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Last active January 19, 2016 03:58
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Script for downloading free books from Springer
# Usage:
# $
# will save all books
# $ word
# will save all books whose titles or authors match "word"
# Link with books and links
# Processing the argument
if [ ! -z "$1" ]
export param="$1"
while read -r book
# Parsing markdown
link=$(echo "$book" | awk -F'[][()]' '{print $4}')
# Contains title and author
naming=$(echo "$book" | awk -F'[][()]' '{print $2}')
author=$(echo "$naming" | awk -F, '{print $NF}' | sed 's/^ //g')
title=$(echo "$naming" | sed "s/$author$//" | rev | cut -c 3- | rev | sed 's/[:*"]//g')
file="$title ($author).pdf"
# If a file exists (that is, either the newest edition is already downloaded, or the script
# is being run once again), then skip the book cuz we need neither older version nor duplicate
if [ -f "$file" ]; then continue; fi
# Downloading the file with a new name
wget -O "$file" "$link" -q --show-progress -o /dev/null
# Get only lines that contain links, and output them in a reversed order
done < <(curl "$springer" | sed '/^[^[]*$/d' | sed '1!G;h;$!d' | grep -i "$param")
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It works! Thank you!

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+1, thx!

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why it reports such error?
wget: unrecognized option '--show-progress'

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denpatin commented Jan 9, 2016

This option works for wget starting from version 1.16. Just update it.

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