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Created September 16, 2020 00:58
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Breathe - calculate death in minutes for a given room dimension
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use List::Util qw/sum reduce/;
use Data::Dumper;
use Pry;
print STDERR "ERROR: Specify 3 dimensions of the room\n"
if (@ARGV != 3) || grep {$_ !~ /\d+(\.\d+)?/} @ARGV;
my @room_in_ft = @ARGV;
# @room_in_ft = (6,2.5,2.1); # Coffin less a 66l person
my $litre_per_cubic_foot = 28.31685;
my @components = qw/Nitrogen Oxygen Argon CarbonDioxide CarbonMonoxide Other/;
my %initial_concentrations = (
Nitrogen => 78.08400,
Oxygen => 20.94760,
Argon => 0.9340,
CarbonDioxide => 0.0314
); #
# 12 - 20 per minute normal for average adult
my $breath_rate = 16; # repetitions per minute
my $breath_capacity = 8; # litres per minute
my $breath_convertion = 5; # percent of oxygen converted to CO2 and CO
my $eCO_ppm = 5;
# Initialize
my $time = 0;
my %current_concentrations = (%initial_concentrations);
$current_concentrations{CarbonMonoxide} = 0;
$current_concentrations{Other} = 100 - sum(values(%current_concentrations));
my $volume = $litre_per_cubic_foot * reduce {$a * $b} @room_in_ft;
my $max_co2 = 4.0; # percent, or 40,000 ppm -
my $max_co = 0.12; # percent, or 1200 ppm -
my $min_o2 = 6.0;
my $feel_o2 = 19.5;
sub breathe {
$air_in_lungs = inhale();
sub inhale {
my $contents = {};
$contents->{$_} = ($breath_capacity/$breath_rate) * $current_concentrations{$_} / 100 for keys(%current_concentrations);
$volume = $volume - sum(values %$contents);
return $contents;
sub respire { # convert inhaled air to air that will be exhaled
my $contents = shift;
my $new_co = sum(values(%$contents)) * $eCO_ppm / 1000000;
my $used_o2 = sum(values(%$contents)) * $breath_convertion / 100 ;
$contents->{Oxygen} -= $used_o2;
$contents->{CarbonDioxide} += $used_o2 - $new_co;
$contents->{CarbonMonoxide} += $new_co;
sub exhale {
my $contents = shift;
my $air = {};
$air->{$_} = ($volume) * $current_concentrations{$_} / 100 + $contents->{$_} for keys(%current_concentrations);
$volume = sum(values(%$air));
$current_concentrations{$_} = ($air->{$_}/$volume*100) for keys(%current_concentrations);
printf "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n", $time, map {$current_concentrations{$_}} @components;
my %effects = ();
printf "Time,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n", @components;
while ($time < 7*24*60 && keys(%effects) < 4) {
$time += 1/$breath_rate;
if ($current_concentrations{Oxygen} < $feel_o2 && ! $effects{feeling_o2_depletion}) {
$effects{feeling_o2_depletion} = $time;
if ($current_concentrations{Oxygen} < $min_o2 && ! $effects{death_from_lack_o2}) {
$effects{death_from_lack_o2} = $time;
if ($current_concentrations{CarbonDioxide} > $max_co2 && ! $effects{death_from_co2}) {
$effects{death_from_co2} = $time;
if ($current_concentrations{CarbonMonoxide} > $max_co && ! $effects{death_from_co}) {
$effects{death_from_co} = $time;
print STDERR Dumper(\%effects);
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