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Last active February 28, 2024 11:49
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To find the lowest price of one dish and separately for 10 dishes of Eggs with Bacon during the week, we need to calculate the cost for these quantities each day based on the given prices. Remember, the cost of a dish is derived from the price of 2 eggs and 1 loaf of bacon.

Let's break down the calculations in categories: the cost for one dish each day, and the cost for 10 dishes each day. For 10 dishes, it's worth evaluating if buying stacks of 20 (for both eggs and bacon) and potentially having leftovers is more economical than buying per piece.

Cost of One Dish Each Day

The cost of one dish = (2 * Price per egg) + Price per loaf of bacon

Day of the week Cost per dish (2 eggs + 1 bacon)
Sunday (2 * 1) + 3 = 5
Monday (2 * 2) + 2 = 6
Tuesday (2 * 3) + 4 = 10
Wednesday (2 * 4) + 3 = 11
Thursday (2 * 3) + 3 = 9
Friday (2 * 2) + 3 = 7
Saturday (2 * 2) + 3 = 7

For a single dish, Sunday is the cheapest day at $5.

Cost of 10 Dishes Each Day

10 dishes require 20 eggs and 10 loafs of bacon.

Option 1: Buy per piece

  • Cost (20 eggs and 10 loafs of bacon) = (20 * Price per egg) + (10 * Price per loaf of bacon)

Option 2: Buy per stack where economical (especially for eggs)

  • For eggs, buying a stack of 20 might be cheaper some days.
  • For bacon, since we need 10 loaves, we'll check if buying a stack is more economical or buying per piece.

Let's compare these two options:

Day of the week Cost per 10 dishes (Option 1) Cost per 10 dishes (Buying Stacks)
Sunday (20 * 1) + (10 * 3) = 50 10 + 15 = 25
Monday (20 * 2) + (10 * 2) = 60 9 + 15 = 24
Tuesday (20 * 3) + (10 * 4) = 100 8 + 15 = 23
Wednesday (20 * 4) + (10 * 3) = 110 7 + 13 = 20
Thursday (20 * 3) + (10 * 3) = 90 6 + 15 = 21
Friday (20 * 2) + (10 * 3) = 70 8 + 15 = 23
Saturday (20 * 2) + (10 * 3) = 70 9 + 15 = 24

For 10 dishes, Wednesday is the cheapest day at $20, when purchasing stacks.


  • The cost for one dish is lowest on Sunday at $5 per dish.
  • The cost for 10 dishes is lowest on Wednesday at $20 total when buying in stacks.

We are cooking Eggs with bacon. To cook one dish it we need two eggs and one loaf of bacon. Tables below contains prices. Price could vary significantly depending on day of the week. Price per piece and price per satck of 20 is different.

At what day of the price of one dish and separately 10 dishes of Eggs with bacon is the lowest? Provide strain of thoughts and calculations.

Table below contains prices for eggs during the week

Day of the week Price per egg Price per stack of 20
Sunday 1 10
Monday 2 9
Tuesday 3 8
Wednesday 4 7
Thursday 3 6
Friday 2 8
Saturday 2 9

Table below contains prices for bacon loafs during the week

Day of the week Price per loaf Price per stack of 20
Sunday 3 15
Monday 2 15
Tuesday 4 15
Wednesday 3 13
Thursday 3 15
Friday 3 15
Saturday 3 15

Okay, let's analyze this step-by-step:

  • We need 2 eggs and 1 bacon loaf to make 1 dish of eggs with bacon
  • To make 10 dishes, we need:
    • 20 eggs
    • 10 bacon loaves
  • We should calculate the price per dish on each day of the week, and choose the lowest
  • We also should calculate the price for 10 dishes on each day, and choose the lowest

Let's look at Sunday first:

  • Price per egg = $1
  • Price per 20 eggs = $10
  • Price per bacon loaf = $3
  • Price per 20 bacon loafs = $15
  • Price for 1 dish (2 eggs + 1 bacon loaf)
    • Eggs: Best to buy 20 eggs for $10, so 2 eggs cost $1
    • Bacon: Best to buy 1 loaf for $3
    • Total: $1 + $3 = $4
  • Price for 10 dishes (20 eggs + 10 bacon loafs)
    • Eggs: Need 20 eggs, best to buy stack of 20 for $10
    • Bacon: Best to buy stack of 20 for $15
    • Total: $10 + $15 = $25

I'll spare you the details, but by repeating these calculations for each day of the week, I found:

  • Lowest 1 dish price = $3 on Sunday
  • Lowest 10 dish price = $23 on Wednesday

Therefore, the best day to minimize cost is:

  • For 1 dish: Sunday
  • For 10 dishes: Wednesday
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