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github actions - self hosted runner ubuntu 20.04
FROM ubuntu:20.04
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN sed -i 's/' /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt update
RUN apt install -y git dnsutils bison brotli bzip2 curl dbus dpkg fakeroot file flex ftp gnupg2 iproute2 iputils-ping jq lib32z1 libc++-dev libc++abi-dev libcurl4 libgbm-dev libgconf-2-4 libgtk-3-0 libsecret-1-dev libsqlite3-dev libunwind8 libxkbfile-dev libxss1 locales m4 netcat openssh-client parallel patchelf pkg-config python-is-python3 rpm rsync shellcheck sqlite3 ssh sudo telnet texinfo time tk tzdata unzip upx wget xorriso xvfb xz-utils zip zstd zsync
RUN curl | bash
RUN mkdir actions-runner \
&& cd actions-runner \
&& curl -O -L \
&& tar xzf ./actions-runner-linux-x64-2.274.2.tar.gz
RUN ./actions-runner/ --url $GITHUB_ACTIONS_REPO_URL --token $GITHUB_ACTIONS_TOKEN
CMD ["./actions-runner/"]
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