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Created July 19, 2012 09:18
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Clean install MacOSX

Installing software on Macbook Pro

In the midst of doing a clean install on my new MacBook, I realized I should log the steps required in order to have the system ready to work with QI's repositories and run QI's applications locally.

System Preferences

  • Turn the scrolling around if you don't like it in System Preferences > Trackpad
  • Enable dragging by two taps in System Preferences > Accessibility Options
  • Enable tabbing through menus in System Preferences > Keyboard
  • If you find your keyboard etc. too slow (I do) install remappers

Package Manager (Home Brew)

  • Install Homebrew.
  • Do not install anything different, such as fink or mac ports


  • Install Git with brew: brew install git
  • Put your own .gitconfig in your home directory.
  • Install git up. It's the bomb. gem install git-up

RSA keys

  • Generate new RSA keys for your own computer ssh-keygen -t RSA -C "" (decide for yourself whether or not you would like to use a passphrase)
  • Put your own config in your ~/.ssh directory


  • Upload your public key ~/.ssh/ to github > admin
  • Make sure your .gitconfig contains your and


  • Install iTerm2
  • Change Shell to ZSh in

    System Preferences > Users and Groups > Unlock > Right click user name Advanced Options > Select Zsh from 'Login Shell'

  • Install oh-my-zsh
  • Make sure you add required stuff to ~/.zshenv, as described in the README
  • Put your own ~/.zshrc in your home directory


  • Install rbenv (uninstall rvm following SO
  • Install ruby-build
  • Install a preferred Ruby version
  • Make your preferred choice the system wide default


Qt (needed for e.g. Capybara)

  • Run brew install qt


  • Install latest version of MySQL using the Native Package (choose the 64-bit version and just press 'download', you don't need to fill in the whole form.). You can also use brew install mysql, but then you will not have the PrefPane options, and a lot more verbose to get everything to run (and it takes longer!).
  • If you run into a weird .dylib error, run the following command (from StackOverflow): sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib


  • Install Vundle
  • Put some Bundles in ~/.vimrc (copy from README e.g.)
  • run :BundleInstall in vim (ignore errors upon loading vim)
  • Download and install MacVim
  • Put your own .gvimrc in your home directory
  • make directories for temp files and backup files mkdir ~/.vim/_temp ~/.vim/_backup

Command-T (for MacVim)

  • Go to /.vim/bundle/Command-T/ruby/command-t
  • Run rbenv local system
  • Run ruby extconf.rb
  • Run make
  • Check out documentation if building c-extensions fails.
  • Restart MacVim
  • Hit t. Leader can be / or ,: does it work?


  • Install with brew install ack
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