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Created March 12, 2016 23:44
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  • Save derekables/c025d39d7a5ed037fb90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save derekables/c025d39d7a5ed037fb90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
r/Powershell Daily Challenge - 3/12/15
Deletes all files in a specific directory with "(n)" in their name (where 'n' indicates a number). Useful for cleaning up downloads
Deletes all files in a specific directory with "(n)" in their name (where 'n' indicates a number). Useful for cleaning up duplicate downloads
Remove-DuplicateDownloads -TargetPath C:\Users\User1\Downloads
function Remove-DuplicateDownloads
# The directory you would like to use to search for the duplicate downloads
$TargetPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads"
Begin {
$Date = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd
$FileName = "$Date" + "_Remove-DuplicateDownloads_Results.csv"
Process {
$ChildItems = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $TargetPath -Recurse | Where {$_.Name -like "*([0-9]?)*"} |
Select Name,
@{Label="File Size";Expression={$_.Length}},
@{Label="Full Path";Expression={$_.FullName}}
$MeasureObject = $ChildItems | Select -ExpandProperty "File Size" | Measure -Sum
if ($MeasureObject.Count -gt 0) {
$Count = $MeasureObject.Count
$Sum = $MeasureObject.Sum
$AddtoCSV = "`n Total Count = $Count `n Total Size = $Sum"
Try {
$ChildItems | Export-CSV -Path $env:TEMP\$FileName
$AddToCSV | Out-File $env:TEMP\$FileName -Append -Force
Catch {
Write-Error "You may not have access to write to $env:TEMP. Make sure you have proper permissions and that the file is not open."
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $ChildItems.'Full Path' -WhatIf
else {
Write-Output "No Items Found!"
End {
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