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Last active November 24, 2022 21:51
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graphite-irondb Dockerfile for python3
ARG BASEIMAGE=alpine:3.15
LABEL maintainer="Denys Zhdanov <>"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source
RUN true \
&& apk add --update --no-cache \
cairo \
cairo-dev \
findutils \
librrd \
logrotate \
memcached \
nginx \
nodejs \
npm \
redis \
runit \
sqlite \
expect \
dcron \
python3-dev \
mysql-client \
mysql-dev \
postgresql-client \
postgresql-dev \
librdkafka \
jansson \
bash \
&& rm -rf \
/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf \
&& mkdir -p \
/var/log/carbon \
/var/log/graphite \
&& mv /etc/periodic/daily/logrotate /etc/periodic/hourly/logrotate \
&& touch /var/log/messages
# optional packages (e.g. not exist on S390 in alpine 3.13 yet)
RUN apk add --update \
collectd collectd-disk collectd-nginx collectd-battery\
|| true
FROM base as build
LABEL maintainer="Denys Zhdanov <>"
ARG python_extra_flags="--single-version-externally-managed --root=/"
RUN true \
&& apk add --update \
alpine-sdk \
git \
pkgconfig \
wget \
go \
cairo-dev \
libffi-dev \
openldap-dev \
python3-dev \
rrdtool-dev \
jansson-dev \
librdkafka-dev \
mysql-dev \
postgresql-dev \
&& curl -o /tmp/ \
&& python3 /tmp/ pip==20.1.1 setuptools==50.3.2 wheel==0.35.1 && rm /tmp/ \
&& pip install virtualenv==16.7.10 \
&& virtualenv -p python3 /opt/graphite \
&& . /opt/graphite/bin/activate \
&& echo 'INPUT ( )' > /usr/lib/ \
&& pip install \
cairocffi==1.1.0 \
django==2.2.28 \
django-tagging==0.4.3 \
django-statsd-mozilla \
fadvise \
gunicorn==20.1.0 \
eventlet>=0.24.1 \
gevent>=1.4 \
msgpack==0.6.2 \
redis \
rrdtool \
python-ldap \
mysqlclient \
psycopg2==2.8.6 \
ARG version=1.1.10
# install whisper
ARG whisper_version=${version}
ARG whisper_repo=
RUN git clone -b ${whisper_version} --depth 1 ${whisper_repo} /usr/local/src/whisper \
&& cd /usr/local/src/whisper \
&& . /opt/graphite/bin/activate \
&& python3 ./ install $python_extra_flags
# install carbon
ARG carbon_version=${version}
ARG carbon_repo=
RUN . /opt/graphite/bin/activate \
&& git clone -b ${carbon_version} --depth 1 ${carbon_repo} /usr/local/src/carbon \
&& cd /usr/local/src/carbon \
&& pip3 install -r requirements.txt \
&& python3 ./ install $python_extra_flags
# install graphite
ARG graphite_version=${version}
ARG graphite_repo=
RUN . /opt/graphite/bin/activate \
&& git clone -b ${graphite_version} --depth 1 ${graphite_repo} /usr/local/src/graphite-web \
&& cd /usr/local/src/graphite-web \
&& pip3 install -r requirements.txt \
&& python3 ./ install $python_extra_flags
# install statsd
ARG statsd_version=0.9.0
ARG statsd_repo=
RUN git clone "${statsd_repo}" \
&& cd /opt/statsd \
&& git checkout tags/v"${statsd_version}" \
&& npm install
# build go-carbon (optional)
ARG gocarbon_version=0.16.2
ARG gocarbon_repo=
RUN git clone "${gocarbon_repo}" /usr/local/src/go-carbon \
&& cd /usr/local/src/go-carbon \
&& git checkout tags/v"${gocarbon_version}" \
&& make go-carbon \
&& chmod +x go-carbon && mkdir -p /opt/graphite/bin/ \
&& cp -fv go-carbon /opt/graphite/bin/go-carbon \
|| true
# install brubeck (experimental)
ARG brubeck_version=f306c25df51181be05a58dcc108bfaefc39f7f4a
ARG brubeck_repo=
RUN git clone "${brubeck_repo}" /usr/local/src/brubeck \
&& cd /usr/local/src/brubeck && git checkout "${brubeck_version}" \
&& ./script/bootstrap \
&& chmod +x brubeck && mkdir -p /opt/graphite/bin/ \
&& cp -fv brubeck /opt/graphite/bin/brubeck
# install circonus irondb-graphite plug-in
ARG irondbgraphite_repo=
RUN . /opt/graphite/bin/activate \
&& git clone --branch python3-upd ${irondbgraphite_repo} /usr/local/src/irondbgraphite \
&& cd /usr/local/src/irondbgraphite \
&& pip install future requests flatbuffers \
&& python3 ./ install --pure-python $python_extra_flags
COPY conf/opt/graphite/conf/ /opt/defaultconf/graphite/
COPY conf/opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/ /opt/defaultconf/graphite/
# config graphite
COPY conf/opt/graphite/conf/* /opt/graphite/conf/
COPY conf/opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/ /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/
WORKDIR /opt/graphite/webapp
RUN mkdir -p /var/log/graphite/ \
&& PYTHONPATH=/opt/graphite/webapp /opt/graphite/bin/ collectstatic --noinput --settings=graphite.settings
# config statsd
COPY conf/opt/statsd/config/ /opt/defaultconf/statsd/config/
FROM base as production
LABEL maintainer="Denys Zhdanov <>"
# copy config BEFORE build
COPY conf /
# copy from build image
COPY --from=build /opt /opt
# defaults
EXPOSE 80 2003-2004 2013-2014 2023-2024 8080 8125 8125/udp 8126
VOLUME ["/opt/graphite/conf", "/opt/graphite/storage", "/opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/functions/custom", "/etc/nginx", "/opt/statsd/config", "/etc/logrotate.d", "/var/log", "/var/lib/redis"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint"]
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