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Created July 9, 2019 06:37
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Round double to float hardware-matching precision for default SSE rounding mode
constexpr uint64_t mask(int i)
return (1ull << i) - 1;
float Round1(double tmp)
uint64_t i;
memcpy(&i, &tmp, sizeof i);
uint32_t sgn = (i >> 32) & 0x8000'0000u;
uint64_t exp = (i >> 52) & mask(11);
uint64_t man = i & mask(52);
// Handle NaN
if (exp == 2047 && man != 0)
uint32_t fp_man = uint32_t(man >> (52 - 23));
uint32_t fp = sgn | 0x7f80'0000 | fp_man;
return AsFloat(fp);
// unbias exponent
int exp_u = exp ? (int)(int64_t((exp - 1023ul) << 52) >> 52) : 0;
uint32_t fp_exp = exp ? (unsigned char)(exp_u + 127) : 0;
// Handle subnormal results
if (exp_u < -126)
int denorm_shift_count = std::min(-(exp_u + 126), 25);
man |= 1ull << 52;
man >>= denorm_shift_count;
// Subnormal values use exp == 0, mantissa != 0
// If we shifted all the way to leave just zeroes in the mantissa, we'll return zero or negative zero.
fp_exp = 0;
// Handle overflow by returning infinity
else if (exp_u > 127)
fp_exp = 255;
man = 0;
// Reconstitute float var
uint32_t fp_man = uint32_t(man >> (52 - 23));
// Round mantissa
// Handle the case that it's a tie-breaking round
if ((man & mask(52 - 23)) == (1 << 28))
fp_man += fp_man & 1;
// Handle the case that we need to round up
else if (man & (1 << 28))
fp_man &= (uint32_t)mask(23);
return AsFloat(sgn | (fp_exp << 23) | fp_man);
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