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Created February 7, 2024 08:18
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# param: $1="--retry" is a case for query once more when last query fails
send_api_request() {
query="${query} -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}'"
resp=`eval $query`
# echo -e "$query \n $resp"
# when the subshell process renews tokens and makes previous token deprecated, the above query will fail
# parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 10 (jq has issue and throws an error here)
api_error_code=$(echo "${resp}" | jq --raw-output '.error.code')
api_error_message=$(echo "${resp}" | jq --raw-output '.error.message')
if [ ! -z "${api_error_message}" ] && [ "${api_error_message}" != "null" ]; then
write_log "$@, Error: $api_error_message, Code: ${api_error_code}"
if [ "${api_error_code}" = "InvalidAuthenticationToken" ] && [ $1 != "--retry" ]; then
write_log "Token invalid or expired, start to renew the tokens..."
refresh_oauth2_tokens "--onetime" # renew directly instead read from token.json
send_api_request "--retry" $@
elif [ "${api_error_message}" = "Insufficient Space Available" ]; then
color_print "BROWN" "Failed: Insufficient Space Available, all following upload will fail continuously before the OneDrive space is released."
color_print "BROWN" "Info: Please set auto_clean_threshold between 50 to 99 to enable OneDrive auto-clean feature, or delete some files or folders manually."
color_print "GREEN" "Success: $*"
get_drive_status() {
query='curl -s -k -L -X GET '${DRIVE_BASE_URI}
send_api_request "get_drive_status"
drive_id=$(echo $resp | jq -r '.id')
# this function is called by subshell process
check_drive_space() {
# using export token variables can pass variable from parent process to child process, but cannot pass back from a child process
oauth2_read_tokens # get the latest token first in case of token data expired in subshell
query='curl -s -k -L -X GET '${DRIVE_BASE_URI}
send_api_request "check_drive_space"
list_my_drives() {
query='curl -s -k -L -X GET ""'
send_api_request "list_my_drives"
# create a folder under onedrive root path
# params: p$1=folder_name
create_folder() {
local json_data="'{\"name\": \"$1\", \"folder\": {}}'"
query="curl -s -k -L -X POST ${DRIVE_BASE_URI}/items/root/children"
query="${query} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw "${json_data}
send_api_request "create_folder" $@
# param: item_id
delete_drive_item() {
query="curl -s -k -L -X DELETE '${DRIVE_BASE_URI}/items/$1'"
send_api_request "delete_drive_item" $@
# param: $1=item_id, $2="details"
get_drive_items() {
query="curl -s -k -L -X GET '${DRIVE_BASE_URI}/items/$1'" # query item only
if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
query="curl -s -k -L -X GET '${DRIVE_BASE_URI}/items/$1/children?select=id,name,size&top=2&orderby=lastModifiedDateTime'"
# query=${query}"children?select=id,name,size&top=2&orderby=lastModifiedDateTime'"
send_api_request "get_drive_item" $@
# Note: no need to create its parent folder on onedirve before the upload.
# param: camera video directory name (the folder name is converted to local time)
# output: 2 levels folder path string
# for example: 2023Y04M26D02H's parent path will be 202304/20230426
# Since there will be too many folders on the root upload directory as each hour the camera may generate one folder
# this function is called to generate a path to orgianize the video folders by yearmonth -> day -> hourly folder tree.
# e.g: it will sort folders into 202304 -> 20230425 -> the hourly folders structure
get_ymd_parent_path() {
local year_month=$(echo $1 | sed 's/Y\(..\).*$/\1/') # 202304
local year_month_day=$(echo $1 | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' | cut -c1-8) # 20230426
echo ${year_month}/${year_month_day}
# when file_size <= 4MB
# param: $1=sd_file_path
upload_small_file() {
local file_name=$(parse_file_name $1)
local file_parent=$(parse_file_parent $1)
file_parent=$(convert_pathname_from_utc_to_local $file_parent)
local organized_path=$(get_ymd_parent_path $file_parent)
local target_path=${video_root_folder}/${organized_path}/${file_parent}/${file_name}
query="curl -s -k -L -X PUT '${DRIVE_BASE_URI}/items/root:/${target_path}:/content'"
query="${query} --upload-file $1"
send_api_request "upload_small_file" $1
# param: $1=sd_file_path, $2=file_size
upload_large_file_by_chunks() {
local file_name=$(parse_file_name $1)
local file_parent=$(parse_file_parent $1)
local json_data="'{\"item\":{\"@name.conflictBehavior\":\"replace\",\"name\":\"${file_name}\"}}'"
file_parent=$(convert_pathname_from_utc_to_local $file_parent)
local organized_path=$(get_ymd_parent_path $file_parent)
echo "Target OneDrive path:" ${video_root_folder}/$organized_path/$file_parent, "file size: $(get_human_readble_size ${file_size})"
local upload_path=${video_root_folder}/${organized_path}/${file_parent}/${file_name}
query="curl -s -k -L -X POST '${DRIVE_BASE_URI}/root:/${upload_path}:/createUploadSession'"
query="${query} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw "${json_data}
send_api_request "create_upload_session" $1
color_print "GREEN" "upload_large_file_by_chunks $1"
local retry_count=0; local retry_max=10 # for chunk(fragment) re-transmission
if [ -z "${error}" ] || [ "${error}" = "null" ]; then
local upload_url=$(echo ${resp} | jq --raw-output '.uploadUrl')
# Note: from the docs, size of each chunk MUST be a multiple of 320 KiB (327,680 bytes)
# Since the most of the mp4 file size is less than 12MB, setting chunk size to 5.625M
# will let a large file be transfered in only 2 chunks
# 320KB*18 = 327680*18 = 5898240 = 5.625M (most files can be done by 2 chunks, higher CPU spike)
# 320KB*12 = 327680*12 = 3932160 = 3.932M (most files can be done by 3 chunks, lower cpu spike and better)
local chunk_index=0; chunk_size=$((327680*12)) # moderate cpu spike
local range_start=0; range_end=0; range_length=0
local status_code=200 # used to check chunk send error and retry(re-transmission)
local api_response=''; error_code=''
local whole_file_retry=false
while [ $((${chunk_index}*${chunk_size})) -lt $2 ] && [ ${retry_count} -lt ${retry_max} ]; do
if [ ${range_end} -gt $2 ]; then
# do not use dd to copy file data as curl's input, output it to a tmp file instead
# dd if="$1" count=1 skip=${chunk_index} bs=${chunk_size} 2> /dev/null | \
# -H "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" \
echo "$(date +"%F %H:%M:%S") upload chunk: ${chunk_index}, length: ${range_length}, bytes: ${range_start}-${range_end}"
# by writing data to tmp file for curl to read, the chance of upload success increases
if [ ${retry_count} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "write temp file for upload"
dd if="$1" of="./data/chunk_data" count=1 skip=${chunk_index} bs=${chunk_size} 2> /dev/null
curl -s -k -L -X PUT "${upload_url}" \
--data-binary @"./data/chunk_data" \
--write-out %{http_code} \
--max-time 15 \
-H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
-H "Accept: application/json; odata.metadata=none" \
-H "Content-Length: ${range_length}" \
-H "Content-Range: bytes ${range_start}-${range_end}/${2}" \
# -o /dev/null \
# > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "get upload response: ${api_response}"
parse_upload_response "${api_response}" # get status_code and error_code
# for status code 416, it indicates the specified byte range is invalid or unavailable
# however, the error code fragmentOverlap can be tolerant since the fragment will be discareded
# or be used to overwrite the previous one from my test experience, it wont break the file
if [ \( "${status_code}" == "416" -a "${error_code}" == "fragmentOverlap" \) -o \
\( ${status_code} -ge 200 -a ${status_code} -lt 205 \) ]; then
echo "upload ${chunk_index} successfully"
if [ ${status_code} = "000" ]; then
echo "A re-transmission is required due to status_code: ${status_code}, reason: timeout."
echo "A re-transmission is required due to status_code: ${status_code}"
sleep 2 # add a little time break before next try
# sleep 1
if [ ${status_code} -eq 200 ] || [ ${status_code} -eq 201 ]; then
color_print "GREEN" "Success: upload_large_file_by_chunks $1"
if [ ${upload_retry} = false ]; then
color_print "BROWN" "Failed: upload_large_file_by_chunks $1, status_code: ${status_code}, try another time."
# To cancel an upload session send a DELETE request to the upload URL.
# This should be used in scenarios where the upload is aborted, for example, if the user cancels the transfer.
# Temporary files and their accompanying upload session are automatically cleaned up after the expirationDateTime has passed.
curl -s -k -L -X DELETE "${upload_url}" # delete session after upload
color_print "BROWN" "Failed: upload_large_file_by_chunks $1, status_code: ${status_code}, retry failed."
echo `date +"%F %H:%M:%S"`: $1 >> ./log/upload_failed.history
color_print "BROWN" "Failed: ${error}"
# $1 is curl's output data
parse_upload_response() {
local resp_json=''
if [ ${#1} -gt 3 ]; then
status_code=${1: -3}
resp_json=${1:: -3}
if [ ${status_code} -ge 400 ]; then
error_code=$(echo ${resp_json} | jq -r '.error.innererror.code')
# do one time re-transimission of the whole file
upload_large_file_by_chunks_r() {
local upload_retry=false
upload_large_file_by_chunks $1 $2
if [ ${upload_retry} = true ]; then
upload_large_file_by_chunks $1 $2
# upload large files (4-60MB) with an upload session, no file splitting right now
# issue: when a file is large, the camera memory is not enough and results in camera reboot
# then this function is cuurently not used for this program
# param: $1=sd_file_path, $2=file_size
upload_large_file() {
local file_name=$(parse_file_name $1)
local file_parent=$(parse_file_parent $1)
local json_data="'{\"item\":{\"@name.conflictBehavior\":\"replace\",\"name\":\"${file_name}\"}}'"
local upload_path=${video_root_folder}/${file_parent}/${file_name}
query="curl -s -k -L -X POST '${DRIVE_BASE_URI}/root:/${upload_path}:/createUploadSession'"
query="${query} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw "${json_data}
send_api_request "create_upload_session" $1
color_print "GREEN" "upload_large_file $1, $(get_human_readble_size ${file_size})"
if [ -z "${error}" ] || [ "${error}" = "null" ]; then
local upload_url=$(echo ${resp} | jq --raw-output '.uploadUrl')
# local content_range="bytes 0-$((${file_size}-1))"
# query="curl -L -X PUT ${upload_url} --data \"${file_name}\"=@\"$2\"" #--upload-file $2 if for single file
# query="${query} -H 'Content-Length: ${file_size}'"
# query="${query} -H 'Content-Range: ${content_range}/${file_size}'"
# send_api_request "upload_large_file" $1 $2
# the query string cannot be expanded by eval or $() because upload_url contains single quote
# we use curl command directly here, hide the output json
curl -s -k -L -X PUT ${upload_url} \
--data-binary "${filename}"@"$1" \
-H "Content-Length: ${2}" \
-H "Content-Range: bytes 0-$((${2}-1))/${2}" \
> /dev/null
# there are 2 errors warning here when use PUT instead of POST (-T):
# 1. a session url error after the last chunk is transimitted
# {"error":{"code":"itemNotFound","message":"The upload session was not found"}}
# 2. curl: option --data-binary: out of memory
# can not be fixed and redircted to null curl
# but file transmission still work
# session will be automatically cleaned up by onedrive after it is expired
# curl -s -k -L -X DELETE ${upload_url} # delete session when abortion
# Try to get a walk around of OneDrive resumable API which is not very reliable when sending file larger than 4MB: too many timeout, and the speed is very slow.
# One way is to split the mp4 file into fragments less than 4MB and send them separately by OneDrive small file upload API.
# However, the separate fragment file cannot be played without a right tool (like ffmpeg) to split or merge.
# Spliting video file takes time, and on OneDrive there will be more small files as well.
# Thus, this way is not very ideal.
upload_large_file_by_fragments() {
local file_name=$(parse_file_name $1)
local file_parent=$(parse_file_parent $1)
local fragment_path=""; fragment_name=""
local chunk_index=0; chunk_size=$((4*1024*1024)) # max is 4MB
local range_start=0; range_end=0; range_length=0
while [ $((${chunk_index}*${chunk_size})) -lt $2 ]; do
if [ ${range_end} -gt $2 ]; then
# here, the filename and path matters
echo "upload chunk: ${chunk_index}, length: ${range_length}, bytes: ${range_start}-${range_end} "
fragment_name=$(echo ${file_name} | sed "s/\./_$((chunk_index+1))\./g")
# using command dd to split mp4 file to fragments without encoding (the fragment cannot be played)
dd if="$1" of="./data/${fragment_name}" count=1 skip=${chunk_index} bs=${chunk_size} 2> /dev/null
query="curl -s -k -L -X PUT '${DRIVE_BASE_URI}/items/root:/${fragment_path}:/content'"
query="${query} --upload-file ./data/${fragment_name}"
send_api_request "\tupload_file_fragment" ${fragment_name}
sleep 1
color_print "GREEN" "Success: upload_large_file_by_fragments $1"
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