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Last active December 17, 2015 09:59
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Save denolfe/5591829 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reformats AHK code
Original Author: nebbish
- support single line indent after else statement
- support comments on lines with "{"
Copy a piece of code to the Clipboard. The hotkey will reformat the code and paste it into any editor you have selected (sends Ctrl-v to the editor).
This script basically just determines proper line indentation by counting the number of open and closed braces encountered ("{"). However, it does a few other things, such as properly ignoring comments; there's also a little support for one-line indentation for if and loop statements, without the braces.
skip = 0 ; skip is used to skip comments -- 0 means we are not currently in a comment section of code
dp = 0 ; how far to indent, in increments of 5 spaces
out := "" ; out will ultimately hold the reformatted code
c := Clipboard
nows := "" ; nows is a line of code with the white space removed
oe := "" ; oe keeps track of the ending of the previous line, excluding white space and comments
loop, Parse, c, `n
ol := nows
oe := ne
nows := Substr(A_LoopField, RegExMatch(A_LoopField, "\S"))
ne := LastChar(nows)
if(InStr(nows, "/*") = 1)
skip = 1
out .= A_LoopField . "`n"
if(Substr(nows, 1, 1) = "}") ; reduce indentation after } encountered
if(Indent(ol) and Substr(nows, 1, 1) != "{" and oe != "{") ; primitive one-line indentation for loop and if statements
out := out . "`t" ; " "
loop %dp% ; silly loop to indent
out := out . "`t" ; " "
out := out . nows . "`n" ; the line is now formatted
if(Substr(nows, 1 , 1) = "{" or ne = "{") ; increase indentation of folowing lines due to { encountered
if(InStr(nows, "*/") = 1) ; comment block over -- now script will begin processing again
skip = 0
Clipboard := out ; Clipboard has the reformatted code
Send ^v ; paste reformatted code
; Indent(ol) will allow us to indent a line if the previous line was an if or loop, even without braces.
Indent(ol) {
ol .= "`n"
return Regexmatch(ol, "if\(|loop,|(if|loop)\s|else") = 1
; LastChar(str) will return the last non-whitespace character of a string excluding any comment
; The idea is that if that character is a brace, then the following lines should be indented.
LastChar(str) {
str .= "`n"
return Substr(str, RegExMatch(str, "\S\s*(;|`n)") , 1)
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