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Forked from vivekhaldar/
Created June 13, 2021 03:51
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import math
import sys
from moviepy.editor import AudioClip, VideoFileClip, concatenate_videoclips
# Get average RGB of part of a frame. Frame is H * W * 3 (rgb)
# Assumes x1 < x2, y1 < y2
def avg_rgb(frame, x1, y1, x2, y2):
r, g, b = 0, 0, 0
for x in range(x1, x2):
for y in range(y1, y2):
r += frame[x, y, 0]
g += frame[x, y, 1]
b += frame[x, y, 2]
total_pixels = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)
avg_r = r / total_pixels
avg_g = g / total_pixels
avg_b = b / total_pixels
#print(avg_r, avg_g, avg_b)
return avg_r, avg_g, avg_b
# Look for colors in frame, edit based on that.
# Returns list of (start, end) tuples of time intervals we want to keep.
def color_edit(video):
intervals_to_keep = []
frame_marker = [] # 'c': content; 'y': keep prior interval; 'n': drop prior interval.
# Iterate over every frame.
for frame in video.iter_frames():
avg_r, avg_g, avg_b = avg_rgb(frame, 100, 100, 110, 110)
is_red = (avg_r > 120) and (avg_g < 50) and (avg_b < 50)
is_green = (avg_r < 50) and (avg_g > 120) and (avg_b < 50)
marker = 'c'
if is_red:
marker = 'n'
elif is_green:
marker = 'y'
keep_start, keep_end = 0, 0
keep_intervals = []
start_of_last_green = 0
for i in range(1, len(frame_marker)):
m1 = frame_marker[i - 1]
m2 = frame_marker[i]
# Content followed by green, take note.
if m1 == 'c' and m2 == 'y':
start_of_last_green = i
# Green followed by content. Keep previous interval. Start a (possible) new interval.
if m1 == 'y' and m2 == 'c':
keep_end = start_of_last_green / video.fps
keep_intervals.append([keep_start, keep_end])
keep_start = (i + 1) / video.fps
# Red followed by content. Drop the previous interval. Start a (possible) new interval.
if m1 == 'n' and m2 == 'c':
keep_start = i / video.fps
# Ending on green with no following content.
last_index = len(frame_marker) - 1
if frame_marker[last_index] == 'c' or frame_marker[last_index] == 'y':
keep_end = i / video.fps
keep_intervals.append([keep_start, keep_end])
return keep_intervals
# Iterate over audio to find the non-silent parts. Outputs a list of
# (speaking_start, speaking_end) intervals.
# Args:
# window_size: (in seconds) hunt for silence in windows of this size
# volume_threshold: volume below this threshold is considered to be silence
# ease_in: (in seconds) add this much silence around speaking intervals
def find_speaking(audio_clip, window_size=0.1, volume_threshold=0.02, ease_in=0.1, audio_fps=44100):
# First, iterate over audio to find all silent windows.
num_windows = math.floor(audio_clip.end/window_size)
window_is_silent = []
for i in range(num_windows):
s = audio_clip.subclip(i * window_size, (i + 1) * window_size).set_fps(audio_fps)
v = s.max_volume()
window_is_silent.append(v < volume_threshold)
# Find speaking intervals.
speaking_start = 0
speaking_end = 0
speaking_intervals = []
for i in range(1, len(window_is_silent)):
e1 = window_is_silent[i - 1]
e2 = window_is_silent[i]
# silence -> speaking
if e1 and not e2:
speaking_start = i * window_size
# speaking -> silence, now have a speaking interval
if not e1 and e2:
speaking_end = i * window_size
new_speaking_interval = [max(0, speaking_start - ease_in), speaking_end + ease_in]
# With tiny windows, this can sometimes overlap the previous window, so merge.
need_to_merge = len(speaking_intervals) > 0 and speaking_intervals[-1][1] > new_speaking_interval[0]
if need_to_merge:
merged_interval = [speaking_intervals[-1][0], new_speaking_interval[1]]
speaking_intervals[-1] = merged_interval
return speaking_intervals
def main():
# Parse args
# Input file path
file_in = sys.argv[1]
# Output file path
file_out = sys.argv[2]
vid = VideoFileClip(file_in)
# Color edit.
intervals_to_keep = color_edit(vid)
print("Keeping color edit intervals: " + str(intervals_to_keep))
keep_clips = [vid.subclip(start, end) for [start, end] in intervals_to_keep]
color_edited_video = concatenate_videoclips(keep_clips)
# Cut out dead air.
speaking_intervals = find_speaking(,
print("Keeping speaking intervals: " + str(speaking_intervals))
speaking_clips = [color_edited_video.subclip(start, end) for [start, end] in speaking_intervals]
final_video = concatenate_videoclips(speaking_clips)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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