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Created May 7, 2014 18:45
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Creating a GIF from an MP4

Crop the video:

ffmpeg -i inputfile.mp4 -aspect 1:1 -r 18.84 -vf "crop=440:440:320:750" outputfile.mp4


  • -aspect (aspect ratio, required or error)
  • -r (framerate, required or error)
  • "crop=440:440:320:750" corresponds to width:height:topleftx:toplefty

Shorten the video:

ffmpeg -ss 0:00:00 -i inputfile.mp4 -t 0:0:10 outputfile.mp4


  • -ss start time (h : m : s)
  • -t length (h : m : s)

Export the video to individual frames:

ffmpeg -i inputfile.mp4 -f image2 %03d.gif

Convert the frames to a gif:

gifsicle --delay=6 --loop *.gif > animation.gif


  • --delay=6 had to be fudged a little to look right

Optimize the gif:

convert -layers Optimize animation.gif animation_optimized.gif

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