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Created February 10, 2017 15:17
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{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module RapidCheck where
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid((<>))
import System.Random
import Text.Show.Functions
-- Result type
data Result
= Success
| Failure {
seed :: Int,
counterExample :: [String]
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Monoid Result where
mempty = Success
mappend f@Failure{} _ = f
mappend _ rhs = rhs
overFailure :: Result -> (Result -> Result) -> Result
overFailure Success _ = Success
overFailure failure f = f failure
isFailure :: Result -> Bool
isFailure Success = False
isFailure _ = True
-- Generators and properties
newtype Gen a = Gen { runGen :: StdGen -> a }
data Tree a = Tree
{ treeVal :: a
, children :: [Tree a] }
deriving (Functor)
joinTree :: Tree (Tree Result) -> Tree Result
joinTree (Tree (Tree innerArgResult innerArgShrinks) outerArgShrinks) =
Tree innerArgResult
(map joinTree outerArgShrinks ++ innerArgShrinks)
newtype Property = Property { getGen :: Gen (Tree Result) }
runProp :: Property -> StdGen -> Tree Result
runProp prop rand = runGen (getGen prop) rand
-- Main type classes: Arbitrary, CoArbitrary and Testable
type Shrink a = a -> [a]
class Arbitrary a where
arbitrary :: Gen a
shrink :: Shrink a
shrink = const []
class CoArbitrary a where
coarbitrary :: Gen b -> a -> Gen b
class Testable a where
property :: a -> Property
-- Induction on Testable to support function with arbitrary number of arguments
instance Testable Property where
property = id
instance Testable Result where
property r = Property (Gen (\_ -> Tree r []))
instance Testable Bool where
property = property . toResult where
toResult b = if b then Success
else Failure { seed = 0, counterExample = []}
instance (Show a, Arbitrary a, Testable testable)
=> Testable (a -> testable) where
property = forAll arbitrary shrink
-- forAll, the heart of property based testing
forAll :: (Show a, Testable testable)
=> Gen a -> Shrink a -> (a -> testable) -> Property
forAll argGen shrink prop =
Property $ Gen $ \rand -> -- Create a new property that will
let (rand1, rand2) = split rand -- Split the generator in two
arg = runGen argGen rand1 -- Use the first generator to produce an arg
tree = resultTree shrink arg prop -- Enrich the sub-property result tree
in runProp tree rand2 -- Run the property with the second generator
-- Shrinking process
resultTree :: (Show a, Testable t) => Shrink a -> a -> (a -> t) -> Property
resultTree shrinker arg prop =
Property $ Gen $ \rand ->
let shrinkTree = buildTree shrinker arg -- Build the shrink tree
resultTree = fmap toResult shrinkTree -- Transform it to a result tree
toResult x = -- To compute a result tree
addCounterExample x $ -- Add the outer arg to all failures
runProp (property (prop x)) rand -- Inside the sub result tree
in joinTree resultTree -- At the end, join the result tree
addCounterExample :: (Show a) => a -> Tree Result -> Tree Result
addCounterExample arg = fmap (\r -> overFailure r addToFailure)
where addToFailure f = f { counterExample = show arg : counterExample f }
buildTree :: Shrink a -> a -> Tree a
buildTree shrinker = build where
build x = Tree x (map build (shrinker x))
-- rapidCheck, our main entry point
rapidCheck :: Testable prop => prop -> IO Result
rapidCheck = rapidCheckWith 100
rapidCheckWith :: Testable prop => Int -> prop -> IO Result
rapidCheckWith attemptNb prop = do
seed <- randomIO
return $ rapidCheckImpl attemptNb seed prop
replay :: Testable prop => Result -> prop -> Result
replay result prop =
overFailure result $ \failure -> rapidCheckImpl 1 (seed failure) prop
rapidCheckImpl :: Testable prop => Int -> Int -> prop -> Result
rapidCheckImpl attemptNb startSeed prop = runAll (property prop)
runAll prop = foldMap (runOne prop) [startSeed .. startSeed + attemptNb - 1]
runOne prop seed =
let result = visitResultTree (runProp prop (mkStdGen seed))
in overFailure result $ \failure -> failure { seed = seed }
visitResultTree :: Tree Result -> Result
visitResultTree (Tree Success _) = Success
visitResultTree (Tree failure children) =
let simplerFailure = find (isFailure . treeVal) children
in maybe failure visitResultTree simplerFailure
-- TESTS: Instances
instance Arbitrary Integer where
arbitrary = Gen $ \rand -> fromIntegral $ fst (next rand)
shrink n
| n == 0 = []
| otherwise = [abs n | n < 0] ++ 0 : rightDichotomy where
rightDichotomy =
(\m -> abs m < abs n)
[ n - i | i <- tail (iterate (`quot` 2) n)]
instance Arbitrary Bool where
arbitrary = Gen $ \rand -> odd (fst (next rand))
instance (CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (a -> b) where
arbitrary = promote (coarbitrary arbitrary)
promote :: (a -> Gen b) -> Gen (a -> b)
promote f = Gen $ \rand a -> runGen (f a) rand
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary [a] where
arbitrary =
Gen $ \rand ->
let (rand1, rand2) = split rand
len = fst (randomR (0,10) rand1)
rands = take len (variants rand2)
in map (runGen arbitrary) rands
instance CoArbitrary Integer where
coarbitrary gen n = Gen $ \rand -> runGen gen (perturb n rand)
instance CoArbitrary [Integer] where
coarbitrary gen xs =
Gen $ \rand ->
runGen gen (foldr perturb (perturb 0 rand) xs)
perturb :: (Integral n) => n -> StdGen -> StdGen
perturb n rand0 =
(\rand b -> vary b rand) -- Vary generator based on digit value
(vary (n < 0) rand0) -- Vary generator based on sign
(digits (abs n)) -- Decompose a positive number in digits
vary digit rand =
(if digit then snd else fst)
(split rand)
digits =
map ((== 0) . (`mod` 2))
. takeWhile (> 0)
. iterate (`quot` 2)
variants :: StdGen -> [StdGen]
variants rand = rand1 : variants rand2
where (rand1, rand2) = split rand
-- TEST: run them with runTests
prop_stupid :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
prop_stupid a b = a == b
prop_gcd :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
prop_gcd a b = a * b == gcd a b * lcm a b
prop_gcd_bad :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
prop_gcd_bad a b = gcd a b > 1
prop_gcd_overflow :: Int -> Int -> Bool
prop_gcd_overflow a b = a * b == gcd a b * lcm a b
prop_partition :: [Integer] -> (Integer -> Bool) -> Bool
prop_partition xs p =
let (lhs, rhs) = partition p xs
in and
[ all p lhs
, not (any p rhs)
, sort xs == sort (lhs ++ rhs) ]
prop_distributive :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer -> Integer) -> Bool
prop_distributive a b f = f (a + b) == f a + f b
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