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Created June 5, 2024 22:11
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your mind is still soft it's hard for me to respect people who are able to come in to that world and leave this is aing lifestyle man and people wonder why am I not achieving more and we wonder why don't I have Drive anymore where's it all at if you don't develop a routine of suffering and suffering is not like go out and kill yourself every day it's being uncomfortable that keeps you hungry every day if you live in your victories for so long and say I'm going to go challenge myself for 30 days or for two weeks or one this run this one marathon and it ends I did one Marathon that's why it leaves you it leaves you because you haven't set up the next obstacle obstacles is how you grow you must continue to have friction friction is where growth is at no friction there's no growth these people go to the gym they get big they get jacked they can run fast all that [ __ ] but the only thing they're doing is they're coding over the mind all you're doing is building a bigger stronger quitter your mind hasn't gotten any stronger CU you haven't gone back in there and dealt with [ __ ] so the second adversity comes like my God I'm soing fit what's wrong your mind is still soft you cannot live in that normal mindset you must be your best on your worst day and how you do that is you cannot think of a normal mindset can I have a normal mindset and I'll never forget I found such peace and beauty and I got done I was in the worst pain in my life and I got done and my wife pulled the car up on the my ex-wife pulled the car up on this little lawn and I got in the back of it and I got up the stairs I'm not going to go through the whole story but I remember laying in the in the tub and she put the shower on me and and I ran 101 miles in like 19 hours and I was like peeing dirt out of me and I'm sitting there and I'm I'm jackhammering and my body is just the most broken it's ever been even to this day and this feeling came over me call it crazy if you want but very few people I guarantee ever felt this before to push themselves so far outside of what they thought was even possible even for me I laid in that tub and I didn't want it to go away I had drained myself of every bit of strength energy I had it was the best feeling I had in my life all that pain it was it was confirmation it was confirmation that I had gone through a crucible and I had figured out another level of David Goggins a level that I thought was humanly impossible for anybody to do when I was at Mile 70 hit and pissed all over myself and had 30 more miles to go and I was damn near dead and I was able to go 31 more miles in that process of the next 31 more miles I found out more about myself in that 31 miles than ever have in my entire life the conversations the mental blocks the road blocks the everything horrible it was just feeding at me like light speed get the out of here man like but I was able to figure out different tactics and when I finally got done with that I laid that tub and it was over the feeling of my God man you just really discovered A Whole New World a whole new part of the brain that I guarantee very few people have so it's a it's a feeling I can't even describe you learn from people who are willing to tell you this is where I started from this is how much I fell on mying ass this is how bad I used to really be I still have those moments cuz why you're human we're all jacked up man we're all jacked up and that's what makes my story relatable I'm willing to let you in to see I'm decently successful now but I didn't come out like this man I didn't come out that's the story is you have to give people just a little bit of hope there's no hope when they just see greatness in you everywhere you have to be able to get yourself down to a level of check it out man there's hope for you that's all I'm trying to give you just a little bit I think pushing yourself physically is the number one factor of life that is the true spot where you can really dive deep into life's about self-discipline is about self-discipline we tend to do the things that are easy and that is the it builds no mental toughness it builds no mental hardening it builds nothing when you work out working out is where you can build that the fastest because it's a constant it gives you instant feedback in yeah you may not lose the weight you want to real fast but the discipline it takes it transfers over to all aspects of your life it's not people man why are you always working out stop stop looking at that way this is the foundation of life the first thing you see is your reflection if you don't like what you see in the morning you lost the war already it's not about even liking what you see it's about looking in the mirror and you may start man I feel different that reflects is not everything it's a feeling you're supposed to get in life once you leave your house the war begins in your house you have some control and that reflection in the mirror you have to control that reflection in the mirror that's how you start your day to leave your house feeling like okay I can fight I've established the mentality to fight and that all that comes from working out it's not just from you know you can't find that in the office I honestly want to be considered one of the hardest men to walk the planet Earth in the history of the world and what I mean by hard I'm not talking about the guy who does the most pull-ups most sit-ups runs the most just a person who's able to overcome any adversity in front of us to figure out a way hardness isn't about all this physical man yeah it helped me get to where I'm at but all I was doing in the whole process the process wouldn't be ripped it wouldn't walk around my shirt off that that wasn't it I knew through the physical challenges through the physical suffering my mind was getting stronger I was literally doing that for a reason I had a weak mind all the rest just happened to come with it I was trying to strengthen the mind to handle all the the all the Judgment that's passed on me perceived and and not sometimes you make it up in your own head you know I I just want to be able to handle all of that everything physical mental I want to be perceived as that like a old school Barbarian old school guy that's like God dog man nothing can hurt the guy which is why the book is titled can't hurt me I want people to have that Mantra in their life take that with you take it everywhere you go in life and if you believe that and you work towards that callous in your mind strengthen yourself can't hurt me is strong in any situation like when I was in buds they beat the out of you I'd be the first one to get say can't hurt me mother and they were beating the hell out of me but you say that enough to you false motivation becomes real motivation after a while they can't see themselves doing it they can't see themselves doing it is one big reason the other reason is a lot of it is jealousy when you set these humongous goals and they see that you're getting at it and every morning I'm getting up training for a 200 mile run and you see me get up at 4:00 in the morning and all you [ __ ] are sleeping and by time I get done running my 30 you come I come home just getting up how you going to feel about yourself a lot of times when you're overachiever a lot of our family members a lot of our friends they're mediocre there's always those couple of guys who are uncomon who want to be better but you make that mediocre mother feel like [ __ ] whether it's your mom your dad whoever you make him feel horrible I've been there I'm speaking from experience you got somebody around you man who's trying to be better and you don't have the drive that they have it's a constant reminder of how f up you are you have to know that that's what it is anybody in your court is not saying man get after it brother I'm so proud of you they have a problem with themselves CU all you're trying to do is achieve more if that's a problem for somebody you have to look at them and say man you you really have a problem with yourself huh it's much deeper than what you think it lies deep in your soul how I was able to fix myself was I saw how ugly I was towards other people who were great I was able to look back and say man you don't hate that much for any reason because he's great and you're lazy you're lazy he makes you feel like [ __ ] every single day so where it comes from you got to know you have to know where [ __ ] comes from to be able to solve it I can't get a break in life I hate that damn mentality but I can't get a break you aren't giving any breaks in life you make them for yourself we are all being tested in life while my test is different than yours you will be tested and how you face that test and how you overcome that test determines the rest of your life the one mentality that you must have in life is that regardless of what's in front of you you still must grind I'll never be in the Olympics I'll never be a professional athlete but still I grind I fail at most things I do but still I grind I don't want to do half the [ __ ] I do but still I grind and that one day you see me down a dark alley run at 1:00 in the morning no one thing I was grinding stay hard being accepted is one thing that killed me and you have to learn what do you want in your life we have so much influence coming at us that we are so lost we don't know what we want to do cuz we don't spend enough time with ourselves you have to learn to shut off a phone shut off a computer shut off a TV and it's okay to sit in a room by yourself in a chair and just think about you where I want to be where where do I see myself tomorrow the next year the next year from that and it takes a lot of self-discipline to be able to do that nowadays cuz you want to be so so attached to everything you want to be so caught up with the world the world's moving too fast the world's moving so fast that you're trying to keep up to the point where you lose yourself in the world so you have to take that time and go to that dark place in your mind and discover who you are you think about all those people to thank we thank everybody got a big long roll of deck text people give him a call but one person we leave out that's ourselves we forget about all those [ __ ] kns single moms single dads [ __ ] people out here who want to lose weight out here grinding we forget about the hidden work that we put in the work of nobody's watching we we forget about all those times we didn't want to do [ __ ] and we did the [ __ ] anyway we liveed life thinking everybody in the [ __ ] world but the one person that goes neglected is yourself make sure you think yourself stay hard no matter what Avenue I choose I want to be the very best and the very best may not be I'm number one the very best is that I leave everything inside of me out there so attacking is not like oh I want to win this or win that or be the best the best is I'm I'm I'm running against myself and everything I do and and that's and that's what I attack I attack myself I'm always questioning myself I'm always holding myself accountable talk to me about the accountability mirror so the accountability mirror is something that I kind of came up with in high school like I said I started shaving my head and I 16 and I got caught up in trying to impress so many people because no one liked me so I developed so many different identities let me Sag My Pants you know let me okay let me pull my pants up let me let me talk this way or act this way or be this way or or whatever the hell it may be God dog so many different things I did to try to fit in with so many different groups that when you look in the mirror that's the one person you can't lie to so every morning I would shave my head thanking God I would reflect back on some of the lies I may have told somebody or some of the ways I acted I didn't feel comfortable doing and I did it to impress other normal people the key word there's normal everyday people I was trying to make other people like me how pathetic is that so I this mirror would always tell me my like my reflection would say God you are a pathetic man how does that feel every day to be this way so I would just start having myself accountable how how did I attack today how did I attack yesterday yesterday and if I didn't do something I was proud of I write down a sticky note and I would fix it so then my senior year in high school it was a totally different David Godin I you know I want to sit the cool guy lunch table man I want you know even though everybody's call me in this time I wanted to to try to act like somebody I wasn't so I could fit in and I sold my soul to the devil you know trying to act like no I'm I'm David [ __ ] God that's who I am and so I wrote down on a piece of paper [ __ ] the table sit by your [ __ ] self and that's what I did and guess what happened my table became a table people started sitting at cuz a whole bunch of people in that lunchroom felt exactly like I did I I I had a laundry list of things that I just I I write down in this fix so I write it down and fix it so one of the guys I was in training with came down to visit me he was amazed at how I kept the same routine I had 20 years ago waking up early going to the gym getting after it going back in the afternoon I can tell he felt bad so he started to explain to me why he can't do anymore talked about travel talked about work so he started asking me how the hell do you [ __ ] do this [ __ ] every [ __ ] day I said I don't [ __ ] negotiate with myself most of us come out here we explain way why we can't do [ __ ] and we stick in this negotiation process in our mind you can't negotiate these things they're definites stay hard I honestly want to be considered one of the hardest men to walk the planet Earth in the history of the world and and when I mean by hard I'm not talking about the guy who does the most pull-ups most sit-ups runs the most just the person who's able to overcome any adversity in front of him to figure out a way hardness isn't about all this physical [ __ ] man yeah it helped me get to where I'm at but all I was doing in the whole process the process wouldn't be ripped it wouldn't walk around my shirt off that that wasn't it I knew through the physical challenges through the physical suffering my mind was getting stronger I was literally doing that for a reason I had a weak mind all the rest just happened to come with it I was trying to strengthen the mind to handle all the the all the Judgment that's passed on me perceived and and not sometimes you make it up in your own head you know I I just want to be able to handle all of that everything physical mental I want to be perceived as that like a old school Barbarian an old school guy it's like God dog man nothing can hurt the guy which is why the book is titled can't hurt me I want people to have that Mantra in their life take that with you take it everywhere you go in life if you believe that and you work towards that callous in your mind strengthen yourself can't hurt me is strong in any situation like when I was in Buzz they beat the [ __ ] out of you I'd be the first one to get say can't hurt me [ __ ] and they were beating the hell out of me but you say that enough to you false motivation becomes [ __ ] real motivation after a while but this cat want to start racing somebody so he started racing me he didn't know who the [ __ ] he was racing he didn't know it was me I'm under an alias see a lot of [ __ ] when they think it's me or somebody else who they want to chase they got a carot in front of them he had no care it was him versus him I'm under some [ __ ] initials he want to test my resolve he want to test my ability to go to limit he want to see where his word ends and mine begins this ain't no [ __ ] game this is my [ __ ] lifestyle son hey yeah I'm fired up this is what I do when someone gives you hell make sure you pushing right back and give them hell stay hard so even though you gave me all this [ __ ] you gave me a satchel of [ __ ] that I didn't deserve and now I'm all [ __ ] up and people think I'm a [ __ ] liar and I'm all [ __ ] up you gave me this you created this [ __ ] nightmare of goggin I'm going to fix it though so now I get it I look at this what I'm say in my head I'm going to fix it now so I almost take it I take all this [ __ ] it's mine I'm going to fix all this [ __ ] but I know to fix [ __ ] people want to find peace immediately this is where people don't like me I don't believe that [ __ ] you're going to find peace from going to war with yourself CU we all got [ __ ] we all got [ __ ] people look at me every the reason why my story resonates with people because I don't hide I'll tell you exactly who the [ __ ] I am I will admit to it people are great at hiding so they want to just find peace no you got you got to take your [ __ ] fix whatever's [ __ ] up in you don't just shove it under a rug fix it and then you'll find some peace later you cannot live in that normal mindset you must be your best on your worst day and how you do that is you cannot think of a normal mindset you cannot have a normal mindset life will not always be 70 and Sun Life is the ultimate competitor it's Relentless it will continue to attack you when you least expect it we must learn to adapt and overcome to any and all obstacles that are in front of us we have to evolve and the way I evolved was I changed my diet had to start do a lot more cross training when the obstacle gets in front of you don't let it stop you don't let it deter you navigate around that [ __ ] a lot of us out here are pushing real hard but we're afraid to go to that dark side in your mind when you push real hard you have this door in your mind and a lot of us don't want to open that door what open that door you're in a tunnel it's a dark ass tunnel and you can't see [ __ ] there's one thing about being in Dark Places if you have the courage to stay in there long enough your eyes will start to adjust to the darkness your body and mind will always adjust to more suffering to more pain if you want to push harder know this your mind quits way before your body does so you have to be willing to go way into that darkness and find more of yourself stay hard well a lot of people what they do is they have these these Finish Lines and I have a saying that says I don't stop when I'm tired I stop when I'm done so when I was uh younger I didn't have any goals and it's not really so much about goals it's just a [ __ ] to-do list a to-do list and as a human being if you don't have a to-do list you're going to sit back and just fade away it's like a lot of people who are in the military who are in business who are whenever they say hey I want to do 20 years and I'm going to retire okay what's next so I have a what's next list so then I never lay so I never sit idle I never sit idle there's there's never one time in my life where I'm sitting back with free time and like just enjoying the sun I made it no I've never arrived and a lot of people say are you happy cuz I'm so driven that it almost makes people who are weaker in the mind think my God you must not be happy that's a weaker person's way of saying you've overachieved David goggin and you're making me feel like [ __ ] so if I'm making you feel like [ __ ] sorry about that I'm making you feel like [ __ ] I'm doing my job if you ask me am I'm if I'm happy I'm doing my job because when I was a weak person these are some of the things I would ask a very driven person because I didn't understand because they were so driven that my mind was so weak that I was like they must not be happy I would find a way to put a title like they're crazy or they're not fulfilled or they're empty because I didn't have what they had so basically if I get these questions I know I'm exactly where I need to be all my ideas come from when the blood pressure the intensity is high because that puts me back in the dungeon I remember when I was 300 lb my my most inspirational time is when I was 300 lbs and I was trying to lose weight and I was having all these selft talks trying to find strength all over my brain how the [ __ ] am I going to do this how so you start to have these different mantras like almost every 3 or 4 seconds a different Mantra comes up and um just there's a lot of power in that from being that Underdog mentality yeah and whenever I go out to work out it's not like I'm David goggin Now 44 have know I've achieved a lot every time I go out to work out I'm that 300 lb guy it spraying for [ __ ] cockroaches nothing cuz if you think that way you can only achieve the best if you've arrived and you go out there I don't need to be out here doing this I want my mind to know who's in charge so for the better part of 26 years my mind was in charge of me which is why I made all these horrible decisions once you take control of your mind you start making decisions for yourself versus your mind making decisions for you we all have that the these two voices for me my routine is every night I stretch out I stretch out for two or three hours every single night without fail and while I'm stretching out I'm thinking about my plan for the next day I'm thinking about all these different obstacles that may come up so basically a lot of us aren't prepared for life we get up willy-nilly and it's hope life is going to happen it is going to happen but it's going to happen with a prepared mind or unprepared mind most people attack life with an unprepared mind what I do is I try to account for all things that could happen might happen probably will happen and then the unknowns so basically I can't account for everything but I do know there are going to be some things that come up in life that you need to be ready for I know for a fact I'm not going to want to work out tomorrow therefore I'm preparing my mind for that I don't want to do that I know tomorrow come with some difficult decisions to make it may come with getting a phone call saying someone died this happened that happened I'm always preparing myself not in a morbid way but just like look man be ready for life don't let life just start attacking you left and right make sure that you start to build a mental armor so then you're ready for life and that comes with the very physical way in the physical helps out to mental but honestly it was um I I realized at a young age how to change myself was through discipline and the military didn't teach me that it was something I realiz I had zero discipline zero self-discipline and I realized I have to start developing this and I started really cuz I was horrible at reading and I was horrible at writing I have so many learning disabilities not even funny so I had just sit down at the table and spent so much time in this reading and writing and and learning and that kind of translated over to my self-discipline with working out that's where it started I started when I was about 16 years old I said well I'm a fourth gr reading level you know let me go ahead now and start really uh focusing because I'm not going to get in the military CU I got to pass the test that's where it started for me the more I didn't quit the more self-respect I gained I start FL you're watching LeBron make his dreams become a reality that's why you ain't successful you watching the black Mumble make his dreams become right if you put the same time LeBron put in and I start studying and I realized I was an African-American male I need to get a master's degree in a PhD in order to do what I'm doing and guess what I had to get up even though it was hard and I had to take ownership of my life take ownership of my time take ownership of my day it's time to take ownership take ownership don't you ever say you don't have some because of what somebody's doing so I need you to take ownership of your to and the power was all mine in life it's important to do one thing many people will try to dehumanize you it's up to you to find self-respect and dignity in yourself you don't need a uniform to have honor you need to have pride in yourself dignity there's opportunity to get stronger and get smarter and get faster and get tougher and get more stable and get more more resilient you have the opportunity to show the world the whole world what you are really made of come on y'all y'all heard a million times put the dog in case of an emergency put the dog home mask on yourself first before you and the problem with most of you in this room you giving it to everybody else first and then you kiss when you give it to everybody else first and you come up short and you wonder why you came up cuz you gave it to everybody else first take care of you look at your dreams and your goals I can't be here for you and we not here for you now we can run together I can't do with and some of y'all I'm trying to help you you got these drink you heard this stuff right here and you want that you can't get it cuz you pulling too many people you can't run no Marathon pulling other people take care of you stay hard you ain't no boy no more this ain't no base this ain't no I want to go party party's over with out of time that's time to be partying no more now it's time to create a legacy now you had your fun now get your work now build a legacy I put you to work for this Legacy you work for your family you don't got no options you don't work nowhere else you don't work for nobody else you work for your mama you work for your sister you work for your aunts you work for your grandma you work for your family you work for your kids you don't wear nobody else name they eating off of that your family ain't going to eat off that you going to get a check we building money for generations to come you need to get things done I don't really want to work out I work out I I really don't want to hammer on a project I hammer on the project don't give in to the immediate gratification that is whispering in your ear shut that down do not listen to that little voice instead go lift the weights Sprint the hill work on the project get out of bed there's so many times in life you don't want to be doing what you're doing you can't just quit remember this this isn't a hobby and lifestyle so what you say to yourself is important it's only you don't say a word stay uncommon amongst uncommon people you're never done don't stop when you're tired stop when you're done you need to live in the grip of life to find inspiration put challenges in front of yourself when you put a challenge in front of yourself and you attack it that's when you find inspiration try to be 10% better than you were last you took run 30 miles a week 133 if you're swimming 500 M swim 550 the more you walk away from accountability the weaker you become five find yourself in the grip of life you can't find yourself by doing nothing people want to know how to stop the laziness they want how to stop the procrastination you start right here and when do you start you start right now you initiate the action aggressively you go cuz the idea isn't going to execute itself the weights out in the gym they're not going to move themselves you have to do it and you have to do it now you got to stop thinking about it and stop dreaming about it and stop researching every aspect of it and reading all about it and debating the pros and cons of it just start doing it get after it and get after it here and now when I was 18 years old I act like that when I was 21 I act like that I'm 49 now when I was a child I spoke as a child I understood as a a child I behaved like a child but when I became a man I put away childish thing cut it off cut it off cut it off cut her off so what she going to get attit to cut her off so what what bump your boss cut your boss off your wife needs you bump your boss your boss don't run you your boss don't care about your wife and your kids you care about your wife and kids do what you supposed to do you ain't no boy no more you talented enough God Made You you got everything you need I love my haters they are the ones that that that make me an animal they make me animalistic because I know something deep inside them wants me to fail and I'm going to do my damnest to see you suffer as I succeed while you're over there watching me and talking about me I'm working I'm working hard I'm taking things to the next level you keep gossiping and I'll keep working you keep talking smack and I'll keep working you keep focusing on everything and everyone else and I'll keep working and when you finally look around at where you are and where I'm at you realize that you have nothing left to talk smack about and this here applies to and you will lose and I will win when people are playing office politics or forming their little clicks or working their personal agendas and again I know sometimes you have to play those games but let your first course of action let the fundamental core of your reaction be to outwork and outperform every last one of them the most important step we ever take in life is our next one a lot of us get our feet stuck in concrete we get our feet stuck in concrete cuz we're afraid to make enemies we're afraid to speak on our mind we're afraid of being in that group of people and when you walk away we're afraid of what they might say behind your back all that fear clouds your brain clouds your thinking one thing in life you're going to always have haters embrace them if you can walk on water trust me your haters will say you can walk on water because you can't swim learn one thing embrace the fact that people don't like you you me you doing something right stay hard stay in the fight what do you do about the about the negative guy that's trying to bring you down you can confront them and you can by doing that join in their in their little game and in doing that you give them the satisfaction they now know that they they got into your head and and then you're turning your workplace until you know your base grade school gossip Hall so we don't like that the preferred methodology for this situation for me is quite simple and that is ignore and outperform a lot of us don't believe that we can achieve the impossible and along my journey I started realizing man like I discover something that some people have but they don't even know all of us have't but along this way I wasn't like I I wasn't a theorist I became a practitioner I was like my God I'm busting down so many barriers of like I a learning disability okay but I'm catching up with everybody I I figured that out I figured out all these negative things in my life that were keeping me in this hole I'm like I got to tell people man that hang on a second man you can achieve the absolute impossible you don't need great parents you don't need like a private school you don't need to have this humongous GPA and all this other [ __ ] what you need is the one thing I talk about my book which is straight up brutal work ethic you have to be willing to outwork everybody in the world and that that that's the hard part that's the hard part this isn't like some fstep process where if you do these fiveing steps you're going to end up with this magical world no I'm basically teaching you how to callous over your victim's mentality I'm teaching you how to like I did 67,000 pull-ups in training for the pull-up record I was seriously callous in my hands to protect them what I'm trying to do with people is teach them how to find more of themselves to where they Empower themselves I'm all about the underdog so that's all that so that's what the book's all about man it's all about having that step process and had to share this with people my haters give me energy and passion like nobody else let me tell you something there are times when I'm thinking about taking a nap and I think about my hater there listen to me very other times I think about doing something stupid and I say to myself ET if you mess up you know how much you know how your your haters would Relish in this love my haters embrace my haters why because my haters will say things to me that my mother will never say my haters will say stuff my wife will never say my haters will say stuff that people that that that that love ET would never say my haters give me a perspective that was the biggest thing I had to stop caring what people thought about me I walked around and I put these people on a pedestal everybody was better than me so I can't tell you anything about me cuz you're going to judge me and I'm going to feel even worse than what I am what I realized once I calm my mind down and sat back and looked at how jacked up this world is once you realize that you are not alone everybody that's talking to you about how jacked up you are only thing they've done better than you is they've hidden their world better than you have that's all they've done so once I realize that if you want to sit back like for instance there's all these things that are on TV and we have all these news people judging yeah they made big mistakes but that person who is judging you on TV I guarante Dam to you that that news person is say I'm glad that my sh didn't come out but I'm going to judge the hell out of you I know that about people so if you want to sit back and judge how jacked up I was and how messed up my life was Merry Christmas go for it have a good time but I'm smiling at you right now knowing you have a secret that you're not willing to share it gives you a lot of power when you're able to go on a podcast this big and say hey tell me I'll tell you anything you want to know I no longer care and that is a lot of power in that to be able to put your life on a billboard for the whole world to see and say judge it man judge it like just me talking about it makes me feel good and that's and that's another thing about it when you are willing to talk about how jacked up you are the strength that big rock that you carry it just starts to come off you it just starts to come off that's why I do it so often I'm like hey man I'll tell you you want to know I'm tired of being afraid I'm tired of not telling you I'm tired of lying about how good I'm not people may think that I'm this extrovert guy now cuz I've been trying to get this book out there but out of everybody with you know like with their books I think I probably took on the least amount of podcast I think we turned down over 200 podcasts um I was getting them left and right and I'm like you know what man if you buy the book you buy it if not I don't give a you know I'm not going to be out here trying to pump this book on people and people oversell themselves too much I think in life and that's just not me man if if if you like it and you hear about me through Word of Mouth Mary Christmas if not man so be it man you don't you don't hear about me how do you fight my insecurities all these things day every day I'm in search for a feeling I'm not in search for a trophy I'm not in search for love I'm not in search for more followers on Instagram or social media when I started this journey years ago I realized that I'm going to be somebody and I'm searching for a feeling a feeling of true victory for myself and only myself the second I shut out the whole world and realize that one thing that I am in this world alone I'm fighting in this race by myself yeah I'm all about people I'm all about team I'm all about that but I'm really all about right now and in my life no one knows the real truth about me how hard I really go I I don't care if anybody knows I don't want anybody to know I'm an introvert I live an introverted life and I love that about me that right there is my fuel is I know that there's really no one out there grinding like me and if they are so be it if I know about you I'll make sure that I up my gang that's what the mentality is all about my whole thing is a mentality thing I view myself as the weakest person on the planet Earth my goal in life was to in my mind believe I'm the hardest man alive and that's why the whole thing is can't hurt me that's what it's about it's about whatever you think you are you have to make that dream reality but that's where the hard part is is making that dream reality that's where the hard work comes that's where people want know how do you keep grinding every day I was able to find strength in every molecule of this Earth I'm able to be in a room with nothing with no motivation no inspiration nothing and find it so what I did in those situations was I invented this thing called taking Souls when everybody's alled up and you're exhausted and you're weak and you're tired and you're looking around and everybody looks as bad as you or even worse I'm like you know what I want to now to make a statement to let you know where your life ends and mind begins and so the statement there is I muster up every bit of strength from their looks on their faces and how they feel and how I'm going to now from my childhood where I came from how I was the bottom of the barrel I'm now amongst all these uncommon people I'm now going to now make you feel like you're common so I use their their sadness their weakness their parts of their life for God this sucks I'm like all poopy pants and messed up I use that for my strength and I have this moment of like let's say we're in the sand we're running or whatever I will do a surge I will do something and everybody's like how the is he doing this and from that that look on their face that feeling of God man this guy must be something something special it then surges me further and further and faster and harder for a long time so it's energy everywhere but the thing is it's so loud that that that voice in your head of pain and suffering and discomfort and I don't want to do this is so loud that you're unable to really calm it down to say okay there's something here it's a patient calm that you have to bring to yourself to say I know I have something here but that voice is so powerful that just want you just to let's leave we're done we're done it it spazzes you out and you want to go versus saying let's take a second hang on before we spaz the out hang on and in that moment you can think clearly and find that strength out there for you you have to make those insecurities those fears like when I was 300 lbs I didn't have any drive I'm going to go be a Navy SEAL what kind of stupid is that 300 lb there wasn't like a drive to go be a Navy SEAL I was an insecure lying kid afraid I had to look in my insecurities and in my fear and find drive in that we're all looking for passion passion is all around you you have a a whole sh a whole fing stack of it all around you it's your insecurities you got to dive deep in that all it's all in there all the energy and fuel You Need Is Right In Yourself it's all there you got a lot of stuff to do to overcome and you know that's where I found it I found it right there in my own insecurities I found Drive in my own insecurities and that's that's the most powerful thing in the world when you can find Drive in your own doubt fear insecurities you become very Unstoppable I'm I'm living on that couch right now with that milkshake in my hand thinking about how the am I going to pull this off that's what I realized for myself was I wanted that comfort zone everybody looks for that pad on the back they don't want to hear all the bad they want to hear everything that they're doing right and I realized that's what kept me in this world that's what kept me in this world of not accomplishing anything so so what I did was I became that big bad nasty mother that you don't want to walk into at night time I became the roughest critic in the world on myself and that's what changed me I literally saw myself in the mirror I saw the truth versus saying you know my dad did this to me from you know from beating me kids in school from calling me [ __ ] did this to me my life did this to me my up Broken Foundation did this to me I took took that and said you know what well some people may help this happen but now I have to own this no one's going to come back to save me no one's going to come back on this couch and say hey it's okay you're going to be okay no I'm not I'm not going to be okay I I had to realize I had to take a stand I I I had to make a real stand and it was painful to look at who I like who I was what the world and myself created it created a a a a very lonely depressed insecure man that would do anything just to have a friend and I saw that as very pathetic when you look at the truth it becomes very ugly and pathetic I would call this guy up at almost every night about 10:30 11:00 at night and give him an update I said hey man I've lost 25 lbs no one knew what I was doing I'm really good at creating an enemy I'm really good at at at creating something that I'm against and I'm also good at if you ever tell me something that I cannot do I'm going to let you know that I'm doing it somehow somehow you're going to know one way or another that I'm doing it it may not be like in your face it may I may make sure that I run across the dad gone world so then it's on the news and you turn the news on say how the hell I'm going to do something that you know I'm here I'm here so every every time I lose like a big significant amount of weight I call that recruiter up and said hey man I'm here I'm here and before I knew it man this guy became almost like my best friend at that time cuz he started seeing I started actually changing his life you know I started see you know he started seeing wow man like I'm glad I took a shot on this guy and not only I had to lose weight I had to go back and take the asbab test again was like a water down sat a couple more times just to get in the Navy SEAL so it was a big proc proc that so that 3 months was packed full of like failures depression even more but what I found out in that whole 3 months I lived a lifetime in that 3 months I started realizing if I can flip if I can flip these insecurities upside down if I can flip this fear if I can flip all this that made me this depressed insecure guy if I can flip it and make it work for me versus against me I started seeing the power the power and failure failure the power and insecurity the power and self-doubt because I looked at everybody it may not be true but that's how I looked at everybody being way above me I thought to myself if I can be at the lowest part in the world in the sewer and be able to overcome all this I started using that as power and I slowly started passing the guys from Harvard the guys from MIT the guys who were these great from great families and oh my God I'm catching up I'm catching up I had nothing so I started flipping it and using as power people when you're afraid of something you have to master it that's how you start to overcome it I was so afraid of myself that I had to figure out I became a master of my mind so what I realize when I get to that point where I want to quit everybody they get to the point where they want to quit this is what happens the mind tells you let's go home let's take a warm shower let's get some food this is not right this is that if you cannot answer the questions at that moment cuz your mind's going to start giving you all these questions all these questions and if you can't answer them you're going to quit what I realized when I was going through buds Ranger school all the sort 100 mile race 200 mile races pullup records my mind would come creeping in like when I was doing 4,30 pulls at at at 2,000 pull-ups and my hands are ripped open my mind said look brother we've done all these other things you've proven yourself you're good if I didn't have the answer to respond to my mind and say why I'm here why I'm doing this you will always lose that fight you have to have the response to what your mind is going to tell you and another thing about that is selft talk a lot of people have like these big four on mental toughness all that just crap about selft talk visualization it's true true but the thing about selft talk and all these things they asked me what do you think about when you're on Mile 100 of a 205 M run what are you thinking about when you realize you run for 24 hours and you have 24 more hours to run and you another 105 miles what goes through your mind what do you say to yourself I want to know a lot of people think selft Talk Works it does but it doesn't work without the suffering before your mind starts saying we need self talk so what I tell myself is I go back to the months and years of preparation to get to that day and I'm telling myself the 3:30 in the morning and I'm looking at my shoes and I want to go out there and run 30 miles I have to in that second in that moment of this selft talk my mind saying you got to find more you got to find more I once again calm down go back into my mind in my cookie jar I call it and I had to reflect back on the [ __ ] I did to get here and that becomes my selft talk selft talk does not work unless it is real most of us lie to ourselves in the self talk it doesn't work it has to be real it has to be something that you've done to make it really work so every day I have my shoes laid out cuz I hate running people don't believe it I hate it CU every day I wake up and there's my shoes my shirt my shorts depending on the weather there's some days I can wake up I just look at the [ __ ] for hours and then I start walking around the [ __ ] house and I said I don't [ __ ] running today I'm not doing [ __ ] today nothing I don't have to can did all that [ __ ] I need all [ __ ] I went through all these hell weeks and got my ass kicked all the time and Fu made it what am I doing this [ __ ] for that's when I think I got 2.3 million followers on Instagram it's ain't about you anymore it's ain't about your for Ranger schools and getting beat as a kid you have an obligation not to yourself but to everybody out there that is touched by what you do as a human being while nobody knows what I'm doing no one is videoing me and Sh I am a virtual trainer mentally because there's a lot of people out there say man David Goin is after today and if I wake up one morning and don't do that I go back to that David gaggin who lied about being who he wanted to be so my thing that keeps me going every day is my mission in life while I did not choose it I'm an introvert and I hate what we're doing even right now is to always stay the course you man the [ __ ] up every [ __ ] day of your life because you know exactly what it is to not man up I've done that too many times in my life so that's where it keeps me going there may be maybe some days I get up with poopy pants and I'm like you know what man this man like what am I training for I have no race in the docket why am I having this this such a structured life why and I'm like you know what I'm good done I retire every day I'm done with and I sit around I say okay and then this is my thought process so you want to be normal so you just want to be like everybody else that roams the world not knowing the power of that's in them being fine with being mediocre you want to go back to who you were huh David it's those bad days I see a whole bunch of people walking around out here who have no idea how talented they truly are now I'm talking about Talent like some god-given ability talent that sometimes you have to hone you have to work on and you have to harness yourself and they just walk around just on their phones just clueless to how powerful they are you have to be able to break this very big thing into very small pieces what makes people quit stuff like you talk about the whole SEAL Fit thing and different challenges like hell week and Ranger school 100 mile races and stuff like that is like for instance you know I ran 205 miles in 39 hours can you imagine what your mind is thinking at Mile 100 of a 205 mile race it's not thinking you're halfway done it's thinking you have another another 100 miles to go you know it it it's not thinking oh man we're halfway now thinking oh man I got a long way to go and so you have to be able to really chunk these things down and not allow your mind to get away from you at the worst times so I became an an expert at at at doing just that I have a story to tell as we all have a story to tell and what I realized on my journey was a lot of us don't believe that we can achieve the impossible and along my journey I started realizing man I gota fing tell some people about this sh man like I discover something that some people have but they don't even [ __ ] know all of us have it along this way I wasn't like I I wasn't a theorist I became a practitioner and I was like my God I'm busting down so many barriers of like I have a learning disability okay but I'm catching up with everybody I I figured that out I figured out all these negative things in my life that were keeping me in this hole I'm like I got to tell people man that hang on a second man you can [ __ ] achieve the absolute impossible you don't need great parents you don't need like a private school you don't need to have this humongous GPA and all this other what you need is the one thing I talked about my book which is straight up brutal work ethic you have to be willing to outwork everybody in the world and that that that's the hard part that's the hard part this isn't like some fstep process if you do these five [ __ ] steps you're going to end up with this magical world no I'm basically teaching you how to callous over your victim's mentality I'm teaching you how to like I did 67,000 pull-ups in training for the pull-up record I was seriously callous in my hands to protect them what I'm trying to do with people is teach them how to find more of themselves to where they Empower themselves I'm all about the underdog so that's all so that's what the book's all about man it's all about having that step process and I had to share this with people growing up I was the weakest person in the world I thought in my mind and the most important conversation is the one you have with yourself so when you think that it it it becomes truth I I do believe now there's not many people on the planet who can do what I do I don't do it for money I don't do it for fame I don't do it for a professional sport I don't do it for a trophy I don't know many people who get up up and get after like I do on a daily basis for absolutely nothing no one sees me no one knows me no one knows half the [ __ ] I do on a daily basis and I don't know of anybody who would do it for for for nothing just for nothing just for pure fact of I'm trying to get harder and tougher mentally and physically every day of my life if I don't give you all of me why the hell am I here why how will you learn from me people take so much offense to me you will never learn from people if we always tap dance around the truth we tap dance around the truth by finding the right words so I don't hurt you because you have thin skin no tighten up people it's okay trust me it's okay it's okay you might be call some Jewish word or some gay word it's okay let them call you that what are you going to do now they don't own your life how are you going to control that now how are you going to flip it up side down and say Roger that now I'm going to harness and you'll read about me years from now very fortunate that I grew up in a time when there was no phones and there was no social media and I suggest yes I'm on social media on a very limited basis because I have a story to tell and it's a great platform use it as a platform don't use it as your life my biggest advice to give everybody in the world is like I say we live in an external world everything is is you got to see it touch it it's it's external if you can for the rest of your life live inside of yourself stop listening to people who are calling you fat gay transsexual everything that is makes no sense all these insecure people putting their insecurities on you you got to flush it out you got to just be whoever the hell God or whatever the hell you believe in if you believe in nothing but yourself I don't care what it is you got to take everything and throw it away way you have to believe in one thing and that is yourself and and I'm not saying don't believe in God or which you believeing but right now for you to find greatness in yourself you're not going to find it by looking in a book or by even hearing me I may give you the spark but you've got to go inside yourself to find it and that means you got to be quiet shut up go in a room stop talking search your soul search your mind search your abilities and you'll find it but if you're not looking for it you won't find it so you got to go start your journey and the journey starts with you finding why the hell am I here on this planet Earth why am I here if you don't know that you will live the rest of your life searching always asking the question why when I was growing up I was being bullied and all kind of [ __ ] my grandfather looked at me and he said you know what man you're not going M this [ __ ] because of how you hang your head and as true and as real as it was it hurt and a lot of us what we do is we hide from the truth we don't want to tell people the truth we see people every day loved ones friends family members we see them walking around everybody seeing them gaining weight they're not going to school but we live in a Kindler gentler world so we don't say [ __ ] to them we watch them fail because why we don't know what to say or how to say it or we may lose them as friends or they may not love us anymore you're watching someone fail the best thing you may ever do for someone is say hey guess what brother you're a piece of [ __ ] right now you may not say it just that way but that's what you may want to say to somebody look man I love you to death brother but your life sucks you're not you you are so much better than this man you are so much better I'm watching you fail and I can't do it so the best advice I ever got was a negative comment from my grandfather you ain't going to mount a [ __ ] and he didn't mean it in like a mean way he meant it as honestly you're allow this word to kick your ass and it's going to if you keep on letting it do it and it stuck with me it stuck with me for a long time takes with me today a lot of us mediocrity is everywhere right now and we're all trying to find an easy way out and we're judging ourselves let's say there's 10 people in this room and we're all mediocre but I'm the best of the mediocre people I now think I'm great I'm great we surround ourselves around people that make us feel great that tell us what we want to hear the second we put ourselves amongst the uncommon people we don't like that feeling that challenging feeling that of of that person who's wak up at 3:30 in the morning say hey put your [ __ ] on we're going for a run we don't like that challenge we like that person who says hey you know man I don't feel good today man and they say oh it's okay brother we take a day off man we get a pizza watch the game we like that we we love that feeling why cuz you understand man we're good bro we don't want that in our lives we don't want that person who's constantly challenging our weaknesses stop being a punk we want that person who's constantly you know making us feel nice and good and securing our that's the mediocrity of life we want to be the best amongst the average people people wonder how do you stay hungry all the time because after I accomplish something I don't sit back like a lot of guys who graduate buds graduate this graduate that they get comfortable they wonder why I'm getting weak man I don't know I lost my Edge what's going on cuz once you hit the top of theing mountain guess what happened I'm good I'm good so you wonder why you're falling down now because once you get top of the mountain you got to build up another one that's mediocrity there's a lot of people in mediocrity who have a nice resume but they're one-timers man they hit they hit a one-time deal they busted it open got a lot of money but they're good you're a mediocre now man what are you been doing today tomorrow the next day that's why I listening to theorists I don't listen to all that [ __ ] that's the person who's gained knowledge you gain knowledge through suffering whatever the [ __ ] is that made me nauseous and sick to my stomach it made me hurt there's no ending and that's the person I listen to and on the other end of suffering is a world that very few very few have ever seen It's A Beautiful World cuz that's where you find yourself you don't find yourself in over here you find yourself on the other end like like the 100 mile race I was on I ran for 24 hours I found myself on the other end of that race that 19 hours I found wow there's a whole another world out here that never even saw but the world's in your mind and that's what all that mediocrity is about mediocrity is contagious I'm as human as human can be that's why what you see is what you get at that moment when I was giving my speech I thank my uncle for being there I got to my mom it wasn't just about her it was I I I I know what she went through I know what I went through and we got knocked down so much I had a moment in front of all these Great American Heroes where I had a chance it was like so fast it went through me like like lightning uh I can't believe I'm here I can't believe I'm getting the W like this that that kid who was in the fetal position the majority of his life and so much the fact that my body and my hip flexors are tight to this day that even though I was standing erect my mind was in the fetal position and when I looked out amongst all those people it was a sense of Pride I can't even I can't even explain it's the moments of three hell weeks it's the moments of in that room by myself studying for hours and hours and hours trying to catch up with all the kids who are above me it's just those moments like the real raw moments of life that was like boom hit me and we're gone but I was like I did that I overcame it you know I was like this is power behind all that [ __ ] and that's the feeling I was looking for in my life I found it it wasn't money wasn't Fame it wasn't rewards it was that feeling I have right now the feeling I'm about to break down but it's not of like oh my God I'm upset it's like I worked myself so hard that I turned a person this up into this right here not off of reading a book off a theorist off of going to work on myself and saying I don't know how to do this but I know that to get over there that side I got to grind myself into aing fine power and I did it I did it off a sure will and very few people will know how that feels very few some are actually born with some genetic freakishness I was not don't forget the first three four chapters when I couldn't read as a junior in high school where I hit out where I got beat so badly that I became afraid of every [ __ ] that ever lived on the planet Earth everybody people for I had to reinvent a human being I sat at home so for so many nights by myself broken broken not just physically mentally spiritually mental toughness strength power I'm like I didn't have any that but then I sat back and said to myself I invent I actually sat back when I was fat nasty out of shape miserable and created a human being in my mind that didn't even exist and said that's what I want to be I want to be that guy I want to be a guy that's capable of doing exactly what I'm doing today and you have to if you weren't born that guy that mentally strong guy he can't be made woman man whatever the whatever the hell you are it can be made but in making that person you have to turn be able to turn down book deals you have to be you have to be who the you are every day of your life and never care about anybody who gets in your way that said you're not doing something the proper way so a lot of people can live with themselves that's the first thing a lot of people can live with themselves look in the mirror and say I'm okay with being afraid I'm okay with going on this easy Highway over here the easy Highway has all these signs and directions how to get somewhere you have to first be uncomfortable with how you feel about yourself with that voice that allow us like to run away from we all have it we all have that voice that's say hey man you know you're you're kind of wimping out right now you're kind of being a little punk right now but a lot of us say okay that's okay it's okay to tell these little white lies to ourselves so we first have to face the real you the real me is David Goggins the real me is a guy looking at you right now saying I don't want toing be on this show right now because I used to stutter as a kid and I'm afraid of that I'm afraid that here in a second I'm going to start stammering and stuttering the whole world is going to know that I have all these issues but that's when I see right now okay goggin you got to go on show that's goggin goggin is saying okay David Goggins you're a punk life made you this way we can't live like this we can't live in fear we can't live in judgment we can't be afraid of what the people right now are looking at me saying about me we cannot be afraid of that that's goggin Godin saying all of you who don't like me and that person then comes in but you have to be David goggin and say man I'm afraid of this I'm up here life made me this way here I stutter I I have these issues with with with uh reading and writing and and I'm I'm I'm fat and I'm insecure you have to face that in that dark room in that dark room is who you are but in that dark room is where you have to create another human being that walks out of that dark room to face who you are that's that's the only way you're going to get over all those things you have to create someone else not like you have two different personalities it is you but you have to find strength and that visualization of almost me cracking out goggin like almost like that Superman C like like like I'm coming out a different person a person that doesn't give a [ __ ] about anything who doesn't care about being judged who knows I'm weak who knows I'm afraid who says whatever you think about me take it whatever I'm here that's godance in the dark room you face yourself you realize you want to be better you realize you don't want to be this weak insecure person in the world who has all these problems that we all have we all have social media is a great platform to tell you who we want to be not who we are so that's where that dark room is it's an endless process endless process all that I went through in my life to get here today it is tattooed it is tattooed in my my brain every day I wake up I am constantly battling that person that is like man you know back in the day this happened to you man you know like you got CAU near so many times and your dad beat the [ __ ] out of you man and you know you you couldn't read and Dad going junior year all these things start to creep up even now where you're at today every day you're having to constantly battle it's not as bad as it used to be by any means but that person's still there it that person always lives that's the that's the point about you have to continue to always challenge yourself every day growing up I I was the weakest person in the world I thought in my mind and the most important conversation is the one you have with yourself so when you think that it it it becomes truth I I do believe now there's not many people on the planet who can do what I do I don't do it for money I don't do it for fame I don't do it for a professional sport I don't do it for a trophy I don't know many people who get up and get after like I do on a daily basis for absolutely nothing no one sees me no one knows me no one knows half the [ __ ] I do on a daily basis and I don't know of anybody who would do it for for for nothing just just for nothing just for pure fact of I'm trying to get harder and tougher mentally and physically every day of my life even though my life gave me a lot of challenge es that didn't so people say oh well how can I become hard if my dad didn't beat me if I didn't stutter if I wasn't called names if I wasn't bullied if I didn't endure all the things you endured yeah all those things can make you a harder or they can make you very soft you know I made a choice and those things didn't make me hard I had to I had to find strength within them where I became hard was the discipline that I the self-discipline key word is self discipline is great self-discipline makes you a master of yourself because no one is helping you that's where you really start to callous your mind you callous your mind not through enduring a hard childhood or a hard life it's enduring the things that make you uncomfortable which is we all have this list in our head of the things that we want us stay very clear of some of us are are afraid of heights some of us are afraid of getting up early some of us are afraid of cold water some of us are afraid of going to college whatever it may be we have this list that we are stay very clear of you need to get that list put it in front of you and start making that list the only list you go from during this list is how you start to create the callous mind you're never going to be able to callous your mind by going to this magical list in the golden tool shed that makes you feel all comfortable and fuzzy inside there's no callous there like I did 4,030 pull-ups in 17 hours to break the guinsburg of Worlds records for most pull-ups in that time period I did 67,000 pull-ups in 9 months 67,000 pull-ups in 9 months what happens to your hands is they become callous callouses protect your hands against that hard nasty gritty ass bar that you're going to touch a thousands and thousands of times you have to do that to your mind your mind has to touch hardship it has to be uncomfortable it has to be put in a situation where it's forced to grow if you're never forcing your mind to grow there's no calluses cuses will never start to grow so it starts there

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