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Last active October 25, 2020 15:53
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Einstein's puzzle in miniKanren
#! /usr/bin scheme --script
;; loads two files from :
;; mk.scm and mk-vicare.scm
(load "lib.scm")
(define (membero x y)
(fresh (a d)
(== y `(,a . ,d))
[(== x a)]
[(membero x d)]
;; using actual arithmetic would be overkill here
(define (right-of x y)
[(== x 'two) (== y 'one)]
[(== x 'three) (== y 'two)]
[(== x 'four) (== y 'three)]
[(== x 'five) (== y 'four)]
(define (left-of x y)
(right-of y x)
(define (next-to x y)
[(left-of x y)]
[(right-of x y)]
;; afaik minikanren has no anonymous vars,
;; so here is a hack that adds anonymous vars.
;; time is not nanosecond precise
;; a better string generation could remove this sleep
(define (_)
(sleep (make-time 'time-duration 1000 0))
(vector unbound (new-scope) (time-nanosecond (current-time)))
;; anon vars needed here because otherwise this would have to be
;; wrapped in a fresh with 25 variables.
;; thats not bad in itself but that way we can never reason
;; about the list definition itself (and pass it to unroll)
(define street-def
(one ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_))
(two ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_))
(three ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_))
(four ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_))
(five ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_))
;; faster-minikanren dropped disj in favor of the conde macro directly
;; i need disj+ at least in order to implement unroll
(define (disj g1 g2)
(lambda (st)
(mplus* (g1 st) (g2 st)))
(define (disj+ goals)
(let ((gcar (car goals)) (gcdr (cdr goals)))
((eq? gcdr '()) gcar)
(else (lambda (st) ((disj gcar (disj+ gcdr)) st)))
;; membero-unrolled preprocesses the membero relation for (partially) known lists
;; returns a unary function that tests its input vs all elements of list ylist
;; inner map returns a list of curried equalo procedures applied to members of ylist
;; outer map applies the argument x to each of the equalo's
(define (membero-unrolled ylist)
(lambda (x)
(lambda (st)
(let ((st (state-with-scope st nonlocal-scope))) (
(disj+ (map (lambda (f) (f x)) (map (lambda (y) (lambda (z) (== z y))) ylist)))
st )))
(define unrolled (membero-unrolled street-def))
;; Speeding up Einstein's puzzle by replacing membero with unrolled
;; time without unroll: ~0.31s
;; time with unroll: ~0.22s
( printf "Einsteins puzzle: ~w\n"
(run* (q)
(fresh (fishowner s a b c d e f g h i j)
(== q `(,fishowner ,s))
(== s street-def)
(unrolled `(,(_) brit red ,(_) ,(_) ,(_)))
(unrolled `(,(_) swede ,(_) dog ,(_) ,(_)))
(unrolled `(,(_) dane ,(_) ,(_) tea ,(_)))
(unrolled `(,a ,(_) green ,(_) ,(_) ,(_)))
(unrolled `(,b ,(_) white ,(_) ,(_) ,(_)))
(left-of a b)
(unrolled `(,(_) ,(_) green ,(_) coffee ,(_)))
(unrolled `(,(_) ,(_) ,(_) birds ,(_) pall-mall))
(unrolled `(,(_) ,(_) yellow ,(_) ,(_) dunhill))
(unrolled `(three ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) milk ,(_)))
(unrolled `(one norwegian ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_)))
(unrolled `(,c ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) blend))
(unrolled `(,d ,(_) ,(_) cats ,(_) ,(_)))
(next-to c d)
(unrolled `(,e ,(_) ,(_) horse ,(_) ,(_)))
(unrolled `(,f ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) dunhill))
(next-to e f)
(unrolled `(,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) beer bluemaster))
(unrolled `(,(_) german ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) prince))
(unrolled `(,g norwegian ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_)))
(unrolled `(,h ,(_) blue ,(_) ,(_) ,(_)))
(next-to g h)
(unrolled `(,i ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) blend))
(unrolled `(,j ,(_) ,(_) ,(_) water ,(_)))
(next-to i j)
(unrolled `(,(_) ,fishowner ,(_) fish ,(_) ,(_)))
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