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Last active April 20, 2017 14:38
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class exports.Tooltip extends Layer
constructor: (config) ->
super config
tooltipOptions =
bg: '#555'
fontSize: "12px"
fontFamily: "Helvetica, sans-serif"
lineHeight: "16px"
padding: "12px"
fontWeight: "400"
maxWidth: 380
color: "white"
direction: "up"
delayIn: 0
delayOut: 0
_.extend tooltipOptions, config.tooltipOptions
if config.tooltip
text = config.tooltip
animationCurve = "spring(500, 50, 50)"
tooltipBG = "#555" # Default BG
tooltipPadding = 12 # Default Padding
tooltipMaxWidth = 380 # Max Width for text
tooltipStyle = # Default styles
"color" : tooltipOptions.color
"font-size" : tooltipOptions.fontSize
"font-family" : tooltipOptions.fontFamily
"line-height" : tooltipOptions.lineHeight
"padding" : tooltipOptions.padding
"font-weight" : tooltipOptions.fontWeight
"box-shadow" : "0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.15)"
# Get Text Size
tooltipTextSize = Utils.textSize(text, tooltipStyle)
# If it's wider than the max width, re-adjust
if tooltipTextSize.width > tooltipMaxWidth
tooltipTextSize = Utils.textSize(text, tooltipStyle, { width: tooltipMaxWidth })
directions =
"up" : { x:, y: 0 - tooltipTextSize.height - 4, shownY: 0 - tooltipTextSize.height - 8 }
"down" : { x:, y: @.height + 4, shownY: @.height + 8 }
"right" : {x: @.width + 4, y:, shownX: @.width + 8 }
"left" : { x: 0 - tooltipTextSize.width - 4, y:, shownX: 0 - tooltipTextSize.width - 8}
# On Hover, create and show the tooltip
@.on Events.MouseOver, (event) ->
pointInLayer = Utils.convertPointFromContext {x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY}, @
bounds = {x: 0, y: 0, width: @.width, height: @.height}
if not Utils.pointInFrame pointInLayer, bounds
# Set clipping to false so you can see the tip.
# TODO: Refactor to make this work on clipped layers too
@.clip = false
# Remove any already existing tooltips
for tip in @.subLayersByName("tooltip")
# Create Tooltip
tooltip = new Layer
parent: @
html: text
style: tooltipStyle
name: "tooltip"
color: "white"
width: tooltipTextSize.width
height: tooltipTextSize.height
opacity: 0
z: 1
y: directions[tooltipOptions.direction].y
x: directions[tooltipOptions.direction].x
borderRadius: 4
# Little pointer thingy
tooltipArrow = new Layer
parent: tooltip
width: 6
height: 6
rotation: 45
backgroundColor: tooltip.backgroundColor
midY: tooltip.height
midX: tooltip.width / 2
#Shown state
if tooltipOptions.direction == "up"
tooltipArrow.midY = tooltip.height
tooltipArrow.midX = tooltip.width / 2
else if tooltipOptions.direction == "down"
tooltipArrow.midY = 0
tooltipArrow.midX = tooltip.width / 2
else if tooltipOptions.direction == "right"
tooltipArrow.midX = 0
tooltipArrow.midY = tooltip.height / 2 + 2
tooltipArrow.midX = tooltip.width
tooltipArrow.midY = tooltip.height / 2 + 2
if tooltipOptions.direction == "up" or
tooltipOptions.direction == "down"
shown: opacity: 1, y: directions[tooltipOptions.direction].shownY
shown: opacity: 1, x: directions[tooltipOptions.direction].shownX
tooltip.states.animationOptions =
curve: animationCurve
delay: tooltipOptions.delayIn
# Animate the tooltip in
tooltip.states.switch "shown"
# Hide and destroy the tip on mouseout
@.on Events.MouseOut, ->
for tt in @.subLayersByName("tooltip")
tt.states.animationOptions =
curve: animationCurve
delay: tooltipOptions.delayOut
tt.states.switch "default"
tt.on Events.StateDidSwitch, ->
for a in [0...4]
myLayer = new Tooltip
width: 100
height: 100
parent: wrapper
backgroundColor: Utils.randomColor()
x: 200 * a
# The important parts
tooltip: 'Homage to this object'
bg: "black"
fontSize: "12px"
color: "#ededed"
lineHeight: "12px"
maxWidth: 280
direction: tooltipDirection()
fontWeight: "regular"
delayIn: .1
delayOut: 0
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