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Last active February 18, 2024 11:14
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iOS widget powered by the Scriptable app that shows the current capacity of your XtraFIT gym
* Script for scriptable to get the current capacity of XTRAFIT Gyms
* Version 1.0.0
* Author: Dennis Metz
* Website:
let allGymsWithLocationIds = {
"Bonn-Zentrum": 155160,
"Essen-Vogelheim": 157483,
"Frankfurt-Nord": 160171,
"Hamburg-Wandsbek": 160173,
"Köln-Buchheim": 160174,
"Köln-Ehrenfeld": 160176,
"Köln-Marsdorf": 160177,
"Köln-Ossendorf": 160178,
"Köln-Poll": 160179,
"Krefeld-Cracau": 160180,
"Langenfeld-Berghausen": 160181,
"Mainz-Bretzenheim": 160183,
"Offenbach-Zentrum": 160184,
"Reutlingen-Mitte": 196775,
"Sindelfingen-Goldbach": 168112,
"Unna-Kamen Karree": 160185,
"Wiesbaden-Hauptbahnhof": 160186,
// add gym id here
const gymId = 160186
let param = args.widgetParameter
if (param != null && param.length > 0)
gymId = param
let gymDetails = await fetchDetails(gymId)
const widget = new ListWidget()
await createWidget()
if (!config.runsInWidget)
await widget.presentSmall()
//Create the widget
async function createWidget() {
const headlineText = widget.addText("🏋🏼 XTRAFIT Auslastung")
headlineText.font = Font.mediumRoundedSystemFont(16)
const widgetStack = widget.addStack()
const capacityText = widgetStack.addText(gymDetails.currentGymCapacityInPercentage + "%")
capacityText.font = Font.mediumRoundedSystemFont(40)
if (gymDetails.currentGymCapacityInPercentage < 65) {
capacityText.textColor = new Color("#33cc33")
} else if (gymDetails.currentGymCapacityInPercentage < 85){
capacityText.textColor = new Color("#ff9900")
} else {
capacityText.textColor = new Color("#ff3300")
const gymNameText = widgetStack.addText(gymDetails.webName)
gymNameText.font = Font.regularSystemFont(12)
const gymCapacityText = widgetStack.addText("(" + gymDetails.currentlyCheckedInCount + "/" + gymDetails.maximumAllowedCheckedIn + ")")
gymCapacityText.font = Font.regularSystemFont(10)
// fetch the current capacity of the XTRAFit gym
async function fetchDetails(id) {
const url = `${id}`;
const request = new Request(url);
const response = await request.loadString();
const regexPercentage = /data-display-percentage="(\d+)"/;
const percentageMatch = response.match(regexPercentage);
let percentage = 0;
if (percentageMatch) {
percentage = parseInt(percentageMatch[1], 10);
if (isNaN(percentage)) {
percentage = 0;
const regexCurrentAmount = /data-display-val="(\d+)"/;
const currentAmountMatch = response.match(regexCurrentAmount);
let currentlyCheckedInCount = 0;
if (currentAmountMatch) {
currentlyCheckedInCount = parseInt(currentAmountMatch[1], 10);
if (isNaN(currentlyCheckedInCount)) {
currentlyCheckedInCount = 0;
const regexMaxAmount = /data-max="(\d+)"/;
const maxAmountMatch = response.match(regexMaxAmount);
let maximumAllowedCheckedIn = 0;
if (maxAmountMatch) {
maximumAllowedCheckedIn = parseInt(maxAmountMatch[1], 10);
if (isNaN(maximumAllowedCheckedIn)) {
maximumAllowedCheckedIn = 0;
let webName = 'Studio nicht gefunden';
for (let key in allGymsWithLocationIds) {
if(allGymsWithLocationIds[key] === id) {
webName = key;
return {
webName: webName,
currentGymCapacityInPercentage: percentage,
currentlyCheckedInCount: currentlyCheckedInCount,
maximumAllowedCheckedIn: maximumAllowedCheckedIn
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dennismetz commented Mar 4, 2023

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How to use:

1. You need to have Scriptable on your iOS 14 device and open it

2. Tap on the plus in the upper right corner

3. Tap on "Untitled Script" and give the script a name, for example "Gym Capacity"

4. Copy the source code from above and paste it in the blank field

5. Save it.

6. Go to your home screen and enter wiggle mode. Then tap on the plus in the upper left corner.

7. Select Scriptable from the promoted widgets, the app list or search for scriptable.

8. Select your widget size.

9. Tap on "Add widget"

10. Tap on the newly added widget.

11. Select the XTRAFIT script. On "When Interacting", you can select "Run Script", but it'll work just fine with "Open App"

12. Paste your studio ID as parameter. You can see it in the table below.

13. Finished! 😍

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