_57 = m_max(0.000000, rpireptz_1_401280_56)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1260:14-59
rpirepra_1_401280_59 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_58))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1262:11-31
vartmp1_401280_61 = vartmp1_401280_58 + rpirepra_1_401280_59
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1261:12-94
rpirepra_401280_60 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepra_1_401280_59)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1265:14-59
rpireprb_1_401280_62 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_61))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1267:11-31
vartmp1_401280_64 = vartmp1_401280_61 + rpireprb_1_401280_62
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1266:12-94
rpireprb_401280_63 = m_max(0.000000, rpireprb_1_401280_62)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1270:14-59
rpireprc_1_401280_65 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_64))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1272:11-31
vartmp1_401280_67 = vartmp1_401280_64 + rpireprc_1_401280_65
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1271:12-94
rpireprc_401280_66 = m_max(0.000000, rpireprc_1_401280_65)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1275:14-59
rpireprd_1_401280_68 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_67))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1277:11-31
vartmp1_401280_70 = vartmp1_401280_67 + rpireprd_1_401280_68
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1276:12-94
rpireprd_401280_69 = m_max(0.000000, rpireprd_1_401280_68)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1280:12-53
rpiqtu_1_401280_71 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_70))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1343:10-183
rpirep_401280_111 = rpirepai_401280_24 + rpirepbi_401280_27 + rpirepci_401280_30 + rpirepdi_401280_33 + rpirepbz_401280_36 + rpirepcz_401280_39 + rpirepdz_401280_42 + \
rpirepez_401280_45 + rpirepqz_401280_48 + rpireprz_401280_51 + rpirepsz_401280_54 + \
rpireptz_401280_57 + rpirepra_401280_60 + \
rpireprb_401280_63 + rpireprc_401280_66 + rpireprd_401280_69
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1282:11-29
vartmp1_401280_73 = vartmp1_401280_70 + rpiqtu_1_401280_71
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1281:10-86
rpiqtu_401280_72 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqtu_1_401280_71)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1284:12-53
rpiqrs_1_401280_74 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_73))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1286:11-29
vartmp1_401280_76 = vartmp1_401280_73 + rpiqrs_1_401280_74
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1285:10-86
rpiqrs_401280_75 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqrs_1_401280_74)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1289:12-53
rpiqop_1_401280_77 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_76))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1291:11-29
vartmp1_401280_79 = vartmp1_401280_76 + rpiqop_1_401280_77
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1290:10-86
rpiqop_401280_78 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqop_1_401280_77)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1293:12-53
rpiqmn_1_401280_80 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_79))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1295:11-29
vartmp1_401280_82 = vartmp1_401280_79 + rpiqmn_1_401280_80
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1294:10-86
rpiqmn_401280_81 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqmn_1_401280_80)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1298:12-53
rpiqkl_1_401280_83 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_82))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1300:11-29
vartmp1_401280_85 = vartmp1_401280_82 + rpiqkl_1_401280_83
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1299:10-86
rpiqkl_401280_84 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqkl_1_401280_83)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1303:12-53
rpiqij_1_401280_86 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_85))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1305:11-29
vartmp1_401280_88 = vartmp1_401280_85 + rpiqij_1_401280_86
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1304:10-86
rpiqij_401280_87 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqij_1_401280_86)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1308:12-53
rpiqgh_1_401280_89 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_88))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1310:11-29
vartmp1_401280_91 = vartmp1_401280_88 + rpiqgh_1_401280_89
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1309:10-86
rpiqgh_401280_90 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqgh_1_401280_89)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1313:12-53
rpiqef_1_401280_92 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_91))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1315:11-29
vartmp1_401280_94 = vartmp1_401280_91 + rpiqef_1_401280_92
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1314:10-86
rpiqef_401280_93 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqef_1_401280_92)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1318:12-53
rpiqcd_1_401280_95 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_94))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1320:11-29
vartmp1_401280_97 = vartmp1_401280_94 + rpiqcd_1_401280_95
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1319:10-86
rpiqcd_401280_96 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqcd_1_401280_95)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1323:12-53
rpiqab_1_401280_98 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_97))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1324:10-86
rpiqab_401280_99 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqab_1_401280_98)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1347:10-97
rpinel_401280_114 = rpiqtu_401280_72 + rpiqrs_401280_75 + rpiqop_401280_78 + rpiqmn_401280_81 + \
rpiqkl_401280_84 + rpiqij_401280_87 + rpiqgh_401280_90 + \
rpiqef_401280_93 + rpiqcd_401280_96 + rpiqab_401280_99
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1349:13-28
rpineltot_401280_115 = rpirep_401280_111 + rpinel_401280_114
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 5902:17 to 5913:34
txmoyimpden2_222150_1 = drfrp_111310_0 * \
m_cond((rrfi_831000_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 5855:16 to 5856:61
txmoyimpden_222140_0 = m_max(
0.000000, txmoyimpden1_222150_0 - txmoyimpden2_222150_1)
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 602:7 to 610:47
red_401160_0 = rinno_401920_4 + rdons_401880_1 + \
crdie_401887_1 + rduflotot_401280_107 + rpineltot_401280_115
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 401:9 to 404:51
iad11_401100_0 = m_max(0.000000, idom11_511330_0 -
dec11_401140_0 - red_401160_0)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:91:9-82
iamd2_401025_0 = iad11_401100_0 + itp_401060_7
# Defined in file chap-4.m:78:9-161
iamd1_401020_0 = iad11_401100_0 + itp_401060_7 + chrreeltot_80000_15
# Defined in file chap-3.m:577:9-101
cichr_301242_0 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
iamd2_401025_0 + chrreeltot_80000_15, m_min(chrreeltot_80000_15, 0.000000)))
# Defined in file chap-thr.m:140:13-36
ihautrevt_80020_0 = m_max(0.000000, chrreeltot_80000_15 - cichr_301242_0)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 188:7 to 204:11
ian_301050_1 = m_max(0.000000, iamd2_401025_0 + m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0))) + m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0) - m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0))))) + m_min(
0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0) + ((- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0) - m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))))) - m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))))))
# Defined in file chap-3.m:85:7-74
iar_301010_0 = m_min(0.000000, ian_301050_1 - ire_301060_0) + \
m_max(0.000000, ian_301050_1 - ire_301060_0)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:49:7-107
irn_301000_0 = m_min(0.000000, ian_301050_1 - ire_301060_0) + m_max(0.000000, ian_301050_1 -
ire_301060_0) * m_cond((iamd1_401020_0 - 60.000000 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1891:9 to 1906:11
cimr_201908_0 = cimr2_201905_7
# Defined in file chap-1.m, from 542:9 to 571:94
csnet_101110_3 = m_max(0.000000, csgc_101190_0 - cimrcsgp_301375_7)
# Defined in file chap-1.m, from 577:9 to 606:117
rdnet_101110_4 = m_max(0.000000, rdsc_101290_0 - cimrcrdsp_301375_8)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:1061:11-111
taxaneg_221250_0 = m_min(
0.000000, (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + m_min(0.000000, iar_301010_0))
# Defined in file chap-1.m, from 613:11 to 639:117
psolnet_101114_0 = m_max(0.000000, mpsol_101170_0 - cimrpsolp_301375_9)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:1080:12-118
pcapneg_221260_0 = m_min(0.000000, (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000,
(- iamd2_401025_0)))) + m_min(0.000000, taxaneg_221250_0))
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 1306:13 to 1314:35
irestitir_221360_0 = (lambda v109: m_cond((v109 < 0.000000), (- v109), v109))(m_min(0.000000, irn_301000_0 + (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + (- m_min(0.000000,
m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + (ihautrevt_80020_0 - m_min(ihautrevt_80020_0, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0))))))
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:1098:15-139
loyelevneg_221270_0 = m_min(0.000000, (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(
0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + m_min(0.000000, pcapneg_221260_0))
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:4450:11-41
recumir_221880_0 = m_cond(
(irestitir_221360_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * irestitir_221360_0
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 1116:10 to 1117:75
chrnet_221280_1 = m_cond((ihautrevt_80020_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_max(
0.000000, ihautrevt_80020_0 + m_min(0.000000, loyelevneg_221270_0))
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 1011:12 to 1019:25
irnetter_221220_0 = m_max(0.000000, iar_301010_0 + (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) - m_max(0.000000, (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + m_min(0.000000, iar_301010_0)) + (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) - m_max(0.000000, (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(
0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + m_min(0.000000, taxaneg_221250_0)) + (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) - m_max(0.000000, (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + m_min(0.000000, pcapneg_221260_0)) + (ihautrevt_80020_0 - m_max(0.000000, ihautrevt_80020_0 + m_min(0.000000, loyelevneg_221270_0))))
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 1021:12 to 1023:54
irnetbis_221220_1 = m_max(0.000000, irnetter_221220_0)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 4413:16 to 4421:43
hautrevcum_221870_3 = (1.000000 - m_cond((irestitir_221360_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * (1.000000 - m_cond(
(m_cond((61.000000 - iamd1_401020_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * chrnet_221280_1
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:1041:10-90
irnet_221230_0 = irnetbis_221220_1 * \
m_cond((iamd2_401025_0 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 4423:14 to 4431:43
ircum_221870_4 = (1.000000 - m_cond((irestitir_221360_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * (1.000000 - m_cond(
(m_cond((61.000000 - iamd1_401020_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * irnet_221230_0
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:4433:12-60
totircum_221870_5 = ircum_221870_4 + hautrevcum_221870_3
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 4492:9 to 4497:61
cstot_221900_0 = m_max(0.000000, csg_101210_0 +
rdsn_101210_1 + psol_101210_2)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 4351:12 to 4358:49
varps61_221860_0 = csg_101210_0 + rdsn_101210_1 + psol_101210_2
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 4514:12 to 4533:17
totcrbis_221910_0 = m_cond(((- cstot_221900_0) > 0.000000) and ((- cstot_221900_0) < 8.000000) and (cstot_221900_0 >= 61.000000) or (
cstot_221900_0 > 0.000000) and (cstot_221900_0 < 61.000000), 0.000000, cstot_221900_0 * m_cond((cstot_221900_0 - 61.000000 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000))
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:1234:15-93
nappsol_221330_2 = (1.000000 - m_cond((61.000000 - varps61_221860_0 >
0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * psolnet_101114_0
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:1233:15-91
naprd_221330_1 = (1.000000 - m_cond((61.000000 - varps61_221860_0 >
0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * rdnet_101110_4
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:1232:15-91
napcs_221330_0 = (1.000000 - m_cond((61.000000 - varps61_221860_0 >
0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * csnet_101110_3
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 4643:11 to 4644:36
napcr61_221940_3 = napcs_221330_0 + naprd_221330_1 + nappsol_221330_2
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 4614:9 to 4626:44
napcr_221940_0 = m_max(0.000000, totcrbis_221910_0) * m_cond(
(totcrbis_221910_0 - 61.000000 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:4437:12-47
irpscum_221870_7 = m_max(
0.000000, totircum_221870_5 - recumir_221880_0 + napcr61_221940_3)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:4436:12-50
recum_221870_6 = m_max(
0.000000, (- totircum_221870_5 - recumir_221880_0 + napcr61_221940_3))
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 5839:15 to 5847:63
txmoyimpnum_222130_0 = m_cond((ircum_221870_4 + (hautrevcum_221870_3 - recum_221870_6) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (ircum_221870_4 + (hautrevcum_221870_3 - recum_221870_6)) * m_cond((iar_301010_0 + ihautrevt_80020_0 - 12.000000 >=
0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) + (iar_301010_0 + ihautrevt_80020_0) * m_cond((12.000000 - iar_301010_0 + ihautrevt_80020_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_cond((iamd1_401020_0 - 61.000000 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * 100.000000
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:5815:13-49
txmoyimpc_222120_0 = m_div(m_round(
m_div(txmoyimpnum_222130_0, txmoyimpden_222140_0) * 100.000000), 100.000000)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 1354:13 to 1371:39
nonrest_221380_4 = m_cond((8.000000 - recum_221870_6 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_cond(
(12.000000 - irpscum_221870_7 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * recum_221870_6
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 1334:12 to 1351:40
nonmer_221380_3 = m_cond((8.000000 - recum_221870_6 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_cond(
(12.000000 - irpscum_221870_7 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * irpscum_221870_7
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 5823:12 to 5826:17
txmoyimp_222120_1 = m_max(0.000000, m_cond((irpscum_221870_7 - nonmer_221380_3 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
* m_cond((45.000000 - txmoyimpc_222120_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * txmoyimpc_222120_0)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:4341:13-93
naptempcx_221850_0 = irpscum_221870_7 - nonmer_221380_3 - recum_221870_6 + \
nonrest_221380_4 * \
m_cond((irpscum_221870_7 - recum_221870_6 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:883:9-38
iinet_221190_0 = m_max(0.000000, naptempcx_221850_0)
# Defined in file chap-83.m:51:7-31
micfr_831010_0 = m_round(var_4be * 0.300000)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 620:12 to 623:33
sombcosv_301257_1 = var_1aj + var_1ao
# Defined in file res-ser1.m:293:12-60
bool_0am_111060_0 = m_cond(
(m_cond((var_0am > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-83.m:61:7-20
rmf_831020_0 = var_4be - micfr_831010_0
# Defined in file chap-82.m:519:9-37
abtav_821190_0 = 4600.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:822:8-33
plrc_811070_1 = m_min(389.000000, var_1bs)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1556:9-35
tplrc_99992700_1 = m_min(389.000000, var_1bs)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:821:8-33
plrv_811070_0 = m_min(389.000000, var_1ao)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1555:9-35
tplrv_99992700_0 = m_min(389.000000, var_1ao)
# Defined in file chap-82.m:561:12-52
rnabt2ch_821212_4 = m_max(0.000000, (- abtav_821190_0))
# Defined in file chap-6.m:137:7-32
npa_601030_0 = var_0cf - 0.500000 * m_min(var_0cf, 2.000000)
# Defined in file chap-52.m:210:9-40
nbyv2_521040_1 = 1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0
# Defined in file chap-6.m, from 111:7 to 112:65
nsm_601020_0 = 1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0
# Defined in file res-ser1.m, from 43:7 to 58:13
sfm_111000_1 = m_cond((bool_0am_111060_0 == 1.000000),
Undefined(), Undefined())
# Defined in file chap-81.m:840:12-60
ind_apbc_811070_13 = m_cond(
(plrc_811070_1 - m_round(var_1bs * 0.100000) >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:831:8-45
apbc_811070_7 = m_max(plrc_811070_1, m_round(var_1bs * 0.100000))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1574:13-63
tind_apbc_99992700_13 = m_cond(
(tplrc_99992700_1 - m_round(var_1bs * 0.100000) >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1565:9-48
tapbc_99992700_7 = m_max(tplrc_99992700_1, m_round(var_1bs * 0.100000))
# Defined in file chap-81.m:839:12-60
ind_apbv_811070_12 = m_cond(
(plrv_811070_0 - m_round(var_1ao * 0.100000) >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:830:8-45
apbv_811070_6 = m_max(plrv_811070_0, m_round(var_1ao * 0.100000))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1573:13-63
tind_apbv_99992700_12 = m_cond(
(tplrv_99992700_0 - m_round(var_1ao * 0.100000) >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1564:9-48
tapbv_99992700_6 = m_max(tplrv_99992700_0, m_round(var_1ao * 0.100000))
# Defined in file chap-83.m:66:8-119
rmfn_831020_1 = m_max(0.000000, rmf_831020_0)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:152:10-40
tps10v_811010_0 = m_round(var_1aj * 0.100000)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:921:11-42
ttps10v_99992100_0 = m_round(var_1aj * 0.100000)
# Defined in file chap-82.m:563:12-48
abt2ch2_821212_5 = (- rnabt2ch_821212_4)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:847:9-66
pl_pb_811070_18 = m_round(3812.000000 - apbv_811070_6 *
ind_apbv_811070_12 + apbc_811070_7 * ind_apbc_811070_13)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1581:10-69
tpl_pb_99992700_18 = m_round(3812.000000 - tapbv_99992700_6 *
tind_apbv_99992700_12 + tapbc_99992700_7 * tind_apbc_99992700_13)
# Defined in file chap-83.m:69:12-128
pasrfass_831020_2 = m_cond(
(rmf_831020_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * rmfn_831020_1
# Defined in file chap-81.m:169:9-39
dfnv_811010_9 = m_min(12502.000000, tps10v_811010_0)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:931:10-41
tdfnv_99992100_6 = m_min(12502.000000, ttps10v_99992100_0)
# Defined in file chap-82.m:565:12-61
rnabt2dh_821212_6 = m_max(0.000000, (- abtav_821190_0 - abt2ch2_821212_5))
# Defined in file chap-81.m:860:9-118
abprv_811080_0 = m_round((1.000000 - ind_apbv_811070_12) * m_min(apbv_811070_6, pl_pb_811070_18 * (m_div(apbv_811070_6, apbv_811070_6 * (
1.000000 - ind_apbv_811070_12) + apbc_811070_7 * (1.000000 - ind_apbc_811070_13)))) + ind_apbv_811070_12 * apbv_811070_6)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1596:10-127
tabprv_99992800_0 = m_round((1.000000 - tind_apbv_99992700_12) * m_min(tapbv_99992700_6, tpl_pb_99992700_18 * (m_div(tapbv_99992700_6, tapbv_99992700_6 * (
1.000000 - tind_apbv_99992700_12) + tapbc_99992700_7 * (1.000000 - tind_apbc_99992700_13)))) + tind_apbv_99992700_12 * tapbv_99992700_6)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:221:16-58
ind_10min_0v_811020_18 = m_cond((437.000000 - dfnv_811010_9 > 0.000000),
1.000000, 0.000000) * m_cond((var_1aj > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:205:11-42
var_10minsv_811020_9 = m_max(m_min(var_1aj, 437.000000), dfnv_811010_9)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:967:17-62
tind_10min_0v_99992200_12 = m_cond((437.000000 - tdfnv_99992100_6 > 0.000000),
1.000000, 0.000000) * m_cond((var_1aj > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:957:12-46
t10minsv_99992200_6 = m_max(m_min(var_1aj, 437.000000), tdfnv_99992100_6)
# Defined in file chap-82.m:567:11-48
abt2dh2_821212_7 = (- rnabt2dh_821212_6)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1580:11 to 1584:23
pmenage_301400_3 = m_max(21037.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0) + 3797.000000 * (
(nsm_601020_0 - 1.000000) * (1.000000 - bool_0am_111060_0) + npa_601030_0) * 2.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1574:14 to 1578:23
pmenagemin_301400_2 = m_max(18985.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0) + 3797.000000 * (
(nsm_601020_0 - 1.000000) * (1.000000 - bool_0am_111060_0) + npa_601030_0) * 2.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-6.m:56:9-49
nbpt_601000_0 = m_div((nsm_601020_0 + npa_601030_0) * 10.000000, 10.000000)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 861:9 to 862:116
abprc_811080_1 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
apbv_811070_6 + apbc_811070_7, 3812.000000) - abprv_811080_0)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1597:10 to 1598:127
tabprc_99992800_1 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
tapbv_99992700_6 + tapbc_99992700_7, 3812.000000) - tabprv_99992800_0)
# Defined in file res-ser1.m, from 745:9 to 749:189
drfrp_111310_0 = m_cond((var_4be > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (lambda v124: m_cond(
(v124 < 0.000000), (- v124), v124))(m_min(0.000000, var_4be - micfr_831010_0))
# Defined in file chap-81.m:237:12-39
ind_minv_811020_27 = 1.000000 - \
m_cond((ind_10min_0v_811020_18 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:977:13-41
tind_minv_99992200_18 = 1.000000 - \
m_cond((tind_10min_0v_99992200_12 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-82.m:569:12-71
rnabt2vv_821212_8 = m_max(
0.000000, (- abtav_821190_0 - abt2ch2_821212_5 + abt2dh2_821212_7))
# Defined in file chap-51.m, from 1783:10 to 1790:26
plant_511350_1 = 3102.000000 * \
(nbpt_601000_0 - 1.000000 - bool_0am_111060_0)
# Defined in file chap-6.m, from 397:8 to 411:6
nsa2_601110_1 = m_min((1.000000 - m_cond((var_0cf > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * (m_cond((sfm_111000_1 - 14.000000 == 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) +
m_cond((sfm_111000_1 - 7.000000 == 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) + m_cond((sfm_111000_1 - 15.000000 == 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)), 1.000000) * 0.500000
# Defined in file chap-81.m:924:10-34
apr1bs_811090_36 = m_round(abprc_811080_1 * (m_div(var_1bs, var_1bs)))
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 863:9 to 864:116
abpr1_811080_2 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
apbv_811070_6 + apbc_811070_7, 3812.000000) - abprv_811080_0 - abprc_811080_1)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1666:11-36
tapr1bs_99992900_39 = m_round(
tabprc_99992800_1 * (m_div(var_1bs, var_1bs)))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1599:10 to 1600:127
tabpr1_99992800_2 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
tapbv_99992700_6 + tapbc_99992700_7, 3812.000000) - tabprv_99992800_0 - tabprc_99992800_1)
# Defined in file chap-83.m, from 39:8 to 40:163
rrfi_831000_0 = m_cond((var_4be - micfr_831010_0 > 0.000000),
1.000000, 0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, var_4be - micfr_831010_0)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:323:9-49
d10mv_811030_42 = ind_minv_811020_27 * dfnv_811010_9 + \
(1.000000 - ind_minv_811020_27) * var_10minsv_811020_9
# Defined in file chap-81.m:308:12-39
indeftsv_811030_33 = m_cond((var_1aj >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:299:8-26
fptv_811030_27 = m_max(0.000000, var_10minsv_811020_9)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:283:11-42
ind_10v_811030_17 = m_cond(
(var_10minsv_811020_9 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1038:10-54
td10mv_99992300_27 = tind_minv_99992200_18 * tdfnv_99992100_6 + \
(1.000000 - tind_minv_99992200_18) * t10minsv_99992200_6
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1028:9-29
tfptv_99992300_21 = m_max(0.000000, t10minsv_99992200_6)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1018:12-55
tind_10v_99992300_15 = m_cond(
(t10minsv_99992200_6 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-82.m:571:10-47
abt2vv_821212_9 = (- rnabt2vv_821212_8)
# Defined in file chap-51.m, from 1799:11 to 1803:49
placomp_511350_2 = 3094.000000 * m_max(0.000000, nsa2_601110_1)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 884:10 to 885:63
apr1al_811090_6 = (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000),
1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1160:11-25
prnn1bs_811100_12 = var_1bs - apr1bs_811090_36
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 865:9 to 866:116
abpr2_811080_3 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(apbv_811070_6 + apbc_811070_7,
3812.000000) - abprv_811080_0 - abprc_811080_1 - abpr1_811080_2)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1622:11 to 1623:64
tapr1al_99992900_6 = (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000),
1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1924:12-27
tprnn1bs_99992110_13 = var_1bs - tapr1bs_99992900_39
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1601:10 to 1602:127
tabpr2_99992800_3 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(tapbv_99992700_6 + tapbc_99992700_7,
3812.000000) - tabprv_99992800_0 - tabprc_99992800_1 - tabpr1_99992800_2)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:341:11-47
rep10v_811030_51 = ind_10v_811030_17 * d10mv_811030_42 + \
(1.000000 - ind_10v_811030_17) * fptv_811030_27
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1048:12-52
trep10v_99992300_33 = tind_10v_99992300_15 * td10mv_99992300_27 + \
(1.000000 - tind_10v_99992300_15) * tfptv_99992300_21
# Defined in file chap-82.m:605:11-53
impot75_821214_5 = rnabt2vv_821212_8 * 0.075000
# Defined in file chap-82.m:573:12-78
rnabt2ww_821212_10 = m_max(
0.000000, (- abtav_821190_0 - abt2ch2_821212_5 + abt2dh2_821212_7 + abt2vv_821212_9))
# Defined in file chap-82.m:542:8-35
epav_821210_0 = m_round(abt2dh2_821212_7 * 0.075000)
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1903:7-22
pla_511370_0 = plant_511350_1 + placomp_511350_2
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1148:11-26
prnn1al_811100_1 = (- apr1al_811090_6)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 927:10 to 928:63
apr1bl_811090_39 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - apr1bs_811090_36)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 867:9 to 868:116
abpr3_811080_4 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(apbv_811070_6 + apbc_811070_7, 3812.000000) -
abprv_811080_0 - abprc_811080_1 - abpr1_811080_2 - abpr2_811080_3)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1911:12-28
tprnn1al_99992110_1 = (- tapr1al_99992900_6)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1669:11 to 1670:64
tapr1bl_99992900_42 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - tapr1bs_99992900_39)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1603:10 to 1604:127
tabpr3_99992800_4 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(tapbv_99992700_6 + tapbc_99992700_7, 3812.000000) -
tabprv_99992800_0 - tabprc_99992800_1 - tabpr1_99992800_2 - tabpr2_99992800_3)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1915:10 to 1918:79
cipsrf_201910_0 = m_round(
m_max(0.000000, pasrfass_831020_2 * (m_div(var_4be - var_4xd, var_4be))))
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1724:10 to 1727:79
cimrrf_201900_40 = m_round(
m_max(0.000000, pasrfass_831020_2 * (m_div(var_4be - var_4xd, var_4be))))
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 644:8 to 646:61
bcos_301257_4 = m_min(0.000000, m_round(
0.010000 * sombcosv_301257_1 * ind_10v_811030_17))
# Defined in file chap-81.m:369:9-36
abts1aj_811040_3 = m_round(rep10v_811030_51 * (m_div(var_1aj, var_1aj)))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1069:10-39
tabts1aj_99992300_42 = m_round(
trep10v_99992300_33 * (m_div(var_1aj, var_1aj)))
# Defined in file chap-82.m:586:12-151
rcmimptn_821214_0 = m_round(rnabt2ww_821212_10)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 888:10 to 889:63
apr1am_811090_9 = (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - apr1al_811090_6)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1161:11-26
prnn1bl_811100_13 = (- apr1bl_811090_39)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:930:9-23
vartmp1_811090_41 = apr1bs_811090_36 + apr1bl_811090_39
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 970:10 to 971:63
apr1cl_811090_72 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:869:9-98
abpr4_811080_5 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(apbv_811070_6 + apbc_811070_7, 3812.000000) -
abprv_811080_0 - abprc_811080_1 - abpr1_811080_2 - abpr2_811080_3 - abpr3_811080_4)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1626:11 to 1627:64
tapr1am_99992900_9 = (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - tapr1al_99992900_6)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1925:12-28
tprnn1bl_99992110_14 = (- tapr1bl_99992900_42)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1672:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_44 = tapr1bs_99992900_39 + tapr1bl_99992900_42
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1716:11 to 1717:64
tapr1cl_99992900_78 = m_max(0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1605:10-110
tabpr4_99992800_5 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(tapbv_99992700_6 + tapbc_99992700_7, 3812.000000) -
tabprv_99992800_0 - tabprc_99992800_1 - tabpr1_99992800_2 - tabpr2_99992800_3 - tabpr3_99992800_4)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:652:10-52
cisynd_301257_6 = m_round(0.660000 * bcos_301257_4)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:725:10-28
tsn1aj_811060_0 = var_1aj - abts1aj_811040_3
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1453:11-30
ttsn1aj_899999999_0 = var_1aj - tabts1aj_99992300_42
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1149:11-26
prnn1am_811100_2 = (- apr1am_811090_9)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:891:9-23
vartmp1_811090_11 = apr1al_811090_6 + apr1am_811090_9
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 931:10 to 932:63
apr1bm_811090_42 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_41)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1174:11-26
prnn1cl_811100_25 = (- apr1cl_811090_72)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1013:10 to 1014:63
apr1dl_811090_105 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1912:12-28
tprnn1am_99992110_2 = (- tapr1am_99992900_9)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1629:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_11 = tapr1al_99992900_6 + tapr1am_99992900_9
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1673:11 to 1674:64
tapr1bm_99992900_45 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_44)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1939:12-28
tprnn1cl_99992110_27 = (- tapr1cl_99992900_78)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1763:11 to 1764:64
tapr1dl_99992900_114 = m_max(0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 372:10 to 373:64
abts1pm_811040_6 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - abts1aj_811040_3)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1072:11 to 1073:65
tabts1pm_99992300_45 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - tabts1aj_99992300_42)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 892:10 to 893:63
apr1az_811090_12 = (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_11)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1162:11-26
prnn1bm_811100_14 = (- apr1bm_811090_42)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:934:9-23
vartmp1_811090_44 = vartmp1_811090_41 + apr1bm_811090_42
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 974:10 to 975:63
apr1cm_811090_75 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - apr1cl_811090_72)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1187:11-26
prnn1dl_811100_37 = (- apr1dl_811090_105)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1056:10 to 1057:63
apr1el_811090_138 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1630:11 to 1631:64
tapr1az_99992900_12 = (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_11)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1926:12-28
tprnn1bm_99992110_15 = (- tapr1bm_99992900_45)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1676:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_47 = vartmp1_99992900_44 + tapr1bm_99992900_45
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1720:11 to 1721:64
tapr1cm_99992900_81 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - tapr1cl_99992900_78)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1953:12-28
tprnn1dl_99992110_40 = (- tapr1dl_99992900_114)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1810:11 to 1811:64
tapr1el_99992900_150 = m_max(0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:726:10-26
tsn1pm_811060_1 = (- abts1pm_811040_6)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:376:9-24
vartmp1_811040_8 = abts1aj_811040_3 + abts1pm_811040_6
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1454:11-28
ttsn1pm_899999999_1 = (- tabts1pm_99992300_45)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1076:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_47 = tabts1aj_99992300_42 + tabts1pm_99992300_45
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1150:11-26
prnn1az_811100_3 = (- apr1az_811090_12)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:895:9-23
vartmp1_811090_14 = vartmp1_811090_11 + apr1az_811090_12
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 935:10 to 936:63
apr1bz_811090_45 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_44)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1175:11-26
prnn1cm_811100_26 = (- apr1cm_811090_75)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:977:9-23
vartmp1_811090_77 = apr1cl_811090_72 + apr1cm_811090_75
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1017:10 to 1018:63
apr1dm_811090_108 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - apr1dl_811090_105)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1200:11-26
prnn1el_811100_49 = (- apr1el_811090_138)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1099:10 to 1100:63
apr1fl_811090_171 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1913:12-28
tprnn1az_99992110_3 = (- tapr1az_99992900_12)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1633:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_14 = vartmp1_99992900_11 + tapr1az_99992900_12
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1677:11 to 1678:64
tapr1bz_99992900_48 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_47)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1940:12-28
tprnn1cm_99992110_28 = (- tapr1cm_99992900_81)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1723:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_83 = tapr1cl_99992900_78 + tapr1cm_99992900_81
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1767:11 to 1768:64
tapr1dm_99992900_117 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - tapr1dl_99992900_114)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1967:12-28
tprnn1el_99992110_53 = (- tapr1el_99992900_150)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1857:11 to 1858:64
tapr1fl_99992900_186 = m_max(0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 377:10 to 378:64
abts1tp_811040_9 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_8)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1077:11 to 1078:65
tabts1tp_99992300_48 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_47)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 896:10 to 897:63
apr1ao_811090_15 = m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_14)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1163:11-26
prnn1bz_811100_15 = (- apr1bz_811090_45)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:938:9-23
vartmp1_811090_47 = vartmp1_811090_44 + apr1bz_811090_45
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 978:10 to 979:63
apr1cz_811090_78 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_77)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1188:11-26
prnn1dm_811100_38 = (- apr1dm_811090_108)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1020:9-23
vartmp1_811090_110 = apr1dl_811090_105 + apr1dm_811090_108
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1060:10 to 1061:63
apr1em_811090_141 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - apr1el_811090_138)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1213:11-26
prnn1fl_811100_61 = (- apr1fl_811090_171)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1634:11 to 1635:64
tapr1ao_99992900_15 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_14)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1927:12-28
tprnn1bz_99992110_16 = (- tapr1bz_99992900_48)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1680:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_50 = vartmp1_99992900_47 + tapr1bz_99992900_48
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1724:11 to 1725:64
tapr1cz_99992900_84 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_83)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1954:12-28
tprnn1dm_99992110_41 = (- tapr1dm_99992900_117)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1770:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_119 = tapr1dl_99992900_114 + tapr1dm_99992900_117
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1814:11 to 1815:64
tapr1em_99992900_153 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - tapr1el_99992900_150)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1981:12-28
tprnn1fl_99992110_66 = (- tapr1fl_99992900_186)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:727:10-26
tsn1tp_811060_2 = (- abts1tp_811040_9)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:381:9-24
vartmp1_811040_11 = vartmp1_811040_8 + abts1tp_811040_9
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1455:11-28
ttsn1tp_899999999_2 = (- tabts1tp_99992300_48)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1081:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_50 = vartmp1_99992300_47 + tabts1tp_99992300_48
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1151:11-25
prnn1ao_811100_4 = var_1ao - apr1ao_811090_15
# Defined in file chap-81.m:899:9-23
vartmp1_811090_17 = vartmp1_811090_14 + apr1ao_811090_15
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 939:10 to 940:63
apr1bo_811090_48 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_47)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1176:11-26
prnn1cz_811100_27 = (- apr1cz_811090_78)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:981:9-23
vartmp1_811090_80 = vartmp1_811090_77 + apr1cz_811090_78
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1021:10 to 1022:63
apr1dz_811090_111 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_110)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1201:11-26
prnn1em_811100_50 = (- apr1em_811090_141)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1063:9-23
vartmp1_811090_143 = apr1el_811090_138 + apr1em_811090_141
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1103:10 to 1104:63
apr1fm_811090_174 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - apr1fl_811090_171)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1914:12-27
tprnn1ao_99992110_4 = var_1ao - tapr1ao_99992900_15
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1637:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_17 = vartmp1_99992900_14 + tapr1ao_99992900_15
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1681:11 to 1682:64
tapr1bo_99992900_51 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_50)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1941:12-28
tprnn1cz_99992110_29 = (- tapr1cz_99992900_84)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1727:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_86 = vartmp1_99992900_83 + tapr1cz_99992900_84
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1771:11 to 1772:64
tapr1dz_99992900_120 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_119)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1968:12-28
tprnn1em_99992110_54 = (- tapr1em_99992900_153)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1817:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_155 = tapr1el_99992900_150 + tapr1em_99992900_153
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1861:11 to 1862:64
tapr1fm_99992900_189 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - tapr1fl_99992900_186)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 382:10 to 383:64
abts1nx_811040_12 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_11)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1082:11 to 1083:65
tabts1nx_99992300_51 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_50)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 900:10 to 901:63
aprras_811090_18 = m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_17)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1164:11-25
prnn1bo_811100_16 = (- apr1bo_811090_48)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:942:9-23
vartmp1_811090_50 = vartmp1_811090_47 + apr1bo_811090_48
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 982:10 to 983:63
apr1co_811090_81 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_80)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1189:11-26
prnn1dz_811100_39 = (- apr1dz_811090_111)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1024:9-23
vartmp1_811090_113 = vartmp1_811090_110 + apr1dz_811090_111
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1064:10 to 1065:63
apr1ez_811090_144 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_143)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1214:11-26
prnn1fm_811100_62 = (- apr1fm_811090_174)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1106:9-23
vartmp1_811090_176 = apr1fl_811090_171 + apr1fm_811090_174
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1638:11 to 1639:64
taprras_99992900_18 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_17)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1928:12-27
tprnn1bo_99992110_17 = (- tapr1bo_99992900_51)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1684:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_53 = vartmp1_99992900_50 + tapr1bo_99992900_51
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1728:11 to 1729:64
tapr1co_99992900_87 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_86)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1955:12-28
tprnn1dz_99992110_42 = (- tapr1dz_99992900_120)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1774:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_122 = vartmp1_99992900_119 + tapr1dz_99992900_120
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1818:11 to 1819:64
tapr1ez_99992900_156 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_155)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1982:12-28
tprnn1fm_99992110_67 = (- tapr1fm_99992900_189)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1864:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_191 = tapr1fl_99992900_186 + tapr1fm_99992900_189
# Defined in file chap-81.m:728:10-26
tsn1nx_811060_3 = (- abts1nx_811040_12)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:386:9-24
vartmp1_811040_14 = vartmp1_811040_11 + abts1nx_811040_12
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1456:11-28
ttsn1nx_899999999_3 = (- tabts1nx_99992300_51)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1086:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_53 = vartmp1_99992300_50 + tabts1nx_99992300_51
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1291:12-97
cipsbase_301374_0 = m_round(cipsrf_201910_0)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1152:11-26
prnnras_811100_5 = (- aprras_811090_18)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:903:9-23
vartmp1_811090_20 = vartmp1_811090_17 + aprras_811090_18
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 943:10 to 944:63
aprrbs_811090_51 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_50)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1177:11-25
prnn1co_811100_28 = (- apr1co_811090_81)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:985:9-23
vartmp1_811090_83 = vartmp1_811090_80 + apr1co_811090_81
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1025:10 to 1026:63
apr1do_811090_114 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_113)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1202:11-26
prnn1ez_811100_51 = (- apr1ez_811090_144)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1067:9-23
vartmp1_811090_146 = vartmp1_811090_143 + apr1ez_811090_144
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1107:10 to 1108:63
apr1fz_811090_177 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_176)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1915:12-28
tprnnras_99992110_5 = (- taprras_99992900_18)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1641:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_20 = vartmp1_99992900_17 + taprras_99992900_18
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1685:11 to 1686:64
taprrbs_99992900_54 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_53)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1942:12-27
tprnn1co_99992110_30 = (- tapr1co_99992900_87)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1731:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_89 = vartmp1_99992900_86 + tapr1co_99992900_87
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1775:11 to 1776:64
tapr1do_99992900_123 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_122)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1969:12-28
tprnn1ez_99992110_55 = (- tapr1ez_99992900_156)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1821:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_158 = vartmp1_99992900_155 + tapr1ez_99992900_156
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1865:11 to 1866:64
tapr1fz_99992900_192 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_191)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 387:10 to 388:64
abts1af_811040_15 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_14)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1087:11 to 1088:65
tabts1af_99992300_54 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_53)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 904:10 to 905:63
aprral_811090_21 = m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_20)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1165:11-26
prnnrbs_811100_17 = (- aprrbs_811090_51)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:946:9-23
vartmp1_811090_53 = vartmp1_811090_50 + aprrbs_811090_51
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 986:10 to 987:63
aprrcs_811090_84 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_83)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1190:11-25
prnn1do_811100_40 = (- apr1do_811090_114)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1028:9-23
vartmp1_811090_116 = vartmp1_811090_113 + apr1do_811090_114
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1068:10 to 1069:63
apr1eo_811090_147 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_146)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1215:11-26
prnn1fz_811100_63 = (- apr1fz_811090_177)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1110:9-23
vartmp1_811090_179 = vartmp1_811090_176 + apr1fz_811090_177
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1642:11 to 1643:64
taprral_99992900_21 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_20)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1929:12-28
tprnnrbs_99992110_18 = (- taprrbs_99992900_54)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1688:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_56 = vartmp1_99992900_53 + taprrbs_99992900_54
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1732:11 to 1733:64
taprrcs_99992900_90 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_89)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1956:12-27
tprnn1do_99992110_43 = (- tapr1do_99992900_123)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1778:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_125 = vartmp1_99992900_122 + tapr1do_99992900_123
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1822:11 to 1823:64
tapr1eo_99992900_159 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_158)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1983:12-28
tprnn1fz_99992110_68 = (- tapr1fz_99992900_192)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1868:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_194 = vartmp1_99992900_191 + tapr1fz_99992900_192
# Defined in file chap-81.m:729:10-26
tsn1af_811060_4 = (- abts1af_811040_15)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:391:9-24
vartmp1_811040_17 = vartmp1_811040_14 + abts1af_811040_15
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1457:11-28
ttsn1af_899999999_4 = (- tabts1af_99992300_54)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1091:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_56 = vartmp1_99992300_53 + tabts1af_99992300_54
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1153:11-26
prnnral_811100_6 = (- aprral_811090_21)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:907:9-23
vartmp1_811090_23 = vartmp1_811090_20 + aprral_811090_21
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 947:10 to 948:63
aprrbl_811090_54 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_53)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1178:11-27
prnnrcs_811100_29 = (- aprrcs_811090_84)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:989:9-23
vartmp1_811090_86 = vartmp1_811090_83 + aprrcs_811090_84
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1029:10 to 1030:63
aprrds_811090_117 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_116)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1203:11-25
prnn1eo_811100_52 = (- apr1eo_811090_147)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1071:9-23
vartmp1_811090_149 = vartmp1_811090_146 + apr1eo_811090_147
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1111:10 to 1112:63
apr1fo_811090_180 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_179)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1916:12-28
tprnnral_99992110_6 = (- taprral_99992900_21)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1645:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_23 = vartmp1_99992900_20 + taprral_99992900_21
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1689:11 to 1690:64
taprrbl_99992900_57 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_56)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1943:12-29
tprnnrcs_99992110_31 = (- taprrcs_99992900_90)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1735:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_92 = vartmp1_99992900_89 + taprrcs_99992900_90
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1779:11 to 1780:64
taprrds_99992900_126 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_125)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1970:12-27
tprnn1eo_99992110_56 = (- tapr1eo_99992900_159)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1825:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_161 = vartmp1_99992900_158 + tapr1eo_99992900_159
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1869:11 to 1870:64
tapr1fo_99992900_195 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_194)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 392:10 to 393:64
abts1ag_811040_18 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_17)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1092:11 to 1093:65
tabts1ag_99992300_57 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_56)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 908:10 to 909:63
aprram_811090_24 = m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_23)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1166:11-26
prnnrbl_811100_18 = (- aprrbl_811090_54)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:950:9-23
vartmp1_811090_56 = vartmp1_811090_53 + aprrbl_811090_54
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 990:10 to 991:63
aprrcl_811090_87 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_86)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1191:11-27
prnnrds_811100_41 = (- aprrds_811090_117)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1032:9-23
vartmp1_811090_119 = vartmp1_811090_116 + aprrds_811090_117
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1072:10 to 1073:63
aprres_811090_150 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_149)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1216:11-25
prnn1fo_811100_64 = (- apr1fo_811090_180)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1114:9-23
vartmp1_811090_182 = vartmp1_811090_179 + apr1fo_811090_180
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1646:11 to 1647:64
taprram_99992900_24 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_23)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1930:12-28
tprnnrbl_99992110_19 = (- taprrbl_99992900_57)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1692:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_59 = vartmp1_99992900_56 + taprrbl_99992900_57
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1736:11 to 1737:64
taprrcl_99992900_93 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_92)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1957:12-29
tprnnrds_99992110_44 = (- taprrds_99992900_126)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1782:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_128 = vartmp1_99992900_125 + taprrds_99992900_126
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1826:11 to 1827:64
taprres_99992900_162 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_161)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1984:12-27
tprnn1fo_99992110_69 = (- tapr1fo_99992900_195)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1872:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_197 = vartmp1_99992900_194 + tapr1fo_99992900_195
# Defined in file chap-81.m:730:10-26
tsn1ag_811060_5 = (- abts1ag_811040_18)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:396:9-24
vartmp1_811040_20 = vartmp1_811040_17 + abts1ag_811040_18
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1458:11-28
ttsn1ag_899999999_5 = (- tabts1ag_99992300_57)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1096:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_59 = vartmp1_99992300_56 + tabts1ag_99992300_57
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1154:11-26
prnnram_811100_7 = (- aprram_811090_24)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:911:9-23
vartmp1_811090_26 = vartmp1_811090_23 + aprram_811090_24
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 951:10 to 952:63
aprrbm_811090_57 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_56)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1179:11-26
prnnrcl_811100_30 = (- aprrcl_811090_87)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:993:9-23
vartmp1_811090_89 = vartmp1_811090_86 + aprrcl_811090_87
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1033:10 to 1034:63
aprrdl_811090_120 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_119)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1204:11-27
prnnres_811100_53 = (- aprres_811090_150)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1075:9-23
vartmp1_811090_152 = vartmp1_811090_149 + aprres_811090_150
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1115:10 to 1116:63
aprrfs_811090_183 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_182)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1917:12-28
tprnnram_99992110_7 = (- taprram_99992900_24)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1649:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_26 = vartmp1_99992900_23 + taprram_99992900_24
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1693:11 to 1694:64
taprrbm_99992900_60 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_59)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1944:12-28
tprnnrcl_99992110_32 = (- taprrcl_99992900_93)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1739:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_95 = vartmp1_99992900_92 + taprrcl_99992900_93
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1783:11 to 1784:64
taprrdl_99992900_129 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_128)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1971:12-29
tprnnres_99992110_57 = (- taprres_99992900_162)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1829:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_164 = vartmp1_99992900_161 + taprres_99992900_162
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1873:11 to 1874:64
taprrfs_99992900_198 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_197)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 397:10 to 398:64
abts1ap_811040_21 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_20)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1097:11 to 1098:65
tabts1ac_99992300_60 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_59)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 912:10 to 913:63
aprraz_811090_27 = m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_26)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1167:11-26
prnnrbm_811100_19 = (- aprrbm_811090_57)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:954:9-23
vartmp1_811090_59 = vartmp1_811090_56 + aprrbm_811090_57
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 994:10 to 995:63
aprrcm_811090_90 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_89)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1192:11-26
prnnrdl_811100_42 = (- aprrdl_811090_120)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1036:9-23
vartmp1_811090_122 = vartmp1_811090_119 + aprrdl_811090_120
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1076:10 to 1077:63
aprrel_811090_153 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_152)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1217:11-27
prnnrfs_811100_65 = (- aprrfs_811090_183)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1118:9-23
vartmp1_811090_185 = vartmp1_811090_182 + aprrfs_811090_183
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1650:11 to 1651:64
taprraz_99992900_27 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_26)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1931:12-28
tprnnrbm_99992110_20 = (- taprrbm_99992900_60)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1696:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_62 = vartmp1_99992900_59 + taprrbm_99992900_60
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1740:11 to 1741:64
taprrcm_99992900_96 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_95)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1958:12-28
tprnnrdl_99992110_45 = (- taprrdl_99992900_129)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1786:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_131 = vartmp1_99992900_128 + taprrdl_99992900_129
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1830:11 to 1831:64
taprrel_99992900_165 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_164)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1985:12-29
tprnnrfs_99992110_70 = (- taprrfs_99992900_198)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1876:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_200 = vartmp1_99992900_197 + taprrfs_99992900_198
# Defined in file chap-81.m:731:10-25
tsn1ap_811060_6 = (- abts1ap_811040_21)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:401:9-24
vartmp1_811040_23 = vartmp1_811040_20 + abts1ap_811040_21
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1459:11-28
ttsn1ac_899999999_6 = (- tabts1ac_99992300_60)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1101:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_62 = vartmp1_99992300_59 + tabts1ac_99992300_60
# Defined in file res-ser1.m:715:8-19
rrcm_111290_0 = m_max(0.000000, rnabt2ch_821212_4)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1155:11-26
prnnraz_811100_8 = (- aprraz_811090_27)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:914:9-23
vartmp1_811090_28 = vartmp1_811090_26 + aprraz_811090_27
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 955:10 to 956:63
aprrbz_811090_60 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_59)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1180:11-26
prnnrcm_811100_31 = (- aprrcm_811090_90)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:997:9-23
vartmp1_811090_92 = vartmp1_811090_89 + aprrcm_811090_90
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1037:10 to 1038:63
aprrdm_811090_123 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_122)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1205:11-26
prnnrel_811100_54 = (- aprrel_811090_153)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1079:9-23
vartmp1_811090_155 = vartmp1_811090_152 + aprrel_811090_153
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1119:10 to 1120:63
aprrfl_811090_186 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_185)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1918:12-28
tprnnraz_99992110_8 = (- taprraz_99992900_27)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1653:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_29 = vartmp1_99992900_26 + taprraz_99992900_27
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1697:11 to 1698:64
taprrbz_99992900_63 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_62)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1945:12-28
tprnnrcm_99992110_33 = (- taprrcm_99992900_96)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1743:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_98 = vartmp1_99992900_95 + taprrcm_99992900_96
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1787:11 to 1788:64
taprrdm_99992900_132 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_131)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1972:12-28
tprnnrel_99992110_58 = (- taprrel_99992900_165)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1833:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_167 = vartmp1_99992900_164 + taprrel_99992900_165
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1877:11 to 1878:64
taprrfl_99992900_201 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_200)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 402:10 to 403:64
abts3vj_811040_24 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_23)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1102:11 to 1103:65
tabts1ap_99992300_63 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_62)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 915:10 to 916:61
aprrao_811090_29 = m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_28)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1168:11-26
prnnrbz_811100_20 = (- aprrbz_811090_60)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:957:9-23
vartmp1_811090_61 = vartmp1_811090_59 + aprrbz_811090_60
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 998:10 to 999:63
aprrcz_811090_93 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_92)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1193:11-26
prnnrdm_811100_43 = (- aprrdm_811090_123)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1040:9-23
vartmp1_811090_125 = vartmp1_811090_122 + aprrdm_811090_123
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1080:10 to 1081:63
aprrem_811090_156 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_155)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1218:11-26
prnnrfl_811100_66 = (- aprrfl_811090_186)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1122:9-23
vartmp1_811090_188 = vartmp1_811090_185 + aprrfl_811090_186
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1654:11 to 1655:64
taprrao_99992900_30 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_29)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1932:12-28
tprnnrbz_99992110_21 = (- taprrbz_99992900_63)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1700:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_65 = vartmp1_99992900_62 + taprrbz_99992900_63
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1744:11 to 1745:64
taprrcz_99992900_99 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_98)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1959:12-28
tprnnrdm_99992110_46 = (- taprrdm_99992900_132)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1790:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_134 = vartmp1_99992900_131 + taprrdm_99992900_132
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1834:11 to 1835:64
taprrem_99992900_168 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_167)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1986:12-28
tprnnrfl_99992110_71 = (- taprrfl_99992900_201)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1880:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_203 = vartmp1_99992900_200 + taprrfl_99992900_201
# Defined in file chap-81.m:732:10-27
tsn3vj_811060_7 = (- abts3vj_811040_24)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:406:9-24
vartmp1_811040_26 = vartmp1_811040_23 + abts3vj_811040_24
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1460:11-27
ttsn1ap_899999999_7 = (- tabts1ap_99992300_63)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1106:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_65 = vartmp1_99992300_62 + tabts1ap_99992300_63
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1156:11-27
prnnrao_811100_9 = (- aprrao_811090_29)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:917:9-23
vartmp1_811090_30 = vartmp1_811090_28 + aprrao_811090_29
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 958:10 to 959:61
aprrbo_811090_62 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_61)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1181:11-26
prnnrcz_811100_32 = (- aprrcz_811090_93)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1000:9-23
vartmp1_811090_94 = vartmp1_811090_92 + aprrcz_811090_93
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1041:10 to 1042:63
aprrdz_811090_126 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_125)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1206:11-26
prnnrem_811100_55 = (- aprrem_811090_156)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1083:9-23
vartmp1_811090_158 = vartmp1_811090_155 + aprrem_811090_156
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1123:10 to 1124:63
aprrfm_811090_189 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_188)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1919:12-29
tprnnrao_99992110_9 = (- taprrao_99992900_30)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1656:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_31 = vartmp1_99992900_29 + taprrao_99992900_30
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1701:11 to 1702:64
taprrbo_99992900_66 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_65)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1946:12-28
tprnnrcz_99992110_34 = (- taprrcz_99992900_99)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1747:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_101 = vartmp1_99992900_98 + taprrcz_99992900_99
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1791:11 to 1792:64
taprrdz_99992900_135 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_134)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1973:12-28
tprnnrem_99992110_59 = (- taprrem_99992900_168)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1837:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_170 = vartmp1_99992900_167 + taprrem_99992900_168
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1881:11 to 1882:64
taprrfm_99992900_204 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_203)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 407:10 to 408:64
abts1tt_811040_27 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_26)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1107:11 to 1108:65
tabts3vj_99992300_66 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_65)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:918:10-30
aprfas_811090_31 = m_max(0.000000, abprv_811080_0 - vartmp1_811090_30)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1169:11-27
prnnrbo_811100_21 = (- aprrbo_811090_62)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:960:9-23
vartmp1_811090_63 = vartmp1_811090_61 + aprrbo_811090_62
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1001:10 to 1002:61
aprrco_811090_95 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_94)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1194:11-26
prnnrdz_811100_44 = (- aprrdz_811090_126)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1043:9-23
vartmp1_811090_127 = vartmp1_811090_125 + aprrdz_811090_126
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1084:10 to 1085:63
aprrez_811090_159 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_158)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1219:11-26
prnnrfm_811100_67 = (- aprrfm_811090_189)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1126:9-23
vartmp1_811090_191 = vartmp1_811090_188 + aprrfm_811090_189
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1657:11 to 1658:62
tapr1ah_99992900_32 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_31)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1933:12-29
tprnnrbo_99992110_22 = (- taprrbo_99992900_66)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1703:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_67 = vartmp1_99992900_65 + taprrbo_99992900_66
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1748:11 to 1749:64
taprrco_99992900_102 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_101)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1960:12-28
tprnnrdz_99992110_47 = (- taprrdz_99992900_135)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1794:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_137 = vartmp1_99992900_134 + taprrdz_99992900_135
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1838:11 to 1839:64
taprrez_99992900_171 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_170)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1987:12-28
tprnnrfm_99992110_72 = (- taprrfm_99992900_204)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1884:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_206 = vartmp1_99992900_203 + taprrfm_99992900_204
# Defined in file chap-81.m:733:10-28
tsn1tt_811060_8 = (- abts1tt_811040_27)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:411:9-24
vartmp1_811040_29 = vartmp1_811040_26 + abts1tt_811040_27
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1461:11-29
ttsn3vj_899999999_8 = (- tabts3vj_99992300_66)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1111:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_68 = vartmp1_99992300_65 + tabts3vj_99992300_66
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1157:11-25
prnnfas_811100_10 = (- aprfas_811090_31)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:961:10-30
aprfbs_811090_64 = m_max(0.000000, abprc_811080_1 - vartmp1_811090_63)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1182:11-28
prnnrco_811100_33 = (- aprrco_811090_95)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1003:9-23
vartmp1_811090_96 = vartmp1_811090_94 + aprrco_811090_95
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1044:10 to 1045:61
aprrdo_811090_128 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_127)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1207:11-26
prnnrez_811100_56 = (- aprrez_811090_159)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1086:9-23
vartmp1_811090_160 = vartmp1_811090_158 + aprrez_811090_159
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1127:10 to 1128:63
aprrfz_811090_192 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_191)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1920:12-28
tprnn1ah_99992110_10 = (- tapr1ah_99992900_32)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1659:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_33 = vartmp1_99992900_31 + tapr1ah_99992900_32
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1704:11 to 1705:62
tapr1bh_99992900_68 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_67)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1947:12-30
tprnnrco_99992110_35 = (- taprrco_99992900_102)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1750:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_103 = vartmp1_99992900_101 + taprrco_99992900_102
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1795:11 to 1796:64
taprrdo_99992900_138 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_137)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1974:12-28
tprnnrez_99992110_60 = (- taprrez_99992900_171)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1841:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_173 = vartmp1_99992900_170 + taprrez_99992900_171
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1885:11 to 1886:64
taprrfz_99992900_207 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_206)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 412:10 to 413:64
abts1gb_811040_30 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_29)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1112:11 to 1113:65
tabts1tt_99992300_69 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_68)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1158:9-96
prnnv_811100_11 = prnn1al_811100_1 + prnn1am_811100_2 + prnn1az_811100_3 + prnn1ao_811100_4 + \
prnnras_811100_5 + prnnraz_811100_8 + prnnrao_811100_9 + \
prnnfas_811100_10 + prnnral_811100_6 + prnnram_811100_7
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1170:11-25
prnnfbs_811100_22 = (- aprfbs_811090_64)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1004:10-30
aprfcs_811090_97 = m_max(0.000000, abpr1_811080_2 - vartmp1_811090_96)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1195:11-28
prnnrdo_811100_45 = (- aprrdo_811090_128)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1046:9-23
vartmp1_811090_129 = vartmp1_811090_127 + aprrdo_811090_128
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1087:10 to 1088:61
aprreo_811090_161 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_160)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1220:11-26
prnnrfz_811100_68 = (- aprrfz_811090_192)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1129:9-23
vartmp1_811090_193 = vartmp1_811090_191 + aprrfz_811090_192
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1660:11-32
taprfas_99992900_34 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprv_99992800_0 - vartmp1_99992900_33)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1934:12-28
tprnn1bh_99992110_23 = (- tapr1bh_99992900_68)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1706:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_69 = vartmp1_99992900_67 + tapr1bh_99992900_68
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1751:11 to 1752:62
tapr1ch_99992900_104 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_103)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1961:12-30
tprnnrdo_99992110_48 = (- taprrdo_99992900_138)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1797:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_139 = vartmp1_99992900_137 + taprrdo_99992900_138
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1842:11 to 1843:64
taprreo_99992900_174 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_173)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1988:12-28
tprnnrfz_99992110_73 = (- taprrfz_99992900_207)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1888:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_209 = vartmp1_99992900_206 + taprrfz_99992900_207
# Defined in file chap-81.m:738:11-27
tsn1gb_811060_13 = (- abts1gb_811040_30)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:416:9-24
vartmp1_811040_32 = vartmp1_811040_29 + abts1gb_811040_30
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1462:11-30
ttsn1tt_899999999_9 = (- tabts1tt_99992300_69)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1116:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_71 = vartmp1_99992300_68 + tabts1tt_99992300_69
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1183:11-25
prnnfcs_811100_34 = (- aprfcs_811090_97)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1047:10-30
aprfds_811090_130 = m_max(0.000000, abpr2_811080_3 - vartmp1_811090_129)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1208:11-28
prnnreo_811100_57 = (- aprreo_811090_161)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1089:9-23
vartmp1_811090_162 = vartmp1_811090_160 + aprreo_811090_161
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1130:10 to 1131:61
aprrfo_811090_194 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_193)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1921:12-27
tprnnfas_99992110_11 = (- taprfas_99992900_34)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1707:11-32
taprfbs_99992900_70 = m_max(
0.000000, tabprc_99992800_1 - vartmp1_99992900_69)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1948:12-28
tprnn1ch_99992110_36 = (- tapr1ch_99992900_104)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1753:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_105 = vartmp1_99992900_103 + tapr1ch_99992900_104
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1798:11 to 1799:62
tapr1dh_99992900_140 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_139)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1975:12-30
tprnnreo_99992110_61 = (- taprreo_99992900_174)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1844:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_175 = vartmp1_99992900_173 + taprreo_99992900_174
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1889:11 to 1890:64
taprrfo_99992900_210 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_209)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 417:10 to 418:64
abts1aa_811040_33 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_32)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1117:11 to 1118:65
tabts1gb_99992300_72 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_71)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1196:11-25
prnnfds_811100_46 = (- aprfds_811090_130)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1090:10-30
aprfes_811090_163 = m_max(0.000000, abpr3_811080_4 - vartmp1_811090_162)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1221:11-28
prnnrfo_811100_69 = (- aprrfo_811090_194)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1132:9-23
vartmp1_811090_195 = vartmp1_811090_193 + aprrfo_811090_194
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1922:10-118
tprnnv_99992110_12 = tprnn1al_99992110_1 + tprnn1am_99992110_2 + tprnn1az_99992110_3 + tprnn1ao_99992110_4 + tprnnras_99992110_5 + \
tprnnraz_99992110_8 + tprnnrao_99992110_9 + tprnn1ah_99992110_10 + \
tprnnfas_99992110_11 + tprnnral_99992110_6 + tprnnram_99992110_7
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1935:12-27
tprnnfbs_99992110_24 = (- taprfbs_99992900_70)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1754:11-32
taprfcs_99992900_106 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr1_99992800_2 - vartmp1_99992900_105)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1962:12-28
tprnn1dh_99992110_49 = (- tapr1dh_99992900_140)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1800:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_141 = vartmp1_99992900_139 + tapr1dh_99992900_140
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1845:11 to 1846:62
tapr1eh_99992900_176 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_175)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1989:12-30
tprnnrfo_99992110_74 = (- taprrfo_99992900_210)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1891:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_211 = vartmp1_99992900_209 + taprrfo_99992900_210
# Defined in file chap-81.m:739:11-27
tsn1aa_811060_14 = (- abts1aa_811040_33)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:421:9-24
vartmp1_811040_35 = vartmp1_811040_32 + abts1aa_811040_33
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1467:12-29
ttsn1gb_899999999_14 = (- tabts1gb_99992300_72)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1121:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_74 = vartmp1_99992300_71 + tabts1gb_99992300_72
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1209:11-25
prnnfes_811100_58 = (- aprfes_811090_163)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1133:10-30
aprffs_811090_196 = m_max(0.000000, abpr4_811080_5 - vartmp1_811090_195)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1949:12-27
tprnnfcs_99992110_37 = (- taprfcs_99992900_106)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1801:11-32
taprfds_99992900_142 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr2_99992800_3 - vartmp1_99992900_141)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1976:12-28
tprnn1eh_99992110_62 = (- tapr1eh_99992900_176)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1847:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_177 = vartmp1_99992900_175 + tapr1eh_99992900_176
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1892:11 to 1893:62
tapr1fh_99992900_212 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_211)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 422:10 to 423:64
abts1gf_811040_36 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_35)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1122:11 to 1123:65
tabts1aa_99992300_75 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_74)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1222:11-25
prnnffs_811100_70 = (- aprffs_811090_196)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1963:12-27
tprnnfds_99992110_50 = (- taprfds_99992900_142)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1848:11-32
taprfes_99992900_178 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr3_99992800_4 - vartmp1_99992900_177)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1990:12-28
tprnn1fh_99992110_75 = (- tapr1fh_99992900_212)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1894:9-24
vartmp1_99992900_213 = vartmp1_99992900_211 + tapr1fh_99992900_212
# Defined in file chap-81.m:740:11-27
tsn1gf_811060_15 = (- abts1gf_811040_36)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:426:9-24
vartmp1_811040_38 = vartmp1_811040_35 + abts1gf_811040_36
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1468:12-29
ttsn1aa_899999999_15 = (- tabts1aa_99992300_75)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1126:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_77 = vartmp1_99992300_74 + tabts1aa_99992300_75
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1977:12-27
tprnnfes_99992110_63 = (- taprfes_99992900_178)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1895:11-32
taprffs_99992900_214 = m_max(
0.000000, tabpr4_99992800_5 - vartmp1_99992900_213)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1618:10 to 1619:73
tsn1ax_201900_0 = m_round(var_1ax * (m_div(tsn1aj_811060_0 + tsn1aa_811060_14 + tsn1gf_811060_15 + tsn1gb_811060_13 +
tsn1ap_811060_6 + tsn1ag_811060_5, var_1aj))) * m_cond((var_1aj > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 427:10 to 428:64
abtsraj_811040_39 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_38)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1127:11 to 1128:65
tabts1gf_99992300_78 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_77)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1991:12-27
tprnnffs_99992110_76 = (- taprffs_99992900_214)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1623:12-81
salcimrv_201900_3 = m_max(0.000000, tsn1aj_811060_0 + tsn1aa_811060_14 + tsn1gf_811060_15 +
tsn1gb_811060_13 + tsn1ap_811060_6 + (tsn1ag_811060_5 - tsn1ax_201900_0))
# Defined in file chap-81.m:734:11-27
tsnraj_811060_9 = (- abtsraj_811040_39)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:431:9-24
vartmp1_811040_41 = vartmp1_811040_38 + abtsraj_811040_39
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1469:12-29
ttsn1gf_899999999_16 = (- tabts1gf_99992300_78)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1131:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_80 = vartmp1_99992300_77 + tabts1gf_99992300_78
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 432:10 to 433:64
abtsrap_811040_42 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_41)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1132:11 to 1133:65
tabtsraj_99992300_81 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_80)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:735:11-28
tsnrap_811060_10 = (- abtsrap_811040_42)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:436:9-24
vartmp1_811040_44 = vartmp1_811040_41 + abtsrap_811040_42
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1463:12-29
ttsnraj_899999999_10 = (- tabtsraj_99992300_81)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1136:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_83 = vartmp1_99992300_80 + tabtsraj_99992300_81
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 437:10 to 438:64
abtsraf_811040_45 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_44)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1137:11 to 1138:65
tabtsrap_99992300_84 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_83)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:741:11-27
tsnraf_811060_16 = (- abtsraf_811040_45)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:441:9-24
vartmp1_811040_47 = vartmp1_811040_44 + abtsraf_811040_45
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1464:12-30
ttsnrap_899999999_11 = (- tabtsrap_99992300_84)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1141:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_86 = vartmp1_99992300_83 + tabtsrap_99992300_84
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 442:10 to 443:64
abtsrag_811040_48 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - vartmp1_811040_47)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1142:11 to 1143:65
tabtsraf_99992300_87 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_86)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:742:11-27
tsnrag_811060_17 = (- abtsrag_811040_48)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:445:9-24
abtsv_811040_49 = vartmp1_811040_47 + abtsrag_811040_48
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1470:12-29
ttsnraf_899999999_17 = (- tabtsraf_99992300_87)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1146:9-25
vartmp1_99992300_89 = vartmp1_99992300_86 + tabtsraf_99992300_87
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 446:12 to 447:50
abdomdaj_811040_50 = m_max(0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - abtsv_811040_49)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1147:11 to 1148:65
tabtsrag_99992300_90 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - vartmp1_99992300_89)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1703:13-64
cimrpenp1_201900_32 = m_max(
0.000000, prnn1cz_811100_27 + prnn1co_811100_28 + prnn1cm_811100_26)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1707:13-64
cimrpenp2_201900_34 = m_max(
0.000000, prnn1dz_811100_39 + prnn1do_811100_40 + prnn1dm_811100_38)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:736:11-28
tsndaj_811060_11 = (- abdomdaj_811040_50)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:448:12-42
abdomeaj_811040_51 = m_max(
0.000000, rep10v_811030_51 - abtsv_811040_49 - abdomdaj_811040_50)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1471:12-29
ttsnrag_899999999_18 = (- tabtsrag_99992300_90)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1150:10-26
tabtsv_99992300_91 = vartmp1_99992300_89 + tabtsrag_99992300_90
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1711:13-64
cimrpenp3_201900_36 = m_max(
0.000000, prnn1ez_811100_51 + prnn1eo_811100_52 + prnn1em_811100_50)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:737:11-28
tsneaj_811060_12 = (- abdomeaj_811040_51)
# Defined in file chap-88.m:33:9-71
gln4v_881000_5 = (m_max((- abdomdaj_811040_50), 0.000000) +
m_max((- abdomeaj_811040_51), 0.000000)) * indeftsv_811030_33
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 1151:13 to 1152:52
tabdomdaj_99992300_92 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - tabtsv_99992300_91)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1715:13-64
cimrpenp4_201900_38 = m_max(
0.000000, prnn1fz_811100_63 + prnn1fo_811100_64 + prnn1fm_811100_62)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1234:9 to 1237:65
tsntv_811110_0 = tsn1aj_811060_0 + tsn1pm_811060_1 + tsn1tp_811060_2 + tsn1nx_811060_3 + tsn1af_811060_4 + tsn1ag_811060_5 + tsn1ap_811060_6 + tsn3vj_811060_7 + tsn1tt_811060_8 + \
tsnraj_811060_9 + tsnrap_811060_10 + tsndaj_811060_11 + tsneaj_811060_12 + \
tsn1gb_811060_13 + tsn1aa_811060_14 + \
tsn1gf_811060_15 + tsnraf_811060_16 + tsnrag_811060_17
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1465:12-30
ttsndaj_899999999_12 = (- tabdomdaj_99992300_92)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1153:13-46
tabdomeaj_99992300_93 = m_max(
0.000000, trep10v_99992300_33 - tabtsv_99992300_91 - tabdomdaj_99992300_92)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1645:8 to 1646:40
tsnv_811130_0 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_min(0.000000, tsntv_811110_0 +
prnnv_811100_11) + m_cond((tsntv_811110_0 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * tsntv_811110_0
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1281:13 to 1282:65
prndef1as_811120_3 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (
1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * (- tsntv_811110_0)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:1466:12-30
ttsneaj_899999999_13 = (- tabdomeaj_99992300_93)
# Defined in file chap-88.m:46:7-62
tsv_881010_0 = tsnv_811130_0 - \
m_max((- abdomdaj_811040_50), 0.000000) - \
m_max((- abdomeaj_811040_51), 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1542:10-29
prn1as_811120_198 = (- prndef1as_811120_3)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1284:13 to 1285:80
prndef1al_811120_5 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round((- tsntv_811110_0) * (
m_div(prnn1al_811100_1, prnnv_811100_11))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - prndef1as_811120_3))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2003:11 to 2004:67
ttsntv_99992120_0 = ttsn1aj_899999999_0 + ttsn1pm_899999999_1 + ttsn1tp_899999999_2 + ttsn1nx_899999999_3 + ttsn1af_899999999_4 + ttsn1ag_899999999_5 + ttsn1ac_899999999_6 + ttsn1ap_899999999_7 + ttsn3vj_899999999_8 + \
ttsn1tt_899999999_9 + ttsnraj_899999999_10 + ttsnrap_899999999_11 + ttsndaj_899999999_12 + ttsneaj_899999999_13 + \
ttsn1gb_899999999_14 + ttsn1aa_899999999_15 + \
ttsn1gf_899999999_16 + ttsnraf_899999999_17 + ttsnrag_899999999_18
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 68:10 to 69:36
tsnnv_881010_12 = m_cond((tsv_881010_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round(tsv_881010_0 * (m_div(
var_1aj, var_1aj))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((tsv_881010_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * tsv_881010_0
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1543:10-29
prn1al_811120_199 = prnn1al_811100_1 - prndef1al_811120_5
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1287:9-28
vartmp1_811120_7 = prndef1as_811120_3 + prndef1al_811120_5
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2040:14 to 2041:66
tprndef1as_99992130_9 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (
1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * (- ttsntv_99992120_0)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2027:9-89
ttsnv_99992130_0 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_min(0.000000, ttsntv_99992120_0 +
tprnnv_99992110_12) + m_cond((ttsntv_99992120_0 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * ttsntv_99992120_0
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 145:13 to 146:75
tsnn2tsv_881010_31 = m_cond(
(tsv_881010_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (tsv_881010_0 - tsnnv_881010_12)
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 94:14 to 99:90
tsnn2vaff_881010_20 = m_cond(
(tsv_881010_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (tsv_881010_0 - tsnnv_881010_12)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1288:13 to 1289:78
prndef1am_811120_8 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round((- tsntv_811110_0) * (
m_div(prnn1am_811100_2, prnnv_811100_11))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_7))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2322:11-32
tprn1as_99992130_217 = (- tprndef1as_99992130_9)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2043:14 to 2044:82
tprndef1al_99992130_11 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round((- ttsntv_99992120_0) * (
m_div(tprnn1al_99992110_1, tprnnv_99992110_12))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - tprndef1as_99992130_9))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2446:8-67
ttsv_99992230_0 = ttsnv_99992130_0 - \
m_max((- tabdomdaj_99992300_92), 0.000000) - \
m_max((- tabdomeaj_99992300_93), 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:263:17-185
tsnn2tsv_1731_701037_0 = m_max(0.000000, (- tsnn2tsv_881010_31))
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 158:13 to 159:77
tsnn2raf_881010_37 = m_cond((tsv_881010_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * (tsv_881010_0 - tsnnv_881010_12 - tsnn2tsv_881010_31)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1544:10-29
prn1am_811120_200 = prnn1am_811100_2 - prndef1am_811120_8
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1291:9-26
vartmp1_811120_10 = vartmp1_811120_7 + prndef1am_811120_8
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2323:11-32
tprn1al_99992130_218 = tprnn1al_99992110_1 - tprndef1al_99992130_11
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2046:9-30
vartmp1_99992130_13 = tprndef1as_99992130_9 + tprndef1al_99992130_11
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2467:11 to 2468:38
ttsnnv_99992230_12 = m_cond((ttsv_99992230_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round(ttsv_99992230_0 * (
m_div(var_1aj, var_1aj))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((ttsv_99992230_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * ttsv_99992230_0
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 171:13 to 172:79
tsnn2rag_881010_43 = m_cond((tsv_881010_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (
tsv_881010_0 - tsnnv_881010_12 - tsnn2tsv_881010_31 - tsnn2raf_881010_37)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1292:13 to 1293:78
prndef1az_811120_11 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round((- tsntv_811110_0) * (
m_div(prnn1az_811100_3, prnnv_811100_11))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_10))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2047:14 to 2048:79
tprndef1am_99992130_14 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round((- ttsntv_99992120_0) * (
m_div(tprnn1am_99992110_2, tprnnv_99992110_12))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_13))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2513:15 to 2514:77
ttsnn2tsv_99992230_24 = m_cond(
(ttsv_99992230_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (ttsv_99992230_0 - ttsnnv_99992230_12)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:399:12-161
revtsqht_701040_14 = tsnn2tsv_881010_31 + \
tsnn2tsv_1731_701037_0 + tsnn2raf_881010_37 + tsnn2rag_881010_43
# Defined in file chap-88.m:184:15-70
tsnn2rempv_881010_49 = m_cond((tsv_881010_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (
tsv_881010_0 - tsnnv_881010_12 - tsnn2tsv_881010_31 - tsnn2raf_881010_37 - tsnn2rag_881010_43)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1545:10-29
prn1az_811120_201 = prnn1az_811100_3 - prndef1az_811120_11
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1295:9-26
vartmp1_811120_13 = vartmp1_811120_10 + prndef1az_811120_11
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2324:11-32
tprn1am_99992130_219 = tprnn1am_99992110_2 - tprndef1am_99992130_14
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2050:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_16 = vartmp1_99992130_13 + tprndef1am_99992130_14
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2527:14 to 2528:80
ttsnn2raf_99992230_30 = m_cond((ttsv_99992230_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (
ttsv_99992230_0 - ttsnnv_99992230_12 - ttsnn2tsv_99992230_24)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:271:19-191
tsnn2rempv_1731_701037_7 = m_max(0.000000, (- tsnn2rempv_881010_49))
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1296:13 to 1297:78
prndef1ao_811120_14 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_13)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2051:14 to 2052:79
tprndef1az_99992130_17 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round((- ttsntv_99992120_0) * (
m_div(tprnn1az_99992110_3, tprnnv_99992110_12))) + (1.000000 - m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_16))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2540:14 to 2541:83
ttsnn2rag_99992230_36 = m_cond((ttsv_99992230_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (
ttsv_99992230_0 - ttsnnv_99992230_12 - ttsnn2tsv_99992230_24 - ttsnn2raf_99992230_30)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1589:8-91
prn1_811120_239 = m_max(0.000000, prnn1cl_811100_25 + prnn1cm_811100_26 + prnn1cz_811100_27 + prnn1co_811100_28 +
prnnrcs_811100_29 + prnnrcz_811100_32 + prnnrco_811100_33 + prnnfcs_811100_34 + prnnrcl_811100_30 + prnnrcm_811100_31)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1602:8-91
prn2_811120_251 = m_max(0.000000, prnn1dl_811100_37 + prnn1dm_811100_38 + prnn1dz_811100_39 + prnn1do_811100_40 +
prnnrds_811100_41 + prnnrdz_811100_44 + prnnrdo_811100_45 + prnnfds_811100_46 + prnnrdl_811100_42 + prnnrdm_811100_43)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1546:10-29
prn1ao_811120_202 = prnn1ao_811100_4 - prndef1ao_811120_14
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1299:9-26
vartmp1_811120_16 = vartmp1_811120_13 + prndef1ao_811120_14
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2325:11-32
tprn1az_99992130_220 = tprnn1az_99992110_3 - tprndef1az_99992130_17
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2054:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_19 = vartmp1_99992130_16 + tprndef1az_99992130_17
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 397:9 to 398:185
revts_701040_13 = tsnn2tsv_881010_31 + tsnn2raf_881010_37 + \
tsnn2rag_881010_43 + tsnn2tsv_1731_701037_0
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2553:16-77
ttsnn2rempv_99992230_42 = m_cond((ttsv_99992230_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (
ttsv_99992230_0 - ttsnnv_99992230_12 - ttsnn2tsv_99992230_24 - ttsnn2raf_99992230_30 - ttsnn2rag_99992230_36)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1615:8-91
prn3_811120_263 = m_max(0.000000, prnn1el_811100_49 + prnn1em_811100_50 + prnn1ez_811100_51 + prnn1eo_811100_52 +
prnnres_811100_53 + prnnrez_811100_56 + prnnreo_811100_57 + prnnfes_811100_58 + prnnrel_811100_54 + prnnrem_811100_55)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:401:16-61
revtsrempqht_701040_16 = tsnn2rempv_881010_49 + tsnn2rempv_1731_701037_7
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1300:13 to 1301:78
prndefras_811120_17 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_16)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2055:14 to 2056:79
tprndef1ao_99992130_20 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_19)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:400:13-110
revtsremp_701040_15 = tsnn2rempv_881010_49 + tsnn2rempv_1731_701037_7
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1628:8-91
prn4_811120_275 = m_max(0.000000, prnn1fl_811100_61 + prnn1fm_811100_62 + prnn1fz_811100_63 + prnn1fo_811100_64 +
prnnrfs_811100_65 + prnnrfz_811100_68 + prnnrfo_811100_69 + prnnffs_811100_70 + prnnrfl_811100_66 + prnnrfm_811100_67)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1699:12-63
cimrpen2_201900_30 = m_max(0.000000, prnn1bs_811100_12 +
prnn1bz_811100_15 + prnn1bo_811100_16 + prnn1bm_811100_14)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1695:12-63
cimrpen1_201900_28 = m_max(0.000000, prn1as_811120_198 +
prn1az_811120_201 + prn1ao_811120_202 + prn1am_811120_200)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1547:10-29
prnras_811120_203 = prnnras_811100_5 - prndefras_811120_17
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1303:9-26
vartmp1_811120_19 = vartmp1_811120_16 + prndefras_811120_17
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2326:11-32
tprn1ao_99992130_221 = tprnn1ao_99992110_4 - tprndef1ao_99992130_20
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2058:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_22 = vartmp1_99992130_19 + tprndef1ao_99992130_20
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1870:9 to 1871:136
cimrb_201905_1 = salcimrv_201900_3 + cimrpen1_201900_28 + cimrpen2_201900_30 + cimrpenp1_201900_32 + \
cimrpenp2_201900_34 + cimrpenp3_201900_36 + \
cimrpenp4_201900_38 + cimrrf_201900_40
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1304:13 to 1305:78
prndefral_811120_20 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_19)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2059:14 to 2060:79
tprndefras_99992130_23 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_22)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2379:9-111
tprn2_99992130_268 = m_max(0.000000, tprnn1dl_99992110_40 + tprnn1dm_99992110_41 + tprnn1dz_99992110_42 + tprnn1do_99992110_43 + tprnnrds_99992110_44 +
tprnnrdz_99992110_47 + tprnnrdo_99992110_48 + tprnn1dh_99992110_49 + tprnnfds_99992110_50 + tprnnrdl_99992110_45 + tprnnrdm_99992110_46)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2365:9-111
tprn1_99992130_255 = m_max(0.000000, tprnn1cl_99992110_27 + tprnn1cm_99992110_28 + tprnn1cz_99992110_29 + tprnn1co_99992110_30 + tprnnrcs_99992110_31 +
tprnnrcz_99992110_34 + tprnnrco_99992110_35 + tprnn1ch_99992110_36 + tprnnfcs_99992110_37 + tprnnrcl_99992110_32 + tprnnrcm_99992110_33)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1548:10-29
prnral_811120_204 = prnnral_811100_6 - prndefral_811120_20
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1307:9-26
vartmp1_811120_22 = vartmp1_811120_19 + prndefral_811120_20
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2327:11-32
tprnras_99992130_222 = tprnnras_99992110_5 - tprndefras_99992130_23
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2062:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_25 = vartmp1_99992130_22 + tprndefras_99992130_23
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2393:9-111
tprn3_99992130_281 = m_max(0.000000, tprnn1el_99992110_53 + tprnn1em_99992110_54 + tprnn1ez_99992110_55 + tprnn1eo_99992110_56 + tprnnres_99992110_57 +
tprnnrez_99992110_60 + tprnnreo_99992110_61 + tprnn1eh_99992110_62 + tprnnfes_99992110_63 + tprnnrel_99992110_58 + tprnnrem_99992110_59)
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1308:13 to 1309:78
prndefram_811120_23 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_22)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2063:14 to 2064:79
tprndefral_99992130_26 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_25)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2407:9-111
tprn4_99992130_294 = m_max(0.000000, tprnn1fl_99992110_66 + tprnn1fm_99992110_67 + tprnn1fz_99992110_68 + tprnn1fo_99992110_69 + tprnnrfs_99992110_70 +
tprnnrfz_99992110_73 + tprnnrfo_99992110_74 + tprnn1fh_99992110_75 + tprnnffs_99992110_76 + tprnnrfl_99992110_71 + tprnnrfm_99992110_72)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1549:10-29
prnram_811120_205 = prnnram_811100_7 - prndefram_811120_23
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1311:9-26
vartmp1_811120_25 = vartmp1_811120_22 + prndefram_811120_23
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2328:11-32
tprnral_99992130_223 = tprnnral_99992110_6 - tprndefral_99992130_26
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2066:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_28 = vartmp1_99992130_25 + tprndefral_99992130_26
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1312:13 to 1313:78
prndefraz_811120_26 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_25)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2067:14 to 2068:79
tprndefram_99992130_29 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_28)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1550:10-29
prnraz_811120_206 = prnnraz_811100_8 - prndefraz_811120_26
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1315:9-26
vartmp1_811120_28 = vartmp1_811120_25 + prndefraz_811120_26
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2329:11-32
tprnram_99992130_224 = tprnnram_99992110_7 - tprndefram_99992130_29
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2070:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_31 = vartmp1_99992130_28 + tprndefram_99992130_29
# Defined in file chap-81.m, from 1316:13 to 1317:76
prndefrao_811120_29 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_28)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2071:14 to 2072:79
tprndefraz_99992130_32 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_31)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1551:10-29
prnrao_811120_207 = prnnrao_811100_9 - prndefrao_811120_29
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1319:9-26
vartmp1_811120_31 = vartmp1_811120_28 + prndefrao_811120_29
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2330:11-32
tprnraz_99992130_225 = tprnnraz_99992110_8 - tprndefraz_99992130_32
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2074:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_34 = vartmp1_99992130_31 + tprndefraz_99992130_32
# Defined in file chap-88.m:477:12-47
penstotp_881100_9 = prn1_811120_239 + \
prn2_811120_251 + prn3_811120_263 + prn4_811120_275
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1320:13-53
prndeffas_811120_32 = m_cond(((- tsntv_811110_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- tsntv_811110_0) - vartmp1_811120_31)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2075:14 to 2076:77
tprndef1ah_99992130_35 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_34)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1552:10-29
prnfas_811120_208 = prnnfas_811100_10 - prndeffas_811120_32
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2332:11-32
tprn1ah_99992130_227 = tprnn1ah_99992110_10 - tprndef1ah_99992130_35
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2078:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_37 = vartmp1_99992130_34 + tprndef1ah_99992130_35
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1573:8-91
prnc_811120_224 = m_max(0.000000, prnn1bs_811100_12 + prnn1bl_811100_13 + prnn1bm_811100_14 + prnn1bz_811100_15 + prnn1bo_811100_16 +
prnnrbs_811100_17 + prnnrbz_811100_20 + prnnrbo_811100_21 + prnnfbs_811100_22 + prnnrbl_811100_18 + prnnrbm_811100_19)
# Defined in file chap-81.m:1556:8-91
prnv_811120_209 = m_max(0.000000, prn1as_811120_198 + prn1al_811120_199 + prn1am_811120_200 + prn1az_811120_201 + prn1ao_811120_202 +
prnras_811120_203 + prnraz_811120_206 + prnrao_811120_207 + prnfas_811120_208 + prnral_811120_204 + prnram_811120_205)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2079:14 to 2080:77
tprndefrao_99992130_38 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_37)
# Defined in file chap-88.m:203:8-32
prrc_881020_1 = m_round(prnc_811120_224 * (m_div(var_1bs, var_1bs)))
# Defined in file chap-88.m:202:8-32
prrv_881020_0 = m_round(prnv_811120_209 * (m_div(var_1ao, var_1ao)))
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2331:11-32
tprnrao_99992130_226 = tprnnrao_99992110_9 - tprndefrao_99992130_38
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2082:9-27
vartmp1_99992130_40 = vartmp1_99992130_37 + tprndefrao_99992130_38
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 212:9 to 213:78
prr2c_881020_7 = prnc_811120_224 - prrc_881020_1
# Defined in file chap-88.m:406:10-22
tsprv_881070_0 = tsnnv_881010_12 + prrv_881020_0
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 210:9 to 211:78
prr2v_881020_6 = prnv_811120_209 - prrv_881020_0
# Defined in file res-ser1.m, from 546:11 to 551:23
tsprt_111190_0 = tsnnv_881010_12 + prrv_881020_0 + prrc_881020_1
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2083:14-56
tprndeffas_99992130_41 = m_cond(((- ttsntv_99992120_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000,
0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (- ttsntv_99992120_0) - vartmp1_99992130_40)
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 226:10 to 227:77
prr2zc_881020_13 = prnc_811120_224 - prrc_881020_1 - prr2c_881020_7
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 224:10 to 225:77
prr2zv_881020_12 = prnv_811120_209 - prrv_881020_0 - prr2v_881020_6
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2333:11-32
tprnfas_99992130_228 = tprnnfas_99992110_11 - tprndeffas_99992130_41
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 241:11 to 242:82
penfc_881020_20 = m_max(0.000000, prnc_811120_224 -
prrc_881020_1 - prr2c_881020_7 - prr2zc_881020_13)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2351:9-111
tprnc_99992130_242 = m_max(0.000000, tprnn1bs_99992110_13 + tprnn1bl_99992110_14 + tprnn1bm_99992110_15 + tprnn1bz_99992110_16 + tprnn1bo_99992110_17 +
tprnnrbs_99992110_18 + tprnnrbz_99992110_21 + tprnnrbo_99992110_22 + tprnn1bh_99992110_23 + tprnnfbs_99992110_24 + tprnnrbl_99992110_19 + tprnnrbm_99992110_20)
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 239:11 to 240:82
penfv_881020_19 = m_max(0.000000, prnv_811120_209 -
prrv_881020_0 - prr2v_881020_6 - prr2zv_881020_12)
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 2924:8 to 2926:79
shba_701370_12 = tsprt_111190_0 + rnabt2ch_821212_4 + rrfi_831000_0
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2337:9-111
tprnv_99992130_229 = m_max(0.000000, tprn1as_99992130_217 + tprn1al_99992130_218 + tprn1am_99992130_219 + tprn1az_99992130_220 + tprn1ao_99992130_221 +
tprnras_99992130_222 + tprnraz_99992130_225 + tprnrao_99992130_226 + tprn1ah_99992130_227 + tprnfas_99992130_228 + tprnral_99992130_223 + tprnram_99992130_224)
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 255:11 to 256:77
prr2rbl_881020_26 = prnc_811120_224 - prrc_881020_1 - \
prr2c_881020_7 - prr2zc_881020_13 - penfc_881020_20
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2572:9-67
tprrc_99992240_1 = m_round(tprnc_99992130_242 * (m_div(var_1bs, var_1bs)))
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 253:11 to 254:77
prr2ral_881020_25 = prnv_811120_209 - prrv_881020_0 - \
prr2v_881020_6 - prr2zv_881020_12 - penfv_881020_19
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2571:9-67
tprrv_99992240_0 = m_round(tprnv_99992130_229 * (m_div(var_1ao, var_1ao)))
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 269:11 to 270:78
prr2rbm_881020_32 = prnc_811120_224 - prrc_881020_1 - prr2c_881020_7 - \
penfc_881020_20 - prr2zc_881020_13 - prr2rbl_881020_26
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2581:10 to 2582:80
tprr2c_99992240_7 = tprnc_99992130_242 - tprrc_99992240_1
# Defined in file chap-88.m, from 267:11 to 268:78
prr2ram_881020_31 = prnv_811120_209 - prrv_881020_0 - prr2v_881020_6 - \
penfv_881020_19 - prr2zv_881020_12 - prr2ral_881020_25
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2579:10 to 2580:80
tprr2v_99992240_6 = tprnv_99992130_229 - tprrv_99992240_0
# Defined in file chap-88.m:283:12-79
penalimc_881020_38 = m_cond((var_1bs > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (prnc_811120_224 - prrc_881020_1 -
prr2c_881020_7 - prr2zc_881020_13 - penfc_881020_20 - prr2rbl_881020_26 - prr2rbm_881020_32)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2593:11 to 2594:80
tprr2zc_99992240_13 = tprnc_99992130_242 - tprrc_99992240_1 - tprr2c_99992240_7
# Defined in file chap-7.m:385:10-45
revfht_701040_10 = penfv_881020_19 + penfc_881020_20
# Defined in file chap-7.m:404:13-164
revprrqht_701040_18 = prr2v_881020_6 + prr2zv_881020_12 + prr2c_881020_7 + prr2zc_881020_13 + prn1_811120_239 + prn2_811120_251 + \
prn3_811120_263 + prn4_811120_275 + prr2ral_881020_25 + \
prr2rbl_881020_26 + prr2ram_881020_31 + prr2rbm_881020_32
# Defined in file chap-88.m:282:12-79
penalimv_881020_37 = m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (prnv_811120_209 - prrv_881020_0 -
prr2v_881020_6 - prr2zv_881020_12 - penfv_881020_19 - prr2ral_881020_25 - prr2ram_881020_31)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2591:11 to 2592:80
tprr2zv_99992240_12 = tprnv_99992130_229 - tprrv_99992240_0 - tprr2v_99992240_6
# Defined in file chap-88.m:472:13-58
penstotc_881100_4 = prr2c_881020_7 + prr2zc_881020_13 + \
prr2rbl_881020_26 + prr2rbm_881020_32 + penalimc_881020_38
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2608:11 to 2609:86
tpenfc_99992240_19 = m_max(0.000000, tprnc_99992130_242 -
tprrc_99992240_1 - tprr2c_99992240_7 - tprr2zc_99992240_13)
# Defined in file chap-88.m:471:13-58
penstotv_881100_3 = prr2v_881020_6 + prr2zv_881020_12 + \
prr2ral_881020_25 + prr2ram_881020_31 + penalimv_881020_37
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2606:11 to 2607:86
tpenfv_99992240_18 = m_max(0.000000, tprnv_99992130_229 -
tprrv_99992240_0 - tprr2v_99992240_6 - tprr2zv_99992240_12)
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2623:12 to 2624:82
tprr2rbl_99992240_25 = tprnc_99992130_242 - tprrc_99992240_1 - \
tprr2c_99992240_7 - tprr2zc_99992240_13 - tpenfc_99992240_19
# Defined in file chap-taux.m, from 233:10 to 238:50
revtot_201620_56 = m_max(0.000000, tsprv_881070_0) + tsnn2vaff_881010_20 + penstotv_881100_3 + m_max(0.000000, prrc_881020_1) + penstotc_881100_4 + penstotp_881100_9 + \
prnfas_811120_208 + prnnfbs_811100_22 + prnnfcs_811100_34 + prnnfds_811100_46 + \
prnnfes_811100_58 + prnnffs_811100_70 + \
rrcm_111290_0 + m_max(0.000000, rrfi_831000_0)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:384:8-96
revf_701040_9 = penfv_881020_19 + penfc_881020_20
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2621:12 to 2622:82
tprr2ral_99992240_24 = tprnv_99992130_229 - tprrv_99992240_0 - \
tprr2v_99992240_6 - tprr2zv_99992240_12 - tpenfv_99992240_18
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2637:12 to 2638:84
tprr2rbm_99992240_31 = tprnc_99992130_242 - tprrc_99992240_1 - tprr2c_99992240_7 - \
tpenfc_99992240_19 - tprr2zc_99992240_13 - tprr2rbl_99992240_25
# Defined in file chap-7.m:388:14-56
revalimqht_701040_12 = penalimv_881020_37 + penalimc_881020_38
# Defined in file chap-teff.m, from 2635:12 to 2636:84
tprr2ram_99992240_30 = tprnv_99992130_229 - tprrv_99992240_0 - tprr2v_99992240_6 - \
tpenfv_99992240_18 - tprr2zv_99992240_12 - tprr2ral_99992240_24
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2651:13-88
tpenalimc_99992240_37 = m_cond((var_1bs > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (tprnc_99992130_242 - tprrc_99992240_1 -
tprr2c_99992240_7 - tprr2zc_99992240_13 - tpenfc_99992240_19 - tprr2rbl_99992240_25 - tprr2rbm_99992240_31)
# Defined in file res-ser1.m, from 1059:16 to 1060:42
dfantimpuquo_90433_0 = tsnn2tsv_1731_701037_0 + tsnn2rempv_1731_701037_7
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 402:10 to 403:186
revprr_701040_17 = prr2v_881020_6 + prr2zv_881020_12 + prr2c_881020_7 + prr2zc_881020_13 + prn1_811120_239 + prn2_811120_251 + \
prn3_811120_263 + prn4_811120_275 + prr2ral_881020_25 + \
prr2rbl_881020_26 + prr2ram_881020_31 + prr2rbm_881020_32
# Defined in file chap-teff.m:2650:13-88
tpenalimv_99992240_36 = m_cond((var_1ao > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (tprnv_99992130_229 - tprrv_99992240_0 -
tprr2v_99992240_6 - tprr2zv_99992240_12 - tpenfv_99992240_18 - tprr2ral_99992240_24 - tprr2ram_99992240_30)
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 413:13 to 414:212
revqtotqht_701040_23 = gln4v_881000_5 + revalimqht_701040_12 + revfht_701040_10 + \
revtsqht_701040_14 + revtsrempqht_701040_16 + revprrqht_701040_18
# Defined in file chap-7.m:387:11-109
revalim_701040_11 = penalimv_881020_37 + penalimc_881020_38
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 5866:18 to 5897:18
txmoyimpden1_222150_0 = tsntv_811110_0 + var_1ao + var_1bs + rmfn_831020_1
# Defined in file chap-7.m:411:11-420
revqtot_701040_22 = gln4v_881000_5 + revalim_701040_11 + revf_701040_9 + \
revts_701040_13 + revtsremp_701040_15 + revprr_701040_17
# Defined in file res-ser1.m:1049:16-47
dfantimpubar_90432_0 = m_max(0.000000, (- dfantimpuquo_90433_0))
# Defined in file chap-1.m, from 909:10 to 910:103
rdrfps_101220_1 = m_max(0.000000, var_4be - micfr_831010_0)
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 2793:6 to 2798:48
rg_701340_0 = shba_701370_12 + dfantimpubar_90432_0
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 2604:8 to 2611:13
rbg1_701300_0 = (1.000000 - m_cond((rg_701340_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_min(0.000000,
rg_701340_0 + revqtot_701040_22) + m_cond((rg_701340_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * rg_701340_0
# Defined in file chap-7.m:2479:7-23
sdd_701250_0 = m_max(0.000000, (- rg_701340_0))
# Defined in file chap-1.m, from 1352:8 to 1361:40
brds_101280_0 = m_round(m_max(0.000000, rdrfps_101220_1))
# Defined in file chap-1.m, from 1122:8 to 1126:39
bcsg_101226_0 = m_round(m_max(0.000000, rdrfps_101220_1))
# Defined in file chap-1.m, from 768:9 to 773:38
bpsol_101160_0 = m_round(m_max(0.000000, rdrfps_101220_1))
# Defined in file chap-1.m:1398:8-60
rdsc_101290_0 = m_round(brds_101280_0 * 0.005000)
# Defined in file chap-1.m:832:8-59
csgc_101190_0 = m_round(bcsg_101226_0 * 0.092000)
# Defined in file chap-1.m:813:9-98
mpsol_101170_0 = m_round(m_max(0.000000, bpsol_101160_0) * 0.075000)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1328:13 to 1332:124
cimrcrdsp_301375_8 = m_min(
m_max(0.000000, rdsc_101290_0), m_round(cipsbase_301374_0 * 0.005000))
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1322:12 to 1326:121
cimrcsgp_301375_7 = m_min(
m_max(0.000000, csgc_101190_0), m_round(cipsbase_301374_0 * 0.092000))
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1334:13 to 1338:124
cimrpsolp_301375_9 = m_min(
m_max(0.000000, mpsol_101170_0), m_round(cipsbase_301374_0 * 0.075000))
# Defined in file chap-1.m:872:8-41
rdsn_101210_1 = m_max(0.000000, rdsc_101290_0 - cimrcrdsp_301375_8)
# Defined in file chap-1.m:871:7-39
csg_101210_0 = m_max(0.000000, csgc_101190_0 - cimrcsgp_301375_7)
# Defined in file chap-1.m:875:8-41
psol_101210_2 = m_max(0.000000, mpsol_101170_0 - cimrpsolp_301375_9)
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 2491:8 to 2493:63
sdc1_701260_0 = m_max(0.000000, (- m_max(0.000000, rbg1_701300_0)))
# Defined in file chap-87.m, from 410:15 to 444:75
varrevkire_71122_0 = rcmimptn_821214_0 + rnabt2vv_821212_8
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 2503:7 to 2505:61
sdc_701270_0 = m_max(0.000000, (- m_max(0.000000, rbg1_701300_0)))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:4702:10-41
revdon_401850_0 = m_max(0.000000, rbg1_701300_0 +
(revqtotqht_701040_23 - sdd_701250_0 - sdc1_701260_0))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:4711:7-122
bon_401850_4 = m_round(m_min(0.000000, revdon_401850_0 * 0.200000))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:4781:7-48
ron_401870_0 = m_round(bon_401850_4 * 0.660000)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:2517:7-42
sdm_701280_1 = m_max(0.000000, (- m_max(0.000000, rbg1_701300_0)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:2515:7-26
sdv_701280_0 = m_max(0.000000, (- rbg1_701300_0))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:2259:7-68
ri1_701170_0 = m_max(rbg1_701300_0, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 2311:11 to 2312:113
tonequo_701190_3 = m_max(0.000000, revqtot_701040_22 -
sdd_701250_0 + sdc_701270_0 + sdv_701280_0 + sdm_701280_1)
# Defined in file chap-7.m, from 2309:13 to 2310:113
tonequoht_701190_2 = m_max(0.000000, revqtotqht_701040_23 -
sdd_701250_0 + sdc_701270_0 + sdv_701280_0 + sdm_701280_1)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:2306:13-55
revquoqht_701190_1 = m_max(0.000000, revqtotqht_701040_23 -
sdd_701250_0 - sdc_701270_0 - sdv_701280_0 - sdm_701280_1)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:938:12-59
tglprrzc_701069_56 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprr2zc_99992240_13, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:937:12-59
tglprrzv_701069_55 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprr2zv_99992240_12, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:935:11-56
tglprr4_701069_54 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprn4_99992130_294, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:934:11-56
tglprr3_701069_53 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprn3_99992130_281, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:933:11-56
tglprr2_701069_52 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprn2_99992130_268, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:932:11-56
tglprr1_701069_51 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprn1_99992130_255, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:931:11-56
tglprrc_701069_50 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprr2c_99992240_7, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:930:11-56
tglprrv_701069_49 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tprr2v_99992240_6, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:923:14-69
tgltsrempv_701069_42 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(ttsnn2rempv_99992230_42 + tsnn2rempv_1731_701037_7, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:903:10-61
tgltsv_701069_22 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(ttsnn2tsv_99992230_24 + tsnn2tsv_1731_701037_0, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:897:13-64
tglpalimc_701069_16 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tpenalimc_99992240_37, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:896:13-64
tglpalimv_701069_15 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tpenalimv_99992240_36, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:884:9-54
tglfc_701069_9 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tpenfc_99992240_19, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:882:9-54
tglfv_701069_8 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(tpenfv_99992240_18, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:879:8-38
tgl4_701069_6 = m_floor(
tonequo_701190_3 * (m_div(gln4v_881000_5, revqtot_701040_22)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:950:10-50
tglrbm_701069_68 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(tprr2rbm_99992240_31, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:949:10-50
tglram_701069_67 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(tprr2ram_99992240_30, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:944:10-50
tglrbl_701069_62 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(tprr2rbl_99992240_25, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:943:10-50
tglral_701069_61 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(tprr2ral_99992240_24, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:916:10-51
tglrag_701069_35 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(ttsnn2rag_99992230_36, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:910:10-51
tglraf_701069_29 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(ttsnn2raf_99992230_30, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:606:9-48
glrbm_701050_69 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2rbm_881020_32, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:605:9-48
glram_701050_68 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2ram_881020_31, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:600:9-48
glrbl_701050_63 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2rbl_881020_26, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:599:9-48
glral_701050_62 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2ral_881020_25, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:594:11-61
glprrzc_701050_57 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2zc_881020_13, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:593:11-61
glprrzv_701050_56 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2zv_881020_12, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:592:10-58
glprr4_701050_55 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prn4_811120_275, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:591:10-58
glprr3_701050_54 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prn3_811120_263, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:590:10-58
glprr2_701050_53 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prn2_811120_251, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:589:10-58
glprr1_701050_52 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prn1_811120_239, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:588:10-58
glprrc_701050_51 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2c_881020_7, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:587:10-58
glprrv_701050_50 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(prr2v_881020_6, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:580:13-71
gltsrempv_701050_43 = m_floor(tonequoht_701190_2 * (
m_div(tsnn2rempv_881010_49 + tsnn2rempv_1731_701037_7, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:573:9-49
glrag_701050_36 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(tsnn2rag_881010_43, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:567:9-49
glraf_701050_30 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(tsnn2raf_881010_37, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:561:9-63
gltsv_701050_24 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(tsnn2tsv_881010_31 + tsnn2tsv_1731_701037_0, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:554:12-66
glpalimc_701050_18 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(penalimc_881020_38, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:553:12-66
glpalimv_701050_17 = m_floor(
tonequoht_701190_2 * (m_div(penalimv_881020_37, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:542:8-56
glfc_701050_11 = m_floor(tonequoht_701190_2 *
(m_div(penfc_881020_20, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:540:8-56
glfv_701050_10 = m_floor(tonequoht_701190_2 *
(m_div(penfv_881020_19, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-7.m:537:7-43
gl4_701050_8 = m_floor(tonequoht_701190_2 *
(m_div(gln4v_881000_5, revqtotqht_701040_23)))
# Defined in file chap-52.m:233:9-26
qf021_521050_1 = m_div(m_round(ri1_701170_0), nbyv2_521040_1)
# Defined in file chap-52.m:232:9-26
qf011_521050_0 = m_div(m_round(ri1_701170_0), nbpt_601000_0)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:902:15-42
tglpalimtot_701069_21 = tglpalimv_701069_15 + tglpalimc_701069_16
# Defined in file chap-7.m:894:11-34
tglftot_701069_14 = tglfv_701069_8 + tglfc_701069_9
# Defined in file chap-7.m:955:13-131
tglprrtot_701069_73 = tglprrv_701069_49 + tglprrzv_701069_55 + tglprrc_701069_50 + tglprrzc_701069_56 + tglprr1_701069_51 + \
tglprr2_701069_52 + tglprr3_701069_53 + tglprr4_701069_54 + \
tglral_701069_61 + tglrbl_701069_62 + tglram_701069_67 + tglrbm_701069_68
# Defined in file chap-7.m:922:12-120
tgltstot_701069_41 = tgltsv_701069_22 + tglraf_701069_29 + tglrag_701069_35
# Defined in file chap-7.m:611:12-116
glprrtot_701050_74 = glprrv_701050_50 + glprrzv_701050_56 + glprrc_701050_51 + glprrzc_701050_57 + glprr1_701050_52 + \
glprr2_701050_53 + glprr3_701050_54 + glprr4_701050_55 + \
glral_701050_62 + glrbl_701050_63 + glram_701050_68 + glrbm_701050_69
# Defined in file chap-7.m:579:11-106
gltstot_701050_42 = gltsv_701050_24 + glraf_701050_30 + glrag_701050_36
# Defined in file chap-7.m:559:14-40
glpalimtot_701050_23 = glpalimv_701050_17 + glpalimc_701050_18
# Defined in file chap-7.m:551:10-32
glftot_701050_16 = glfv_701050_10 + glfc_701050_11
# Defined in file chap-7.m:1252:8-27
rpq4_701090_4 = m_floor(m_div(gl4_701050_8, 4.000000))
# Defined in file chap-52.m:102:9-128
ds021_521010_2 = m_max(qf021_521050_1 - 9964.000000, 0.000000) * 0.140000 + m_max(qf021_521050_1 - 27519.000000, 0.000000) * \
0.160000 + m_max(qf021_521050_1 - 73779.000000, 0.000000) * 0.110000 + \
m_max(qf021_521050_1 - 156244.000000, 0.000000) * 0.040000
# Defined in file chap-52.m:102:9-128
ds011_521010_0 = m_max(qf011_521050_0 - 9964.000000, 0.000000) * 0.140000 + m_max(qf011_521050_0 - 27519.000000, 0.000000) * \
0.160000 + m_max(qf011_521050_0 - 73779.000000, 0.000000) * 0.110000 + \
m_max(qf011_521050_0 - 156244.000000, 0.000000) * 0.040000
# Defined in file chap-7.m:973:12-105
tglrf2_701069_91 = tonequo_701190_3 - tgl4_701069_6 - tglftot_701069_14 - \
tglpalimtot_701069_21 - tgltstot_701069_41 - \
tgltsrempv_701069_42 - tglprrtot_701069_73
# Defined in file chap-7.m:631:9-102
glrf2_701050_93 = m_max(0.000000, tonequoht_701190_2 - gl4_701050_8 - glftot_701050_16 -
glpalimtot_701050_23 - gltstot_701050_42 - gltsrempv_701050_43 - glprrtot_701050_74)
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1923:9-27
is021_511380_1 = m_round(ds021_521010_2 * nbyv2_521040_1)
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1922:9-27
is011_511380_0 = m_round(ds011_521010_0 * nbpt_601000_0)
# Defined in file chap-87.m, from 466:15 to 473:85
quokirehr_871125_4 = tgl4_701069_6 + tglprrv_701069_49 + tglprrzv_701069_55 + tglfv_701069_8 + tgltsv_701069_22 + tgltsrempv_701069_42 + tglpalimv_701069_15 + tglprrc_701069_50 + tglprrzc_701069_56 + tglfc_701069_9 + \
tglpalimc_701069_16 + tglprr1_701069_51 + tglprr2_701069_52 + tglprr3_701069_53 + tglprr4_701069_54 + tglrf2_701069_91 + \
tglraf_701069_29 + tglrag_701069_35 + tglral_701069_61 + \
tglrbl_701069_62 + tglram_701069_67 + tglrbm_701069_68
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1663:6-26
in01_511320_0 = m_max(is011_511380_0, is021_511380_1 - pla_511370_0)
# Defined in file chap-87.m, from 360:13 to 367:100
quokire_871110_1 = rpq4_701090_4 + \
glfv_701050_10 + glfc_701050_11 + glrf2_701050_93
# Defined in file chap-87.m, from 476:13 to 483:50
revkirehr_871125_5 = m_round(
m_max(0.000000, ri1_701170_0 + varrevkire_71122_0 + quokirehr_871125_4))
# Defined in file chap-87.m, from 451:11 to 458:25
revkire_871125_0 = m_round(
m_max(0.000000, ri1_701170_0 + varrevkire_71122_0 + quokire_871110_1))
# Defined in file chap-thr.m:86:12-62
chrreel2_80000_14 = m_max(0.000000, (revkirehr_871125_5 -
500000.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0)) * 0.040000)
# Defined in file chap-thr.m, from 84:12 to 85:108
chrreel1_80000_13 = m_cond((500000.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0) - revkirehr_871125_5 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * (revkirehr_871125_5 - 250000.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0)) * \
0.030000 + 250000.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0) * 0.030000 * m_cond(
(revkirehr_871125_5 - 500000.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-7.m:45:8-34
rb51_701000_0 = m_max(0.000000, ri1_701170_0 + rpq4_701090_4)
# Defined in file chap-thr.m:87:14-45
chrreeltot_80000_15 = m_round(
m_max(0.000000, chrreel1_80000_13 + chrreel2_80000_14))
# Defined in file chap-52.m:242:9-26
qf521_521050_5 = m_div(m_round(rb51_701000_0), nbyv2_521040_1)
# Defined in file chap-52.m:241:9-26
qf511_521050_4 = m_div(m_round(rb51_701000_0), nbpt_601000_0)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1596:13-110
indmenage_301400_8 = m_cond(
(pmenage_301400_3 - revkire_871125_0 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1591:16-87
indmenagesup_301400_6 = m_cond((pmenage_301400_3 - revkire_871125_0 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_cond(
(revkire_871125_0 - pmenagemin_301400_2 + 1.000000 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1587:16-54
indmenagemin_301400_4 = m_cond(
(pmenagemin_301400_2 - revkire_871125_0 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-52.m:102:9-128
ds521_521010_6 = m_max(qf521_521050_5 - 9964.000000, 0.000000) * 0.140000 + m_max(qf521_521050_5 - 27519.000000, 0.000000) * \
0.160000 + m_max(qf521_521050_5 - 73779.000000, 0.000000) * 0.110000 + \
m_max(qf521_521050_5 - 156244.000000, 0.000000) * 0.040000
# Defined in file chap-52.m:102:9-128
ds511_521010_4 = m_max(qf511_521050_4 - 9964.000000, 0.000000) * 0.140000 + m_max(qf511_521050_4 - 27519.000000, 0.000000) * \
0.160000 + m_max(qf511_521050_4 - 73779.000000, 0.000000) * 0.110000 + \
m_max(qf511_521050_4 - 156244.000000, 0.000000) * 0.040000
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1930:9-27
is521_511380_7 = m_round(ds521_521010_6 * nbyv2_521040_1)
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1929:9-27
is511_511380_6 = m_round(ds511_521010_4 * nbpt_601000_0)
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1669:6-26
in51_511320_2 = m_max(is511_511380_6, is521_511380_7 - pla_511370_0)
# Defined in file chap-51.m:295:12-23
iquotot1_511090_0 = in51_511320_2 - in01_511320_0
# Defined in file chap-51.m:361:12-42
zipq41_511100_20 = iquotot1_511090_0 * \
(m_div(rpq4_701090_4, rpq4_701090_4))
# Defined in file chap-51.m:1138:9-19
ipq41_511300_10 = zipq41_511100_20 * 4.000000
# Defined in file chap-51.m, from 1335:11 to 1345:88
ipq1001_511300_176 = m_round(ipq41_511300_10)
# Defined in file chap-51.m:119:8-23
ipq1_511020_0 = in01_511320_0 + ipq1001_511300_176
# Defined in file chap-51.m:81:9-61
id11_511010_0 = m_round(ipq1_511020_0 * (m_div(m_round(ri1_701170_0 +
revquoqht_701190_1), m_round(ri1_701170_0 + tonequo_701190_3))))
# Defined in file chap-51.m, from 1711:11 to 1712:59
idom11_511330_0 = m_max(id11_511010_0, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 529:9 to 530:192
dec11_401140_0 = m_min(m_max(m_round(1196.000000 * (1.000000 - bool_0am_111060_0) + (
1970.000000 * bool_0am_111060_0 - idom11_511330_0 * 0.750000)), 0.000000), idom11_511330_0)
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 173:2 to 208:56
itp_401060_7 = m_round(rcmimptn_821214_0 * 0.128000 + impot75_821214_5)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1598:11 to 1600:25
rmenage_301400_9 = indmenage_301400_8 * (indmenagemin_301400_4 * (1.000000 - m_cond((indmenagesup_301400_6 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_round((idom11_511330_0 - dec11_401140_0) * 0.200000) + m_cond(
(indmenagesup_301400_6 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_round((idom11_511330_0 - dec11_401140_0) * 0.200000 * (m_div(pmenage_301400_3 - revkire_871125_0, 2052.000000 * (1.000000 + bool_0am_111060_0)))))
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1867:9 to 1868:163
cimra_201905_0 = (idom11_511330_0 - dec11_401140_0 - rmenage_301400_9) * m_cond(
(idom11_511330_0 - dec11_401140_0 - rmenage_301400_9 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:1881:9-161
cimr2_201905_7 = m_max(0.000000, m_round(
cimra_201905_0 * m_min(1.000000, m_div(cimrb_201905_1, revtot_201620_56))))
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 260:7 to 264:67
ire_301060_0 = epav_821210_0 + cisynd_301257_6 + cimr2_201905_7
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 4913:11 to 4914:72
rinno_1_401920_3 = m_max(
m_min(0.000000, idom11_511330_0 - dec11_401140_0), 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 4916:9 to 4918:13
rinno_401920_4 = m_max(0.000000, rinno_1_401920_3)
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 2986:8 to 2987:94
rri1_401390_0 = idom11_511330_0 - dec11_401140_0 - rinno_401920_4
# Defined in file chap-4.m:4795:11-62
rdons_1_401880_0 = m_max(m_min(ron_401870_0, rri1_401390_0), 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:4816:9-70
crdie_401887_1 = m_max(
m_min(0.000000, rri1_401390_0 - rdons_1_401880_0), 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:4815:11-72
crdie_1_401887_0 = m_max(
m_min(0.000000, rri1_401390_0 - rdons_1_401880_0), 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 4797:9 to 4799:13
rdons_401880_1 = m_max(0.000000, rdons_1_401880_0)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1161:12-66
rri1dupi_401280_0 = rri1_401390_0 - rdons_1_401880_0 - crdie_1_401887_0
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1165:15-51
rdufrepfi_1_401280_2 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1166:13-98
rdufrepfi_401280_3 = m_max(0.000000, rdufrepfi_1_401280_2)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1170:15-61
rdufrepfk_1_401280_5 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - rdufrepfi_1_401280_2))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1172:11-32
vartmp1_401280_7 = rdufrepfi_1_401280_2 + rdufrepfk_1_401280_5
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1171:13-98
rdufrepfk_401280_6 = m_max(0.000000, rdufrepfk_1_401280_5)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1175:15-61
rdufrepfr_1_401280_8 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_7))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1177:11-32
vartmp1_401280_10 = vartmp1_401280_7 + rdufrepfr_1_401280_8
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1176:13-99
rdufrepfr_401280_9 = m_max(0.000000, rdufrepfr_1_401280_8)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1180:15-61
rdufrepfv_1_401280_11 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_10))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1182:11-32
vartmp1_401280_13 = vartmp1_401280_10 + rdufrepfv_1_401280_11
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1181:13-99
rdufrepfv_401280_12 = m_max(0.000000, rdufrepfv_1_401280_11)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1185:15-61
rdufrepfw_1_401280_14 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_13))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1187:11-32
vartmp1_401280_16 = vartmp1_401280_13 + rdufrepfw_1_401280_14
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1186:13-99
rdufrepfw_401280_15 = m_max(0.000000, rdufrepfw_1_401280_14)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1190:15-60
rdufloekl_1_401280_17 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_16))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1330:11-68
rdufrep_401280_103 = rdufrepfi_401280_3 + rdufrepfk_401280_6 + \
rdufrepfr_401280_9 + rdufrepfv_401280_12 + rdufrepfw_401280_15
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1192:11-32
vartmp1_401280_19 = vartmp1_401280_16 + rdufloekl_1_401280_17
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1191:13-101
rdufloekl_401280_18 = m_max(0.000000, rdufloekl_1_401280_17)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1195:15-60
rduflogih_1_401280_20 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_19))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1197:11-32
vartmp1_401280_22 = vartmp1_401280_19 + rduflogih_1_401280_20
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1196:13-100
rduflogih_401280_21 = m_max(0.000000, rduflogih_1_401280_20)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1200:14-59
rpirepai_1_401280_23 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_22))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1334:10-31
rduflo_401280_106 = rduflogih_401280_21 + rdufloekl_401280_18
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1202:11-31
vartmp1_401280_25 = vartmp1_401280_22 + rpirepai_1_401280_23
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1201:12-95
rpirepai_401280_24 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepai_1_401280_23)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1336:13-29
rduflotot_401280_107 = rdufrep_401280_103 + rduflo_401280_106
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1205:14-59
rpirepbi_1_401280_26 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_25))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1207:11-31
vartmp1_401280_28 = vartmp1_401280_25 + rpirepbi_1_401280_26
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1206:12-95
rpirepbi_401280_27 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepbi_1_401280_26)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1210:14-59
rpirepci_1_401280_29 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_28))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1212:11-31
vartmp1_401280_31 = vartmp1_401280_28 + rpirepci_1_401280_29
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1211:12-95
rpirepci_401280_30 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepci_1_401280_29)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1215:14-59
rpirepdi_1_401280_32 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_31))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1217:11-31
vartmp1_401280_34 = vartmp1_401280_31 + rpirepdi_1_401280_32
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1216:12-95
rpirepdi_401280_33 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepdi_1_401280_32)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1220:14-59
rpirepbz_1_401280_35 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_34))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1222:11-31
vartmp1_401280_37 = vartmp1_401280_34 + rpirepbz_1_401280_35
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1221:12-95
rpirepbz_401280_36 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepbz_1_401280_35)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1225:14-59
rpirepcz_1_401280_38 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_37))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1227:11-31
vartmp1_401280_40 = vartmp1_401280_37 + rpirepcz_1_401280_38
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1226:12-95
rpirepcz_401280_39 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepcz_1_401280_38)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1230:14-60
rpirepdz_1_401280_41 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_40))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1232:11-31
vartmp1_401280_43 = vartmp1_401280_40 + rpirepdz_1_401280_41
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1231:12-94
rpirepdz_401280_42 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepdz_1_401280_41)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1235:14-59
rpirepez_1_401280_44 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_43))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1237:11-31
vartmp1_401280_46 = vartmp1_401280_43 + rpirepez_1_401280_44
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1236:12-94
rpirepez_401280_45 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepez_1_401280_44)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1240:14-59
rpirepqz_1_401280_47 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_46))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1242:11-31
vartmp1_401280_49 = vartmp1_401280_46 + rpirepqz_1_401280_47
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1241:12-94
rpirepqz_401280_48 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepqz_1_401280_47)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1245:14-59
rpireprz_1_401280_50 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_49))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1247:11-31
vartmp1_401280_52 = vartmp1_401280_49 + rpireprz_1_401280_50
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1246:12-94
rpireprz_401280_51 = m_max(0.000000, rpireprz_1_401280_50)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1250:14-59
rpirepsz_1_401280_53 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_52))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1252:11-31
vartmp1_401280_55 = vartmp1_401280_52 + rpirepsz_1_401280_53
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1251:12-94
rpirepsz_401280_54 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepsz_1_401280_53)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1255:14-59
rpireptz_1_401280_56 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_55))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1257:11-31
vartmp1_401280_58 = vartmp1_401280_55 + rpireptz_1_401280_56
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1256:12-94
rpireptz_401280_57 = m_max(0.000000, rpireptz_1_401280_56)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1260:14-59
rpirepra_1_401280_59 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_58))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1262:11-31
vartmp1_401280_61 = vartmp1_401280_58 + rpirepra_1_401280_59
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1261:12-94
rpirepra_401280_60 = m_max(0.000000, rpirepra_1_401280_59)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1265:14-59
rpireprb_1_401280_62 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_61))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1267:11-31
vartmp1_401280_64 = vartmp1_401280_61 + rpireprb_1_401280_62
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1266:12-94
rpireprb_401280_63 = m_max(0.000000, rpireprb_1_401280_62)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1270:14-59
rpireprc_1_401280_65 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_64))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1272:11-31
vartmp1_401280_67 = vartmp1_401280_64 + rpireprc_1_401280_65
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1271:12-94
rpireprc_401280_66 = m_max(0.000000, rpireprc_1_401280_65)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1275:14-59
rpireprd_1_401280_68 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_67))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1277:11-31
vartmp1_401280_70 = vartmp1_401280_67 + rpireprd_1_401280_68
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1276:12-94
rpireprd_401280_69 = m_max(0.000000, rpireprd_1_401280_68)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1280:12-53
rpiqtu_1_401280_71 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_70))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1343:10-183
rpirep_401280_111 = rpirepai_401280_24 + rpirepbi_401280_27 + rpirepci_401280_30 + rpirepdi_401280_33 + rpirepbz_401280_36 + rpirepcz_401280_39 + rpirepdz_401280_42 + \
rpirepez_401280_45 + rpirepqz_401280_48 + rpireprz_401280_51 + rpirepsz_401280_54 + \
rpireptz_401280_57 + rpirepra_401280_60 + \
rpireprb_401280_63 + rpireprc_401280_66 + rpireprd_401280_69
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1282:11-29
vartmp1_401280_73 = vartmp1_401280_70 + rpiqtu_1_401280_71
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1281:10-86
rpiqtu_401280_72 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqtu_1_401280_71)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1284:12-53
rpiqrs_1_401280_74 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_73))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1286:11-29
vartmp1_401280_76 = vartmp1_401280_73 + rpiqrs_1_401280_74
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1285:10-86
rpiqrs_401280_75 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqrs_1_401280_74)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1289:12-53
rpiqop_1_401280_77 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_76))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1291:11-29
vartmp1_401280_79 = vartmp1_401280_76 + rpiqop_1_401280_77
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1290:10-86
rpiqop_401280_78 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqop_1_401280_77)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1293:12-53
rpiqmn_1_401280_80 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_79))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1295:11-29
vartmp1_401280_82 = vartmp1_401280_79 + rpiqmn_1_401280_80
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1294:10-86
rpiqmn_401280_81 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqmn_1_401280_80)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1298:12-53
rpiqkl_1_401280_83 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_82))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1300:11-29
vartmp1_401280_85 = vartmp1_401280_82 + rpiqkl_1_401280_83
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1299:10-86
rpiqkl_401280_84 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqkl_1_401280_83)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1303:12-53
rpiqij_1_401280_86 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_85))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1305:11-29
vartmp1_401280_88 = vartmp1_401280_85 + rpiqij_1_401280_86
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1304:10-86
rpiqij_401280_87 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqij_1_401280_86)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1308:12-53
rpiqgh_1_401280_89 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_88))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1310:11-29
vartmp1_401280_91 = vartmp1_401280_88 + rpiqgh_1_401280_89
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1309:10-86
rpiqgh_401280_90 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqgh_1_401280_89)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1313:12-53
rpiqef_1_401280_92 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_91))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1315:11-29
vartmp1_401280_94 = vartmp1_401280_91 + rpiqef_1_401280_92
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1314:10-86
rpiqef_401280_93 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqef_1_401280_92)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1318:12-53
rpiqcd_1_401280_95 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_94))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1320:11-29
vartmp1_401280_97 = vartmp1_401280_94 + rpiqcd_1_401280_95
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1319:10-86
rpiqcd_401280_96 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqcd_1_401280_95)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1323:12-53
rpiqab_1_401280_98 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
0.000000, rri1dupi_401280_0 - vartmp1_401280_97))
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1324:10-86
rpiqab_401280_99 = m_max(0.000000, rpiqab_1_401280_98)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1347:10-97
rpinel_401280_114 = rpiqtu_401280_72 + rpiqrs_401280_75 + rpiqop_401280_78 + rpiqmn_401280_81 + \
rpiqkl_401280_84 + rpiqij_401280_87 + rpiqgh_401280_90 + \
rpiqef_401280_93 + rpiqcd_401280_96 + rpiqab_401280_99
# Defined in file chap-4.m:1349:13-28
rpineltot_401280_115 = rpirep_401280_111 + rpinel_401280_114
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 5902:17 to 5913:34
txmoyimpden2_222150_1 = drfrp_111310_0 * \
m_cond((rrfi_831000_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 5855:16 to 5856:61
txmoyimpden_222140_0 = m_max(
0.000000, txmoyimpden1_222150_0 - txmoyimpden2_222150_1)
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 602:7 to 610:47
red_401160_0 = rinno_401920_4 + rdons_401880_1 + \
crdie_401887_1 + rduflotot_401280_107 + rpineltot_401280_115
# Defined in file chap-4.m, from 401:9 to 404:51
iad11_401100_0 = m_max(0.000000, idom11_511330_0 -
dec11_401140_0 - red_401160_0)
# Defined in file chap-4.m:91:9-82
iamd2_401025_0 = iad11_401100_0 + itp_401060_7
# Defined in file chap-4.m:78:9-161
iamd1_401020_0 = iad11_401100_0 + itp_401060_7 + chrreeltot_80000_15
# Defined in file chap-3.m:577:9-101
cichr_301242_0 = m_max(0.000000, m_min(
iamd2_401025_0 + chrreeltot_80000_15, m_min(chrreeltot_80000_15, 0.000000)))
# Defined in file chap-thr.m:140:13-36
ihautrevt_80020_0 = m_max(0.000000, chrreeltot_80000_15 - cichr_301242_0)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 188:7 to 204:11
ian_301050_1 = m_max(0.000000, iamd2_401025_0 + m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0))) + m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0) - m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0))))) + m_min(
0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0) + ((- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0) - m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))))) - m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))))))
# Defined in file chap-3.m:85:7-74
iar_301010_0 = m_min(0.000000, ian_301050_1 - ire_301060_0) + \
m_max(0.000000, ian_301050_1 - ire_301060_0)
# Defined in file chap-3.m:49:7-107
irn_301000_0 = m_min(0.000000, ian_301050_1 - ire_301060_0) + m_max(0.000000, ian_301050_1 -
ire_301060_0) * m_cond((iamd1_401020_0 - 60.000000 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file chap-3.m, from 1891:9 to 1906:11
cimr_201908_0 = cimr2_201905_7
# Defined in file chap-1.m, from 542:9 to 571:94
csnet_101110_3 = m_max(0.000000, csgc_101190_0 - cimrcsgp_301375_7)
# Defined in file chap-1.m, from 577:9 to 606:117
rdnet_101110_4 = m_max(0.000000, rdsc_101290_0 - cimrcrdsp_301375_8)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:1061:11-111
taxaneg_221250_0 = m_min(
0.000000, (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + m_min(0.000000, iar_301010_0))
# Defined in file chap-1.m, from 613:11 to 639:117
psolnet_101114_0 = m_max(0.000000, mpsol_101170_0 - cimrpsolp_301375_9)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:1080:12-118
pcapneg_221260_0 = m_min(0.000000, (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000,
(- iamd2_401025_0)))) + m_min(0.000000, taxaneg_221250_0))
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 1306:13 to 1314:35
irestitir_221360_0 = (lambda v109: m_cond((v109 < 0.000000), (- v109), v109))(m_min(0.000000, irn_301000_0 + (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + (- m_min(0.000000,
m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + (ihautrevt_80020_0 - m_min(ihautrevt_80020_0, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0))))))
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:1098:15-139
loyelevneg_221270_0 = m_min(0.000000, (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(
0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + m_min(0.000000, pcapneg_221260_0))
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:4450:11-41
recumir_221880_0 = m_cond(
(irestitir_221360_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * irestitir_221360_0
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 1116:10 to 1117:75
chrnet_221280_1 = m_cond((ihautrevt_80020_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_max(
0.000000, ihautrevt_80020_0 + m_min(0.000000, loyelevneg_221270_0))
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 1011:12 to 1019:25
irnetter_221220_0 = m_max(0.000000, iar_301010_0 + (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) - m_max(0.000000, (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + m_min(0.000000, iar_301010_0)) + (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) - m_max(0.000000, (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(
0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + m_min(0.000000, taxaneg_221250_0)) + (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) - m_max(0.000000, (- m_min(0.000000, m_max(0.000000, (- iamd2_401025_0)))) + m_min(0.000000, pcapneg_221260_0)) + (ihautrevt_80020_0 - m_max(0.000000, ihautrevt_80020_0 + m_min(0.000000, loyelevneg_221270_0))))
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 1021:12 to 1023:54
irnetbis_221220_1 = m_max(0.000000, irnetter_221220_0)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 4413:16 to 4421:43
hautrevcum_221870_3 = (1.000000 - m_cond((irestitir_221360_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * (1.000000 - m_cond(
(m_cond((61.000000 - iamd1_401020_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * chrnet_221280_1
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:1041:10-90
irnet_221230_0 = irnetbis_221220_1 * \
m_cond((iamd2_401025_0 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 4423:14 to 4431:43
ircum_221870_4 = (1.000000 - m_cond((irestitir_221360_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * (1.000000 - m_cond(
(m_cond((61.000000 - iamd1_401020_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * irnet_221230_0
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:4433:12-60
totircum_221870_5 = ircum_221870_4 + hautrevcum_221870_3
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 4492:9 to 4497:61
cstot_221900_0 = m_max(0.000000, csg_101210_0 +
rdsn_101210_1 + psol_101210_2)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 4351:12 to 4358:49
varps61_221860_0 = csg_101210_0 + rdsn_101210_1 + psol_101210_2
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 4514:12 to 4533:17
totcrbis_221910_0 = m_cond(((- cstot_221900_0) > 0.000000) and ((- cstot_221900_0) < 8.000000) and (cstot_221900_0 >= 61.000000) or (
cstot_221900_0 > 0.000000) and (cstot_221900_0 < 61.000000), 0.000000, cstot_221900_0 * m_cond((cstot_221900_0 - 61.000000 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000))
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:1234:15-93
nappsol_221330_2 = (1.000000 - m_cond((61.000000 - varps61_221860_0 >
0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * psolnet_101114_0
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:1233:15-91
naprd_221330_1 = (1.000000 - m_cond((61.000000 - varps61_221860_0 >
0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * rdnet_101110_4
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:1232:15-91
napcs_221330_0 = (1.000000 - m_cond((61.000000 - varps61_221860_0 >
0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * csnet_101110_3
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 4643:11 to 4644:36
napcr61_221940_3 = napcs_221330_0 + naprd_221330_1 + nappsol_221330_2
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 4614:9 to 4626:44
napcr_221940_0 = m_max(0.000000, totcrbis_221910_0) * m_cond(
(totcrbis_221910_0 - 61.000000 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:4437:12-47
irpscum_221870_7 = m_max(
0.000000, totircum_221870_5 - recumir_221880_0 + napcr61_221940_3)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:4436:12-50
recum_221870_6 = m_max(
0.000000, (- totircum_221870_5 - recumir_221880_0 + napcr61_221940_3))
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 5839:15 to 5847:63
txmoyimpnum_222130_0 = m_cond((ircum_221870_4 + (hautrevcum_221870_3 - recum_221870_6) > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_max(0.000000, (ircum_221870_4 + (hautrevcum_221870_3 - recum_221870_6)) * m_cond((iar_301010_0 + ihautrevt_80020_0 - 12.000000 >=
0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) + (iar_301010_0 + ihautrevt_80020_0) * m_cond((12.000000 - iar_301010_0 + ihautrevt_80020_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)) * m_cond((iamd1_401020_0 - 61.000000 >= 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * 100.000000
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:5815:13-49
txmoyimpc_222120_0 = m_div(m_round(
m_div(txmoyimpnum_222130_0, txmoyimpden_222140_0) * 100.000000), 100.000000)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 1354:13 to 1371:39
nonrest_221380_4 = m_cond((8.000000 - recum_221870_6 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_cond(
(12.000000 - irpscum_221870_7 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * recum_221870_6
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 1334:12 to 1351:40
nonmer_221380_3 = m_cond((8.000000 - recum_221870_6 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * m_cond(
(12.000000 - irpscum_221870_7 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * irpscum_221870_7
# Defined in file res-ser2.m, from 5823:12 to 5826:17
txmoyimp_222120_1 = m_max(0.000000, m_cond((irpscum_221870_7 - nonmer_221380_3 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
* m_cond((45.000000 - txmoyimpc_222120_0 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000) * txmoyimpc_222120_0)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:4341:13-93
naptempcx_221850_0 = irpscum_221870_7 - nonmer_221380_3 - recum_221870_6 + \
nonrest_221380_4 * \
m_cond((irpscum_221870_7 - recum_221870_6 > 0.000000), 1.000000, 0.000000)
# Defined in file res-ser2.m:883:9-38
iinet_221190_0 = m_max(0.000000, naptempcx_221850_0)
# Verification condition in file interpreter.m_spec:37:1-11
cond = (not (ian_301050_1 == 6593.000000))
if cond:
raise TypeError("Error triggered\n-1: Condition error in tests")
# Verification condition in file interpreter.m_spec:39:1-13
cond = (not (iinet_221190_0 == 1664.000000))
if cond:
raise TypeError("Error triggered\n-1: Condition error in tests")
# Verification condition in file interpreter.m_spec:41:1-13
cond = (not (irnet_221230_0 == 1182.000000))
if cond:
raise TypeError("Error triggered\n-1: Condition error in tests")
# Verification condition in file interpreter.m_spec:43:1-12
cond = (not (napcr_221940_0 == 482.000000))
if cond:
raise TypeError("Error triggered\n-1: Condition error in tests")
# Verification condition in file interpreter.m_spec:45:1-16
cond = (not (txmoyimp_222120_1 == 1.720000))
if cond:
raise TypeError("Error triggered\n-1: Condition error in tests")
# Verification condition in file interpreter.m_spec:47:1-11
cond = (not (nbpt_601000_0 == 2.500000))
if cond:
raise TypeError("Error triggered\n-1: Condition error in tests")
# Verification condition in file interpreter.m_spec:49:1-10
cond = (not (csg_101210_0 == 258.000000))
if cond:
raise TypeError("Error triggered\n-1: Condition error in tests")
# Verification condition in file interpreter.m_spec:51:1-10
cond = (not (rdsn_101210_1 == 14.000000))
if cond:
raise TypeError("Error triggered\n-1: Condition error in tests")
# Verification condition in file interpreter.m_spec:53:1-11
cond = (not (psol_101210_2 == 210.000000))
if cond:
raise TypeError("Error triggered\n-1: Condition error in tests")
# Verification condition in file interpreter.m_spec:56:1-12
cond = (not (cimr2_201905_7 == 5411.000000))
if cond:
raise TypeError("Error triggered\n-1: Condition error in tests")
# Verification condition in file interpreter.m_spec:58:1-16
cond = (not (revkire_871125_0 == 65800.000000))
if cond:
raise TypeError("Error triggered\n-1: Condition error in tests")
# The following two lines help us keep all previously defined variable bindings
global local_variables
local_variables = locals()
out = {}
out["iinet_221190_0"] = iinet_221190_0
out["irnet_221230_0"] = irnet_221230_0
out["napcr_221940_0"] = napcr_221940_0
out["txmoyimp_222120_1"] = txmoyimp_222120_1
out["revkire_871125_0"] = revkire_871125_0
out["nbpt_601000_0"] = nbpt_601000_0
out["ian_301050_1"] = ian_301050_1
out["cimr_201908_0"] = cimr_201908_0
out["csg_101210_0"] = csg_101210_0
out["rdsn_101210_1"] = rdsn_101210_1
out["psol_101210_2"] = psol_101210_2
return out
inputs = {
"0AM": 1,
"0CF": 1,
"1AJ": 40000,
"1AX": 10000,
"1BS": 25000,
"1AO": 5000,
"4BE": 4000,
"4XD": 4000
print(yaml.dump(inputs, default_flow_style=False))
print(yaml.dump(extracted(inputs), default_flow_style=False))
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