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Created August 1, 2019 08:48
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Huginn 微信公众号订阅 scenario
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"name": "微信公众号订阅",
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"Referer": "{{refer}}",
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"regexp": "\\A(?m:.)*\\z"
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"name": "微信公众号 #4 解析跳转URL",
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"language": "JavaScript",
"code": "Agent.receive = function() {\r\n var events = this.incomingEvents();\r\n for(var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {\r\n var s = events[i].payload['content'];\r\n var reg = /\\+\\= '(.*)';/g;\r\n var url = '';\r\n while (temp = reg.exec(s)) {\r\n url += temp[1];\r\n }\r\n this.createEvent({ 'url': url });\r\n }\r\n}",
"expected_receive_period_in_days": "2",
"expected_update_period_in_days": "2"
"schedule": "never",
"keep_events_for": 3600,
"propagate_immediately": false
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"name": "微信公众号 #5.1 获取文章列表",
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"options": {
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"schedule": "never",
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"propagate_immediately": false
"type": "Agents::DeDuplicationAgent",
"name": "微信公众号 #6 去除重复",
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"type": "Agents::WebsiteAgent",
"name": "微信公众号 #5.2 获取文章列表",
"disabled": false,
"guid": "606e3875f2368e053aace5f3d9ceeb9d",
"options": {
"expected_update_period_in_days": "20",
"url_from_event": "{{url}}",
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"mode": "on_change",
"extract": {
"url": {
"css": "h4",
"value": "@hrefs"
"title": {
"css": "h4",
"value": "string(.)"
"events_order": [
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"url": "{{ url | to_uri: \"\" }}"
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"propagate_immediately": true
"type": "Agents::WebsiteAgent",
"name": "微信公众号 #1 搜索账号",
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"refer": "{{ _url_ }}"
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"keep_events_for": 86400,
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"name": "微信公众号 #8 输出RSS",
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"expected_receive_period_in_days": "20",
"template": {
"title": "微信公众号",
"description": "微信公众号",
"item": {
"title": "【{{author}}】{{title}}",
"description": "{{ desciption | replace: 'data-src', 'src' }}",
"link": "{{url}}"
"link": "",
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"ns_media": "true",
"events_to_show": "300"
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"type": "Agents::JavaScriptAgent",
"name": "微信公众号 #2 按搜狗前端代码重新构造URL",
"disabled": false,
"guid": "e90d2135c2cf93c1dbc2b6e8b78bfee1",
"options": {
"language": "JavaScript",
"code": "Agent.receive = function() {\r\n var events = this.incomingEvents();\r\n for(var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {\r\n // concat url\r\n var url = events[i].payload['url'];\r\n var b = Math.floor(100 * Math.random()) + 1\r\n , a = url.indexOf(\"url=\")\r\n , c = url.indexOf(\"&k=\");\r\n -1 !== a && -1 === c && (a = url.substr(a + 4 + parseInt(\"26\") + b, 1),\r\n url += \"&k=\" + b + \"&h=\" + a);\r\n events[i].payload['url'] = url;\r\n \r\n // extract SNUID cookie\r\n var re = /SNUID=\\w*/;\r\n var cookie = re.exec(events[i].payload['cookie'])[0];\r\n events[i].payload['cookie'] = cookie;\r\n \r\n // emit\r\n this.createEvent(events[i].payload);\r\n }\r\n}",
"expected_receive_period_in_days": "2",
"expected_update_period_in_days": "2"
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"keep_events_for": 0,
"propagate_immediately": false
"type": "Agents::WebsiteAgent",
"name": "微信公众号 #7 获取单篇文章全文",
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"options": {
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"css": "#img-content",
"value": "./node()"
"author": {
"css": "#js_name",
"value": "string(.)"
"title": {
"css": "#activity-name",
"value": "string(.)"
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"source": 2,
"receiver": 4
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"receiver": 3
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"receiver": 7
"source": 7,
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bloatfan commented Jun 9, 2021

PhantomJsCloudAgent 这个现在不能使用了、有代替的方案吗

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