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Last active August 24, 2016 13:23
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// ----
// libsass (v3.3.6)
// ----
///* ========================================================================
// ======================================================================== */
// Map of breakpoints
$breakpoints: (
'small': '(min-width: 53rem)',
'medium': '(min-width: 62rem)',
'large': '(min-width: 71rem)',
///* ========================================================================
// ======================================================================== */
$responsive-exclude-default: null !default;
// Mixin to quickly generate different responsive selectors
// based upon the breakpoints defined in `breakpoints` map.
@mixin responsive($selector: null, $exclude: $responsive-exclude-default, $include: all) {
@if ($exclude == null) {
$exclude: $responsive-exclude-default
// Loop through our previously-defined breakpoints.
@each $breakpoint, $mediaquery in $breakpoints {
// Exclude breakpoints
@if (index($exclude, $breakpoint) == null) {
// Include breakpoints
@if ($include == all or $include == null or index($include, $breakpoint)) {
// If a selector is given base responsive selectors on it
@if ($selector !=null) {
// Build media-query based selector
@media #{$mediaquery} {
#{$selector}\@#{$breakpoint} {
// If no selector is given
@else {
// Make breakpoint variable global to allow use in @content
$breakpoint: $breakpoint !global;
// Build media-query without selector
@media #{$mediaquery} {
// Take the global breakpoint variable back out of scope
$breakpoint: null !global;
} // Close include check
} // Close exclude check
} // Close breakpoints loop
/* ==========================================================================
========================================================================== */
/* 1. Simple selector as argument
========================================================================== */
* One selector per media-query
@include responsive('.u-inline') {
display: inline !important;
/* 2. Simple selector as @content
========================================================================== */
* One selector per media-query
@include responsive() {
.u-inline\@#{$breakpoint} {
display: inline !important;
/* 3. Multiple selectors as @content
========================================================================== */
* Multiple selectors per media-query possible
@include responsive() {
.u-inline\@#{$breakpoint} {
display: inline !important;
.u-block\@#{$breakpoint} {
display:block !important;
/* 4. Multiple selectors with pseudo element as @content
========================================================================== */
@include responsive() {
.u-ratio-1\/2\@#{$breakpoint}:after {
padding-bottom: 50% !important;
.u-ratio-1\/4\@#{$breakpoint}:after {
padding-bottom: 25% !important;
/* 5. Exclude breakpoint
========================================================================== */
* Exlude 'large' breakpoint
@include responsive($exclude: large) {
.u-inline\@#{$breakpoint} {
display: inline !important;
/* 6. Exclude multiple breakpoints
========================================================================== */
* Exlude 'large' and 'small' breakpoints
@include responsive($exclude: large small) {
.u-inline\@#{$breakpoint} {
display: inline !important;
/* 7. Include breakpoint
========================================================================== */
* Include 'large' breakpoint only
@include responsive($include: large) {
.u-inline\@#{$breakpoint} {
display: inline !important;
/* ==========================================================================
========================================================================== */
/* 1. Simple selector as argument
========================================================================== */
* One selector per media-query
@media (min-width: 53rem) {
.u-inline\@small {
display: inline !important;
@media (min-width: 62rem) {
.u-inline\@medium {
display: inline !important;
@media (min-width: 71rem) {
.u-inline\@large {
display: inline !important;
/* 2. Simple selector as @content
========================================================================== */
* One selector per media-query
@media (min-width: 53rem) {
.u-inline\@small {
display: inline !important;
@media (min-width: 62rem) {
.u-inline\@medium {
display: inline !important;
@media (min-width: 71rem) {
.u-inline\@large {
display: inline !important;
/* 3. Multiple selectors as @content
========================================================================== */
* Multiple selectors per media-query possible
@media (min-width: 53rem) {
.u-inline\@small {
display: inline !important;
.u-block\@small {
display: block !important;
@media (min-width: 62rem) {
.u-inline\@medium {
display: inline !important;
.u-block\@medium {
display: block !important;
@media (min-width: 71rem) {
.u-inline\@large {
display: inline !important;
.u-block\@large {
display: block !important;
/* 4. Multiple selectors with pseudo element as @content
========================================================================== */
@media (min-width: 53rem) {
.u-ratio-1\/2\@small:after {
padding-bottom: 50% !important;
.u-ratio-1\/4\@small:after {
padding-bottom: 25% !important;
@media (min-width: 62rem) {
.u-ratio-1\/2\@medium:after {
padding-bottom: 50% !important;
.u-ratio-1\/4\@medium:after {
padding-bottom: 25% !important;
@media (min-width: 71rem) {
.u-ratio-1\/2\@large:after {
padding-bottom: 50% !important;
.u-ratio-1\/4\@large:after {
padding-bottom: 25% !important;
/* 5. Exclude breakpoint
========================================================================== */
* Exlude 'large' breakpoint
@media (min-width: 53rem) {
.u-inline\@small {
display: inline !important;
@media (min-width: 62rem) {
.u-inline\@medium {
display: inline !important;
/* 6. Exclude multiple breakpoints
========================================================================== */
* Exlude 'large' and 'small' breakpoints
@media (min-width: 62rem) {
.u-inline\@medium {
display: inline !important;
/* 7. Include breakpoint
========================================================================== */
* Include 'large' breakpoint only
@media (min-width: 71rem) {
.u-inline\@large {
display: inline !important;
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