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Created March 30, 2017 16:47
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#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptors.hpp>
#include <boost/range/numeric.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace boost::adaptors;
// Recursive operation
using nb = int;
using id = std::string;
struct add_tag {};
struct mul_tag {};
template<typename Tag, typename R>
struct op
op() = default;
template<typename Range>
explicit op (Range const& rng) : m_rands(rng.begin(), rng.end()) {}
std::vector<R> const& rands() const { return m_rands; }
std::vector<R> m_rands;
template<typename R> using add_op = op<add_tag, R>;
template<typename R> using mul_op = op<mul_tag, R>;
template<typename R>
using expression_r = boost::variant<int, id, add_op<R>, mul_op<R>>;
struct expression : boost::recursive_wrapper<expression_r<expression>>
using boost::recursive_wrapper<expression_r<expression>>::recursive_wrapper;
// Smart constructors
expression cst(int i) { return expression(i); };
expression var(id id) { return expression(id); };
expression add(std::vector<expression> const& rands)
return expression(add_op<expression>{ rands });
expression mul(std::vector<expression> const& rands)
return expression(mul_op<expression>{ rands });
// Query
template <typename T>
int const* get_as_cst(expression_r<T> const& e)
return boost::get<int>(&e);
template <typename T>
id const* get_as_var(expression_r<T> const& e)
return boost::get<id>(&e);
template <typename T>
add_op<T> const* get_as_add(expression_r<T> const& e)
return boost::get<add_op<T>>(&e);
template <typename T>
mul_op<T> const* get_as_mul(expression_r<T> const& e)
return boost::get<mul_op<T>>(&e);
void throw_missing_pattern_matching_clause()
throw std::logic_error("Missing case in pattern matching");
template<typename A, typename M>
auto fmap(M map, expression_r<A> const& e)
using B = decltype(map(std::declval<A>()));
using Out = expression_r<B>;
if (auto* o = get_as_add(e))
return Out(add_op<B>(o->rands() | transformed(map)));
if (auto* o = get_as_mul(e))
return Out(mul_op<B>(o->rands() | transformed(map)));
if (auto* i = get_as_cst(e)) return Out(*i);
if (auto* v = get_as_var(e)) return Out(*v);
template<typename Out, typename Algebra>
Out cata(Algebra f, expression const& ast)
return f(
[f](expression const& e) -> Out {
return cata<Out>(f, e);
// The algebra f now takes an expression_r of (Out, expression)
// This allows to access the context of the evaluation
template<typename Out, typename Algebra>
Out para(Algebra f, expression const& ast)
return f(
[f](expression const& e) -> std::pair<Out, expression const*> {
return { para<Out>(f, e), &e };
template<typename Tag>
std::string print_op(op<Tag, std::string> const& e, std::string const& op_repr)
return std::string("(") + op_repr + " " + boost::algorithm::join(e.rands(), " ") + ")";
std::string print_alg(expression_r<std::string> const& e)
if (auto* o = get_as_add(e)) return print_op(*o, "+");
if (auto* o = get_as_mul(e)) return print_op(*o, "*");
if (auto* i = get_as_cst(e)) return std::to_string(*i);
if (auto* v = get_as_var(e)) return *v;
std::string print_infix_op_bad(op<add_tag, std::string> const& e)
return boost::algorithm::join(e.rands(), " + ");
std::string with_parens(std::string const& s)
return std::string("(") + s + ")";
std::string print_infix_op_bad(op<mul_tag, std::string> const& e)
return boost::algorithm::join(e.rands() | transformed(with_parens), " * ");
std::string print_infix_bad(expression_r<std::string> const& e)
if (auto* o = get_as_add(e)) return print_infix_op_bad(*o);
if (auto* o = get_as_mul(e)) return print_infix_op_bad(*o);
if (auto* i = get_as_cst(e)) return std::to_string(*i);
if (auto* v = get_as_var(e)) return *v;
std::string print_op_infix(op<add_tag, std::pair<std::string, expression const*>> const& e)
auto fst = [](auto const& e) { return e.first; };
return boost::algorithm::join(e.rands() | transformed(fst), " + ");
std::string print_op_infix(op<mul_tag, std::pair<std::string, expression const*>> const& e)
auto wrap_addition = [](auto const& sub_expr) {
if (get_as_add(sub_expr.second->get()))
return with_parens(sub_expr.first);
return sub_expr.first;
return boost::algorithm::join(e.rands() | transformed(wrap_addition), " * ");
std::string print_infix(expression_r<std::pair<std::string, expression const*>> const& e)
if (auto* o = get_as_add(e)) return print_op_infix(*o);
if (auto* o = get_as_mul(e)) return print_op_infix(*o);
if (auto* i = get_as_cst(e)) return std::to_string(*i);
if (auto* v = get_as_var(e)) return *v;
using env = std::map<id, nb>;
auto eval_alg(env const& env)
return [&env] (expression_r<int> const& e)
if (auto* o = get_as_add(e))
return boost::accumulate(o->rands(), 0, std::plus<int>());
if (auto* o = get_as_mul(e))
return boost::accumulate(o->rands(), 1, std::multiplies<int>());
if (auto* v = get_as_var(e)) return env.find(*v)->second;
if (auto* i = get_as_cst(e)) return *i;
int eval(env const& env, expression const& expr)
return cata<int>(eval_alg(env), expr);
template<typename Tag>
std::set<id> join_sets(op<Tag, std::set<id>> const& op)
std::set<id> out;
for (auto r: op.rands())
out.insert(r.begin(), r.end());
return out;
std::set<id> dependencies_alg(expression_r<std::set<id>> const& e)
if (auto* o = get_as_add(e)) return join_sets(*o);
if (auto* o = get_as_mul(e)) return join_sets(*o);
if (auto* v = get_as_var(e)) return {*v};
return {};
std::set<id> dependencies(expression const& e)
return cata<std::set<id>>(dependencies_alg, e);
template<typename Tag, typename Step>
expression optimize_op(op<Tag, expression> const& e, int neutral, Step step)
int res = neutral;
std::vector<expression> subs;
for (expression const& sub: e.rands())
if (auto* i = get_as_cst(sub.get()))
res = step(res, *i);
if (subs.empty()) return cst(res);
if (res != neutral) subs.push_back(cst(res));
if (subs.size() == 1) return subs.front();
return expression(op<Tag, expression>(subs));
template<typename Range>
bool has_zero(Range const& subs)
return end(subs) != boost::find_if(subs, [](expression const& sub) {
auto* i = get_as_cst(sub.get());
return i && *i == 0;
expression opt_add_alg(expression_r<expression> const& e)
if (auto* op = get_as_add(e))
return optimize_op(*op, 0, std::plus<int>());
return e;
expression opt_mul_alg(expression_r<expression> const& e)
if (auto* op = get_as_mul(e))
if (has_zero(op->rands()))
return cst(0);
return optimize_op(*op, 1, std::multiplies<int>());
return e;
expression optimize_alg(expression_r<expression> const& e)
return opt_mul_alg(opt_add_alg(e).get());
auto partial_eval_alg(env const& env)
return [&env] (expression_r<expression> const& e) -> expression
if (auto* v = get_as_var(e))
auto it = env.find(*v);
if (it != env.end()) return cst(it->second);
return var(*v);
return e;
expression partial_eval(env const& env, expression const& e)
return cata<expression>(
[&env](expression_r<expression> const& e) -> expression {
return optimize_alg(partial_eval_alg(env)(e).get());
// EVALUATION (Different implementations)
void throw_missing_variables(std::set<id> const& dependencies)
std::ostringstream s;
for (auto const& d: dependencies)
s << d << " ";
throw std::logic_error(s.str());
int eval_2(env const& env, expression const& e)
auto reduced = partial_eval(env, e);
if (auto* i = get_as_cst(reduced.get())) return *i;
// Tests
int main()
expression e = add({
mul({cst(0), var("x"), var("y")}),
mul({cst(1), var("y"), add({cst(2), var("x")})}),
add({cst(0), var("x")})
env full_env = {{"x", 1}, {"y", 2}};
std::cout << cata<std::string>(print_alg, e) << std::endl;
std::cout << cata<std::string>(print_infix_bad, e) << std::endl;
std::cout << para<std::string>(print_infix, e) << std::endl;
std::cout << eval(full_env, e) << std::endl;
std::cout << eval_2(full_env, e) << std::endl;
auto e2 = cata<expression>(partial_eval_alg(full_env), e);
env empty_env;
std::cout << cata<std::string>(print_alg, e2) << std::endl; //TODO - chain optimize and partial
std::cout << eval(empty_env, e2) << std::endl;
std::cout << eval_2(empty_env, e2) << std::endl;
auto e3 = cata<expression>(optimize_alg, e);
std::cout << cata<std::string>(print_alg, e3) << std::endl;
std::cout << eval(full_env, e3) << std::endl;
std::cout << eval_2(full_env, e3) << std::endl;
try {
eval_2(empty_env, e);
} catch (std::logic_error const& e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
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