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Created October 22, 2024 01:58
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let dict = qw`
a from look say time about get make see to
all give man she two also go many so up
and have me some use as he more take very
at her my tell want be here new than we
because him no that well but his not the what
by how now their when can I of them which
come if on then who could in one there why
day into onto these will do it or they with
even its other thing would find just our think year
first know out this you for like people those your
let chordOrder = []
// keyaddress is how chords are made,
// an address is the possible finger positions for
// a given finger.
// 1: frtg, 2: de, 3: sw, 4: aq
// 5: juyh, 6: juyh, 7: ki, 8: ;p
let finger_keys = qw`de fgtr sw aq1 ki jhnm lo ;p[`
let keyaddress = {}
let keys = []
let fingercount = 0
let fingerstate = [0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0]
let freezestate = [0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0]
let maxfingers = 0
let text = ''
let textcodes = ''
let hexchars = '0123456789ABCDEF'
function main(){
window.addEventListener('keydown', keydown)
window.addEventListener('keyup', keyup)
function enumerateChordOrder(){
chordOrder = []
// goes over chords diagonally
let diagscore = 2
let diagindex = 0
let j = 0;
// max dictionary length
// all hex numbers minus all single non-zero digit hex numbers minus the all zero number
let n = 16**4 - 15*4 - 1
n = Math.min(n, dict.length)
for(let i=0; i<n; ++i){
if(++diagindex == diagscore){
diagindex = 1
let a = diagindex
let b = diagscore - a
let f = Math.floor
let hexstr = '' + hexchars[a%16]
hexstr += hexchars[f(a/16)%16]
hexstr += hexchars[b%16]
hexstr += hexchars[f(b/16)%16]
}'chord order', chordOrder.join(' '))
function init(){
keyaddress = {}
for(let i=0; i<finger_keys.length; ++i){
let s = finger_keys[i]
for(let j=0; j<s.length; ++j){
keyaddress[s[j]] = [i, j+1]
function toHex(state){
let result = ""
let x = 0
let n = 1
for(let i=0; i<finger_keys.length; ++i){
let m = finger_keys[i].length + 1
if(n*m >= 16){
result += hexchars[x]
n = 1
x = 0
x += (state[i]) * n
n *= (m)
if(n > 1){
result += hexchars[x]
return result
function fingerstatus(){
let s = fingerstate.join('')
s = 'fingers: ' + s.substr(0,4) + ' ' + s.substr(4)
let hex = '0123456789ABCDEF'
s += `<br><br>hex code: ${toHex(fingerstate)}`
//s += '<br><br>finger-hex: ' + hex[a] + hex[b] + ' ' + hex[d] + hex[c]
id('status').innerHTML = s
function keydown(e){
let {key} = e
if(key in keyaddress){
let [i, j] = keyaddress[key]
if(fingerstate[i] == 0) ++fingercount
fingerstate[i] = j
if(fingercount >= maxfingers){
freezestate = fingerstate.slice(0)
maxfingers = fingercount
function keyup(e){
let {key} = e
if(key in keyaddress){
let [i, j] = keyaddress[key]
fingerstate[i] = 0
if(fingercount == 0){
if(maxfingers > 1)
maxfingers = 0
} else {
function writeTextCodes(x, y){
while(x.length > y.length) y += ' '
while(y.length > x.length) x += ' '
text += x
textcodes += y
let out = id('textout')
let codeout = id('codeout')
out.innerHTML = ''
codeout.innerHTML = ''
function emit(state){
let a = toHex(state)
let i = chordOrder.indexOf(a)
let b = i>=0? dict[i] : a
writeTextCodes(' ' + b + ' ', ' ' + a + ' ')
function input(key){
if(key.length == 1)
writeTextCodes(key, key)
function qw(parts){
return parts.join('').trim().split(/\s+/)
function id(x){
return document.getElementById(x)
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