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Created December 6, 2012 19:40
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Early results from high-performance NATS server
I have some early benchmark results for our work on a high performance NATS server in Go.

Quick Summary:
We can process ~2M msgs/sec through the system, and the ingress and egress are fairly well balanced.

The basics of the architecture are intelligent buffering and IO calls, fast hashing algorithms and subject distributor/routing, and a zero-allocation hand-written protocol parser.

In addition, I used quite a bit of inlining to avoid function overhead, no use of defer, and little to no object allocation within the fast path. I will share more details and the code at a future date.

2012 MacbookAir 11" i7 2Ghz
OSX - Mountain Lion
Go version go1.0.3

Note: Bytes are true payload bytes in these benchmarks.

~/gnatsd> go test --bench="." --run="zzz"

Benchmark____PubNoPayload	 5000000	       560 ns/op	  19.64 MB/s
Benchmark___PubMinPayload	 5000000	       593 ns/op	  20.23 MB/s
Benchmark__PubTinyPayload	 5000000	       603 ns/op	  24.85 MB/s
Benchmark_PubSmallPayload	 5000000	       668 ns/op	  37.38 MB/s
Benchmark___PubMedPayload	 2000000	       812 ns/op	  70.17 MB/s
Benchmark_PubLargePayload	  200000	     10787 ns/op	 223.96 MB/s
Benchmark__________PubSub	 1000000	      1056 ns/op
Benchmark__PubSubTwoConns	 1000000	      1056 ns/op
Benchmark__PubTwoQueueSub	 1000000	      2182 ns/op
Benchmark_PubFourQueueSub	 1000000	      2822 ns/op
ok	29.113s

// This is a snippet of the benchmark driver code.

func flushConnection(b *testing.B, c net.Conn, buf []byte) {
	c.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(50 * time.Millisecond))
	n, err := c.Read(buf)
	if err != nil {
		b.Fatalf("Failed read: %v\n", err)
	if n != 6 && buf[0] != 'P' {
		b.Fatalf("Failed read of PONG: %s\n", buf)

func benchPub(b *testing.B, subject, payload string) {
	s = startServer(b, PERF_PORT, "")
	c := createClientConn(b, "localhost", PERF_PORT)
	doDefaultConnect(b, c)
	bw := bufio.NewWriterSize(c, defaultSendBufSize)
	sendOp := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("PUB %s %d\r\n%s\r\n", subject, len(payload), payload))
	buf := make([]byte, 1024)
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
	flushConnection(b, c, buf)

func Benchmark____PubNoPayload(b *testing.B) {
	benchPub(b, "a", "")

func Benchmark___PubMinPayload(b *testing.B) {
	benchPub(b, "a", "b")

func Benchmark__PubTinyPayload(b *testing.B) {
	benchPub(b, "foo", "ok")

func Benchmark_PubSmallPayload(b *testing.B) {
	benchPub(b, "foo", "hello world")

func Benchmark___PubMedPayload(b *testing.B) {
	benchPub(b, "foo", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")

func Benchmark_PubLargePayload(b *testing.B) {
	var p string
	for i := 0 ; i < 200 ; i++ {
		p = p + "hello world "
	benchPub(b, "foo", p)
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alisnic commented Dec 6, 2012

"In addition, I used quite a bit of inlining to avoid function overhead" - Isn't the compiler supposed to do that for you?

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alisnic - i was wondering/thinking the same thing

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kisielk commented Dec 6, 2012

The gc Go compiler currently only inlines one-line functions. Not sure about gccgo.

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rogpeppe commented Dec 7, 2012

@kisielk: actually it's better than that. from src/cmd/gc/inl.c:

// 1: 40-nodes leaf functions, oneliners, lazy typechecking (default)

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case commented Dec 7, 2012

The HN thread has more details.

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