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Created April 28, 2021 19:14
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const CSVFOLDER = "csv";
const LOGFOLDER = "log";
const LOGEXTENSION = ".csvlog";
const DEFAULTDB = "csvdb";
if(require.main === module){
// updates file:
// tablename, a, b, c, d, e, f, g...
// national debt simulator.
function TableSet({ dbname: DEFAULTDB, autoparse }){
const folder = dbname;
const tables = {}; // this is the internal object
const tableset = {}; // this is the return object
const pendingupdates = []; // the changes which haven't been flushed to disk yet.
let logfile = "";
tableset.update = (tablename, row) =>{
if(!(tablename in tables)){
tables[tablename] = Table(); }
let table = tables[tablename];
tableset.flush = ()=> {
return tableset;
function Table(headers, options){
if(!options) options = {};
if(!headers) headers = [];
let ids = {};
checkType(headers, "array");
checkType(options, "object");
// TODO let savedelay = ; // the minimum time between saving
let autoparse = options['autoparse']? true : false;
//let filename = options['filename']? options['filename'] : null;
//let folder = options['folder']? options['folder'] : '.';
let autoid = options['autoid']? true : false; // generate an id, instead of using first entry.
//fs.mkdirSync(folder, {recursive: true});
// checkType(autoid, "boolean");
// checkType(autoparse, "boolean");
//if(filename) checkType(filename, "string");
// store autoids for live table no matter what,
// the autoid prop, just determines whether that is saved.
let currentAutoId = 1;
let columnquoted = [];
for(let i=0; i<headers.length; ++i){
let header = headers[i].trim();
let n = header.length - 1;
columnquoted[i] = (header[0] == "'" && header[n] == "'" || header[0] == '"' && header[n] == '"');
let table = {
headers: headers,
rows: [],
ids: {},
function checkType(value, type){
let t = typeof value;
if(type == "array" || type == "object"){
t = Array.isArray(value)? "array" : t; }
if(t != type){
throw new Error(`csvtable: expected "${type}" got ${value}, with type "${t}".`); }
function checkRow(row){
throw new Error("csvtable: row must be an array."); }
if(row.length == 0){
throw new Error("csvtable: row must not be empty."); }
function getRowId(key){
return -1;
return table.ids[key];
table.addRow = (row)=>{
let key = autoid? currentAutoId: row[0];
if(!autoid && table.hasOwnProperty(key)){
return false;
let rowid = currentAutoId++;
table.ids[key] = rowid;
table.rows[rowid] = row;
return rowid;
table.setProp = (name, value)=>{
if(name == "autoid"){
checkType(value, 'boolean');
autoid = value;
if(name == "autoparse"){
checkType(value, 'boolean');
autoparse = value;
if(name == "filename"){
checkType(value, 'string');
filename = value;
table.getRow = (key)=>{
let rowid = getRowId(key);
if(rowid == -1) return null;
return table.rows[rowid];
return table.rows[key];
// id is optional, and only used if autoid is true.
table.setRow = (row, id)=>{
let rowid = autoid? id : getRowId(row[0]);
if(rowid==null || rowid == undefined || rowid < 0){
rowid = currentAutoId++;
table.rows[rowid] = row;
table.deleteRow = (key)=>{
let rowid = getRowId(key);
if(rowid < 0) return false;
return false;
delete table.ids[key];
delete table.rows[rowid];
return true;
} = (after)=>{
return after(false);
const stream = fs.createWriteStream(folder + "/" + filename, {encoding: 'utf8'});
if(typeof after != "function"){
throw new Error("csvtable after must be a function.");
stream.on('finish', ()=>after(true));
const quotecolumn = (x,i)=> columnquoted[i]?'"' + x + '"' : x;
let headerstr =",");
if(autoid) headerstr = "AutoId," + headerstr
stream.write(headerstr + "\n");
for(const key in table.ids){
const rowid = table.ids[key];
const row = table.rows[rowid];
//console.log(key, rowid, row);
let rowstr = rowToString(row);
if(autoid) rowstr = `${rowid},${rowstr}`;
stream.write(rowstr + "\n");
// TODO a field is default quoted if the header is quoted.
table.load = (after)=>{
if(!after) after = (success)=> console.log(`Table load ${success? "succeeded" : "failed"}`);
if(typeof after != "function"){
throw new Error("csvtable table.load(after): after must be a function.");
return after(false);
let stream = fs.createReadStream(folder + "/" + filename, {encoding: 'utf8'});
let line = "";
let linenumber = 0;
let n = line.length;
//console.log("stream", stream);
stream.on('readable', function(){
let chunk;
while((chunk = != null){
//stream.on('data', readChunk);
stream.on('finish', ()=>{ readChunk("\n"); after(true); });
stream.on('error', (err)=>{
console.error(`failed to load file '${folder + "/" + filename}`, err);
console.log(`Reading table ${folder + "/" + filename}`);
//async function readTable(tableStream){
function readChunk(chunk){
// console.log('chunk', chunk.toString());
line += chunk;
let nextline = "";
for(let i=n; i<line.length; ++i){
if(line[i] == "\n"){
nextline = line.substring(i+1);
line = line.substring(0, i);
let row = [];
if(i > 0){
row = parseRow(line);
if(linenumber == 0){
if(!headers || headers.length == 0){
headers = row.slice(autoid? 1 : 0);
} else {
fileheaders = row.slice(autoid? 1 : 0);
let match = headers.length == fileheaders.length;
for(let i=0; match && i<headers.length; ++i){
if(headers[i].trim().toLowerCase() != fileheaders[i].trim().toLowerCase()){
match = false;
console.warn(`Table '${tablename}' expected headers do not match fileheaders.\n ${headers}\n ${fileheaders}`)
} else {
let id = parseInt(row[0]);
row = row.slice(1);
table.ids[id] = id;
table.rows[id] = row;
currentAutoId = Math.max(currentAutoId, id + 1);
} else {
console.warn(`Duplicate row key: ${row[0]}, for row ${JSON.stringify(row)}.`);
line = nextline;
i = 0;
n = line.length;
return table;
function rowToString(row){
let s = "";
for(let i=0; i<row.length; ++i){
let entry = (typeof row[i] == "bigint")? row[i] + "n" : "" + row[i];
let special = entry.indexOf('"') >= 0 || entry.indexOf("\n") >= 0 || entry.indexOf(",") >= 0 || entry.indexOf("'") >= 0;
if(columnquoted[i] || special){
entry = JSON.stringify(entry);
} catch(e){
console.warn("csvtable internal function rowToString: row entry could not be stringified with 'JSON.stringify'. Falling back on manual escaping.", str);
entry = "\"" + entry.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/\"/g, '\\"') + "\"";
s += entry;
if(i < row.length - 1) s += ",";
return s;
function parseRow(s){
let options = {
autoparse: autoparse,
return CSVParseRow(s, options);
function CSVParseRow(s, options){
// console.log("parsing line", s);
if(!options) options = {};
let row = [];
let j = 0;
let fullquote = true;
let quotechar = null;
for(let i=0; i<s.length; ++i){
let c = s[i];
// trim leading whitespace
while(i == j && (s[i] == " " || s[i] == "\t")){
++i; ++j;
if(c == "\"" || c == "\'"){
quotechar = c;
if(i > j) fullquote = false;
while(s[++i] != quotechar){
if(s[i] == "\\") ++i; }
if(c == "," || i == s.length-1){
let entry;
// back up to trim whitespace
while(s[i-1] == " " || s[i-1] == "\t") --i;
if(fullquote && s[i-1] == "\""){
let str = "";
str = s.substring(j, i);
entry = JSON.parse(str)
} catch(e){
console.warn("csvtable internal function 'CSVParseRow': row entry could not be parsed with 'JSON.parse'. Falling back on manual unescaping.", str);
str = s.substring(j+1, i-1);
entry = str.replace(/(?:\\([\\\"\']))/g, '$1');
} else {
entry = s.substring(j, i);
if(entry == "true") entry = true;
else if(entry == "false") entry = false;
else if(entry == "null") entry = null;
else if(entry == "undefined") entry = undefined;
else if(entry.match(FloatRegex)) entry = parseFloat(entry);
else if(entry.match(BigIntRegex)) entry = BigInt(entry);
else if(entry.match(HexRegex)) entry = parseInt(entry, 16);
fullquote = true;
// we backed up to trim whitespace, go forward to comma again.
while(i<s.length && (s[i] == " " || s[i] == "\t")) ++i;
j = i+1;
if(c == "\n"){
throw new Error("csvtable, internal function 'CSVParseRow' encountered unexpected newline character.");
// console.log("parsed row", row);
return row;
function Test(){
// combine gui and text user interfaces
// web command
console.log('csv database');
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