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INFO: Cloning cache of PyPlot from
INFO: Installing LaTeXStrings v0.3.0
INFO: Installing PyPlot v2.3.2
INFO: Building Conda
INFO: Building PyCall
Fetching package metadata ...........
Solving package specifications: .
# All requested packages already installed.
# packages in environment at /dev/shm/dyuret/.julia/v0.6/Conda/deps/usr:
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[ Info: Recompiling stale cache file /Users/dyuret/.julia/compiled/v0.7/Revise/M1Qoh.ji for Revise [295af30f-e4ad-537b-8983-00126c2a3abe]
[ Info: Recompiling stale cache file /Users/dyuret/.julia/compiled/v0.7/Rebugger/ETXeK.ji for Rebugger [6bca5d8e-94aa-11e8-25be-f7463cf244ff]
WARNING: Method definition transition(Function, REPL.LineEdit.PrefixSearchState, Any) in module LineEdit at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/REPL/src/LineEdit.jl:1660 overwritten in module HeaderREPLs at /Users/dyuret/.julia/dev/HeaderREPLs/src/HeaderREPLs.jl:282.
WARNING: Method definition activate(REPL.LineEdit.TextInterface, REPL.LineEdit.ModeState, Any, REPL.Terminals.TextTerminal) in module LineEdit at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/REPL/src/LineEdit.jl:2164 overwritten in module HeaderREPLs at /Users/dyuret/.julia/dev/HeaderREPLs/src/HeaderREPLs.jl:337.
WARNING: Method definition deactivate(REPL.LineEdit.TextInterface,
f = SpecialFunctions.digamma
(f, t) = (SpecialFunctions.digamma, Float32)
(f, t, n) = (SpecialFunctions.digamma, Float32, 1)
(fn, xi, f0, nd, ad, x) = (getfield(Main, Symbol("##17#20")){typeof(digamma)}(SpecialFunctions.digamma), 0.2618932f0, -4.031657f0, 15.752012f0, NaN32, Any[Float32[0.261893]])
unary: Test Failed at /home/ec2-user/.julia/dev/Knet/test/unary.jl:40
Expression: gradcheck(bf, gx)
[1] macro expansion at /home/ec2-user/.julia/dev/Knet/test/unary.jl:37 [inlined]
[2] macro expansion at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Test/src/Test.jl:1083 [inlined]
[3] top-level scope at /home/ec2-user/.julia/dev/Knet/test/unary.jl:6
1. P(KnetArray{Float32,4}(3,3,1024,512)) ∇=KnetArray{Float32,4}(3,3,1024,512)
2. KnetArray{Float32,4}(14,14,512,25) = conv4(KnetArray{Float32,4}(3,3,1024,512), KnetArray{Float32,4}(14,14,1024,25); padding=1, stride=1)) ∇=0
3. P(KnetArray{Float32,4}(1,1,512,1)) ∇=KnetArray{Float32,4}(1,1,512,1)
4. KnetArray{Float32,4}(14,14,512,25) = broadcast(+, KnetArray{Float32,4}(14,14,512,25), KnetArray{Float32,4}(1,1,512,1))) ∇=0
5. KnetArray{Float32,4}(14,14,512,25) = broadcast(Knet.elu, KnetArray{Float32,4}(14,14,512,25))) ∇=0
6. KnetArray{Float32,4}(14,14,512,25) = dropout(KnetArray{Float32,4}(14,14,512,25), 0.18; seed=0)) ∇=0
7. P(KnetArray{Float32,4}(3,3,512,512)) ∇=KnetArray{Float32,4}(3,3,512,512)
8. KnetArray{Float32,4}(14,14,512,25) = conv4(KnetArray{Float32,4}(3,3,512,512), KnetArray{Float32,4}(14,14,512,25); padding=1, stride=1)) ∇=0
9. P(KnetArray{Float32,4}(1,1,512,1)) ∇=KnetArray{Float32,4}(1,1,512,1)
10. KnetArray{Float32,4}(14,14,512,25) = broadcast(+, KnetArray{Float32,4}(14,14,512,25), KnetArray{Float32
Time Allocations
────────────────────── ───────────────────────
Tot / % measured: 35.8s / 43.1% 911MiB / 8.88%
Section ncalls time %tot avg alloc %tot avg
Knet.rnnforw 20 3.35s 21.7% 168ms 1.33MiB 1.65% 68.3KiB # why is rnnforw so expensive? batchsizes?
*[1] 2.54k 1.81s 11.7% 713μs 2.40MiB 2.97% -
adjoint 2.50k 1.26s 8.17% 504μs 767KiB 0.93% - # I can get rid of this adjoint
Time Allocations
────────────────────── ───────────────────────
Tot / % measured: 104s / 31.7% 10.8GiB / 5.58%
Section ncalls time %tot avg alloc %tot avg
*.[1] 10.7k 3.37s 10.2% 315μs 10.6MiB 1.70% 1.01KiB
*. 10.6k 1.19s 3.63% 113μs 1.91MiB 0.31% -
*[1] 12.7k 3.31s 10.1% 261μs 10.4MiB 1.67% -
Time Allocations
────────────────────── ───────────────────────
Tot / % measured: 95.2s / 52.7% 11.2GiB / 8.32%
Section ncalls time %tot avg alloc %tot avg
*[1] 25.4k 4.76s 9.49% 187μs 20.8MiB 2.19% -
Knet.A_mul_Bt 25.0k 3.93s 7.85% 157μs 9.55MiB 1.00% -
*.[1] 21.4k 4.44s 8.86% 208μs 21.1MiB 2.22% 1.01KiB
julia> using Knet, Profile
julia> include(Knet.dir("examples/mnist-mlp/mlp.jl"));
julia> @time MLP.main("");
27.817270 seconds (43.59 M allocations: 6.484 GiB, 6.02% gc time)
julia> @time MLP.main("");
4.748176 seconds (4.69 M allocations: 4.245 GiB, 5.49% gc time)