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Created April 2, 2014 17:07
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How to press a site

How to create wordpress custom themes

  • installing wordpress
  • install xampp
  • download wordpress
  • create empty database
  • install wordpress in browser
  • installing blank theme
    • sitename/wp_content/themes
    • drop theme in folder
    • install theme
    • wordpress-> appearance->themes -> selects theme and install it
  • Create html and css for theme
  • Config settings for wordpress permer links
  • Add HTML and CSS to CMS

Othe WordPress notes Tutorials

  • Video 0309 - Query Post - Return data on the post, date, title, excerpt.
  • Video 0308 - Wordpress nav - Contains all pages on wordpress site with option to add these pages to navigator change order or add custom external links

Wordpress Search - Built in ability to search post

Adding feature image to word press post

	add add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ); to functions.php

This code will enable featured image support for all your post in the admin panel.

Set the size of the thumbnail for the post page

	set_post_thumbnail_size( 150, 150);

add code to functions.php

Set the size of the image on the single featured page

	add_image_size( 'single-post-thumbnail', 590, 180 );

add code to functions.php

Add image to single

	<?php the_post_thumbnail( 'single-post-thumbnail' ); ?>

Add image to post

	<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>

Other good wordpress links

Blank WordPress Themes

Wordpress page and folder structure

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