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Created September 20, 2015 12:02
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Arduino robot car
//There id more information aboat this code in Page 26 of "Instruction manual-English.pdf"
// This code is for the bluetooth and infrared controlled ultrasonic arduino car.
// By default, the buttons 2, 4, 6 en 8 of the remote will move the car in infrared mode.
// Ultrasonic mode is enabled by the play/pause button.
// Track following is enabled by the EQ button.
// Button 5 will stop whatever the car is doing and enable button 2, 4, 6 en 8 again.
// Bluetooth is always enabled and available while in infrared mode. The password is 1234.
// Android car control app can be found here:
//Code based on code found at and (same sources)
// Continuous movement possible with both bluetooth and ir control
// Customization of servo angles
// Moved up all constants that might need customization
// Added simular code in functions, reducing code lines and complexity
// Broken down long functions in smaller ones to reduce complexity
// Removed unused signals
// Reduced global variables by creating local variables
//********Include libraries*********************************************
#include <IRremote.h>
#include <Servo.h>
//Pin assignments and global variables per function. Customize if needed
//*******Pin assignments Motor board and IR receiver********************
const int MotorRight1 = 7;
const int MotorRight2 = 8;
const int MotorLeft1 = 9;
const int MotorLeft2 = 10;
const int MotorRightPWM = 6;
const int MotorLeftPWM = 11;
const int irReceiverPin = A0;
const int servoPin = 2; //orange wire
int iSpeed = 255; //speed, range 0 to 255
const int LedPin=13;
//******Infrared key bindings********************************************
const long IRfront = 0x00FF18E7; //go straight: button 2
const long IRback = 0x00FF4AB5; //go back : button 8
const long IRturnright = 0x00FF10EF; //turn right : button 6
const long IRturnleft = 0x00FF5AA5; //turn left : button 4
const long IRstop = 0x00FF38C7; //stop : button 5
const long IRcny70 = 0x00FFE01F; //CNY70 automatic mode: button EQ
const long IRAutorun = 0x00FF22DD; //Ultrasonic mode : button play/pause
//******Track following pin assignments and signals**********************
const int SensorLeft = 5; //
const int SensorMiddle = 4 ; //
const int SensorRight = 3; //
IRrecv irrecv(irReceiverPin); // IRrecv signal
decode_results infrared; // decode result
//*******Ultrasonic pin assignments and signals**************************
const int echoPin = 12; // ultrasonic receive=echo pin
const int triggerPin = 13; // ultrasonic send=trigger pin
Servo myservo; // define myservo
const int degreesForward = 130; //nr degrees to look forward
const int degreesLeft = 60; //nr degrees to look left
const int degreesRight = 180; //nr degrees to look right
const int delay_time = 250; // servo motor delay
const int Fgo = 8; // go straight
const int Rgo = 6; // turn right
const int Lgo = 4; // turn left
const int Bgo = 2; // go back
//*****Bluetooth signals**************************************************
char val; //stores received character. Needs to be global to perform continuous movement
//*********General SETUP: activate pins***********************************
void setup() {
//start receiving serial infor
//motor connections
pinMode(MotorRight1, OUTPUT); //
pinMode(MotorRight2, OUTPUT); //
pinMode(MotorLeft1, OUTPUT); //
pinMode(MotorLeft2, OUTPUT); //
pinMode(MotorRightPWM, OUTPUT); //enable for right side motor
pinMode(MotorLeftPWM, OUTPUT); //enable for right side motor
irrecv.enableIRIn(); // start infrared decode
myservo.write(degreesForward); // will make head look in front
//black track following
pinMode(SensorLeft, INPUT);
pinMode(SensorMiddle, INPUT);
pinMode(SensorRight, INPUT);
//Ultra sonic
//digitalWrite(2,HIGH); //what is this pin for?
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
pinMode(triggerPin, OUTPUT);
//**************Movement functions******************************
void advance(int d) { //go straight
digitalWrite(MotorRight1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorRight2, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorLeft1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorLeft2, LOW);
analogWrite(MotorRightPWM, iSpeed);
analogWrite(MotorLeftPWM, iSpeed);
delay(d * 10);
void right(int d) { //turn right (single wheel)
digitalWrite(MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorLeft2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorRight2, LOW);
analogWrite(MotorRightPWM, iSpeed);
analogWrite(MotorLeftPWM, iSpeed);
delay(d * 10);
void left(int d) {//turn left(single wheel)
digitalWrite(MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorRight2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorLeft2, LOW);
analogWrite(MotorRightPWM, iSpeed);
analogWrite(MotorLeftPWM, iSpeed);
delay(d * 10);
void turnR(int d) {//turn right (two wheels)
digitalWrite(MotorRight1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorRight2, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorLeft2, HIGH);
analogWrite(MotorRightPWM, iSpeed);
analogWrite(MotorLeftPWM, iSpeed);
delay(d * 10);
void turnL(int d) {//turn left (two wheels)
digitalWrite(MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorRight2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorLeft1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorLeft2, LOW);
analogWrite(MotorRightPWM, iSpeed);
analogWrite(MotorLeftPWM, iSpeed);
delay(d * 10);
void stopp(int d) { //stop
digitalWrite(MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorRight2, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorLeft2, LOW);
analogWrite(MotorRightPWM, iSpeed);
analogWrite(MotorLeftPWM, iSpeed);
delay(d * 10);
void back(int d) { //go back
digitalWrite(MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorRight2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MotorLeft2, HIGH);
analogWrite(MotorRightPWM, iSpeed);
analogWrite(MotorLeftPWM, iSpeed);
delay(d * 10);
//************Ultrasonic distance calculator*************************************
//detect distance for given angles and print char + direction
float getDistance(int degrees, char dir) {
digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW); // ultrasonic echo low level in 2us
digitalWrite(triggerPin, HIGH); // ultrasonic echo high level in 10us, at least 10us
digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW); // ultgrasonic echo low level
float distance = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); // read time
distance = distance / 5.8 / 10; // turn time to distance
Serial.print(dir); //
Serial.print(" distance: "); //
Serial.print(int(distance)); // output distance (mm)
return distance;
//*************Ultrasonic direction decision making******************************
//measurements three angles (front, left, right
int getDirectionFromdetection() {
int Fspeedd = 0; // front distance
int Rspeedd = 0; // right distance
int Lspeedd = 0; // left distance
int delay_time = 250; //
int directionn =0;
//get front distance
Fspeedd = getDistance(degreesForward, 'F');
// if distance is less than 10mm
if (Fspeedd < 10) {
stopp(1); // clear output
directionn = Bgo;
// if distance less than 25 mm
else if (Fspeedd < 25) {
stopp(1); // clear output
Lspeedd = getDistance(degreesLeft, 'L'); // detection distance on left side
delay(delay_time); // waiting for the servo motor to become stable
Rspeedd = getDistance(degreesRight, 'R'); // detection distance on right side
delay(delay_time); // waiting for servo motor to be stable
// if left distance greater than right
if (Lspeedd > Rspeedd) {
directionn = Lgo; // go left
if (Lspeedd <= Rspeedd) {//if left distance less than right
directionn = Rgo; //go right
if (Lspeedd < 15 && Rspeedd < 15) { //if distance less 10mm both right and left
directionn = Bgo; //go back
else {
directionn = Fgo; //go straight
return directionn;
void autoRunUsingUltraSonic() {
bool stopPressed;
int directionn = 0; // front=8, back=2, left=4, right=6
while (IRAutorun) {
myservo.write(80); // make the servo motor reset
directionn = getDirectionFromdetection();
stopPressed = stopCommandPressed();
if (stopPressed) {
else if (directionn == Fgo) { //go straight
infrared.value = 0;
advance(5); //
Serial.print(" Advance "); //
Serial.print(" ");
else if (directionn == Bgo) { //go back
infrared.value = 0;
back(8); //
turnL(3); //
Serial.print(" Reverse "); //
else if (directionn == Rgo) { //turn right
infrared.value = 0;
turnR(60); //
Serial.print(" Right "); //
else if (directionn == Lgo) { //turn left
infrared.value = 0;
Serial.print(" Left ");
infrared.value = 0;
//*************************Bluetooth functionality***********************
//Bluetooth commands
void bluetoothCommand() {
if (Serial.available()) { //check if bluetooth command available
val =;
if (val == 'F') { // Forward
else if (val == 'S') { // Stop Forward
stopp(10) ;
val =; //read value again, otherwise can't continu with infrared
else if (val == 'B') { // Backwards
else if (val == 'R') { // Right
else if (val == 'L') { // Left
else if (val == 's') { // Stop, not used though
stopp(10 ) ;
else if (int(val) >= 49 && int(val) <= 57) { //set speed
iSpeed = (int(val)-48)*26;
Serial.println("Speed set to: " + iSpeed);
else if (val == 'q') { //set speed
iSpeed = 255;
Serial.println("Speed set to: " + iSpeed);
else if (val == 'W') {
else if (val == 'w') {
//Check if stop command on remote is pressed (button 5)
bool stopCommandPressed(){
bool stopPressed = false;
if (irrecv.decode(&infrared)) {
Serial.println(infrared.value, HEX);
if (infrared.value == IRstop) {
stopPressed = true;
return stopPressed;
void followBlackLine() {
bool stopPressed;
int SL; //sensor left
int SM; //sensor middle
int SR; //sensor right
while (IRcny70) {
SL = digitalRead(SensorLeft);
SM = digitalRead(SensorMiddle);
SR = digitalRead(SensorRight);
if (SM == HIGH) {//middle sensor in black area
if (SL == LOW & SR == HIGH) {//left sensor in black area, right sensor in white, turn left
else if (SR == LOW & SL == HIGH) {//left white, right black, run right
else { // left and right both in white, go straight
// middle sensor in white area
else {
if (SL == LOW & SR == HIGH) { // left black ,right white, turn left
else if (SR == LOW & SL == HIGH) {
else { //left and right both in white, stop
stopPressed = stopCommandPressed();
if (stopPressed) {
infrared.value = 0;
//**************************************MAIN LOOP***************************************
void loop() {
//bluetooth commands
//************************************normal remote control mode ********
// decoding success 'receive infrared signal
if (irrecv.decode(&infrared)) {
if (infrared.value == IRfront) {
advance(0); //go straigt
else if (infrared.value == IRback) {
back(0); //go back
else if (infrared.value == IRturnright) {
turnR(0); // go right
else if (infrared.value == IRturnleft) {
turnL(0); // go left
else if (infrared.value == IRstop) {//stop
//********************follow black line********cny70 automatic mode********
else if (infrared.value == IRcny70) {
//***********************ultrasonic automatic mode***************************
else if (infrared.value == IRAutorun ) {
myservo.write(degreesForward); // will make head look in front
//********************wait a little before continuing**************************
else {
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