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fatal: error thrown and no exception handler available.
InitError(mod=:PyCall, error=UndefVarError(var=:PYTHONHOME))
ijl_undefined_var_error at /cache/build/builder-amdci4-4/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-9/src/rtutils.c:132
ijl_get_binding_or_error at /cache/build/builder-amdci4-4/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-9/src/module.c:421
__init__ at /kuacc/users/dyuret/.julia/packages/PyCall/twYvK/src/pyinit.jl:155
jfptr___init___79335 at /userfiles/dyuret/ (unknown line)
_jl_invoke at /cache/build/builder-amdci4-4/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-9/src/gf.c:2758 [inlined]
ijl_apply_generic at /cache/build/builder-amdci4-4/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-9/src/gf.c:2940
jl_apply at /cache/build/builder-amdci4-4/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-9/src/julia.h:1880 [inlined]
jl_module_run_initializer at /cache/build/builder-amdci4-4/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-9/src/toplevel.c:75
[ Info: PackageCompiler: creating system image object file, this might take a while...
ERROR: Method overwriting is not permitted during Module precompilation. Use `__precompile__(false)` to opt-out of precompilation.
┌ Error: Failed to monkey-patch `julia`
│ exception = (Declaring __precompile__(false) is not allowed in files that are being precompiled., Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Base.InterpreterIP}[Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4f0e546078, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4f0e5acd44, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4f0e561970, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4f0e5624b3, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4f0e562e4d, Base.InterpreterIP in top-level CodeInfo for Base at statement 6, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4f0e57e984, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4f0e58054b, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4ef6e61c6b, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4ef6e61cb3, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4f0e54399d, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4f0e561824, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4f0e561334, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4f0e562073, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4f0e56245f, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f4f0e562e4d, Base.InterpreterIP in top-level CodeInfo for
/truba/home/dyuret/.julia/conda/3/x86_64/envs/llm/bin/deepspeed:4: DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See
[2023-08-30 00:25:45,359] [INFO] [] Setting ds_accelerator to cuda (auto detect)
[2023-08-30 00:25:46,642] [WARNING] [] Unable to find hostfile, will proceed with training with local resources only.
Detected CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7: setting --include=localhost:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
[2023-08-30 00:25:46,643] [INFO] [] cmd = /truba/home/dyuret/.julia/conda/3/x86_64/envs/llm/bin/python3.11 -u -m deepspeed.launcher.launch --world_info=eyJsb2NhbGhvc3QiOiBbMCwgMSwgMiwgMywgNCwgNSwgNiwgN119 --master_addr= --master_port=29500 --enable_each_rank_log=None --data_path Dahoas/rm-static Dahoas/full-hh-rlhf Dahoas/synthetic-instruct-gptj-pairwise yitingxie/rlhf-reward
denizyuret /
Created December 3, 2021 07:38
@Kausta: Tensorflow also contains a documentation for higher order gradients with nested tapes in, and it is followed (in the same link) by an input gradient penalty example (The gradient of (the magnitude of the gradient with respect to the inputs) with respect to the mo…
# R1 regularization (Hypothetical)
with tf.GradientTape() as t2:
with tf.GradientTape() as t1:
# Discriminator outputs
disc_out = forward(w, x)
# Regular Loss
fl = loss(disc_out)
# Gradients with respect to the inputs
g = t1.gradient(sum(disc_out), x)
# Mean squared sum of the gradients
# Vaswani, Ashish, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Łukasz Kaiser, and Illia Polosukhin. "Attention is all you need." In Advances in neural information processing systems, pp. 5998-6008. 2017.
# [1], (reference paper)
# [2], (reference implementation)
# [3]
# [4]
# TODO: LabelSmoothing?
# include("debug.jl")
denizyuret / plots-err.jl
Created April 7, 2021 12:30
Plots.jl errors on Colab
┌ Info: Precompiling Plots [91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80]
└ @ Base loading.jl:1317
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: InitError: could not load library "/root/.julia/artifacts/a84cc58d5161b950f268bb562e105bbbf4d6004a/lib/"
/root/.julia/artifacts/a84cc58d5161b950f268bb562e105bbbf4d6004a/lib/ undefined symbol: _glapi_tls_Current
[1] dlopen(s::String, flags::UInt32; throw_error::Bool)
@ Base.Libc.Libdl ./libdl.jl:114
[2] dlopen(s::String, flags::UInt32)
@ Base.Libc.Libdl ./libdl.jl:114
[3] macro expansion
__device__ void _sum_32_20_0(volatile float *x, int i) {
//for optimizing warps
//volatile must be used as register optimization will lead to wrong answers
float ai, xi;
ai=x[i]; xi=x[i+32]; x[i]=ai+xi;
ai=x[i]; xi=x[i+16]; x[i]=ai+xi;
ai=x[i]; xi=x[i+ 8]; x[i]=ai+xi;
ai=x[i]; xi=x[i+ 4]; x[i]=ai+xi;
ai=x[i]; xi=x[i+ 2]; x[i]=ai+xi;
ai=x[i]; xi=x[i+ 1]; x[i]=ai+xi;
using Knet
using CUDA
setoptim!(m, optimizer) = for p in params(m); p.opt = Knet.clone(optimizer); end
dice(x, y; smooth::Float32=1.f0) = (2*sum(y .* x) + smooth) / (sum(y.^2) + sum(x.^2) + smooth)
loss(x, y) = 1 - dice(x, y)
function minimize!(model, x::KnetArray, y::KnetArray)
ld = @diff loss(model(x), y)
# given some encoder states X, decoder state y, matrices Q, K, V
for i in 1:N
keys[i] = K * X[i]
values[i] = V * X[i]
query = Q * y
for i in 1:N
relevance[i] = query ⋅ keys[i]
relevance = softmax(relevance)
+buffers windows
+emacs daemon
+julia mode
+shell mode
+dired mode
+rectangle copy paste
+doctor, tetris
+calendar email
+hexl mode