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Created January 24, 2023 01:55
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Python script to dump playback history from Songbird/Nightingale
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# - Dumps Songbird/Nightingale playback history.
# Written in 2023 by Daniel Erat.
# To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated all copyright
# and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
# worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
import json
import sqlite3
from contextlib import closing
# This script reads database files from the discontinued Songbird/Nightingale
# music player and dumps the playback history in as JSON objects (hopefully)
# suitable for submission to ListenBrainz.
# More discussion:
def load_songs():
Returns a dict of 'track_metadata' objects keyed by media_items.guid:
# CREATE TABLE media_items (
# media_item_id integer primary key autoincrement, /* implicit index creation */
# guid text unique not null, /* implicit index creation */
# created integer not null,
# updated integer not null,
# content_url text not null,
# content_mime_type text,
# content_length integer,
# content_hash text,
# hidden integer not null check(hidden in (0, 1)),
# media_list_type_id integer,
# is_list integer not null check(is_list in (0, 1)) default 0,
# metadata_hash_identity text
# );
# CREATE TABLE properties (
# property_id integer primary key autoincrement, /* implicit index creation */
# property_name text not null unique /* implicit index creation */
# );
# CREATE TABLE resource_properties (
# media_item_id integer not null,
# property_id integer not null,
# obj text not null,
# obj_searchable text,
# obj_sortable text collate library_collate,
# obj_secondary_sortable text collate library_collate,
# primary key (media_item_id, property_id)
# );
songs = {}
with closing(sqlite3.connect('')) as conn:
with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur:
SELECT mi.guid, rp.obj, p.property_name
FROM media_items mi
JOIN resource_properties rp
ON rp.media_item_id = mi.media_item_id
JOIN properties p ON p.property_id = rp.property_id
for row in cur.fetchall():
guid, val, prop = row
song = songs.setdefault(guid, {})
if prop == '':
song['track_name'] = val
elif prop == '':
song['release_name'] = val
elif prop == '':
song['artist_name'] = val
elif prop == '':
song['tracknumber'] = int(val)
elif prop == '':
song['duration_ms'] = int(val) // 1000
return songs
def load_plays(songs):
Returns a list of listen reports:
reports = []
# CREATE TABLE playback_history_entries (
# entry_id integer primary key autoincrement, /*implicit index creation*/
# library_guid text not null,
# media_item_guid text not null,
# play_time integer not null,
# play_duration integer
# );
with closing(sqlite3.connect('')) as conn:
with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur:
SELECT media_item_guid, play_time, play_duration
FROM playback_history_entries
for row in cur.fetchall():
guid, start, dur = row
song = songs[guid]
if song:
'listened_at': round(int(start) / 1000000),
'track_metadata': song,
return reports
if __name__ == '__main__':
for r in load_plays(load_songs()):
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