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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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use std::sync::Arc;
use std::fmt;
pub struct List<A> {
node: Arc<Node<A>>
enum Node<A> {
Cons(A, Arc<Node<A>>),
impl<A> List<A> {
pub fn prepend(&self, next: A) -> List<A> {
List { node: Arc::new(Node::Cons(next, self.node.clone())) }
pub fn empty() -> List<A> {
List { node: Arc::new(Node::Nil) }
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
match *self.node {
Node::Nil => true,
Node::Cons(_, _) => false
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn head(&self) -> Option<&A> {
match *self.node {
Node::Nil => None,
Node::Cons(ref head, _) => Some(head)
pub fn tail(&self) -> Option<List<A>> {
match *self.node {
Node::Nil => None,
Node::Cons(_, ref rest) => Some(List { node: rest.clone() })
pub fn iter <'a> (&'a self) -> ListIterator<'a, A> {
ListIterator { node: &self.node }
pub fn reverse(&self) -> List<&A> {
self.iter().fold(List::empty(), |list, elem| list.prepend(elem))
pub struct ListIterator<'a, A:'a> {
node: &'a Node<A>
impl<'a, A> Iterator for ListIterator<'a, A> {
type Item = &'a A;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a A> {
match *self.node {
Node::Nil => None,
Node::Cons(ref next, ref rest) => {
self.node = rest;
impl<'a, A> IntoIterator for &'a List<A> {
type Item = &'a A;
type IntoIter = ListIterator<'a, A>;
fn into_iter(self) -> ListIterator<'a, A> {
impl<A: fmt::Display> fmt::Display for List<A> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut iter = self.iter();
let first = iter
.fold(write!(f, "List("), |result, elem| result.and(write!(f, "{}", elem)));
iter.fold(first, |result, elem| result.and(write!(f, ", {}", elem)))
.and(write!(f, ")"))
impl<A: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for List<A> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut iter = self.iter();
let first = iter
.fold(write!(f, "List("), |result, elem| result.and(write!(f, "{:?}", elem)));
iter.fold(first, |result, elem| result.and(write!(f, ", {:?}", elem)))
.and(write!(f, ")"))
impl<A> Default for List<A> {
fn default() -> List<A> {
fn main() {
let list0 = List::empty();
let list1 = list0.prepend("hello".to_string());
let list2 = list1.prepend("world".to_string());
let list3 = list2.reverse();
let head = list2.head();
let tail = list2.tail();
println!("List0: {:?}, length: {}, empty: {}", list0, list0.len(), list0.is_empty());
println!("List1: {:?}, length: {}, empty: {}", list1, list1.len(), list1.is_empty());
println!("List2: {:?}, length: {}, empty: {}", list2, list2.len(), list2.is_empty());
println!("List3: {:?}, length: {}, empty: {}", list3, list3.len(), list3.is_empty());
println!("head: {:?}, tail: {:?}", head, tail);
for elem in list3.iter() {
println!("{}", elem);
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