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Last active June 15, 2022 12:08
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  • Save depresto/6a8f5f7adb848d13a035191d016b6e29 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Uniswap V1 interaction for
const uniSwapV1FactoryAddress = "0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95";
const usdcAddress = "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48";
const factoryABI = [
name: "NewExchange",
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "token", indexed: true },
{ type: "address", name: "exchange", indexed: true },
anonymous: false,
type: "event",
name: "initializeFactory",
outputs: [],
inputs: [{ type: "address", name: "template" }],
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 35725,
name: "createExchange",
outputs: [{ type: "address", name: "out" }],
inputs: [{ type: "address", name: "token" }],
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 187911,
name: "getExchange",
outputs: [{ type: "address", name: "out" }],
inputs: [{ type: "address", name: "token" }],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 715,
name: "getToken",
outputs: [{ type: "address", name: "out" }],
inputs: [{ type: "address", name: "exchange" }],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 745,
name: "getTokenWithId",
outputs: [{ type: "address", name: "out" }],
inputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "token_id" }],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 736,
name: "exchangeTemplate",
outputs: [{ type: "address", name: "out" }],
inputs: [],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 633,
name: "tokenCount",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 663,
const exchangeABI = [
name: "TokenPurchase",
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "buyer", indexed: true },
{ type: "uint256", name: "eth_sold", indexed: true },
{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_bought", indexed: true },
anonymous: false,
type: "event",
name: "EthPurchase",
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "buyer", indexed: true },
{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_sold", indexed: true },
{ type: "uint256", name: "eth_bought", indexed: true },
anonymous: false,
type: "event",
name: "AddLiquidity",
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "provider", indexed: true },
{ type: "uint256", name: "eth_amount", indexed: true },
{ type: "uint256", name: "token_amount", indexed: true },
anonymous: false,
type: "event",
name: "RemoveLiquidity",
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "provider", indexed: true },
{ type: "uint256", name: "eth_amount", indexed: true },
{ type: "uint256", name: "token_amount", indexed: true },
anonymous: false,
type: "event",
name: "Transfer",
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "_from", indexed: true },
{ type: "address", name: "_to", indexed: true },
{ type: "uint256", name: "_value", indexed: false },
anonymous: false,
type: "event",
name: "Approval",
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "_owner", indexed: true },
{ type: "address", name: "_spender", indexed: true },
{ type: "uint256", name: "_value", indexed: false },
anonymous: false,
type: "event",
name: "setup",
outputs: [],
inputs: [{ type: "address", name: "token_addr" }],
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 175875,
name: "addLiquidity",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_liquidity" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "max_tokens" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
constant: false,
payable: true,
type: "function",
gas: 82605,
name: "removeLiquidity",
outputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "out" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "out" },
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "amount" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_eth" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_tokens" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 116814,
name: "__default__",
outputs: [],
inputs: [],
constant: false,
payable: true,
type: "function",
name: "ethToTokenSwapInput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_tokens" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
constant: false,
payable: true,
type: "function",
gas: 12757,
name: "ethToTokenTransferInput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_tokens" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
{ type: "address", name: "recipient" },
constant: false,
payable: true,
type: "function",
gas: 12965,
name: "ethToTokenSwapOutput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
constant: false,
payable: true,
type: "function",
gas: 50455,
name: "ethToTokenTransferOutput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
{ type: "address", name: "recipient" },
constant: false,
payable: true,
type: "function",
gas: 50663,
name: "tokenToEthSwapInput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_sold" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_eth" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 47503,
name: "tokenToEthTransferInput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_sold" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_eth" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
{ type: "address", name: "recipient" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 47712,
name: "tokenToEthSwapOutput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "eth_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "max_tokens" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 50175,
name: "tokenToEthTransferOutput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "eth_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "max_tokens" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
{ type: "address", name: "recipient" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 50384,
name: "tokenToTokenSwapInput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_sold" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_tokens_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_eth_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
{ type: "address", name: "token_addr" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 51007,
name: "tokenToTokenTransferInput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_sold" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_tokens_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_eth_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
{ type: "address", name: "recipient" },
{ type: "address", name: "token_addr" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 51098,
name: "tokenToTokenSwapOutput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "max_tokens_sold" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "max_eth_sold" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
{ type: "address", name: "token_addr" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 54928,
name: "tokenToTokenTransferOutput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "max_tokens_sold" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "max_eth_sold" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
{ type: "address", name: "recipient" },
{ type: "address", name: "token_addr" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 55019,
name: "tokenToExchangeSwapInput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_sold" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_tokens_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_eth_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
{ type: "address", name: "exchange_addr" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 49342,
name: "tokenToExchangeTransferInput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_sold" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_tokens_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "min_eth_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
{ type: "address", name: "recipient" },
{ type: "address", name: "exchange_addr" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 49532,
name: "tokenToExchangeSwapOutput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "max_tokens_sold" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "max_eth_sold" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
{ type: "address", name: "exchange_addr" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 53233,
name: "tokenToExchangeTransferOutput",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_bought" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "max_tokens_sold" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "max_eth_sold" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "deadline" },
{ type: "address", name: "recipient" },
{ type: "address", name: "exchange_addr" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 53423,
name: "getEthToTokenInputPrice",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "eth_sold" }],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 5542,
name: "getEthToTokenOutputPrice",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_bought" }],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 6872,
name: "getTokenToEthInputPrice",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "tokens_sold" }],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 5637,
name: "getTokenToEthOutputPrice",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "eth_bought" }],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 6897,
name: "tokenAddress",
outputs: [{ type: "address", name: "out" }],
inputs: [],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 1413,
name: "factoryAddress",
outputs: [{ type: "address", name: "out" }],
inputs: [],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 1443,
name: "balanceOf",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [{ type: "address", name: "_owner" }],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 1645,
name: "transfer",
outputs: [{ type: "bool", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "_to" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "_value" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 75034,
name: "transferFrom",
outputs: [{ type: "bool", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "_from" },
{ type: "address", name: "_to" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "_value" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 110907,
name: "approve",
outputs: [{ type: "bool", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "_spender" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "_value" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 38769,
name: "allowance",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "_owner" },
{ type: "address", name: "_spender" },
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 1925,
name: "name",
outputs: [{ type: "bytes32", name: "out" }],
inputs: [],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 1623,
name: "symbol",
outputs: [{ type: "bytes32", name: "out" }],
inputs: [],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 1653,
name: "decimals",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 1683,
name: "totalSupply",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 1713,
const tokenABI = [
name: "Transfer",
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "_from", indexed: true },
{ type: "address", name: "_to", indexed: true },
{ type: "uint256", name: "_value", indexed: false },
anonymous: false,
type: "event",
name: "Approval",
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "_owner", indexed: true },
{ type: "address", name: "_spender", indexed: true },
{ type: "uint256", name: "_value", indexed: false },
anonymous: false,
type: "event",
name: "__init__",
outputs: [],
inputs: [
{ type: "bytes32", name: "_name" },
{ type: "bytes32", name: "_symbol" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "_decimals" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "_supply" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "constructor",
name: "deposit",
outputs: [],
inputs: [],
constant: false,
payable: true,
type: "function",
gas: 74279,
name: "withdraw",
outputs: [{ type: "bool", name: "out" }],
inputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "_value" }],
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 108706,
name: "totalSupply",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 543,
name: "balanceOf",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [{ type: "address", name: "_owner" }],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 745,
name: "transfer",
outputs: [{ type: "bool", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "_to" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "_value" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 74698,
name: "transferFrom",
outputs: [{ type: "bool", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "_from" },
{ type: "address", name: "_to" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "_value" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 110600,
name: "approve",
outputs: [{ type: "bool", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "_spender" },
{ type: "uint256", name: "_value" },
constant: false,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 37888,
name: "allowance",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [
{ type: "address", name: "_owner" },
{ type: "address", name: "_spender" },
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 1025,
name: "name",
outputs: [{ type: "bytes32", name: "out" }],
inputs: [],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 723,
name: "symbol",
outputs: [{ type: "bytes32", name: "out" }],
inputs: [],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 753,
name: "decimals",
outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "out" }],
inputs: [],
constant: true,
payable: false,
type: "function",
gas: 783,
const gasLimit = 100_000
window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' })
const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
const signer = provider.getSigner();
const walletAddress = await signer.getAddress();
// Create contract instance for Uniswap V1 factory
const factoryContract = new ethers.Contract(
{ gasLimit }
// Create contract instance for USDC token
const tokenContract = new ethers.Contract(usdcAddress, tokenABI, provider, { gasLimit });
// Create contract address for USDC swap
const exchangeAddress = await factoryContract.getExchange(usdcAddress, { gasLimit });
// Create contract instance for Uniswap V1 USDC swap
const exchangeContract = new ethers.Contract(
{ gasLimit }
const now = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000)
// Swap for 100 USDC
await exchangeContract.connect(signer).ethToTokenSwapInput(100, now + 10, {
value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.2"),
// Get balance for USDC
const usdcBalance = await tokenContract.balanceOf(walletAddress, { gasLimit });
const decimals = await tokenContract.decimals({ gasLimit });
const formattedBalance = ethers.utils.formatUnits(usdcBalance, decimals)
console.log(`Your USDC balance: ${formattedBalance}`);
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