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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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--center NDHU CSIE Week
--center Bash Intro
--author Denny Huang
--date today
--heading Denny Huang
- Chief Coordinator at SITCON 2013, 2014
--heading SITCON
SITCON Workshop
SITCON Summer Camp
--heading Survey
SITCON 2014 participants?
Linux / Mac user?
C / Java / JavaScript / Python ...
CLI only?
--heading Shell?
--center user
--center ------------
--center shell
--center ------------
--center kernel
--center ------------
--center hardware
--heading Why learn shell?
--center ###### ####### # # #######
--center # # # ## ## # #
--center # # # # # # # # #
--center # # ##### # # # # #
--center # # # # # # #
--center # # # # # # #
--center ###### ####### # # #######
--heading sh, bash, zsh ... ?
$ cat /etc/shells
- echo $SHELL
--center Basic knowhow
--heading The File System Tree
- pwd - Print name of current working directory
- cd - Change directory
--heading User / Group / Permission
- ls - List directory contents
--heading Manipulating Files And Directories
- cp - Copy files and directories
- mv - Move/rename files and directories
- mkdir - Create directories
- rm - Remove files and directories
- ln - Create hard and symbolic links
--heading Command line format
$ ls
$ ls -a
$ ls --all
$ ls -a -l
$ ls -al
--heading How does that work?
- type - Indicate how a command name is interpreted
- which - Display which executable program will be executed
- alias - Create an alias for a command
--heading System Environment
$ env
$ printenv
$ echo $PATH
--heading Arguments
- argc, argv
--heading Ask the man!
$ man ls
$ sudo yum install man-pages
--heading Help
$ help pwd
$ ls --help
--heading System Environment (cont.
- PS1
- PS2
--heading rc-files
- bashrc
- inputrc
--heading inputrc
emacs, vi mode
$ set -o vi
$ man readline
$ sudo yum install readline-devel
--heading Redirection
STDIN - keyboard
STDOUT - screen
STDERR - screen
--heading Redirection (cont.
$ ./a.out < in_file
$ ./a.out <<.
> First line
> Second line
$ cat in_file | ./a.out
--heading Redirection (cont.
$ ./a.out > out_file
$ ./a.out >> out_file
$ ./a.out 2> out_file
$ ./a.out 2>&1
$ ./a.out &> out_file
--heading Basic Text Processing
- cat - Concatenate files and print on the standard output
- grep - Print lines matching a pattern
- sort - Sort lines of text files
- uniq - Report or omit repeated lines
- wc - Print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
- head - Output the first part of a file
- tail - Output the last part of a file
- tee - Read from standard input and write to standard output and files
- sed
- awk
--heading tmux
- .tmux.conf
--heading Resources
--center _____ ____ ______
--center /\ __`\ /| _ \ /\ _ \
--center \ \ \/\ \ |/\ | \ \ \L\ \
--center \ \ \ \ \ \// __`\/\ \ \ __ \
--center \ \ \\'\\ /| \L> <_ \ \ \/\ \
--center \ \___\_\ | \_____/\/ \ \_\ \_\
--center \/__//_/ \/____/\/ \/_/\/_/
--center THE END!
--center Thanks for your listening
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