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Created November 23, 2011 18:09
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YUI 3 Button Proposal

YUI Button


To introduce a new Button component for YUI 3 that addresses the following user stories

  • "I want buttons on my site to look consistent & attractive."
  • "I want to be able to programmatically control buttons in my application."
  • "I want to my buttons to be intelligent and interact with one another in groups."
  • "I want my application to be able to dynamically generate buttons."


  • ARIA / Accessibility
  • Modern styles (using CSS3), but degrades well to legacy browsers
  • Customizable colors with minimal fuss
  • Something lighter than Y.Widget, but similar in features to YUI2 buttons


  • cssbuttons (CSS) - Some lite CSS skins to give the buttons a nice look & feel. This is ideal for someone who just wants a nice looking button, without needing programatic control.
  • button-base (JS) - A Y.Attribute-driven wrapper around a button-like DOM node, and some helper utilities
  • button-group (JS) - A manager that listens for Y.Button events and can fire notifications when the selection has changed


Buttons can be used in many different ways. Some users just want the buttons to be aesthetically pleasing, others want to listen for clicks/events, others want to programmatically control them, and some will use them for core navigation groups. Because of these variety of use cases, it's important to have functionality logically and modularly separate, while keeping them simple to use & control.

The lightest possible implementation is just including the button stylesheet and adding the yui3-button class to any element you would like to be a button. As requirements start to increase, you can start adding on JS modules to provide the required functionality. The JS portion of Button is very Y.Attribute-driven. The idea is that it that Y.Button is basically a wrapper around a DOM node that fills in missing functionality and keeps the UI in sync with the button state. Y.ButtonGroup is also Y.Attribute driven that knows about groups of Y.Button instances and manages them as a whole.

Module Exports


  • Y.Button - The Y.Attribute-driven Button object
  • Y.Buttons - A way to generate an array of Y.Button instances given a NodeList
  • Y.ButtonGenerator - A way to dynamically generate a Y.Button instance with an unattached DOM node


  • Y.ButtonGroup - A way to connect Y.Button instances together and has a memory of selection states


public methods:

  • onClick
  • getDOMNode

private methods:

  • _colorToHex (static)
  • _getContrastYIQ (static)


  • type - specifies the type of button (push/toggle)
  • disabled - a setter for the node's 'disabled' attribute
  • selected - a setter that handles the node's 'selected' state
  • backgroundColor - The background color for the button


  • typeChange
  • selectedChange
  • backgroundColorChange
  • disabledChange

CSS classes

  • yui3-button
  • yui3-button:hover
  • yui3-button:active
  • yui3-button-selected
  • yui3-button-focused
  • yui3-button-disabled



  • type - The type of group (default:push/radio/checkbox)
  • buttons - An array of Y.Button instances that are in this group
  • selection - The array of Y.Button instances that are currently selected

ARIA support

  • role=button
  • aria-pressed
  • aria-selected

I haven't come up with a good reason for making ARIA support optional (like YUI 2 Button), so it's just baked in for the time being.

Examples / Demos

You can find some demos here.

To Do / Notes

  • Y.Button - Add sugar & properties to not require users to use .get() & .set() all the time. This will improve usability & performance.

  • Y.Button - Support aria-label/aria-labeledby

  • Y.Button - Support icons & image buttons

  • Y.Button - Determine if the color contrast calculation should belong in Y.Button, or elsewhere

  • Y.Buttons - Combine with Y.Button?

  • Y.ButtonGenerator - Allow an optional container element that the node is appended to?

  • Y.ButtonGroup - Support aria-multiselectable for radio groups

  • Y.ButtonGroup - Possibly support aria-owns if Y.Button instance relationship is not parent-children

  • Y.ButtonGroup - 'selection' is probably inefficient.

  • cssbuttons - Add basic Sam & Night skins

  • Allow using selector strings as opposed to requiring a Node/NodeList to instantiate.

  • Investigate state on legacy browsers

  • Investigate state on tablets

  • Investigate lazy attributes

  • Use the event-touch module to be more responsive on touchscreen devices

      Y.all('.yui3-button').on(['touchstart' /* <- if applicable */, 'click'], function (e) {
          e.halt(); // Stop event propagation
          // do something
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ericf commented Jan 5, 2012

@juandopazo Yup, that is the plan! Most of what WidgetButtons currently provides was always intended to be a stop-gap until an official button module was created. I will hopefully have a design-proposal Gist created at the beginning of next week to lay out the initial plans for what WidgetButtons will become for 3.5.0.

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Satyam commented Jan 13, 2012

After seeing the presentation, it seems to me the same functionality could best be served by two Node plugins in the following way:

Regular push buttons of any kind: no code at all, just use plain old s
Toggle button: a ToggleButtonPlugin for Node which adds the two-state functionality to a regular
ButtonGroup: Only for the radio-type button set, a Node plugin to ensure the exclusivity. For other type of groups, there is nothing to do, really, there is no point in having code for that.

All button types would be supported by the cssbutton style sheet.

This would solve the issue of listening to the click event nicely. Since Y.Button doesn't provide it, you have to go to the

object. Well, if it is a Node plugin then there is nothing but the Node. It also solves the issue of listening to click by using event delegation on the container and finding which button was it. If they are just Node plugins, you get the reference as the target of the event.

Sugar methods could be provided so that all nodes in a given container with a certain className are plugged in with the ToggleButtonPlugin and, likewise, all the containers (usually

s) with a certain className would be plugged with the RadioButtonPlugin.

Aria would be well served as well. Regular buttons would be read as what they are, regular buttons. The ToggleButtonPlugin would add the aria attribute to indicate its state. I don't know if there us anything to be read to the user of a mutually exclusive set of buttons but if there is, the plugin would be able to do it. For any other grouping of buttons, there is really nothing that needs to be read except a title attribute on the container, if needed.

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Satyam commented Jan 13, 2012

Sorry, in the previous post I put some angled brackets enclosing HTML elements which I assumed this editor would filter out, but it seems it didn't so the text got broken where those HTML tags were found.

In the second paragraph, first line, at the end it said ' plain old <button>s
The second line also ends with a <button>

The fifth paragraph is also broken in two in mid sentence, the offending HTML tag there was <div>

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Satyam commented Jan 13, 2012

So, I was wrong in referring to this as a pluging, but here is my code:

The example can be run straight from:

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lsmith commented Feb 3, 2012

@Satyam et al

Here's another POC implementation, but with Y.Button as a subclass of Node:

Working example here:

This treats the Button instance as a Node in terms of caching it for future lookups with So'#btn3') returns a Button instance, which is of course also a Node instance.

I didn't address the attribute issue for lack of time, though I think it would entail overriding the set and get methods to look at Y.Button.ATTRS which would initially be created as Y.Button.ATTRS = Y.Object(Y.Node.ATTRS); to leverage the prototype relationship.


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