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Forked from ttscoff/jekyllpre.rb
Created January 11, 2013 17:43
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#!/usr/bin/env /Users/dennis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/ruby
# #!/usr/bin/ruby
# For use with Marked <> and Jekyll _posts
# turns
# {% img alignright /images/heythere.jpg 100 100 "Hey there" "hi" %}
# into
# <img src="../images/heythere.jpg" alt="Hey there" class="alignright" title="hi" />
# replaces alignleft and alignright classes with appropriate style attribute
# ---
# Replaces {% gist XXXXX filename.rb %} with appropriate script tag
# Processes final output with /usr/bin/kramdown (install kramdown as system gem: `sudo gem install kramdown`)
content =
def e_sh(str)
str.to_s.gsub(/(?=[^a-zA-Z0-9_.\/\-\n])/, '\\').gsub(/\n/, "'\n'").sub(/^$/, "''")
# Process blockquote tags
# Should turn:
# {% blockquote Benjamin Franklin %}
# What good shall I do this day?
# What good have I done today?
# {% endblockquote %}</p>
# into:
# <blockquote><p>What good shall I do this day?<br />What good have I done today?</p></blockquote>
content.gsub!(/\{% blockquote(.*?) %\}$(.*?)\{% endblockquote %\}/m) {|blockquote|
if blockquote =~ /\{% blockquote(.*?) %\}$(.*?)\{% endblockquote %\}/m
author = $1.strip
quote = $2.strip.gsub /\n/, '<br />'
# Chech for Author with source after comma
if author =~ /(.+),(.+)/
author = $1
source = $2.strip
# Check for Author with source and link
if author =~ /(\S.*)\s+(https?:\/\/)(\S+)\s+(.+)/
author = $1
source = '<a href="'+$2+$3+'">'+$4+'</a>'
%Q{<blockquote><p>#{quote}</p><footer><strong>#{author}</strong> <cite>#{source}</cite></footer></blockquote>}
# Process fancy tags
content.gsub!(/\{% fancy (.*?) %\}/) {|fancy|
if fancy =~ /\{% fancy (left|right|center)?\s{1}(\S+)\s{1}?(\d*)?\s{1}?(.+)? %\}/i
classes = $1.strip if $1
src = $2
width = $3
title = $4
if /(?:"|')([^"']+)?(?:"|')\s+(?:"|')([^"']+)?(?:"|')/ =~ title
title = $1
alt = $2
alt = title.gsub!(/"/, '&#34;') if title
classes.gsub!(/"/, '') if classes
style = %Q{ style="float:left;margin-right: 1.5em"} if classes =~ /left/
style = %Q{ style="float:right;margin-left: 1.5em"} if classes =~ /right/
style = %Q{ style="display:block;margin: 0 auto 1.5em"} if classes =~/center/
%Q{<img src="../images/#{src}" alt="#{alt}" width="#{width}" class="#{classes}" title="#{title}" #{style}>}
# Process image Liquid tags
content.gsub!(/\{% img (.*?) %\}/) {|img|
if img =~ /\{% img (\S.*\s+)?(https?:\/\/\S+|\/\S+|\S+\/\s+)(\s+\d+\s+\d+)?(\s+.+)? %\}/i
classes = $1.strip if $1
src = $2
size = $3
title = $4
if /(?:"|')([^"']+)?(?:"|')\s+(?:"|')([^"']+)?(?:"|')/ =~ title
title = $1
alt = $2
alt = title.gsub!(/"/, '&#34;') if title
classes.gsub!(/"/, '') if classes
style = %Q{ style="float:right;margin:0 0 10px 10px"} if classes =~ /alignright/
style = %Q{ style="float:left;margin:0 10px 10px 0"} if classes =~ /alignleft/
%Q{<img src="..#{src}" alt="#{alt}" class="#{classes}" title="#{title}"#{style}>}
# Process gist tags
content.gsub!(/\{% gist(.*?) %\}/) {|gist|
if parts = gist.match(/\{% gist ([\d]*) (.*?)?%\}/)
gist_id = parts[1].strip
file = parts[2].nil? ? '' : "?file-#{parts[2].strip}"
%Q{<script src="{gist_id}.js#{file}"></script>}
puts %x{echo #{e_sh content}|/usr/bin/kramdown}
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