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Last active April 2, 2021 11:42
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Generates shellcode from a masm compiled file. Instructions in file comments!.
# Create a shellcode.ASM file
# the shellcode shall reside in the text segment
# compile it using ml64 /c shellcode.ASM
# run this file
f = open("shellcode.obj", "rb")
stream =
SizeOfFileHeader = 0x14
SizeOfBuffer = int.from_bytes(stream[SizeOfFileHeader+0x10:SizeOfFileHeader+0x14], "little") #SizeOfRaw Text segment
PtrToRaw = int.from_bytes(stream[SizeOfFileHeader+0x14:SizeOfFileHeader+0x18], "little") #File offset of text segment
TextBuffer = stream[PtrToRaw:PtrToRaw+SizeOfBuffer]
f1 = open("shellcode.bin", "wb")
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