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Created August 21, 2014 20:09
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(function (global) {
"use strict";
var Ember = global.Ember,
get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set;
The `Ember.RadioButton` view class renders an html radio input, allowing the
user to select a single value from a list of values.
Dealing with multiple radio buttons can be simplified by using an
`Ember.RadioButtonGroup`. See the {@link Ember.RadioButtonGroup} documentation
for more information.
@extends Ember.Component
Ember.RadioButton = Ember.Component.extend(
/** @scope Ember.RadioButton.prototype */ {
attributeBindings: ["disabled", "type", "name", "value", "checked"],
classNames: ["ember-radio-button"],
The value of this radio button.
@type Object
value: null,
The selected value in this group of radio buttons.
@type Object
selectedValue: null,
Sets the disabled property on the element.
@default false
@type Boolean
isDisabled: false,
Sets the checked property on the element.
@default false
@type Boolean
checked: false,
tagName: "input",
type: "radio",
selectedValueChanged: {
var selectedValue = get(this, 'selectedValue');
if(!Ember.isEmpty(selectedValue) && get(this, 'value') === selectedValue) {
set(this, "checked", true);
} else {
set(this, "checked", false);
}, 'selectedValue'),
checkedChanged: {
}, 'checked'),
init: function() {
this.on('change', this, this._change);
_change: function() {
set(this, 'checked', this.$().prop('checked'));, this._updateElementValue);
_updateElementValue: function() {
if(!get(this, 'checked')) return;
set(this, 'selectedValue', get(this, 'value'));
The `Ember.RadioButtonGroup` view class provides a simplfied method for dealing
with multiple `Ember.RadioButton` instances.
## Simple Example
{{#view Ember.RadioButtonGroup name="role" value=role}}
{{view view.RadioButton value="admin"}}
{{view view.RadioButton value="owner"}}
{{view view.RadioButton value="user"}}
Alternatively, you can use built-in 'Ember.Handlebars' helpers to simplify your template.
{{#radio value="admin"}}
{{#radio value="owner"}}
{{#radio value="user"}}
Note that the radio buttons are declared as `{{view view.RadioButton ...}}` as opposed
to `{{view Ember.RadioButton ...}}`. When inside the body of a RadioButtonGroup,
a `RadioButton` view is provided which automatically picks up the same name and value
binding as the containing group.
## More Complex Example
App.person = Ember.Object.create({name: 'Gordon', role: 'admin'})
App.PersonController = Ember.Controller.extend({
content: 'App.person',
roleOptions: ['admin', 'owner', 'user', 'banned']
{{#view Ember.RadioButtonGroup name="role" value=role}}
{{#each role in controller.roleOptions}}
{{view view.RadioButton value="role"}}
Again, you can also use the helpers to simplify this template:
{{#radiogroup name="role" value=roleOptions}}
{{#each role in controller.roleOptions}}
{{radio value=role}
The above controller/template combination will render html containing a
radio input for each item in the `roleOptions` property of the controller.
Initially, the `admin` option will be checked. If the user selects a different
radio, the `role` property of the controller's `content` will be updated
@extends Ember.Component
Ember.RadioButtonGroup = Ember.Component.extend(
/** @scope Ember.RadioButtonGroup.prototype */ {
classNames: ['ember-radio-button-group'],
attributeBindings: ['name:data-name'],
name: Ember.required(),
The value of the selected radio button in this group
@type Object
value: null,
RadioButton: Ember.computed(function() {
return Ember.RadioButton.extend({
group: this,
selectedValueBinding: 'group.value',
nameBinding: ''
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