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Last active January 19, 2020 21:32
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  • Save dennisseah/85f5e1334d3d31767a8a59532321b2e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dennisseah/85f5e1334d3d31767a8a59532321b2e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Initial SPK Setup on mac

Initial SPK Setup on mac

Register for a Azure DevOps Account

Create Project, Personal Access Token and GIT Repositories

You will get an confirmation email. Go to the website

Create a project in Azure DevOps and TFS

  1. add ssh key for git clone, pull and push
ssh-keygen -C "<alias>"
cat ~/.ssh/
  1. create a project BedrockSPK.
  2. create a Personal Access Token, PAT. Grant Full Access to the token until we figure out the necessary privileges. Remember to copy the secret associated with the token.
  3. create 3 GIT repos, Manifests, HighLevelDefinition and Application

Execute these

export org=<your microsoft alias> e.g. mine is veseah
export project=BedrockSPK
export PAT=<secret of PAT>

Create a docker register and service principal

  • Create a docker register, I have it as bedrockSPK
  • Create a service principal
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/<sub-id>


export ACR_NAME=bedrockSPK
export SP_APP_ID=<SP App ID>
export SP_TENANT=<SP Tenant>
export SP_PASS=<SP Secret>

Download SPK


  • Download spk-macos
  • copy it to a execute path that is accessible
  • rename it to spk
  • chmod +x spk

Initialize SPK

copy below to a temporary file. temp.yaml

  access_token: @@PAT@@
  hld_repository: ''
  manifest_repository: ''
  infra_repository: >-
  org: @@org@@
  project: @@project@@
  terraform: v0.12.6
  helm: v2.14.3
  git: 2.17.1
  az: 2.0.71
    image: 'samiyaakhtar/spektate:prod'
    name: spektate
    account_name: storage-account-name
    table_name: storage-account-table-name
    partition_key: storage-account-table-partition-key
    key: storage-access-key
    source_repo_access_token: source_repo_access_token
    service_principal_id: service-principal-id
    service_principal_secret: service-principal-secret
    subscription_id: subscription-id
    tenant_id: tenant-id
    resource_group: resource-group-name
key_vault_name: null


sed  "s/@@org@@/${org}/g; s/@@project@@/${project}/g; s/@@PAT@@/${PAT}/g" temp.yaml > /tmp/config.yaml
spk init -f /tmp/config.yaml


git clone${org}/${project}/Manifests
cd Manifests
echo "This is the Flux Manifest Repository." >>
git add -A
git commit -m "Initializing Materialized Manifests repository with a README."
git push -u origin --all

cd ..
git clone${org}/${project}/HighLevelDefinition
cd HighLevelDefinition
spk hld init
git add -A
git commit -m "Initializing HLD repository with the cloud-native stack."
git push -u origin --all
spk hld install-manifest-pipeline

cd ..
git clone${org}/${project}/Application
cd Application
spk project init
git add -A
git commit -m "Initializing application repository."
git push -u origin --all

export VARIABLE_GROUP_NAME=BedrockSPKSecrets

spk project create-variable-group $VARIABLE_GROUP_NAME -r $ACR_NAME -u $SP_APP_ID -t $SP_TENANT -p $SP_PASS
git add -A
git commit -m "Adding Project Variable Group."
git push -u origin --all
spk project install-lifecycle-pipeline

export SERVICE_NAME=ServiceA
spk service create $SERVICE_NAME
git add -A
git commit -m "Adding $SERVICE_NAME to the repository."
git push -u origin --all

spk service install-build-pipeline $SERVICE_NAME


  • Remove azure devops project, BedrockSPK
  • remove the git folders on your laptop, rm -fr Application/ HighLevelDefinition/ Manifests/


  1. Do Create Project, Personal Access Token and GIT Repositories, you can skip the export statements
  2. Do Setup
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