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Created October 30, 2013 19:56
Need to sort list of points depending on angle between each of them and another point and axis x.
import Data.Monoid
data Point = Point { x :: Float, y :: Float} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Dir = DL | DR | DS deriving (Show)
instance Ord Point where
compare (Point x y) (Point x' y') = mappend (compare y y') (compare x x')
distance :: Point -> Point -> Float
distance p0 p1 = sqrt ((x p0 - x p1)**2 + (y p0 - y p1)**2)
angle p0 p1 p2 = let a = Point (x p0 - x p1) (y p0 - y p1)
b = Point (x p0 - x p2) (y p0 - y p2)
f0 = (x a)*(x b)+(y a)*(y b)
f1 = sqrt ((x a)**2 + (y a)**2) * sqrt((x b)**2 + (y b)**2)
f = f0/f1
in (acos f) * 180 / pi
direction p0 p1 p2
| cross p0 p1 p2 < 0 = DR
| cross p0 p1 p2 > 0 = DL
| cross p0 p1 p2 == 0 = DS
where cross (Point x0 y0) (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) =
(x1-x0) * (y2-y0) - (y1 - y0) * (x2 - x0)
dirList [] = []
dirList (a:b:[]) = []
dirList (p0:p1:p2:ps) = let d = direction p0 p1 p2
in d : dirList(p1:p2:ps)
lowestPoint ps = minimum ps
angleWithXaxis p0 p1 = angle p0 xAxisPoint p1
where xAxisPoint = Point ((x p0)-1) (y p0)
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